Bonum Certa Men Certa

EPO Reduces the World to Just Seven Nations to Bolster an Illusion of Growing 'Demand' for European Patents

Doesn't take a genius to see what's wrong with this new picture...

EPO results missing

Summary: The unscientific -- if not antiscientific -- attitude of the European Patent Office (EPO) continues to show with the arrival of yet more misleading 'infographics' (disinfographics would be a more suitable term)

THE MANY EPO lies about its latest numbers, which in themselves are dubious (the way they come up with these numbers too deserves challenging, as we did last year), refuse to end. The EPO has just produced the nonsense above, continuing if not accentuating a pattern we've already covered in:

Many of the results are simply missing. Not due to lack of space but due to lack of will.

"Many of the results are simply missing. Not due to lack of space but due to lack of will."Missing from this chart: all/most the countries where it’s negative or just marginally positive. It's the Trump approach to science, echoed by Battistelli's antiscientific press team.

Today, just hours ago, the above chart (with all the countries that have negatives just conveniently removed) was reused again, as part of a larger disinfographic. "Find out how innovative Europe has been in 2016," says the tweet, but it's constructed to simply mislead those who are too lazy to look at the underlying numbers (which are themselves dubious, for various reasons).

"Anything goes, no matter the collaterals (including truth itself), as long as the Fuhrer approves."Again, as before (e.g. Poland and the Netherlands), the EPO tweets something without a map (as Sweden was deleted from it). "Sweden saw a decline in European patent applications in 2016," it says. That's why Sweden is now treated as a non-state by the EPO, at least judging by disinfographics that it keeps spreading.

A more detailed debunking of the latest EPO lies (it's a daily occurrence now, with frequency of lies increasing when delegates needs to be lobbied) can be found in our prior articles about the subject (4 listed above). They discredit Europe, not just themselves (EPO), as it stigmatises a "European" (technically international) institution with Goebbels-like behaviour. Anything goes, no matter the collaterals (including truth itself), as long as the Fuhrer approves.

"The best propaganda is that which, as it were, works invisibly, penetrates the whole of life without the public having any knowledge of the propagandistic initiative."

Source: The Nazi Conscience, London and Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University (2004) p. 13. Quote from March, 1933. (Joseph Goebbels)

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