Reference: Subversion
WHETHER or not the EPO was going to be Battistelli-free, weeks ago we said that Team Battistelli (the collective) would likely remain in power. Friends of Battistelli and people who are loyal to him already occupy most of the key positions, even outside the Office (e.g. Patricia García-Escudero). Having made "an example" out of an independent judge by defaming and effectively ousting him (against the rules and against the spirit of the EPC), who would be courageous enough to stand up to Battistelli? Look or recall what allegedly happened to Roland Grossenbacher after he had attempted to counterbalance Team Battistelli...
"Ernst would be too weak to accomplish anything (like actual resistance to Battistelli, whom he is supposed to boss, from September until next summer)."Grossenbacher was a lot stronger and more influential than the next Chairman of the Administrative Council (Ernst), not just because Grossenbacher previously occupied Battistelli's position but also because he is technical, older and so on. Ernst would be too weak to accomplish anything (like actual resistance to Battistelli, whom he is supposed to boss, from September until next summer). Lost time...
Found via this comment and via SUEPO, not to mention online accounts among other people who told us about it by mail, was this new coverage from Kluwer Patent Blog. A leak about this news was published by Techrights two weeks ago, so we basically broke the news about Battistelli leaving. The patent microcosm conveniently ignored us about it and is giving no credit (not that credit matters that much). Here is what these UPC boosters are saying 2 weeks late:
The search for a successor of Benoît Battistelli as president of the European Patent Organisation has started in full with the publication of a vacancy notice on the EPO website. It is obvious from the text that the controversial Battistelli, whose term in office ends in June 2018, has no chances to stay on.
According to the notice, which was decided on during last week’s meeting of the EPO’s Administrative Council (AC), candidates need to have ‘thorough knowledge and proven practical application of modern management methods, including an outstanding ability to establish and foster social dialogue’, among others. This seems to be a direct reference to the failure of the current president to improve the social situation at the EPO. Strikingly, it is merely considered as ‘an advantage’, according to the notice, if a candidate has ‘practical experience in patent matters, in-depth understanding of the patent system and knowledge of the European Patent Organisation’.
"It might be a good time to remind readers of Casado's past and even the scandals."The EPO is saying what Techrights reported quite a long time ago bar the spin (promotional language in the press release). With growing suspicions that Antonio Campinos might take over from Battistelli, worth emphasising is the following part: "From 1994 to 2004 he was Vice-President of the EU's Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM). Mr Casado Cerviño was also a member of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation from 1988 to 1994, and led the Spanish delegation to the Council from 2008."
OHIM is now known as EUIPO, which Campinos is heading while enjoying that notorious immunity.
It might be a good time to remind readers of Casado's past and even the scandals. He does -- like much of Team Battistelli -- have some skeletons in his wardrobe. Here is a list of some of our articles about him: