Reference: Ministries of Nineteen Eighty-Four
THE EPO has reduced the quality of patents, whereas the USPTO -- as we shall show this weekend -- continues to improve quality.
"Battistelli may be corrupt and very thick, but he too can tell that patent quality is declining (EPs are losing their value), so just like an oppressive regime with things like "Ministry of Truth" we now have a "Working Party on Quality"."Welcome to North Korea. Yes, it's actually called that! “Working Party on Quality”. Rhymes with Communist Party of China (CPC) -- not the CPC EPO typically speaks of.
Everybody inside and outside the EPO knows that quality of patents and quality of service nosedives; it is actually measurable, so Battistelli keeps googlebombing subjects like "transparency" and "quality". Today we saw "Engaging with users on patent quality" (warning:
link) -- you see? "Patent quality" right there, starting from the headline and then repeated endlessly in the body (count how many times they repeat the word "quality"). Here's a passage:
The Standing Advisory Committee before the EPO (SACEPO) Working Party on Quality was created to engage with users and gather feedback on quality at the Office. It forms part of the EPO's strategy to continuously improve its products, services and communication with users.