EARLY this morning we published some charts based on preliminary and simple data (not yet processed as much as we planned and intended). The hypothesis we have here is that journalism is on the demise and this demise is very rapid (on an historical scale).
"The more interesting bits are yet to come."With a 9-slot sliding window ({=MEDIAN(C2:C10)/MEDIAN(B2:B10)}
) we have replotted the data, which now shows more clearly how, over time, we rely on fewer and fewer sites for Daily Links; the dataset is large, spanning 12 years with almost 600,000 links with summaries/excerpts. I spent each and every day, even whilst on holiday, compiling these. Right now, in 2020, each domain will on average have about 2 links to it per day. To put it in very simple terms, think of a Daily Links roundup with 100 unique domains and 200 links (picks) in total.
Statistics is a discipline I spent a lot of time on. I also receive help from my associate who extracted, collated, and processed this data. We are still thinking how to best present the data and what code is needed to achieve this. The more interesting bits are yet to come. We may need to split apart technology and politics. ⬆