Summary: Vaccination benefits are being clouded by sordid monopolists, which the corporate media (funded by those monopolists) is foolishly associating with vaccination -- to the point where many people have come to reject vaccination as a whole (perceiving that as a ploy to pillage and plunder the public)
THE SUBJECT of vaccination is a difficult one. As soon as someone says something that somehow deviates from the narrative of giant pharmaceutical giants, one risks getting labeled an "antivaxxer" and therefore a crank.
People who are in denial about the effectiveness and societal value of vaccination, innoculation, herd immunity, collective resistance etc. probably could use a quick/temporary return to the classroom (or a quick read through a history book). Human longevity didn't soar because of some "divine plan" or "miracle" or "supreme intervention"; advances in medicine, better understanding of biology (including understanding that micro-organisms
exist) and potential for treatment and/or prevention made life a lot less suffer-able. Losing a baby (at childbirth or the adorable toddler years) used to be very common; speak to the grandparents as they probably saw many examples firsthand, maybe even of lost siblings.
"People who are in denial about the effectiveness and societal value of vaccination, innoculation, herd immunity, collective resistance etc. probably could use a quick/temporary return to the classroom (or a quick read through a history book)."Vaccination is good.
Let's say/put that another way: without vaccination we're worse off. We suffer a lot more; there's grieving over loss of loved ones. People may, as a result, choose to have many babies, expecting quite a few of them to never reach adulthood (or to suffer profoundly, physically, if they do; chronic illnesses and stuff like measles isn't 'child's play'; pox used to be very deadly as well).
"Vaccination is good."Enter monopolies. This is where things go very wrong and many who are sceptical aren't sceptical of vaccination itself but vaccination monopolisers like Bill Gates, who 'rush to market' to make as much money as possible (without sufficient development, let alone proper long-term testing with control groups). Good vaccines take a long time to develop (about 10-15 years, certainly not a few months); to be sceptical of ones that are just 'thrown out there' (like Microsoft dumping Windows into the market, complete with back doors) is perfectly reasonable. Don't mistake all Gates critics for antivaxxers. He would very much like that and media that he bribes plays along with that script. We could go on and on about how the EPO and USPTO shamelessly portray patents (i.e. monopolies) as the solution to COVID-19. One might excuse António Campinos for it, mainly because he's a clueless liar with no background in science, just like Bill Gates, who never finished college and didn't even study science there (he studied law, which he had already repeatedly broken).
For readers' amusement, Ryan of #techrights
(IRC) responded to the state yesterday (in his own words, "I was asked to fill out a survey by the Cook County health department about COVID-19.") and here's what he typed in:
More and more people come to grips with that last point; so Gates is
trying to censor communications on the Internet now (even
private communications), just like a true autocrat. He rejects all critcs. Here is
a grotesque new example where the media portrays the monopoliser as 'generous'. Bill Gates? Generous? For making billions from a crisis? Gates does not know what it's like to be poor or even upper middle class. Born super-super-wealthy,
his family 'fixed' his career path for him; he was born vastly richer than Donald Trump. He does not and cannot speak for the poor. He represents the very opposite; he associates with oligarchs who prey on children as a 'hobby'. However, the Gates-bribed media keeps telling us that the world's richest person (born super-rich) speaks for and fights for the world's poorest. In reality, he's the person the poorest must fight; he also
steals their collective voice. Not just their food (offering them his GMO monopolies instead). It is truly obscene for any honest journalist to suggest that the world's richest thieves speak
for those whom they exploit and loot, or that those who look to make billions from other people's misery are in fact riding to their rescue.