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Links 27/5/2021: AlmaLinux OS 8.4, Rumours of IBM Layoffs Today

  • GNU/Linux

    • Server

      • Announcing Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Release 1.3

        Oracle is pleased to announce the general availability of Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Release 1.3. This release includes several enhancements focused on improving the security and compliance features of customer environments. Release 1.3 also includes new versions of core components, including Kubernetes, CRI-O, Kata Containers, Istio, and so on.

        Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment is an integrated suite of software components for the development and management of cloud native applications. Based on the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and Open Container Initiative standards, Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment delivers a simplified framework for installation, update, upgrade, and configuration of key features for orchestrating microservices.

      • Announcing the release of Oracle Linux 8 Update 4

        Oracle is pleased to announce the availability of the Oracle Linux 8 Update 4 for the 64-bit Intel and AMD (x86_64) and 64-bit Arm (aarch64) platforms. Oracle Linux brings the latest open source innovations, business-critical performance, and security optimizations for cloud and on-premises deployment. Oracle Linux maintains user space compatibility with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS, which is independent of the kernel version that underlies the operating system. Existing applications in user space will continue to run unmodified on Oracle Linux 8 Update 4 with Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 6 (UEK R6) and applications already certified on previous releases of Red hat Enterprise Linux 8 or Oracle Linux 8 do not require a certification with this new release.

      • Oracle Linux 8.4 Released with Improved Security, Based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4

        Derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 and fully compatible with both Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS Linux distributions, Oracle Linux 8.4 is now available for download as a free alternative Linux server for cloud and on-premises deployments of any size.

        Powered by the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) Release 6 Update 2, which is running Linux 5.4.17-2102.201.3, available for both 64-bit (x86_64) and ARM64 (AArch64) platforms, Oracle Linux 8.4 also features the latest Red Hat Compatible Kernel as Linux 4.18.0-305 only for 64-bit (x86_64) platforms.

    • Audiocasts/Shows

      • Hyperfine: The BEST Way To Benchmark CLI Tools

        I occasionally need to benchmark the tools I try out in videos but doing so can be a little bit annoying, it turns out however, that there is a tool called Hyperfine which make the process incredibly easy. I wish I knew about this earlier.

      • Keyboard Kurious | Coder Radio 415

        We both fall for a new fancy keyboard; then we get philosophical about free software's never-ending quest to conquer mobile.

      • FLOSS Weekly 631: The Future of Focused Work - Fred Stutzman

        History and freedom share the front seat as Fred Stutzman tells Doc Searls and Shawn Powers about how Sunsite became Ibiblio: one of the most important resources on the Internet—and how he grew personally through all that history. And then how he started and runs, a leading screen time product that helps people protect themselves from their own distractions—and how he bootstrapped the company without VC money while remaining involved in the open-source world.

      • XFCE Default apps - How is everything so FAST?

        It's time we pushed forwards in our exploration of XFCE, this time, we're going to look at the default applications that this desktop ships, and reflect a little bit on their approach, that is really different from other desktop environments

    • Kernel Space

      • Linux 5.12.7
        I'm announcing the release of the 5.12.7 kernel.

        All users of the 5.12 kernel series must upgrade.

        The updated 5.12.y git tree can be found at: git:// linux-5.12.y and can be browsed at the normal git web browser:


        greg k-h
      • Linux 5.10.40
      • Linux 5.4.122
      • Linux 4.19.192
      • Linux 4.14.234
      • Linux 4.9.270
      • Linux 4.4.270
    • Benchmarks

      • Benchmarking AMD Ryzen 5 5500U Linux Performance With A $450 Lenovo Laptop

        The AMD Ryzen 5 5500U with six cores / twelve threads within a Lenovo laptop at $449 USD is quite a steal. This is also my first time benchmarking the AMD Ryzen 5 5500U after waiting months on Ryzen 5000 series laptop availability. Here are some initial benchmarks of the Ryzen 5 5500U under Ubuntu 21.04 Linux against various other Intel/AMD laptops.

        The Ryzen 5 5500U is a Zen 2 based laptop processor rather than Zen 3 with the higher-end 5000 series models. However, over the previous-generation Ryzen 5 4500U, there is now SMT to offer 12 threads rather than 6/6 with the prior generation. The 5500U though carries a 2.1GHz base frequency rather than the 2.3GHz base with the 4500U while both have a turbo up to 4.0GHz. The 5500U also has the benefit of a 64K L1 cache per core rather than 32K.

    • Applications

      • Vector Drawing: New in Inkscape 1.1

        Inkscape, the free software, will never stop looking at its framework to compete with Adobe Illustrator and attracting illustrators, amateurs and

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • Install Chrome browser on Debian 11 Bullseye Linux

        Chrome browser is the popular one, available for Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, and iPhone. It comes with an integrated translation of websites based on Google Translate. Its installation on other operating systems is pretty much easier as compared to Linux because it is a proprietary browser. However, its open-source version that is Chromium is very easy to download and set up because of its availability in the default repository of Linux. Although both Chrome and Chromium are exactly the same, however, still if your want to install Google’s Chrome on your Debian 11 Bullseye or 10 Buster Linux distros then here is the tutorial on it.

      • Checklist: 10 steps to ensure Debian is ready for deployment

        Given that Debian is the mother of so many Linux distributions, it should come as no surprise that it makes for a great server platform. It’s incredibly stable, secure and easy to use. And, like Ubuntu, Debian offers a Long Term Support release, which means support will last for five years.

      • OBS: How to Record Game Audio Only

        OBS, or Open Broadcasting Software, is a completely free broadcasting program you can use to record all types of media. Many streamers use OBS to capture their gameplay or webcam footage and stream it live to viewers. However, have you thought about using OBS to record audio only?

      • Easy Way to Install and Remove AppImage Application on Linux With AppImageLauncher! - Fosslicious

        AppImage is a type of application package that can be run directly on Linux distributions without installation. Usually, users can immediately run this application by double clicking or right clicking and selecting the execute menu.

        To manage AppImage files, you can use AppImageLauncher. This application has a small size and is one of the applications that I recommend you use to make it easier to manage some of the appimage applications that you run on Linux distributions. Please visit this page to try AppimageLauncher.

      • How to install OnlyOffice Desktop on a Chromebook in 2021

        Today we are looking at how to install OnlyOffice Desktop on a Chromebook Please follow the video/audio guide as a tutorial where we explain the process step by step and use the commands below.

      • Add and Manage User Accounts in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

        User management becomes a critical consideration when you want to add multiple users to the system. If user management on your system is not effective, you may have to compromise security and access to the private and sensitive information on your system. This article introduces simple techniques you can use to have effective control over user management. It covers user and group management procedures, both from the user interface and from the command line, that you can perform with very simple steps.

        We run the commands and processes described in this article on an Ubuntu 20.04 system. Please note that you must have root privileges to perform the tasks described here. So let’s first understand what root is?

      • Disabling snap Autorefresh - Alan Pope's blog

        Until recently, I worked for Canonical on the Snap Advocacy Team. Some of the things in this blog post may have changed or been fixed since I left. It’s quite a long post, but I feel it’s neccessary to explain fully the status-quo. This isn’t intended to be a “hit piece” on my previous employer, but merely information sharing for those looking to control their own systems.

        I’ve previously provided feedback in my previous role as Snap Advocate, to enable them to better control updates. However, a lot of this feedback was spread over forum threads and other online conversations. So I thought I’d put together some mitigations and the steps I take in one place.

        At the end of this post I detail what I do on my systems to be in more control of snap updates. Skip to that if you know what you’re doing.

      • How To Install News Flash RSS on Ubuntu Linux - LateWeb.Info

        NewsFlash is a program designed to complement an already existing web-based RSS reader account.

        It combines all the advantages of web based services like syncing across all your devices with everything you expect from a modern desktop program: Desktop notifications, fast search and filtering, tagging, handy keyboard shortcuts and having access to all your articles as long as you like.

        But that’s not a hard requirement; NewsFlash can be used “locally” if you don’t want to bother with cross-platform syncing and so on.

      • How to flush Redis cache and delete everything using the CLI - nixCraft

        setup Redis cache for my web app. I want a blank database and get rid of all keys. How can I delete everything in Redis cache? How do I flush my Redis cache using the Linux/Unix command line option? What is the command to delete all keys from my redis cluster?

      • How to install ArchLinux 2021 on VirtualBox

        Arch Linux is an independently developed X86_64 optimized distribution system for Open hand Linux users. It uses its own PACMAN package manager to provide updates to the latest application with full dependency tracking. It is based on Rolling release system. For instance, We can do the installation with a CD or a Bootable drive via an FTP server. The default installation provides the core base of this distribution that can be further customized as per the user requirements and needs.

      • How to Install MongoDB on Ubuntu

        MongoDB is an open-source doc database utilized in quite a few trendy Net purposes. MongoDB is also called Mongo. It’s categorized as a NoSQL database as a result of it doesn’t have a conventional relational database construction primarily based on the desk.

        Not like relational databases, it makes use of dynamically primarily based JSON-like paperwork, that means that MongoDB requires no predetermined schema earlier than you add information into it. You possibly can change the construction anytime, with out establishing a brand new database replace construction.

    • Games

      • Unreal Engine 5 Hits Early Access, Linux Still Supported - Phoronix

        Epic Games today pushed Unreal Engine 5 out to early access. Like with UE4, Unreal Engine 5 continues offering native Linux support and allowing use of the Vulkan API.

        Unreal Engine 5 is not yet considered production ready but is available in this early form for anxious developers wishing to begin experimenting with this next-generation game engine.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • GNOME Desktop/GTK

        • Material Shell Gets GNOME Shell 40 Support, New Overview And Gtk4 Settings [Alternative Tiling GNOME Shell UI]

          Material Shell has been updated recently with GNOME Shell 40 support, new overview as well as new Gtk4 settings.

          This is not just a simple GNOME Shell extension. Material Shell completely changes the GNOME Shell user interface to "simplify navigation and reduce the need to manipulate windows in order to improve productivity".

          Among its many features is a tiling engine that can automatically organize windows into multiple layouts, including maximize, split, simple, half, grid and ratio. If you want to use traditional floating windows, that's available too.

    • Distributions

      • Meet CutefishOS: A New Manjaro Community Spin That Looks Like macOS

        There’s no denying that Manjaro is one of the most popular distros in the GNU/Linux world, and there are several reasons for this. First, it’s based on Arch but is still very easy to install. Second, it is one of the best distros for beginners who want to get their hands dirty with Arch, and last but not least, it has one of the best communities in the Linux space that’ll help you out when you’re stuck.

        There are two main Manjaro versions – Official and Community. Today marks the release of another Manjaro community edition release which goes by the name CutefishOS.

      • New Releases

        • New Design and modern Core: Univention Corporate Server 5.0 has been released

          The fifth major release of Univention Corporate Server is ready and available for download. UCS 5.0 contains new features, has a fresh look, comes with several improvements and bug fixes. The new version also uses a new core: UCS 5.0 is based on Debian 10 (“Buster”) and Python 3.

          In this blog post, I would like to introduce the most important changes, give tips for the upgrade process and reveal what we’re planning for future releases.

        • Public release of EuroLinux 8.3 beta

          Today we have released to the public the beta version of EuroLinux 8.3. This is a test version of the software. Its release is the effect of few months of hard work of the EuroLinux team. During production, we created new build systems and extended QA procedures for this product.

          Our mission is to create not only the best, according to the market standard, Enterprise Linux but also to add to it some key technological advantages and features. They constitute an added value in relation to other vendors while maintaining full compatibility with the upstream.

          The beta release is an essential step in the development of the software, but it does not hold back further goals and projects. There is a lot of work ahead of us in the very near future, the results of which will be made available soon - more information in our roadmap below.

      • IBM/Red Hat/Fedora

        • IBM Remains Big Tech's Disaster

          Revenue reached $17.7 billion in the first quarter, up from $17.6 billion the year before. However, net income fell from $1.175 billion to $955 million. IBM claimed the revenue improvement was due to a surge in cloud operations. However, its “Cloud & Cognitive Software” revenue rose less than 4%. IBM has not made a dent in the strength of cloud market leaders Amazon, Microsoft or Google.


          Krishna has done nothing to improve IBM’s situation, and he has not articulated plans that give investors reasons to believe the future will be better.

        • Grillo tests earthquake detection system in Puerto Rico

          Earthquakes killed over 800,000 people globally between 2000 and 2015, and almost one-third of the world’s population (some 2.7 billion people) live in seismically active regions. For those in the strike zone of an impending earthquake, every second matters. Earthquake early-warning (EEW) systems are essential in providing real-term alerts to nearby populations before the shaking arrives – giving people time to gather essentials and assist loved ones in getting to safety. The alerts can also trigger automatic systems that stop elevators, prepare backup power, and turn off gas pipes.

          However, due to the incredibly high cost of traditional seismometers, dedicated telecommunications, and bespoke software, only a handful of governments have attempted to build EEW systems, leaving hundreds of millions at risk. Grillo, a social enterprise born in Mexico City and dedicated to the development of IoT solutions for seismically vulnerable communities, is working to change that.

        • Red Hat Summit Virtual Experience Part 2: when global meets personal

          How do you follow a two-day, global event packed with more than 30 Ask the Expert sessions, new product announcements, award-winning customer success stories, and celebrity meet-and-greets? Invite everyone back for more, and make it an even more personalized experience.

          We’re gearing up to welcome you to Red Hat Summit Virtual Experience Part 2 on June 15 and June 16. Here’s just a glimpse of what’s in store.

        • Security automation for digital transformation

          As organizations are adopting agile and DevOps to improve their processes and products at breakneck speed, security considerations may be left in the dust and digital risks left unmanaged. Therefore, organizations must have security automation as part of their digital transformation. This article intends to provide you with security basics and an automation approach to assess platforms, products, and services to comply with security policies, regulatory, and compliance requirements.

          A prime requirement of security is to mitigate the risks exposed by vulnerabilities that can be exploited by a threat actor, such as an attacker, to cross privilege boundaries within a system. Many known vulnerabilities are discovered by researchers, groups, and individuals who invest their time and report it.

          To streamline the efforts, MITRE Corporation maintains publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in a system called Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) and Open Vulnerabilities and Assessment Language (OVAL) definitions to describe the desired configuration of systems in machine-understandable format. Security Content Automation Program (SCAP) uses OVAL to automate systems assessment and discover discrepancies to the desired state.

        • Cockpit 245

          Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly.

          Here are the release notes from Cockpit version 245 and cockpit-podman version 31.

        • AlmaLinux OS 8.4 Is Out with Full Secure Boot Support, OpenSCAP Support, and More

          Derived from the freely available sources of the recently released Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 operating system, AlmaLinux OS 8.4 is here to inherit all of its new features and improvements, such as support for the Intel “Tiger Lake” GPU family like Intel UHD and Intel Xe graphics, two new system roles, as well as improved edge computing capabilities.

          On top of that, the AlmaLinux OS 8.4 release is here to introduce full support for the Secure Boot security standard, which means that you can now safely install the distribution on a computer with Secure Boot enabled.

        • AlmaLinux 8.4, Oracle Linux 8 Update 4 Released - Phoronix

          Following last week's release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4, various downstreams are beginning to release their respective updates based against the RHEL 8.4 changes.

          Oracle has announced Oracle Linux 8 Update 4 for x86_64 and AArch64. This is Oracle's Linux distribution with the RHEL 8.4 source changes pulled in. Plus Oracle continues to offer their "Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel" as a newer Linux kernel build alternative to their Red Hat Compatible Kernel (RHCK) that tracks just the upstream RHEL kernel changes.

          More details on Oracle Linux 8 Update 4 can be found via the Oracle Linux blog.

        • AlmaLinux OS 8.4 Stable Now Available

          Hey, what are you doing for Memorial Day? Heading out of town? Having a few friends over (that used to be a thing once upon a time)? How about having yourself a good old fashioned installfest? That's right! The AlmaLinux OS Foundation is proud to announce the release of AlmaLinux OS 8.4 Stable. Available now on a mirror near you! Download a fresh copy and then join us to talk about it.

        • Fedora Linux 32 Reached End of Life, Upgrade to Fedora Linux 34 Now

          Released last year in April, Fedora Linux 32 brought the Linux 5.6 kernel series with built-in WireGuard VPN support, the GNOME 3.36 desktop environment for Fedora Workstation, EarlyOOM system service by default to improve the user experience on machines with low memory, support for Rockchip-powered devices, and a new Fedora Lab edition called Fedora 32 Comp Neuro Lab for computational neuroscience.

          Since each new Fedora Linux release is supported for about 13 months, the time has come to say goodbye to the Fedora Linux 32 release as it now reached of life on May 25th, 2021. It was maintained 392 days, but it will now no longer receive any type of support, so you should upgrade to a supported Fedora Linux release as soon as possible after reading this article.

      • Canonical/Ubuntu Family

        • UbuntuOnAir

          We (the Ubuntu Community team) are delighted to invite you to the UbuntuOnAir YouTube and Twitch channels! These particular airwaves will hold community-focused Indabas, office hours, highly requested community interviews and will deliver Ubuntu/Open Source related workshops, host special events, and, hopefully, yes, play games.

    • Devices/Embedded

    • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

      • New Relic enhances Kubernetes observability with open-source Pixie software [Ed: Not clear if this is Free software or just the typical openwashing]

        Observability platform provider New Relic Inc. is beefing up its product with a new “Kubernetes experience” that it says will enable instant insights into the software container orchestration system without needing to update any code or sample data first.

        The company also announced enhancements around its error tracking, network monitoring and programmability capabilities, plus two new community-focused versions of its platform. The announcements, during New Relic’s annual developer conference FutureStack 2021, are meant to help customers adopt a more data-driven approach to observability that informs how they build, operate and deploy new software.


        The New Relic One platform is popular, but the company has struggled to turn a profit.

      • Events

      • Web Browsers

      • Productivity Software/LibreOffice/Calligra

      • Funding

      • FSF

        • GNU Projects

          • GIMP Fork ‘Glimpse’ is on Pause, No Further Updates Planned for Now [Ed: This is exactly what I said, all along, would happen. When you start a fork based on a phony 'issue', such as "GIMP" (acronym) supposedly offending people, nobody would flock over. No offence, Bobby...]

            Development on GIMP fork Glimpse is on pause due to a lack of contributors able to support the image editor's growing user base. More details in this post.

      • Programming/Development

        • Q&A with Eveline Oerhlich on Building an Effective DevOps Culture

          The DevOps Institute recently released their latest report entitled "Upskilling 2021: Enterprise DevOps Skills Report". The report found that automation and security remain vital to business success. A focus on building the human skills of DevOps was also identified as companies with the best learning cultures were most likely to succeed.

        • Perl/Raku

        • Python

          • Master Python

            If you want to learn Python you have plenty of options. Joining a MOOC, an online course where you work at you own pace, is a great choice but the cost could quickly mount up. This is where Coursera Plus, Coursera's subscription that provides access to around 90% of its courses, seems like a really good idea.

        • Java

          • Quickly find your Java application process ID - JAXenter

            For certain monitoring tools like yCrash, you need to pass your application process ID as input. In this article, Ram Lakshmanan will guide you through how to find your Java application process ID in both Linux/Unix and Windows operating systems – simply follow these steps.

            In this post, we are going to discuss how to find your Java application process ID quickly. For certain monitoring tools like yCrash, you need to pass your application process ID as input. If you want to look for a more detailed post with several different options to find your application’s process ID, you can refer to this blog post.

  • Leftovers

    • Science

      • ACM recognizes far-reaching technical achievements with special awards

        ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, today announced the recipients of four prestigious technical awards. These leaders were selected by their peers for making contributions that extend the boundaries of research, advance industry, and lay the foundation for technologies that transform society.

        Shyamnath Gollakota, University of Washington, is the recipient of the 2020 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award for contributions to the use of wireless signals in creating novel applications, including battery-free communications, health monitoring, gesture recognition, and bio-based wireless sensing. His work has revolutionized and re-imagined what can be done using wireless systems and has a feel of technologies depicted in science fiction novels.

        Gollakota defined the technology referred to today as ambient backscatter--a mechanism by which an unpowered, battery-less device can harvest existing wireless signals (such as broadcast TV or WiFi) in the environment for energy and use it to transmit encoded data. In addition, he has developed techniques that can use sonar signals from smartphones to support numerous healthcare applications. Examples include detection and diagnosis of breathing anomalies such as apnea, detection of ear infections, and even detection of life-threatening opioid overdoses. These innovations have the potential to transform the way healthcare systems will be designed and delivered in the future, and some of these efforts are now being commercialized for real-world use.

    • Health/Nutrition

      • The New Humanitarian | India’s COVID-19 digital divide hampers vaccine and healthcare access

        India’s deadly coronavirus second wave has underscored a stark digital divide determining who has better access to vaccines and healthcare, as surging caseloads expose shortfalls and overwhelm hospitals.

        Onerous online procedures have turned vaccine access into an exclusionary, often lottery-like process in a country where about half the population lacks internet access.

        When India opened up vaccines to all adults on 1 May, those in the 18 to 44 age group had to register through the Cowin platform – a centralised system – before they could book an appointment. For this, they need identity documents and access to a smartphone or computer with a strong internet connection. As states grapple with vaccine shortages, the online system has privileged a small fraction of elite, tech-literate city dwellers.

      • Cities: Why more green spaces means healthier residents | World Economic Forum

        The research shows how access to nature in cities increases physical activity, and therefore, overall health.

        Lack of physical activity in the US results in $117 billion a year in related health care costs and leads to 3.2 million deaths globally every year. It may seem like an intuitive connection, but the new research closes an important gap in understanding how building nature into cities can support overall human well-being.

    • Integrity/Availability

      • Proprietary

        • We’re just not compatible any more: why Microsoft finally dumped Internet Explorer [Ed: Microsoft became a digital ashtray that fakes financial performance, bribes for contracts, and infiltrates the competition. Not much more...]

          Tech giant Microsoft recently announced the retirement of its longstanding web browser, Internet Explorer, in favour of its newer product, Microsoft Edge. With support for Internet Explorer only set to last until June 15, 2022, its remaining users have just over a year to find an alternative. But of course, most web users already have.

        • Pseudo-Open Source

        • Security

          • Security updates for Wednesday

            Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (djvulibre, dotnet-runtime, dotnet-runtime-3.1, dotnet-sdk, dotnet-sdk-3.1, gupnp, hivex, lz4, matrix-synapse, prometheus, python-pydantic, runc, thunderbird, and websvn), Fedora (composer, moodle, and wordpress), Gentoo (bash, boost, busybox, containerd, curl, dnsmasq, ffmpeg, firejail, gnome-autoar, gptfdisk, icu, lcms, libX11, mariadb, mumble, mupdf, mutt, mysql, nettle, nextcloud-client, opensmtpd, openssh, openvpn, php, postgresql, prosody, rxvt-unicode, samba, screen, smarty, spamassassin, squid, stunnel, tar, tcpreplay, and telegram-desktop), openSUSE (Botan), Red Hat (kernel), Slackware (gnutls), SUSE (hivex, libu2f-host, and rubygem-actionpack-5_1), and Ubuntu (apport, exiv2, and libx11).

          • Linux Picks Up Fix For Latest "Confused Deputy" Weakness Going Back To 2.6.12 Kernel - Phoronix

            Merged today to Linux 5.13 Git and marked for back-porting to stable series is a new "confused deputy" weakness and affects kernels going back to Linux 2.6.12 from 2005.

            Merged today is a proc code change to check writes against the file opener for the /proc/$pid/attr/ area where security attributes are handled for a given process.

          • CloudLinux provides Linux support services for Department of Defense

            TuxCare services from CloudLinux provide automated security patches and updates for the systems supporting the Atlas V rocket. Through this work, TuxCare supports Department of Defense and Space Force missions to protect U.S. National Security.

            “Protecting U.S. national security means having the ability to launch important payloads into space. TuxCare from CloudLinux is proud to do our part to support the Department of Defense and the Space Force by providing critical security patches for ULA’s Atlas V rocket,” said Jim Jackson, president and CRO of CloudLinux.

          • Nearly 50,000 IPs Compromised in Kubernetes Clusters

            Researchers at Trend Micro say about 50,000 IPs were compromised across multiple Kubernetes clusters in a wormlike attack by the cloud-focused cryptojacking group TeamTNT.

          • Linux Porter Discovered M1 Covert Channel Flaw Named ‘M1RACLES’
          • ShiftLeft Brings Developer-First Security to the Open Source Security Foundation
    • Internet Policy/Net Neutrality

Recent Techrights' Posts

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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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Links 04/03/2025: Microsoft/Korea Game Industry Association Workforce Cuts, Outlook and 365 Outage Affects Very Many
Links for the day
Transcript of Richard Stallman's Interview With Manuel Cuda News in Italy (Debunking Fake "AI")
A rough draft, but checked by two people
Chad: All-Time Lows for Windows, According to statCounter
According to statCounter, many in Chad moved to Android
Links 04/03/2025: Universities Are Under Attack, Windows Attracts Ransom Against Ministry of Health
Links for the day
Microsoft Collapses While GNU/Linux Rises in Bulgaria, According to statCounter
Microsoft is losing across all sectors
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): An Introduction
In a nutshell: there's a massive conflict inside the OSI and the OSI stooges (staff serving Big Sponsors like Microsoft) try to hide it
Paraguay: GNU/Linux Surging to New Usage Levels (7%), According to statCounter
Notice that the gains are at Microsoft Windows' expense
Social Control Media as a Rapid Race to the Bottom - Part I - That Sinking Feeling
When you realise you made an error and things you adopted more than 15 years ago became utterly bad
Microsoft's Entryism as Mortal Risk/Danger: The Example of the Open Source Initiative (OSI)
Microsoft is a cult
Links 04/03/2025: Microsoft Issues Policy Instructions to the Cheeto Mussolini Administration, Cloudflare Engages in Mass Censorship Again
Links for the day
Gemini Links 04/03/2025: Athens, Fedora 41, and Yelling at Clouds
Links for the day
FSF Amicus Brief: Aspose.PDF for .NET 24.2.0, OOXML (.docx), and Microsoft Word (Proprietary)
Could the FSF not find any law firm that, in addition to talking about or for Free software, does not use .NET, OOXML, and almost everything Microsoft?
New Interview With Richard Stallman in Italy (Manuel Cuda News)
Due to Google's growing aggression against Free software and proper APIs, this cannot be downloaded and converted to a free format
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) Belatedly Comments on Case That Tests Copyleft in the United States
"The Free Software Foundation (FSF) announced today it has submitted an amicus brief in the case entitled Neo4j"
If They Try to Censor You on Some Topic, Then You Should Cover This Topic Even More
OSI is only a small part of it
The UEFI hype and Microsoft's lies
By Sami Tikkanen
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, March 03, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, March 03, 2025
Thorsten Glaser & Open Source Initiative (OSI) resignations due to AI whitewashing
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock