Campinos isn't even pretending anymore; it's just another Battistelli
ALARMED by unprecedented and very likely illegal actions by EPO President (saboteur) António Campinos, LSCMN [PDF]
and the CSC [PDF]
wrote to staff and to Campinos.
"The EPO is run by a Mafia; the only solution is for this Mafia to be removed entirely."Earlier today LSCMN told staff (whom it calls "colleagues"): "The May MAC report announced on 2 June 2022 the project “Bringing Teams Together” which foresees a new management of office space allegedly “to ensure that teams cluster in our buildings when working on site”. Staff is now asked to make use of the New Ways of Working (NWoW) Planning Tool to reveal their (tele)working arrangements for the next two years. However, the planned closure of PH1-4 will obviously set physical limits to flexibility. According to our estimates, 33% of staff (at best) may have a permanently allocated desk. This paper explains the details."
We've included a sanitised PDF [PDF]
as it contains tables and formulas.
The LSCMN committee isn't alone. On the same day the Central Staff Committee (CSC), i.e. elected staff representatives (not the union), wrote to the dictator:
Reference: sc22076cl Date: 14/06/2022
European Patent Office | 80298 MUNICH | GERMANY
Mr António Campinos President of the EPO
By email
Consultation on “New management of office space” et al.
Dear Mr President,
The May MAC report of 2 June 2022 mentions the project “Bringing Teams Together” which foresees a new management of office space allegedly “to ensure that teams cluster in our buildings when working onsite”.
Meetings have already taken place during which the project has already presented to staff, including the new management of office space. Many staff have expressed their concerns about a new way of working, which will concretely shape their daily work on site and make it more cumbersome. Indeed, this project introduces very deep changes in their working conditions. This new management was not addressed at all when Circular No.419 was consulted on. Thus, consultation is not optional prior to its entry into force.
Furthermore, this “new management” definitely requires a consistent approach in all places of employment, with a sound legal basis and a formal decision with an identifiable signatory. None of these basic requirements have been met so far.
In conclusion, the CSC urgently demands that:
● The "new management of office space”, and any other project implementing Circular No.419 that management might have up its sleeve, be discussed with the Staff Representation; ● Prior to entry into force, statutory consultation take place in the GCC and in the COHSEC, in accordance with Articles 38 and 38a ServRegs.
Alain Dumont Chairman of the Central Staff Committee