EPO Staff Wants Human Contact
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THE CSC Chairman from Munich, along with the ones from The Hague, Vienna, and Berlin (the smaller EPO 'branches'), asked the President to actually act like one. At the moment the EPO is governed by an under-qualified cabal of friends, whose role there is protected by corporate interest groups, which are happy to see the EPO operating in direct violation of its charter (like a regulatory agency that intentionally fails to regulate the industry).
[CSC] Resolution on freedom of association supported by EPO staff
Dear Colleagues,
All EPO staff was invited to gather in General Assemblies in all four places of employment. The attached resolutions were adopted and found office-wide support of 998 EPO staff members.
We would like to thank you very much for your strong support.
With the resolution EPO staff urges the President
- to quash Article 35(7) ServRegs so as not to prevent re-election of staff committee members, - to restore freedom of communication in the Office by executing Judgment 4551 on mass-emails, - to restore secretarial support to staff committees and - to take into account the requests from staff and to proceed to the relevant amendments to EPO service regulations.
The resolutions have been submitted to the President by open letter.
Michael Kemény Chairman LSC Munich City, Haar and Brussels
Jorge Raposo Chairman LSC The Hague
Martin Schaller Chairman LSC Vienna
Thomas Czogalla Chairman LSC Berlin
European Patent Office | 80298 MUNICH | GERMANY
Mr António Campinos President of the EPO
By email
Local Staff Committees Comités locaux du personnel Lokale Personalausschüsse centralSTCOM@epo.org Reference: sc23001bp Date: 27.01.2023
Resolution supported by General Assemblies at all Places of Employment
Dear Mr President,
All EPO staff was invited to gather in General Assemblies in all four places of employment. The attached resolutions were adopted and found the support of 998 members of EPO staff in respective assemblies as follows:
On 19.01.2023 in Munich City, Haar and Brussels supported by 97% (420 votes in favour). On 24.01.2023 in The Hague supported by 97% (485 votes in favour). On 17.01.2023 in Berlin supported by 98% (58 votes in favour). On 23.01.2023 in Vienna supported by 97% (35 votes in favour).
Thereby EPO staff urges you
âËâ to quash Article 35(7) ServRegs so as not to prevent re-election of staff committee members, âËâ to restore freedom of communication in the Office by executing Judgment 4551 on mass-emails, âËâ to restore secretarial support to staff committees.
We urge you to take into account the requests from staff and to proceed to the relevant amendments to EPO service regulations.
Sincerely yours,
]Annex: The four resolutions
Staff of the EPO in Munich, gathered in a General Assembly,
Noting that: ● Since 2012, the EPO has been consistently testing the limits of employment law. ● The Tribunal already sanctioned the EPO for its illegal strike regulations (Judgments 4430 to 4435), for its “Social Democracy” interference into staff representation elections (Judgment 4482), for prohibiting nominations in the Appeals Committee among all staff (Judgment 4550) and for its unlawful ban on mass-emails (Judgment 4551).
Further noting that:
● The EPO arbitrarily limits the term of office of staff committee members to three consecutive (re-)elections (Article 35(7) ServRegs) thus unduly limiting the right of staff to freely choose their representatives.
● The EPO has not honoured its obligations to restore freedom of communication and hence not executed Judgment 4551 on mass-emails since July 2022.
● The President has disbanded any secretarial support to staff committees.
Express their deep disappointment that the President of the Office has not settled any of his predecessor’s breaches of the fundamental right to freedom of association on his own motion and merely waited for the Tribunal’s judgments.
Urge the President:
âËâ to quash Article 35(7) ServRegs so as not to prevent re-election of staff committee members,
âËâ to restore freedom of communication in the Office by executing Judgment 4551 on mass-emails,
âËâ to restore secretarial support to staff committees.
Request the Administrative Council and the President to put an end to breaches of the right to freedom of association and of the right to freedom of communication at the EPO.
Munich, 19.01.2023