THE END of 2021 was very, very busy. As a result, around that time I quit adding patent-, trademark-, and EPO-related stories to Daily Links. I was unable to keep up anymore. It was overwhelming. The worst thing was, over 90% of the "news" wasn't actually factual; it was agenda-pushing cruft from litigation profiteers and patent maximalists. I started doing long videos to demonstrate what had happened to "the news".
"We saw several 'fake news' examples earlier this week regarding the UPC, courtesy of the usual suspects (the UPC lobbyists and their sites, looking to undermine patent justice for personal gain)."As will be noted in our next post, we've found a way to more efficiently assess news and thus, starting this week, we're once again including some links of interest about the Unified Patent Court (UPC) and the EPO, which António Campinos continues to destroy, continuing the legacy of his friend Benoît Battistelli. There will also be many links about software patents, especially their invalidation at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB), owing to inter partes reviews (IPRs) in the United States. Though European software patents continue to be granted, many patent courts across Europe would turn them down. That's why criminal elements that hijacked the EPO are eager to introduce and illegal and unconstitutional kangaroo court to replace them all in one fell swoop. These people keep threatening me personally [1, 2]. We saw several 'fake news' examples earlier this week regarding the UPC, courtesy of the usual suspects (the UPC lobbyists and their sites, looking to undermine patent justice for personal gain).
While European politicians keep lecturing Zimbabwe they fail to see that under their very own watch Europe's largest institutions become barely less corrupt than Zimbabwe's. What do they do about it upon reports of concern? NOTHING. This is complicity. It's called passive corruption. ⬆