The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: Recent dselect experience

Dale Scheetz writes ("Recent dselect experience"):
> WRT dselect:
> My primary objection to dselect's behaviors center around it's insistance 
> that, barring escessive force, it should try and install every file that 
> it can find with a .deb extension. I can deselect everything first and 
> things seem to go more the way I expect.

Just put everything on hold - go to the `all packages' line and press
shift-H.  Then take the things you want to upgrade off hold with

I know that this isn't ideal.

*Don't* deselect things just because you don't want to upgrade them -
dselect will want to remove things you deselect !

> Second, when declairing problems or errors, or at other times, the 
> version information on a particular package is not available. Error 
> messages contain text like: ...problems in version  of package... where 
> space was left for a version number but not available at error print 
> time. Having version information available on all packages.

If you could reproduce this bug in a particular case, or at least tell
me which message it was, I might have a chance of fixing it.

> Also, the packages file seems to have caused me problems from time to 
> time. I don't fully understand the purpose it serves for dselect but 
> there are several things that it doesn't do. Primarily, my experience is 
> that dselect doesn't pay any attention to the state of the system before 
> it tries anything. In cases where I installed the base packages by hand, 
> dselect failed to recognize that I had done so and made a terrible tangle 
> of an attempt to do it again. This poor integration with a current system 
> make upgrading uncertain at times. 

How do you mean `failed to recognise that I had done so' ?  dselect
shouldn't need to know this; if you've already got a more-or-less
current set of packages it is supposed to just upgrade those you
haven't got the most recent version of.  Attempting to reinstall
packages should never cause a `terrible tangle'.

Please, would you people TELL ME WHAT ERROR MESSAGES you're seeing !
I can't possible figure out what's going on here with all this vague
language like `terrible tangle' and `failed to recognise'.

> WRT dependencies:
> Several times during installation trials, large portions of the 
> installation would be complete before a file, required by a dependency is 
> either not found, or fails during installation. I'm not sure what to do 
> about failures, but files not found should be detemined long before 
> anything gets installed.

I can't parse this, I'm afraid.
