The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: RedHat control panel?

Craig Sanders:
> You bring up a good point, though. There would need to be some way of
> dealing with the case of the "live" target config file being edited by
> hand and (at some later date) the template (or other file which the
> makefile says it is dependant on) being changed.  chmod a-w?  rcs?

The only workable solution, in my humble opinion, is one that
edits the configuration files directly.

Signum Support in Sweden (a sort of Swedish version of Cygnus),
has written something called ReadyNet, which is at least a good
beginning. They demonstrated it at the EurOpen.SE conference
(from where I have just returned), and would be quite interested
in providing a Debian package, especially if someone can help
them a bit.

I don't have a URL to ReadyNet, but their web site is

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