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Re: All the deb-make noise

>>"Erik" == Erik B Andersen <> writes:

Erik> Please, Ian (you seem to be the primary opponent to
Erik> deb-make), either help support deb-make and correct its
Erik> deficiencies, or writh a replacement ASAP.  In the meanwhile,
Erik> please, let us end this thread.  We, the developers of debian
Erik> will use the tools available, until better tools come along.

	No ,this is what got us in this mess in the first place. Why
 does the concept of 	co-operative development dissolve into two
 cowboys on a dusty street at noon? This is not a personality
 issue. And Ian is not the only one against deb-make (he may well be
 the most ascerbic ;-).  If we developers do not contribute with ideas
 and help design a new tool, then maybe we should be jerked around as
 Ian suggested.

	Rather than a new tool presented as fait accompli (umm, my
 grammar teacher would be unhappy here, I think), we need a discussion
 of requirements and goals, and than needs input from the people who
 will be using this tool.

Erik> Ian, please stop fighting a verbal battle.  Either fight this
Erik> battle with new code (a deb-make replacement), with patches to
Erik> deb-make, or silence.  Endless debate over vaporware will prove,
Erik> and accomplish nothing.

	Can you distinguish between discussion, design, and creating
 consensus and ``Endless debate over vaporware''? Why are you
 shrugging off your responsibility for developing the replacement to
 debmake? Also, can only people who come to the table with a
 alternative designed behind the scenes criticize a package? Does an
 art critic have to be a superb painter? 

Erik> I neither agree or disagree with either side in this issue.  I
Erik> am, as always, happy to receive better tools (I do not care what
Erik> they happen to be named).

	I prefer to contribute what I can to something this critical
 to the project. Can we all calm down now and start a rational
 discussion? (preferably on debian-devel)


 "Nine years of ballet, asshole." Shelly Long, to the bad guy after
 making a jump over a gorge that he couldn't quite, in "Outrageous
Manoj Srivastava               <>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:>

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