The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: giving money to gnome

On Wed, 19 Nov 1997, Enrique Zanardi wrote:

Andreas, I agree with you 100%.  This kind of antagonistic behavior toward
the non-dfsg community is downright immature and, as you said, shameful!

Debian is an excellent distribution (the best right now, IMHO).  Being
such, we should take responsiblity by being mature and "friendly" with the
rest of the world.

> On Tue, 18 Nov 1997, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
> > in their freedom to choose a library for their project, the kde
> > developers selected qt. i'm not happy with that, but everyone should
> > have the right to do so. 
> > 
> > bruce announced on friday, that the money from this
> > debian+kde cdrom should be given to the gnome project.
> > 
> > as the gnome project is the direct opponent of kde, this is an insult to
> > the kde people. at least that is how the kde developer feel.
> Uh? The KDE people are free to choose a non-DFSG-complaint library for
> their project, but we are not free to promote the desktop environment (DE)
> we prefer, that is also the one which is DFSG-complaint? What should we
> do then? Adopt their fine work? So weird.
> > today i feel a shamed to be a debian developer.
> > 
> > i request to apologize and correct the relations to the kde team within
> > a week. if not i prefer not to be a debian developer.
> What is there to be corrected? The fact that we can't adopt a non-DFSG
> DE as our preferred one? The projects we choose to support? I'm a bit
> puzzled by your request.
> (Remember, some people here have felt insulted because the distribution
> choosen for that Qt-champion product was Debian. But that's how _free_
> software works! You are free to use it the way you like best, even if
> doing so is dangerous to the same free software movement that provides
> it. Perhaps the KDE people should think a bit about that before trying
> to be _the_ Linux Desktop Enviroment).

I'm sorry, Enrique, but this is the largest load of crap I have heard in a
long time.  Our distribution being chosen above the others should first
thing be considered a complement, and last thing an insult.  And, btw, I
don't know if you have looked at it, but the KDE projects stuff is pretty
darn good (the best DE concept currently existant for Linux) so I don't
think you have much room to talk about them "trying to be _the_ Linux
Desktop Environment.

An hey, where is your appreciation.  Put yourself in their shoes.  Sure,
they're ways (concerning qt) don't match up with ours completely, but
there sure are a bunch of people putting in a whole lot of _volunteer_
time for the KDE project.  Try to think before preaching next time.

			Paul J Thompson

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