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Re: giving money to gnome

On Wed 19 Nov 1997, Tim Sailer wrote:
> Yes, but AJ saying that he will stop being a Debian developer if we don't
> contribute the money collected to KDE instead of gnome....  According
> to our own guidelines, we have an obligation to support the *free* 
> programs first.

what i want to say is :
postings like express a very negative point of view (sounds for some
people like "kde is the devil himself, and we will sponsor gnome !"),
and it makes people angry, and it makes me angry.

the point is not giving the money to gnome (although it should be given
to freeqt IMO, or specialised to build a gtk->qt layer). the point is
how bruce is threading people. he could have said the same thing without
makeing people angry.

he could have said "we will use the money to sponsor a free replacement
of qt", and make a decision, after we get the money. there is no point
in decideing this now : the cdrom is neither pressed nor sold, the money
is vaporware.

or at least, he could post as "bruce perens", and not as 
"bruce perens, debian project leader". 

his posts are IMO absolutely unnecessary negative, and he makes kde
people and also me angry. i don't like this : working for debian should
be fun. maybe it can be fun again, unless bruce insist on continue to
use every possibility to say something against kde.

look at my position : there were big postings against kde before.
and i had some fights with kde people myself. but finaly i got a
compromisse, and could cooperate with them.

and some days later they look strange at me, show me a posting of my
project leader (so they think, he also speaks for me) which makes them
angry, and makes me look silly.

would you think, taht everything is ok ? i don't.
i do not leave in a haste. but if i don't see a chance for things to
change... there are so many things i could do that are fun. i enjoyed
working for debian, and i can find something new if things keep this


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