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Re: not a first amendment question

At 07:35 PM 12/1/97 +0200, Kai Henningsen wrote:
> (Oliver Elphick)  wrote on 30.11.97 in
>> Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>>   >	Anyone who doesn't cater to your point of view is crazy?
>> Anyone who asserts that the bible promotes incest is a candidate.  I am
>> aware that you do not share my faith; I object to people's false
>> statements about facts.
>While the passage I was talking about doesn't do this explicitely, I'm far  
>from convinced that calling it a "false statement" is justified, as I see  
>(in that passage, and the ones near it) not only a complete lack of any  
>indication that there's a problem with this behaviour, but also explicit  
>statements that some of the offenders (Lot, Abraham) are among the people  
>God seems to like best.

Why do we have to turn this into an attack on religion.  Everything I have
learn't has lead me to believe that Lot was not a person "God seems to like
best".  However, I digress.  This just doesn't belong here.  Personally, I
find this worst that what occured last winter when another person called
someones ideas idiotic (and other choice words) over a debate on webservers
on debian-devel and eventually left the dist.  By attacking beliefs that
other people hold dearly, you're just setting yourself up to be ignored.

>I'm quite sure that if this wasn't the bible, Christians would argue that  
>it _does_ promote incest, based on that passage.
>> Incest is condemned in Leviticus 20, to name but one.  It is also cited
>> as wickedness that even pagans don't commit in 1 Corinthians.  To judge
>Unfortunately, that completely fails to explain Genesis 19,30 - 20,18.

ask me another time, and I'll give you a whole explanation for this...  (not
the NT part, that's not my ball game).  Right now, this whole argument has
exhausted me.  In a way I'm willing to say that I don't care if purity is in
the dist, if the discription is labeled accordingly, but then again I'd want
it out because I think debian might be getting to big and bloated, IMO, and
that's one program we could do without.  (as well as many other programs)


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