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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: August 6th, 2010

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-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Is #Ubuntu becoming more of a pain to set up than Windows? complaints about #fogcomputing and #monoAug 06 00:00
TechrightsBotTitle: Is Ubuntu becoming more of a pain to set up than Windows? « Ryans Blog .::. Size~: 74.05 KBAug 06 00:00
MinceRgnAug 06 00:07
schestowitzMinceR: genuine advantage coverageAug 06 00:09
schestowitz"GAH!"Aug 06 00:10
MinceR:)Aug 06 00:10
*BNtwitter has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Aug 06 00:13
*BNtwitter (~twitfolk@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 00:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Links 5/8/2010: Linux 2.6.35 Benchmarks, Jared Smith (Fedora Leader) Interview, 200,000+ New Linux Phones Per Day! 06 00:25
TechrightsBotTitle: Links 5/8/2010: Linux 2.6.35 Benchmarks,  Jared Smith (Fedora Leader) Interviewed, 200,000+ Linux Phones Per Day! | Techrights .::. Size~: 114.86 KBAug 06 00:25
*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Aug 06 00:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] IRC Proceedings: August 5th, 2010 we still publish these daily, just don't post alerts about the postsAug 06 00:33
TechrightsBotTitle: IRC Proceedings: August 5th, 2010 | Techrights .::. Size~: 78.74 KBAug 06 00:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Oh gawd, #Canon web site search fail. Don't you even TEST on major browsers other than IE?Aug 06 00:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @MarcGellen 52 Ways to Speed Up #OSX http:// // & it's already zippy out of the box! #apple via @petrvanbloklandAug 06 00:50
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 00:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Don't be fooled by Pentagon rhetorical tricks ("direct"). Listen carefully. We asked WH for reviewers via agreed intermediary.Aug 06 01:00
FurnaceBoyWINO , Windows Is Not OpenAug 06 01:06
FurnaceBoyWindows Is Not OptimalAug 06 01:06
FurnaceBoyWindows Is Never OKAug 06 01:06
FurnaceBoyWindows Is Now OverAug 06 01:06
FurnaceBoyWindows Ideally Never OperatedAug 06 01:07
Diablo-D3enough alreadyAug 06 01:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] .@eikonos i was using #canon #canada site, their silly #javascript based search navigation worked in #opera but not #safari. #failAug 06 01:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] .@ArrestRoveNow Rush Limbaugh: "Endless things are done against us in the name of civil rights." //saddest part: This crap is a moneymakerAug 06 01:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] upgrading to #Thunderbird 3? Might want to stick with 2, for now: #mozillaAug 06 01:17
TechrightsBotTitle: Slashdot | A Pointed Critique of Thunderbird 3's Performance Compared to v.2 .::. Size~: 130.04 KBAug 06 01:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] .@ArrestRoveNow Limbaugh: "Sexual preference is not..a minority. It's a lifestyle." // he's saying he just arbitrarily chose to be straight?Aug 06 01:18
Diablo-D3that doesnt even make senseAug 06 01:18
FurnaceBoyI don't expect muchAug 06 01:18
Diablo-D3being straight is a sexual preferenceAug 06 01:18
Diablo-D3Im a minority now?Aug 06 01:19
FurnaceBoyme too!Aug 06 01:19
Diablo-D3FurnaceBoy: welpAug 06 01:19
FurnaceBoybecause I uh have a sexual preference!Aug 06 01:19
Diablo-D3apparently we have to be gay to fit inAug 06 01:19
*Diablo-D3 has sex with FurnaceBoy Aug 06 01:19
FurnaceBoyruh rohAug 06 01:19
FurnaceBoysurprise buttsecksAug 06 01:19
FurnaceBoylimbaugh already set a perilously low bar for 'sense'.Aug 06 01:20
Diablo-D3woahAug 06 01:22
Diablo-D3you actually think limbaugh is even in the realm of 'sense'?Aug 06 01:22
Diablo-D3thats newAug 06 01:22
FurnaceBoynot really. all the rwnj demagogues cause a visceral reaction in me. it's unpleasant to think, or write about themAug 06 01:23
Diablo-D3 06 01:24
TechrightsBotTitle: More savage than natural men! : Pharyngula .::. Size~: 167.45 KBAug 06 01:24
Diablo-D3uh-huh.Aug 06 01:24
Diablo-D3. He has written a book, The Pink Swastika, in which he claims that Hitler and his entire inner circle was gay, that the atrocities the Nazis committed were driven by the immoral impulses of the gay Nazi elite, and that the well-known anti-gay laws and mass murders of homosexuals in the Third Reich were just a cover, a distraction to conceal the fact that Nazis were all gayAug 06 01:24
Diablo-D3you cant make this shit upAug 06 01:25
Diablo-D3you. just. cant.Aug 06 01:25
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] "He has written a book, The Pink Swastika, in which he claims that Hitler and his entire inner circle was gay," 06 01:27
TechrightsBotTitle: 404 Not Found .::. Size~: 0.38 KBAug 06 01:27
Diablo-D3ffffffffAug 06 01:27
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] "He has written a book, The Pink Swastika, in which he claims that Hitler and his entire inner circle was gay," 06 01:32
TechrightsBotTitle: More savage than natural men! : Pharyngula .::. Size~: 166.03 KBAug 06 01:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[fsmag] Regular and recently prolific contributor to Free Software Magazine, Terry Hancock, has written a piece on Flattr.... 06 01:33
TechrightsBotTitle: Flattr: A Social Micropayment Platform for Financing Free Works  .::. Size~: 42.1 KBAug 06 01:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] "can the #government open its own #data in 50 years?" #debconf arguments for going #open. 06 01:36
TechrightsBotTitle: Advogato: Blog for crossland .::. Size~: 39.04 KBAug 06 01:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[fsmag] FSM's esteemed Chief Editor (and everyone's favourite Australian and ll round good egg), Tony Mobily, loves his... 06 01:38
TechrightsBotTitle: 10 years on: free software wins, but you have nowhere to install it  .::. Size~: 74.11 KBAug 06 01:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[fsmag] Have you ever been confused by FOSS jargon and terminology? Well, we've all been there but Terry Hancock guides... 06 01:45
TechrightsBotTitle: The Jargon of Freedom: 60 Words and Phrases with Context  .::. Size~: 64.43 KBAug 06 01:45
*FurnaceBoy checks out flattrAug 06 01:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] Thai Government Wants To Copyright Muay Thai 06 01:54
TechrightsBotTitle: Thai Government Wants To Copyright Muay Thai | Techdirt .::. Size~: 20.6 KBAug 06 01:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] A pays for B to be exposed to the message of C.Aug 06 02:00
*neighborlee (~quassel@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 02:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Remember... #raid does not offer data integrity. It offers #availability. If you want integrity, you need #zfs.Aug 06 02:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Finished work, heading out for groceries and then more lyric writing!Aug 06 02:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Pentagon rhetorical tricks fooling reporters all over. e.g no 'direct' contact.All 4 groups agreed to use NYT as relay.Aug 06 02:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Pentagon: return our "stolen" docs, or else Support us now: 06 02:51
TechrightsBotTitle: Pentagon to WikiLeaks: Return Our Secret Documents, Or Else .::. Size~: 82.44 KBAug 06 02:51
TechrightsBotTitle: Support WikiLeaks - WikiLeaks .::. Size~: 20.01 KBAug 06 02:51
ender2070[20:19] <Diablo-D3> ffffffffAug 06 02:55
ender2070what colour is that again?Aug 06 02:55
FurnaceBoyLOLAug 06 02:55
FurnaceBoyit's the colour you turn when you typo a tweet. I'm often that colour.Aug 06 02:56
Diablo-D3its not a tweet, its a dentAug 06 02:57
*silentivm (~silentivm@unaffiliated/silentivm) has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 02:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Old news, but you can kill the 3d #osx dock with: $ defaults write no-glass -boolean YES; killall DockAug 06 03:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[einfeldt] RT @cdibona The NYT is ... wrong. We have not had any conversations with Vz about paying for carriage of G traffic 06 03:12
TechrightsBotTitle:  Google denies deal to end net neutrality | Technology |  .::. Size~: 162.31 KBAug 06 03:12
FurnaceBoyinteresting timing for thatAug 06 03:13
FurnaceBoyright during techonomy conferenceAug 06 03:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] As Expected, Rosetta Stone Loses Badly To Google In Claiming Trademark Violations For AdWords 06 03:17
TechrightsBotTitle: As Expected, Rosetta Stone Loses Badly To Google In Claiming Trademark Violations For AdWords | Techdirt .::. Size~: 20.87 KBAug 06 03:17
*DaemonFC (~ryan@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 03:22
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 06 03:28
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 03:29
DaemonFCWhy does Fedora still use the obsolete gconf backend for Compiz? :PAug 06 03:36
*Aondo has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Aug 06 03:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[einfeldt] 200k Android phones sold every day 06 03:42
TechrightsBotTitle: Google: 200,000 Android Phones Sold Every Day | Gadget Lab | .::. Size~: 29.35 KBAug 06 03:42
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 03:55
DaemonFC"That's the problem with trying to reverse engineer and implement a moving target. They're still releasing new products while you're trying to jury rig the stuff that was mainstream 2-3 years ago. Nvidia's support of Nouveau is going as far as saying they won't sue over it and using it as an excuse for discontinuing their own NV driver which had baseline support for pretty much all of their cards. Way to go guys! Thanks aAug 06 04:18
DaemonFC lot! But you already sold me your last pile of crap (the Geforce 9500 GT) back in 2008). Have fun PRblogging about Windows Vista 7!"Aug 06 04:18
DaemonFC-me heheAug 06 04:18
*BobJonkman has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Aug 06 04:24
DaemonFCTo steal a line from Sarah Palin (blecth!) “How’s that hopey changey stuff working out for you?”  Well, if you’re an ATI user, there’s a greater than 50% chance that you can already use the FOSS driver stack, and if you’re an Nvidia user, 99% of you can keep hoping that stuff will change. Nvidia’s blob gives you most of the same practical problems as Catalyst *and* the hardware sucks, *and* there’s little Aug 06 04:34
DaemonFCto no hope of Nouveau actually becoming a viable option.Aug 06 04:34
DaemonFCheheAug 06 04:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] OK ppl anecdotal evidence suggests Apple power adapters are badly underdesigned. Quick straw poll, have you had problems with one? How?Aug 06 04:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] We are examining the Pentagon's "request" and will issue a statement in due course.Aug 06 04:45
DaemonFC 06 04:50
TechrightsBotTitle: C-SPAN Video Player - Defense Department Press Briefing .::. Size~: 44.51 KBAug 06 04:50
DaemonFCWe are "demanding" nicely that they "comply" with our "demands" because it's the "right thing to do"Aug 06 04:50
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 04:50
DaemonFCdid anyone else lol over that?Aug 06 04:50
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 04:50
DaemonFCApparently it might cause a little bit of an international incident if they launch cruise missiles at Australia or have the Australian government deport the guy to a CIA black site in the middle of the nightAug 06 04:51
DaemonFC:PAug 06 04:51
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: he doesn't live in Australia.Aug 06 04:52
DaemonFCWhere does he live?Aug 06 04:52
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: for rather good reasons (puppet state)Aug 06 04:52
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: no fixed address, duhAug 06 04:53
DaemonFCwell yeah, pretty much every Western government is a puppet state of the USAug 06 04:53
DaemonFCI don't know if you noticedAug 06 04:53
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: I would notice.Aug 06 04:53
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: in fact, it's of direct practical concern.Aug 06 04:53
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: it gives you a bit of a woody to hear about your military threatening people, doesn't itAug 06 04:54
DaemonFCjust think, our invasion of Canada could have been successful and you would all be speaking English now!Aug 06 04:54
DaemonFCB-)Aug 06 04:54
Diablo-D3FurnaceBoy: almost everyone has him on ignoreAug 06 04:54
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: kinda "I'm on the right side" thrill ehAug 06 04:54
Diablo-D3just do it alreadyAug 06 04:54
ender2070lolAug 06 04:55
ender2070we burned your white house downAug 06 04:55
FurnaceBoyDiablo-D3: good adviceAug 06 04:55
ender2070take thatAug 06 04:55
DaemonFCwe rebuilt itAug 06 04:55
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 04:55
ender2070you'll just end up doing it again ;)Aug 06 04:55
FurnaceBoyender2070: they've set the controls to self destruct.Aug 06 04:55
DaemonFCwe were more successful in compelling Mexico to give us landAug 06 04:55
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 04:56
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: if there were an ethos that could be ascribed to you, it would be 'might is right'; but you can't beat /ignoreAug 06 04:56
DaemonFCit'll be funny when there are so many Mexicans in Texas that it declares itself an independent state aligned with MexicoAug 06 04:56
DaemonFCthings come full circle eventuallyAug 06 04:56
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: at least they'll be better looking, and have great food.Aug 06 04:56
ender2070lolAug 06 04:56
DaemonFCIf it ain't white, it ain't right!Aug 06 04:57
ender2070by the time that happens, ill be running windows and schestowitz will be working for googleAug 06 04:57
DaemonFCWhite power, White power!!Aug 06 04:57
FurnaceBoyhm, a friend is advising me to shun /ignoreAug 06 04:57
DaemonFCender2070 agrees with meAug 06 04:57
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 04:57
DaemonFCnah :PAug 06 04:57
*cubezzz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Aug 06 04:58
ender2070daemon, isn't that your slogan?Aug 06 04:58
DaemonFCI'm not prejudiced, I hate everyone equallyAug 06 04:58
ender2070I know your a David Duke fanAug 06 04:58
*cubezzz ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 04:58
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: you're past the point of self caricature.Aug 06 04:58
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: like your whole deformed cultureAug 06 04:58
cubezzzcan't we stick with computer talk? :)Aug 06 04:58
DaemonFCmmhm, whateverAug 06 04:59
DaemonFCI'd rather have a Mexican population than an entire state speaking FrenchAug 06 04:59
FurnaceBoyLOLAug 06 04:59
DaemonFCthat would really creep me outAug 06 04:59
ender2070 06 04:59
FurnaceBoywhy do we care what you think of Qc?Aug 06 04:59
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *Hollywood Basterds by David Duke,&lrm; .::. Size~: 105.14 KBAug 06 04:59
ender2070daemon's idolAug 06 04:59
DaemonFCBite the pavement!Aug 06 04:59
DaemonFCbite it!!!Aug 06 04:59
DaemonFC:PAug 06 05:00
FurnaceBoyyou have one recurring fantasy.. violence, force, and exercise of power. DaemonFC did you ever imagine what it's like to be on the wrong end of force?Aug 06 05:00
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: if you live long enough, you'll find out. it may change you foreverAug 06 05:00
DaemonFC 06 05:00
TechrightsBotTitle: American History X .::. Size~: 35.19 KBAug 06 05:00
*FurnaceBoy ( has left #boycottnovell ("bored with it")Aug 06 05:01
cubezzzDFCed!Aug 06 05:01
DaemonFClolAug 06 05:01
DaemonFCYou know it's a movie when the cops are that fastAug 06 05:02
ender2070lolAug 06 05:03
DaemonFCpersonally, I think he was well within his rights to shoot the guy stealing his carAug 06 05:03
DaemonFCbravoAug 06 05:03
DaemonFCbut the bite the sidewalk part was a bit muchAug 06 05:03
DaemonFCI liked how George Carlin put itAug 06 05:04
DaemonFCsomething like "I think you have the right to say whatever the fuck you want"Aug 06 05:04
DaemonFC"But I also think I have the right to kill you if I don't agree"Aug 06 05:05
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 05:05
*cubezzz has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 06 05:05
DaemonFCfreedom of speech is a diseaseAug 06 05:06
DaemonFCit lets cowards mouth off and know you can't do anything to them over itAug 06 05:06
*cubezzz ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 05:06
DaemonFCIf only there was a way to get it into the mind of the people that the individual is unimporant, expendable, and easily replacedAug 06 05:07
DaemonFCif it just wasn't for that god damned self esteem movement crapAug 06 05:07
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 05:07
DaemonFCagain, George CarlinAug 06 05:08
neighborleecarlin was all about comedy, I doubt he really believed everything he said..Aug 06 05:08
DaemonFC"It turns out that serial killers think very highly of themselves"Aug 06 05:08
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 05:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Satish Jha (OLPC India) is speaking today at #eIndia #eIndia2010 (Room number MR1.04) #olpcAug 06 05:08
cubezzzexactlyAug 06 05:08
cubezzzpeople often say things they don't believeAug 06 05:08
cubezzzjust to get a reactionAug 06 05:08
neighborleeyupAug 06 05:08
neighborleeHe might have been athiest I have no idea without checking...but its arrogant to assume there is no god ( cuz no o ne has a CLUE where universe came from..ahem: 'yet' ), and that 'religion' ruined all..when its not jesus/god's fault man does what man does...its like cars&guns dont kill..its how they are used that do ;)..carlin seemed bright enough so I suspect it was mostly comedy for himAug 06 05:10
neighborleemy story and im stickin to it ;)Aug 06 05:10
cubezzzyou can't just be boring in show businessAug 06 05:10
neighborleewould  have been nice to be mouse in his livingroom LOLAug 06 05:11
DaemonFC nobody knows how it happened so we create GodAug 06 05:11
cubezzzyou'll starve :)Aug 06 05:11
DaemonFCto fill in the blanksAug 06 05:11
neighborleecubezzz: thats for sureAug 06 05:11
cubezzzI never thought Carlin was that funny Aug 06 05:11
neighborleeunless you played a dumb'ish person , ie: rose nilan from golden girls heheAug 06 05:11
DaemonFCnot being able to explain the nature of the universe fullyAug 06 05:11
DaemonFCGod fucking did it!Aug 06 05:11
DaemonFCSTFU!Aug 06 05:11
DaemonFCheathen!Aug 06 05:11
neighborleelolAug 06 05:11
DaemonFC:PAug 06 05:11
cubezzzwell the universe coming from nothing doesn't make much sense eitherAug 06 05:12
neighborleewell we know some'one' did..unless somebody has a'better' idea ;)Aug 06 05:12
neighborleegood luck on thatAug 06 05:12
DaemonFCI'm the fuckin' Pope now, har har har! *grabs his balls*Aug 06 05:12
neighborleecubezzz: exactlyAug 06 05:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] I love it that #Brazil pwns Worldwide TTs. #brasilAug 06 05:12
cubezzzOne thing I find interesting is when the hubble telescope looks farther and farther out, there's always more stuff to seeAug 06 05:13
cubezzzand we can't even get to Mars :)Aug 06 05:13
neighborleecubezzz: LOLAug 06 05:13
neighborleeagreedAug 06 05:13
neighborleeits laughableAug 06 05:13
neighborleeas if we really 'know' whats out there, till we go thereAug 06 05:14
neighborleeI mean literallyAug 06 05:14
neighborleethe scary thing, is that scientists claim they now know there are 'parallel' universes..woah nellieAug 06 05:14
neighborleewell not scary, but way kewl on some level < we hope>Aug 06 05:15
cubezzzthey do?Aug 06 05:15
neighborleeyesAug 06 05:15
cubezzzhow do they know that? :)Aug 06 05:15
cubezzzjust curiousAug 06 05:16
neighborleenot sureAug 06 05:16
neighborleeI just saw a universe special on history channel about itAug 06 05:16
neighborleewith notable respected scientists discussing itAug 06 05:16
cubezzzwe don't even really see the Universe, we see a Light Cone of the UniverseAug 06 05:16
neighborleeyeah quite trueAug 06 05:16
neighborleethats why I say its very very early,,and hugely speculative to say 'we get the universe'Aug 06 05:17
neighborleewhich makes us amoeba in what we know of it ;)Aug 06 05:17
cubezzzand according to theory, the amount of space between galaxies is increasingAug 06 05:17
neighborleeor less ;)Aug 06 05:17
neighborleeI think so yesAug 06 05:17
cubezzzso eventually we go back to the idea that the galaxy is the UniverseAug 06 05:17
cubezzzwhich was the old theoryAug 06 05:17
cubezzzor something :)Aug 06 05:18
neighborleewell it just means space is expandingAug 06 05:18
neighborleewhich is almost moot, if parallel universe theory is right LOLAug 06 05:18
cubezzzis that from string theory?Aug 06 05:19
cubezzzthe whole parallel universe thing?Aug 06 05:19
neighborleeit helps explain it though yesAug 06 05:19
neighborleeas in vibrationsAug 06 05:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] .@0r3z bad leaders pass on.Aug 06 05:19
DaemonFCIs that a gamma ray blast or is God happy to see you?Aug 06 05:19
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 05:19
neighborleelolAug 06 05:19
neighborleeimagine what gamma sue can do !Aug 06 05:19
neighborleeo_0Aug 06 05:20
DaemonFCMen from the planet Earth, give us your women!Aug 06 05:21
DaemonFCAll of them or just the fat ugly hags we married?Aug 06 05:21
DaemonFCcause if you want our supermodels, it means warAug 06 05:22
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 05:22
neighborleeI think the sumerian tablets are rather convincing and likley proof we've been viisted ages ago...and that mars movie is curious too about possible plant.Aug 06 05:22
DaemonFCI think I can explain alien invasion to God as grounds for leaving my One True MateAug 06 05:22
DaemonFC:PAug 06 05:22
cubezzzthey talk about the Milky Way and Andromena colliding, but how is that possible if all the galaxies are moving away from each other?Aug 06 05:23
neighborleeah yesAug 06 05:23
cubezzzAndromedaAug 06 05:23
DaemonFCcubezzz, gravityAug 06 05:23
DaemonFCdark matterAug 06 05:23
cubezzzare there exceptional cases?Aug 06 05:23
neighborleestill theory Aug 06 05:23
DaemonFCgalaxies merge sometimesAug 06 05:23
neighborleedark is still theoryAug 06 05:23
DaemonFCthere are supermassive black holes at the centers of both galaxies as wellAug 06 05:23
DaemonFCimagine those things collidingAug 06 05:23
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 05:24
DaemonFCdo they trade insurance information?Aug 06 05:24
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 05:24
neighborleewell we now know black holes are everywhereAug 06 05:24
cubezzzso they can't _all_ be moving away from each otherAug 06 05:24
DaemonFCthe universe is expanding rapidlyAug 06 05:25
DaemonFCbut obviously gravity from various sources, including dark matter, can overcome thisAug 06 05:25
neighborleegiven the speed at which creation occured, its easy to see why :)Aug 06 05:25
DaemonFCand draw neighboring calaxies towards each otherAug 06 05:25
DaemonFCactually, the big bang can't account for the creation and expansion rate of the universeAug 06 05:26
neighborleeby time it all happens..we should be well on the way to space exploration, blah.Aug 06 05:26
DaemonFCunless you take inflation and dark matter into accountAug 06 05:26
DaemonFCthen there's the background microwave radiation which is oddly uniformAug 06 05:26
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 05:26
neighborleeno body has a clue yet about big bang..Aug 06 05:27
neighborleeof course,,'bang' is a oxymoron lolAug 06 05:27
ender2070[00:00] <DaemonFC> "It turns out that serial killers think very highly of themselves"Aug 06 05:27
ender2070it was bulliesAug 06 05:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @xenijardin: If DoD thinks Assange+few gigs of classified memos are bad news, waitil hordes of dudes in Guy Fawkes masks order HATE PIZZASAug 06 05:27
neighborleewe just know it was a huge moment of expansionAug 06 05:27
ender2070not serial killersAug 06 05:27
neighborleeand that it was extremely fast <<Aug 06 05:27
neighborleefast is putting it mildlyAug 06 05:27
ender2070@xenijardin: If DoD thinks Assange+few gigs of classified memos are bad news, waitil hordes of dudes in Guy Fawkes masks order HATE PIZZAS +1Aug 06 05:28
neighborleeeek Aug 06 05:28
neighborlee;)Aug 06 05:28
Diablo-D3bwhahahahAug 06 05:28
Diablo-D3manAug 06 05:28
Diablo-D3imagine if /b/ showed up at the pentagonAug 06 05:29
Diablo-D3fox news could get that exploding van footage back outAug 06 05:29
cubezzzGuy Fawkes masks :)Aug 06 05:29
ender2070lol i dunnoAug 06 05:29
ender2070fox might be busy replaying the same cow dying of mad cow disease, and the same trees being deforestedAug 06 05:29
Diablo-D3FUCK IT! WE'LL DO IT LIVE!Aug 06 05:30
ender2070ever see Arlington Road?Aug 06 05:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @xenijardin: I have seen, it is to LOL. Worth revisit. “@gtpodcast: @xenijardin In case you haven't seen it: 06 05:31
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *WIKILEAKS vs The Pentagon - RAP NEWS,&lrm; .::. Size~: 104.22 KBAug 06 05:31
ender2070 06 05:38
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting application/pdf type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 05:38
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: Aaarrrggghhh!!!)Aug 06 05:41
ender2070lol alex jonesAug 06 05:42
ender2070 06 05:42
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting audio/mpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 05:42
ender2070alan watt is smart, but alex jones is kind of nutsAug 06 05:42
DaemonFCWhat they should do is hire OprahAug 06 06:13
DaemonFCshe knows all about going to war with the beef industryAug 06 06:13
DaemonFC 06 06:19
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 06:19
ender2070your cat?Aug 06 06:19
DaemonFCyesAug 06 06:20
ender2070awesomeAug 06 06:21
ender2070cats ruleAug 06 06:21
DaemonFCyes they doAug 06 06:21
DaemonFC 06 06:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 06:21
DaemonFC 06 06:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 06:21
DaemonFChe just got groomed :PAug 06 06:22
DaemonFCI took a deshedding comb to him and then went over him with a can of compressed airAug 06 06:22
DaemonFCto get the loose furAug 06 06:22
DaemonFCand then I shampooed him with some stuff I got off AmazonAug 06 06:22
DaemonFCthe cat is well taken care of :PAug 06 06:23
DaemonFCThe humane shelter found him out wandering in a parking lotAug 06 06:25
DaemonFChe was wearing a name tagAug 06 06:25
DaemonFCapparently someone named him YuleAug 06 06:25
DaemonFCI fattened him up and renamed him Jabba The CattAug 06 06:26
DaemonFC:PAug 06 06:26
DaemonFCthe FreeBSD website says a lot of really absurd things about the GPLAug 06 06:28
DaemonFClike that it's designed to make sure the software never advanced past the research phase and that it can never be brought to marketAug 06 06:29
DaemonFCI wonder what Red Hat or Novell would say about thatAug 06 06:29
DaemonFCI mean, after making a few billion dollars on commercial Linux licensing, it's obvious that they can't take it to marketAug 06 06:29
DaemonFCright?Aug 06 06:29
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 06:29
DaemonFCthe GPL prevents them from ripping it off, turning it into proprietary software and attributing the original authors on Page 147 after not paying for any of the codeAug 06 06:30
DaemonFCthat's what it doesAug 06 06:31
DaemonFCit doesn't prevent them from selling support licensesAug 06 06:31
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 06:31
DaemonFCor certifying their distribution on various hardware packagesAug 06 06:31
DaemonFCDisallow: /harming/humansAug 06 06:34
DaemonFCDisallow: /ignoring/human/ordersAug 06 06:34
DaemonFCDisallow: /harm/to/selfAug 06 06:34
DaemonFCroflAug 06 06:34
DaemonFC 06 06:34
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting text/plain type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 06:34
DaemonFCMinceR, What do you figure the ABC Robot would have to say about this? :)Aug 06 06:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] From Magazines To Restaurants... Conde Nast Licensing Magazine Names For Restaurants 06 06:51
TechrightsBotTitle: From Magazines To Restaurants... Conde Nast Licensing Magazine Names For Restaurants | Techdirt .::. Size~: 25.43 KBAug 06 06:51
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 06 06:51
*DaemonFC (~ryan@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 06:57
schestowitzJabba looks delicious :-Aug 06 06:58
DaemonFCWhy the hell does Fedora set my spell check to en-GB in Empathy, en-US in Xchat, and en-ZA in Firefox?Aug 06 06:58
DaemonFCis that some kind of practical joke?Aug 06 06:58
schestowitzChange itAug 06 06:58
DaemonFCI didAug 06 06:58
schestowitzFineAug 06 06:58
schestowitzDoes WIndows come with a spellchecker?Aug 06 06:58
DaemonFChaving to change it in multiple places kind of sucksAug 06 06:58
schestowitzNot even Vis6t7 doesAug 06 06:59
DaemonFCmeh, Global SettingsAug 06 06:59
DaemonFCanyone?Aug 06 06:59
schestowitzThey want you to buy Orifice [sic]Aug 06 06:59
schestowitzDaemonFC: 06 07:00
TechrightsBotTitle: Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Thursday, 05-Aug-10 22:49:59 UTC - .::. Size~: 9.05 KBAug 06 07:00
TechrightsBotTitle: Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Thursday, 05-Aug-10 22:49:59 UTC - .::. Size~: 9.05 KBAug 06 07:00
DaemonFCYeah, every once in a while an OEM starts passing out OOo so that Microsoft offers them more money to distribute Office Crippleware EditionAug 06 07:00
DaemonFConce they get that every $5 a copy or whatever, they ditch OOoAug 06 07:00
DaemonFCand stick you with Office StarterAug 06 07:00
DaemonFCI noticed :)Aug 06 07:00
schestowitzI notice 2 people added this to their favsAug 06 07:00
DaemonFC 06 07:05
TechrightsBotTitle: Fedora 13 gets ATI Catalyst 10.7 in a silent update to RPM Fusion « Ryans Blog .::. Size~: 51.37 KBAug 06 07:05
schestowitzGrrrrrrrrr... wiki spammers.. 06 07:05
TechrightsBotTitle: Recent changes - Techrights .::. Size~: 57.68 KBAug 06 07:05
schestowitzThey even create logins to spamAug 06 07:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] More on "google is more equal" #netneutralityAug 06 07:11
TechrightsBotTitle:   Did Net Neutrality Just Get Knifed in The Back?  .::. Size~: 104.87 KBAug 06 07:11
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 07:17
*fittsian (6178847f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 07:24
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 06 07:26
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: Aaarrrggghhh!!!)Aug 06 07:33
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 07:36
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 07:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] How India's Legal Rule Regarding #Patents Gets 'Regulated' by the West, #Facebook is Hoarding Software Patents #swpatsAug 06 07:43
TechrightsBotTitle: How Indias Legal Rule Regarding Patents Gets Regulated by the West, Facebook is Hoarding Software Patents | Techrights .::. Size~: 87.3 KBAug 06 07:43
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 06 07:44
*fittsian has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Aug 06 07:49
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 07:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] #apple patents "inspired" by existing 3rd party work? Or plain stealing? You decide. #swpat #1984 #ministryoftruthAug 06 07:53
TechrightsBotTitle: FutureTap » The patent case we havent called .::. Size~: 32.85 KBAug 06 07:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] @schestowitz It's interesting to see a BSD publication talking about GNOME and Compiz. Don't they normally FUD GNOME?Aug 06 08:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Adam Williamson on Sub-notebooks With #GNU #Linux 06 08:08
TechrightsBotTitle: Adam Williamson on Sub-notebooks With GNU/Linux | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.05 KBAug 06 08:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft Claimed to be Killing Another Product: #Quadrant 06 08:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft Claimed to be Killing Another Product: Quadrant | Techrights .::. Size~: 81.29 KBAug 06 08:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] - Why so serious? :PAug 06 08:19
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg; charset=UTF-8 type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 08:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Massive Censorship Of Digg Uncovered - disturbing from multiple points of view; until fixed, Digg pretty uselessAug 06 08:23
TechrightsBotTitle: Massive Censorship Of Digg Uncovered «  OOO .::. Size~: 250.61 KBAug 06 08:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Net Neutrality Brawl: FCC Is Not Happy with Google and Verizon - "not happy", eh? sounds serious... #netneutrality #fccAug 06 08:24
TechrightsBotTitle: Net Neutrality Brawl: FCC Is Not Happy with Google and Verizon .::. Size~: 76.76 KBAug 06 08:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Not a Joke: An Apple App Patent (Pic) That Looks Like an Actual App Selling on the App Store - sums up the problemAug 06 08:32
TechrightsBotTitle:   Not a Joke: An Apple App Patent (Pic) That Looks Like an Actual App Selling on the App Store .::. Size~: 81.85 KBAug 06 08:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @daemonfc not that I noticedAug 06 08:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Big Polluter (BP) and #GNU #Linux Migration #bp #bpcares #gulfspill #bsod #microsoft #windowsAug 06 08:33
TechrightsBotTitle: Big Polluter (BP) and GNU/Linux Migration | Techrights .::. Size~: 82.69 KBAug 06 08:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Time for school IT to teach Open Source - spot on: teaching *computing* not how to use Windows... #educationAug 06 08:38
TechrightsBotTitle: Blogs - Technology Blog and Community from IT Experts  - .::. Size~: 46.56 KBAug 06 08:38
schestowitz 06 08:41
TechrightsBotTitle: Oakland Tribune (AP) Online .::. Size~: 77.74 KBAug 06 08:41
schestowitz[08:38] [Notice] -BNtwitter to #boycottnovell- [glynmoody] Time for school IT to teach Open Source - spot on: teaching *computing* not how to use Windows... #educationAug 06 08:41
TechrightsBotTitle: Blogs - Technology Blog and Community from IT Experts  - .::. Size~: 46.56 KBAug 06 08:41
schestowitzender2070 can read that :-)Aug 06 08:41
*Thrae has quit (Quit: Restarting client or some sort...)Aug 06 08:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] FOX: WikiLeaks v. the Pentagon (video) 06 08:43
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *Judge Napolitano: The Plain Truth - The Government Lies to You!! Freedom Watch 7/31/2010,&lrm; .::. Size~: 86.6 KBAug 06 08:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Was Napster Right?: Der Spiegel - in absence of copyright "there was an explosion of knowledge" in 19th cent. #GermanyAug 06 08:44
TechrightsBotTitle: Against Monopoly  .::. Size~: 22.45 KBAug 06 08:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Time for school IT to teach Open Source #freesoftware #educationAug 06 08:46
TechrightsBotTitle: Blogs - Technology Blog and Community from IT Experts  - .::. Size~: 46.56 KBAug 06 08:46
schestowitz 06 08:46
TechrightsBotTitle: Geithner: Let Bush tax cuts expire - Emily Schultheis - .::. Size~: 85.57 KBAug 06 08:46
*Thrae ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 08:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] NATO acknowledges civilian deaths in Afghan clash | AP 06 08:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Yes, Afghanistan is Vietnam | Diplomat 06 08:47
TechrightsBotTitle: NATO acknowledges civilian deaths in Afghan clash | Richmond Times-Dispatch .::. Size~: 79.32 KBAug 06 08:47
TechrightsBotTitle: Yes, Afghanistan is Vietnam | The Diplomat .::. Size~: 47.14 KBAug 06 08:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Pentagon Demands WikiLeaks Return All Documents - or *what*, precisely...? (bad move Pentagon: egg incoming...)Aug 06 08:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[fosspatents] So far, Microsoft 's use of patents is cooperative, doesn't shut out competition. #microsoft #patent #swpat #linuxAug 06 08:50
TechrightsBotTitle: Pentagon Demands WikiLeaks Return All Documents - BusinessWeek .::. Size~: 49.1 KBAug 06 08:50
TechrightsBotTitle: FOSS Patents: Microsofts use of patents .::. Size~: 64.07 KBAug 06 08:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] There Are No Famous Programmers [via @webmink ]Aug 06 08:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] Is #apple trying to patent apps to create an innovation tax on android apps? #paranoia #failAug 06 08:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[fosspatents] Richard #Stallman: #Apple is more evil and much more restrictive than #Microsoft #patent #swpat #rmsAug 06 08:51
TechrightsBotTitle: Shedding Bikes: Programming Culture And Philosophy .::. Size~: 8.15 KBAug 06 08:51
TechrightsBotTitle: FOSS Patents: Microsofts use of patents .::. Size~: 64.07 KBAug 06 08:51
schestowitz 06 08:52
TechrightsBotTitle: ☂ CWUK Blog Changes « Wild Webmink .::. Size~: 35.48 KBAug 06 08:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] WikiLeaks v. the Pentagon: Phony finger pointing | CBS 06 08:53
TechrightsBotTitle: Wikileaks vs the Pentagon:Phony Fingerpointing - CBS News .::. Size~: 56.44 KBAug 06 08:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @rsandu Please, #Fedora developers, can someone look into this #bug : It is blocking updates for some weeks now.Aug 06 08:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody "returning" copies (bits) is hard. They mean "destroy"Aug 06 09:02
DaemonFCMint based on Debian will be worth trying outAug 06 09:04
DaemonFCbetter ingredients, better pizzaAug 06 09:04
DaemonFC:PAug 06 09:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] @schestowitz I don't they really know *what* they's a pointless demand in a digital worldAug 06 09:06
ender2070ha ha haAug 06 09:10
ender2070im probably gonna grab linux+ later anywaysAug 06 09:10
ender2070the exam is $239Aug 06 09:10
schestowitzIn Soviet Russian, exam takes YOUAug 06 09:11
schestowitz*sia,Aug 06 09:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody they add allure and legitimacy to the material. #failAug 06 09:11
ender2070linux+ gets me LPI, which gets me the novell certAug 06 09:11
schestowitzomg NovellAug 06 09:11
ender2070yeah!Aug 06 09:11
schestowitzThere might not be Novell soonAug 06 09:11
ender2070omg novellAug 06 09:11
schestowitzJust a trademarkAug 06 09:11
schestowitzThe novel on NovellAug 06 09:12
schestowitzThe company that once was...Aug 06 09:12
ender20703 certs in 1Aug 06 09:12
schestowitz 06 09:12
TechrightsBotTitle: novell - Google Search .::. Size~: 48.67 KBAug 06 09:12
schestowitzResult #5 is techrights :-)Aug 06 09:12
schestowitzMaybe when Novell goes under we'll move upAug 06 09:12
schestowitz 06 09:13
TechrightsBotTitle: sco - Google Search .::. Size~: 44.16 KBAug 06 09:13
schestowitzGroklaw is #11 for "sco"Aug 06 09:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] AUGH MY EYES 06 09:13
TechrightsBotTitle: RAINBOW DIVIDERS!!! .::. Size~: 23 KBAug 06 09:13
ender2070lolAug 06 09:13
schestowitzNovell has found out that it blows up in their face if they try to harm my siteAug 06 09:14
schestowitzTroll comments, smears, mailing lists snide remarksAug 06 09:14
schestowitzPeople report this to us and then we just show how paranoid Novell isAug 06 09:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] ♺ @carlopiana: Using #etherpad for multi-hands document w/ other lawyers. Works nicely, much better than wiki for quick & shortspan editing.Aug 06 09:14
schestowitz 06 09:16
TechrightsBotTitle: The New York Times > Log In .::. Size~: 9.01 KBAug 06 09:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] ContactPoint, the broader Databankendämmerung and beyond that the new dawn - time to move from #CRM to #VRM #databasesAug 06 09:17
TechrightsBotTitle: Ideal Government  » Blog Archive   » ContactPoint, the broader DatabankendÀmmerung and beyond that the new dawn .::. Size~: 28.32 KBAug 06 09:17
DaemonFChas anyone packaged the Shiki themes for Fedora?Aug 06 09:19
DaemonFC:PAug 06 09:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] How DRM works. 06 09:20
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 09:20
schestowitzDaemonFC: ?Aug 06 09:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Shiki-Colors .::. Size~: 94.21 KBAug 06 09:21
schestowitzUglyAug 06 09:21
schestowitz 06 09:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Preview Shiki-Colors .::. Size~: 2.09 KBAug 06 09:21
schestowitz 06 09:24
TechrightsBotTitle: Linux Mint 9 KDE (Isadora) Review | Desktop Linux Reviews .::. Size~: 101.02 KBAug 06 09:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Review: #Linux Mint 9 #KDE (Isadora) receives /very/ high marksAug 06 09:27
TechrightsBotTitle: Linux Mint 9 KDE (Isadora) Review | Desktop Linux Reviews .::. Size~: 102.42 KBAug 06 09:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Building a better netbook rational thing is to put #gnu #linux on itAug 06 09:29
TechrightsBotTitle: Building a better netbook - Computerworld .::. Size~: 79.51 KBAug 06 09:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Distraction-free writing on the #Linux desktop Does anyone use these? I find it necessary to look things up as I typeAug 06 09:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Ubuntu Musings» Blog Archive » Distraction-free writing on the Linux desktop .::. Size~: 23.92 KBAug 06 09:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Chasing Wikileaks - interesting comparison of Wikileaks with Napster #abundance #wikileaks #napsterAug 06 09:33
TechrightsBotTitle: News Desk: Chasing WikiLeaks : The New Yorker .::. Size~: 102.44 KBAug 06 09:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] US Apache slays journalists, rescuers (an example of what the Pentagon demands we destroy) 06 09:34
TechrightsBotTitle: Collateral Murder .::. Size~: 6.07 KBAug 06 09:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Facebook Picked Up Friendster's Patents For More Than It Cost To Buy Friendster - good point; daft situation #swpatsAug 06 09:35
TechrightsBotTitle: Facebook Picked Up Friendster's Patents For More Than It Cost To Buy Friendster | Techdirt .::. Size~: 21.19 KBAug 06 09:35
schestowitz "I write on an Emacs session running on a virtual desktop, by itself, with auto-hidden panels"Aug 06 09:37
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 8.98 KBAug 06 09:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @wikileaks US Apache slays journalists, rescuers (an example of what the Pentagon demands we destroy) 06 09:40
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: Aaarrrggghhh!!!)Aug 06 09:41
DaemonFC 06 09:44
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png; charset=UTF-8 type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 09:44
DaemonFCShiki-Fedora? :)Aug 06 09:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Google Wave code could live on in future open source projects - probably its best hope #wave #googleAug 06 09:45
TechrightsBotTitle: Google Wave code could live on in future open source projects .::. Size~: 97.77 KBAug 06 09:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] The triumph of document layout and the demise of Google Wave - interesting points #wave #pdf #tabletsAug 06 09:47
TechrightsBotTitle: Science in the Open  » Blog Archive   » The triumph of document layout and the demise of Google Wave .::. Size~: 45.8 KBAug 06 09:47
schestowitz "Not me. I'm full of multitasking :) But if you're a Stephen King that fights with the letters, it might be a great help."Aug 06 09:52
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 11.34 KBAug 06 09:52
schestowitzI usually use Kate and I need Firefox on the other monitor to fetch referencesAug 06 09:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Afghan War Diary now includes automatic acronym expansion. Help us compile a full list 06 09:54
TechrightsBotTitle: Diary Dig -- Afghan War Diaries explorer .::. Size~: 44.92 KBAug 06 09:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] @glynmoody a new trend? Talk opensource but collect patents protecting the underlying concepts? #risky #failAug 06 09:55
DaemonFC 06 09:55
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png; charset=UTF-8 type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 09:55
schestowitz 06 09:57
TechrightsBotTitle: Interview: Frederick Kaufman - Als Wall Street Menschen hungern ließ - Geld - .::. Size~: 71.49 KBAug 06 09:57
schestowitzDaemonFC: shimi fedora?Aug 06 09:58
DaemonFC 06 09:58
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png; charset=UTF-8 type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 09:58
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 09:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] @jwildeboer that would be bad...but I see this more as a defensive moveAug 06 09:58
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 09:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] I've favourited a YouTube video -- Jonathan Coulton Sings "Still Alive" 06 10:02
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *Jonathan Coulton Sings "Still Alive",&lrm; .::. Size~: 99.32 KBAug 06 10:02
DaemonFCOnce upon a time at the foot of a great mountain, there was a town where the people known as Happyfolk lived, their very existence a mystery to the rest of the world, obscured as it was by great clouds. Aug 06 10:05
DaemonFCB-)Aug 06 10:05
DaemonFCschestowitz, I have enough music in Ogg to start my own music storeAug 06 10:06
DaemonFCjust not the redistribution rightsAug 06 10:06
DaemonFC:PAug 06 10:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] How not to start your day: Lotus Notes just set its interface-rendering font to Papyrus. WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVENAug 06 10:08
DaemonFCschestowitz, You figure it would be safe to put a half a gallon of gasoline in a milk jug?Aug 06 10:10
*DaemonFC misplaced his gas canAug 06 10:10
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] Facebook Picked Up Friendster's Patents For More Than It Cost To Buy Friendster 06 10:10
TechrightsBotTitle: Facebook Picked Up Friendster's Patents For More Than It Cost To Buy Friendster | Techdirt .::. Size~: 21.19 KBAug 06 10:10
schestowitz 06 10:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft quashed IE privacy controls for the ad industry - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 46.21 KBAug 06 10:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Here's that Lotus Notes in Papyrus horror Like a corporation made of New Agers in pinstripe tie-dyeAug 06 10:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 10:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody re " @jwildeboer that would be bad...but I see this more as a defensive move" > until they collapse, e.g. Sun, Transmeta...Aug 06 10:24
schestowitz[10:10] <DaemonFC> schestowitz, You figure it would be safe to put a half a gallon of gasoline in a milk jug?Aug 06 10:24
schestowitzYes, the plastic should last depending on the milk cannisterAug 06 10:25
DaemonFCI only need it to store the gas long enough to get it back home and put it in the lawnmowerAug 06 10:25
DaemonFC:PAug 06 10:25
DaemonFCthe mower probably only has enough left to do less than half my yardAug 06 10:25
DaemonFC:PAug 06 10:25
DaemonFCwhich is suboptimalAug 06 10:26
DaemonFC:DAug 06 10:26
cubezzzmost gas containers are plastic, they used to be metalAug 06 10:26
DaemonFCyeah, metal ones are dangerousAug 06 10:26
DaemonFCstatic electricityAug 06 10:26
DaemonFCright?Aug 06 10:26
cubezzzsparks...Aug 06 10:26
DaemonFCthere's obviously a lot of stored energy in a gallon of gasAug 06 10:27
cubezzzI've owned a metal one since the 70's and never had a problem thoughAug 06 10:27
DaemonFCstatic electricity on a steel gas container could be a problemAug 06 10:27
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 10:27
schestowitzphotosynthesis+oxygen->rot->oilAug 06 10:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @davidgerard looks OKAug 06 10:27
cubezzzgas stations won't let me fill a metal one now Aug 06 10:27
DaemonFCyeah, it's illegal to put gas in a non approved containerAug 06 10:27
DaemonFCbut I doubt anyone will notice me doing itAug 06 10:28
DaemonFCfuck, people SMOKE next to the pumps in front of the policeAug 06 10:28
DaemonFCif they harass me over a non-approved container, I'll be shockedAug 06 10:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Free Access to US Research Papers Could Yield $1 Billion Benefits - giving stuff away makes economic sense #openaccessAug 06 10:28
TechrightsBotTitle: Free Access to U.S. Research Papers Could Yield $1 Billion in Benefits - ScienceInsider .::. Size~: 27.74 KBAug 06 10:28
schestowitzIt could be a BLASTAug 06 10:28
cubezzzwell...Aug 06 10:28
DaemonFCschestowitz, I used to work with a guy that smoked next to a forklift battery charging stationAug 06 10:29
cubezzzit's not like the movies where cars explode all the timeAug 06 10:29
DaemonFCI told him if I ever heard an explosion at least I'd know what happenedAug 06 10:29
DaemonFC:PAug 06 10:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] @schestowitz I think they'll be going for a while, of only because of network effectsAug 06 10:29
cubezzzyou could start a fire thoughAug 06 10:29
DaemonFCcubezzz, Those order picker lifts are fun to driveAug 06 10:30
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 10:30
DaemonFCI figured out how to override the governor and get it up to like 8 miles per hourAug 06 10:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody the swpats?Aug 06 10:30
DaemonFC:DAug 06 10:30
DaemonFCthe supervisors wondered how I was doing 180% of rateAug 06 10:30
DaemonFCI slowed it down while they were watching meAug 06 10:31
DaemonFCincentive pay you knowAug 06 10:31
schestowitzI dunnoAug 06 10:31
DaemonFCthey weren't happy that I was making an extra $100 a week and they couldn't figure out what I was doingAug 06 10:31
DaemonFCI figured out their order pulling system and started manually punching pallet numbers into the lift computerAug 06 10:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Extreme porn law on the ropes - time to junk this along with rest of the last decade's authoritarian legacies #law #ukAug 06 10:32
TechrightsBotTitle: Extreme porn law on the ropes • The Register .::. Size~: 26.82 KBAug 06 10:32
DaemonFCto take me several aisles down from the other pickersAug 06 10:32
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 10:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "This machine has no brain" [IMG] 06 10:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] @schestowitz I meant Facebook...Aug 06 10:33
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 10:33
schestowitz 06 10:33
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 10:33
DaemonFCthey'd do order pulls in "waves" and if you followed the way the computer handed them to you, you could end up with 2-3 pickets in an aisleAug 06 10:33
DaemonFCand waiting for someone to move out of your wayAug 06 10:33
DaemonFC*pickersAug 06 10:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody I deleted my account there. People join cause the 'network' (peers) pressures them toAug 06 10:34
DaemonFCthen on top of that I started doing two pulls at once without driving back to the front of the warehouseAug 06 10:35
DaemonFCthey liked how much work I got done they just didn't like paying me extra for itAug 06 10:35
cubezzzHDPE is suitable for temporary storage of gasolineAug 06 10:36
DaemonFCI can't operate in a system that I know doesn't make senseAug 06 10:36
DaemonFCI suspect its' why people dislike meAug 06 10:36
cubezzzhigh-density polyethyleneAug 06 10:36
cubezzzof course for car gas tanks, that's really more than short-term storageAug 06 10:37
DaemonFCI only need to store the gasoline for a 10 minute drive back homeAug 06 10:37
DaemonFC:PAug 06 10:38
DaemonFCa milk jug will probably do fineAug 06 10:38
schestowitz 06 10:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] @schestowitz indeed...a pressure it's hard for young people to resist, which is a problem...Aug 06 10:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] This post's wording irks me as trying to present #btrfs as though it's a 'Ubuntu thing' 06 10:38
TechrightsBotTitle: Ubuntu 10.10's New File System: btrfs | WorksWithU .::. Size~: 43.8 KBAug 06 10:38
DaemonFCyes, Canonical wrote btrfsAug 06 10:38
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 10:38
DaemonFCthey are an engineering organizationAug 06 10:38
DaemonFCwith talented developersAug 06 10:38
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 10:38
DaemonFCbtrfs is what you get when Canonical hired Chuck Norris and had him roundhouse kick Ext4Aug 06 10:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody FB is a massively multiplayer game (where the objective is marking as many objects as possible as "Friend"). Kids like games.Aug 06 10:40
schestowitzDaemonFC: Ubuntu just uses LinuxAug 06 10:42
schestowitzUsesAug 06 10:42
schestowitzNot developsAug 06 10:42
schestowitzAnd it uses the latest version, which has btrfsAug 06 10:42
DaemonFCrightAug 06 10:42
schestowitzThose wizards at Canonical are marvels of FS eng'Aug 06 10:42
schestowitzChris is from oracleAug 06 10:42
schestowitzMason IIRCAug 06 10:42
DaemonFCschestowitz, The Ubuntu kernel has has the btrfs module since Ubuntu 9.04 iircAug 06 10:43
DaemonFCjust no way to actually set it up from the installerAug 06 10:43
schestowitzOracle: let us lay out a framework for engineering btrfsAug 06 10:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Vista7, with $23820379273739373872732 spent on R&D (source: Microsoft Corp.), still cannot match #Linux performance. 06 10:43
TechrightsBotTitle: [Phoronix] Workstation Benchmarks: Windows 7 vs. Ubuntu Linux .::. Size~: 19.71 KBAug 06 10:43
schestowitzjono: we have btrfs now. it's freakin' awesome! :-)Aug 06 10:43
schestowitzDaemonFC: that's the other thing, btrfs is not new in UbuntuAug 06 10:44
schestowitzBut it comes from a fansiteAug 06 10:44
schestowitz"Working with Hugh" :-Aug 06 10:44
schestowitz 06 10:45
TechrightsBotTitle: [Phoronix] Workstation Benchmarks: Windows 7 vs. Ubuntu Linux .::. Size~: 19.14 KBAug 06 10:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Eben Moglen on Bilski, software patents, and big pharma - great analysis: "job of patent law was an 18th-century job"Aug 06 10:45
TechrightsBotTitle: The Prior Art: Eben Moglen on Bilski, software patents, and big pharma .::. Size~: 59.9 KBAug 06 10:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] @schestowitz trueAug 06 10:46
DaemonFCschestowitz, Pino is niceAug 06 10:47
DaemonFCcertainly more straightforward than that train wreck GwibberAug 06 10:48
schestowitzI mentioned it many times beforAug 06 10:48
schestowitz*reAug 06 10:48
schestowitzBut never used it thoughAug 06 10:48
schestowitzDaemonFC: kde has a widgetAug 06 10:50
schestowitzThey improve it feaure wiseAug 06 10:50
schestowitzAnd it's quite lightweightAug 06 10:50
schestowitz 06 10:51
TechrightsBotTitle: schestowitz and friends - .::. Size~: 63.07 KBAug 06 10:51
schestowitzkdemicroblogAug 06 10:51
schestowitzNoticesAug 06 10:51
schestowitz    19889 Aug 06 10:51
schestowitz111 more....Aug 06 10:51
DaemonFCschestowitz, at least GNOME has deprecated most of the really awful dependenciesAug 06 10:52
DaemonFCnotice how much more responsive it has gotten?Aug 06 10:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] - Some stuff in GNOME is now using Vala (Cheese)Aug 06 10:52
TechrightsBotTitle: [Phoronix] GNOME 2.31.6 Release Arrives GTK3-Free .::. Size~: 17.72 KBAug 06 10:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @motters "the vast majority of oil is gone" 06 10:53
TechrightsBotTitle:  Gulf oil spill: White House accused of spinning report | Environment | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 75.39 KBAug 06 10:53
DaemonFCschestowitz, I may try setting FreeBSD up on my older systemAug 06 10:54
DaemonFCthe Core 2 DuoAug 06 10:54
*handheldcar (~x@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 10:54
schestowitzOKAug 06 10:55
schestowitzIs that before or after you stock gasoline?Aug 06 10:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] 'Sales' that work in reverse [IMG] 06 10:56
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 10:56
DaemonFCafterAug 06 10:58
DaemonFC:PAug 06 10:58
DaemonFCwhy can't you log in?Aug 06 10:58
DaemonFCerrrAug 06 10:58
DaemonFCwrong window, dammitAug 06 10:58
schestowitzDaemonFC: 06 10:58
TechrightsBotTitle: [Phoronix] Fixed: The Linux Desktop Responsiveness Problem? .::. Size~: 17.81 KBAug 06 10:58
DaemonFCI haven't had responsiveness problems :PAug 06 10:59
oiaohmOkAug 06 11:01
oiaohmphoronix missing the big on.Aug 06 11:01
oiaohmon/oneAug 06 11:01
oiaohmThe vfs update soon will have a fairly large effect as well.  DaemonFCAug 06 11:02
oiaohm2.6.36 should be a speed kernel.  We have not had one of them in a while.Aug 06 11:02
cubezzz2.2 is pretty fastAug 06 11:04
schestowitzkde4 is faster than kde3 for meAug 06 11:04
schestowitzMore responsive for sureAug 06 11:04
schestowitz2gn ram, dual core, ext4Aug 06 11:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why sub-notebooks work better with #gnu #linux 06 11:04
TechrightsBotTitle: Linuxphilia: Techville: Wireless Windows Woes .::. Size~: 55.83 KBAug 06 11:04
TechrightsBotTitle: Jolicloud 1.0 Review (Ubuntu Based Netbook OS) ~ Web Upd8 .::. Size~: 70.74 KBAug 06 11:04
schestowitz*gbAug 06 11:04
TechrightsBotTitle:   Netbooks Escape Monopoly at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 25.08 KBAug 06 11:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] If honesty was the default mode of the Pentagon they wouldn't be in this situation 06 11:05
TechrightsBotTitle:  Pentagon increases pressure on WikiLeaks to return military files | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 69.02 KBAug 06 11:05
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 11:06
cubezzzlet's face it, KDE is a memory hogAug 06 11:07
cubezzzwithout a lot of ram it doesn't run wellAug 06 11:07
oiaohm1 GB of ram KDE starts running really well cubezzzAug 06 11:07
DaemonFCGNOME or KDE should have at least 1 GBAug 06 11:08
cubezzzthere you see :)Aug 06 11:08
*_Goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 11:08
cubezzzat _least_ 1 gig of ramAug 06 11:08
oiaohmBut the recent patch for 2.6.36 should allow lower.Aug 06 11:08
DaemonFCthey run very well with 2 GBAug 06 11:08
cubezzznone of my systems have 1 gig of ramAug 06 11:08
DaemonFCI have 8 GBAug 06 11:08
DaemonFCB-)Aug 06 11:08
oiaohmSince main reason for 1 GB was to avoid memory deallocations.Aug 06 11:08
cubezzzI've explored the other end of the memory spectrumAug 06 11:09
cubezzzjust to see what is possibleAug 06 11:09
MinceR115607 < schestowitz> kde4 is faster than kde3 for meAug 06 11:09
MinceRnot for meAug 06 11:09
MinceRexcept for Kompose, of courseAug 06 11:10
DaemonFCKDE 3 runs well in the 256-512 MB rangeAug 06 11:10
DaemonFCKDE 4 sure doesn'tAug 06 11:10
cubezzzyesAug 06 11:10
cubezzzthat's what I foundAug 06 11:10
cubezzzalthough 256 meg is pushing itAug 06 11:10
DaemonFCyeahAug 06 11:10
oiaohmKDE 4 memory requirements have reduced a little as it grew up.Aug 06 11:10
DaemonFC512 MB is optimal for KDE 3Aug 06 11:10
DaemonFC2 GB is optimal for KDE 4Aug 06 11:10
DaemonFC:PAug 06 11:10
oiaohmKDE 3 insane will work 64Aug 06 11:11
cubezzzwow, only a 4x increaseAug 06 11:11
oiaohmYes 64 megsAug 06 11:11
DaemonFCCrunchbang with OpenBox can work in 32 MBAug 06 11:12
oiaohmI have not found 2 GB need for KDE 4.4 and latter DaemonFCAug 06 11:12
DaemonFC128 MB with XFCEAug 06 11:12
cubezzzI wonder if any modern BSD could run in 16 megs of ramAug 06 11:12
cubezzzprobably not eh?Aug 06 11:13
oiaohm1 GB is fine for the KDE 4.4 and up.Aug 06 11:13
oiaohmKDE 4.0 was a bit of a memory hog.Aug 06 11:13
oiaohmMostly because it was leaking.Aug 06 11:13
DaemonFCcubezzz, NetBSD could give you console onlyAug 06 11:13
DaemonFCin 16 MBAug 06 11:13
oiaohmOk what the.Aug 06 11:13
oiaohmtinyLinux can give a console only at under 10 MB used DaemonFCAug 06 11:14
oiaohmAnd that is a 2.6 kernel.Aug 06 11:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] One in ten Mozilla bug finders turn down bounty - heart-warming stuff #mozilla #bugs #altruismAug 06 11:14
TechrightsBotTitle: One in ten Mozilla bug finders turn down bounty - .::. Size~: 51.62 KBAug 06 11:14
DaemonFC 06 11:17
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 11:17
DaemonFCNetBSD in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!!!Aug 06 11:17
DaemonFCheheAug 06 11:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Notes Papyrus solution: Notes being dogshit, it uses whatever font you last installed (not the system fonts like it claims). Remove font :-DAug 06 11:18
DaemonFC 06 11:18
TechrightsBotTitle: How to jailbreak an Apple Time Capsule?  - Super User .::. Size~: 30.56 KBAug 06 11:18
DaemonFCApple's Time Capsule runs NetBSDAug 06 11:18
oiaohmcubezzz:  I guess lot of things you are working with are single core.Aug 06 11:18
oiaohmSo will not gain from the upcoming changes much.Aug 06 11:18
DaemonFChmmm, DragonflyBSD supports X86-64 since September of last yearAug 06 11:20
oiaohmSorry I got name wrong tiny core LinuxAug 06 11:20
oiaohmInside 10 Meg it even manages to get a simple X11 server up DaemonFCAug 06 11:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] "If you read it out loud, milk will actually crawl back up your nose." 06 11:23
TechrightsBotTitle: If 'Family Circus' Didn't Suck | .::. Size~: 49.79 KBAug 06 11:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] Oscar Winner Sues BBC & CBS For Copyright Infringement Of His Photo 06 11:28
TechrightsBotTitle: Oscar Winner Sues BBC & CBS For Copyright Infringement Of His Photo | Techdirt .::. Size~: 21.44 KBAug 06 11:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] It appears as though FraudStreet is being gamed by bots 06 11:29
TechrightsBotTitle: The Sorcerer's Apprentice, but with money: another look at HFT .::. Size~: 31.41 KBAug 06 11:29
TechrightsBotTitle: HFT: The High Frequency Trading Scam -- Seeking Alpha .::. Size~: 77.83 KBAug 06 11:29
cubezzzthis is a dual 550 slot 1 :)Aug 06 11:30
*handheldcar (~x@ has left #boycottnovellAug 06 11:30
schestowitz "a web browser on an alternate (virtual or not) desktop always comes handy, indeed"Aug 06 11:33
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 13.49 KBAug 06 11:33
DaemonFCOS X Server is $500?Aug 06 11:34
DaemonFCbwahahahahaaaaaaa!!!Aug 06 11:34
*DaemonFC slaps his knee a few timesAug 06 11:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Why I am sending SchoolOS ISO image and not DVD #udit 06 11:35
TechrightsBotTitle:         Why I am sending SchoolOS ISO image and not DVD #udit - LUG@IITD Community Blog     .::. Size~: 27.81 KBAug 06 11:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Peer Participation & Software - free d/l: "whether Mozilla's approach can be transferred to gov" (via @remixtures)Aug 06 11:47
TechrightsBotTitle: Peer Participation and Software - The MIT Press .::. Size~: 15.98 KBAug 06 11:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] RT @Glinner They should be done for #twitterjoketrial RT @michaelsdavies: Is it possible to charge the CPS with wasting their own time?>>yupAug 06 11:53
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 06 11:55
_GoblinRoy, in answer to your email....I don't think there will be much open at that time....if you want to stay here I'll get you to the airport the following day.....I'll get the wife to make a decent pie....Aug 06 11:56
schestowitz "I know Cory Doctrow uses gedit, he had an article about distraction and writing. "Aug 06 11:56
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 14.51 KBAug 06 11:56
TechrightsBotTitle: Locus Online Features: Cory Doctorow: Writing in the Age of Distraction .::. Size~: 136.99 KBAug 06 11:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] I've favourited a YouTube video -- Climate Denial Crock of the Week - Heatwave Edition ... 06 12:05
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *Climate Denial Crock of the Week - Heatwave Edition Part 2,&lrm; .::. Size~: 110.03 KBAug 06 12:05
*ender2070 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 06 12:06
_Goblin 06 12:07
TechrightsBotTitle: SDMS-768.avi.009 .::. Size~: 102.94 KBAug 06 12:07
_Goblinwhat the hell is this?Aug 06 12:07
_Goblinits just been DM'd to me...Aug 06 12:07
_Goblinah..."There is no such nick mstbr"...a joke?Aug 06 12:10
_Goblinroy, u here?Aug 06 12:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Just finished constructing a slide in the back garden. Great stuff!Aug 06 12:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] the fruits of the last two hours of work.Aug 06 12:19
TechrightsBotTitle:  .::. Size~: 23.63 KBAug 06 12:19
_Goblinschestowitz: I'll email you RE: Visit.Aug 06 12:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Links 6/8/2010: #GNU #Linux Still in Sub-notebooks, Oracle's Eclipse Plug-in #techrightsAug 06 12:27
TechrightsBotTitle: Links 6/8/2010: GNU/Linux Still in Sub-notebooks, Oracles Eclipse Plug-in | Techrights .::. Size~: 128.02 KBAug 06 12:27
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Links 6/8/2010: !GNU !Linux Still in Sub-notebooks, Oracle's Eclipse Plug-in !techrightsAug 06 12:27
TechrightsBotTitle: Links 6/8/2010: GNU/Linux Still in Sub-notebooks, Oracles Eclipse Plug-in | Techrights .::. Size~: 128.02 KBAug 06 12:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Right, what to do.....slide contructed.....probably a little DIY...Aug 06 12:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] No, scrub that...the wife is wanting me to paint....Aug 06 12:30
_GoblinTypical...I come back to the BN roon...I take friday off work and since nobody is chatting Ive got no excuse to give the wife and get out of household tasks...Aug 06 12:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] 6 August 1991: first mention of World Wide Web on Usenet- how time flies (via @polkaspots) #timbl #web #usenetAug 06 12:40
TechrightsBotTitle:   Qualifiers on Hypertext links... -  alt.hypertext | Google Groups   .::. Size~: 21.37 KBAug 06 12:40
_GoblinI keep getting DM'd by different users and I think that they think they know me.... I'll change nicks (to my old one) for a while....Aug 06 12:41
*_Goblin is now known as GoblinRFDAug 06 12:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] to start my chores.....Aug 06 12:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Reading the zip codes of 3,500-year-old letters - non-destructive testing: clever #tablets #ancienthistoryAug 06 12:49
TechrightsBotTitle: Reading the zip codes of 3,500-year-old letters .::. Size~: 39.67 KBAug 06 12:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] What you need the next time you’re talking to a doubter: Skeptical Science’s Android or iPhone app - clever ideaAug 06 12:56
TechrightsBotTitle: What you need the next time youre talking to a doubter:  Skeptical Sciences Android or iPhone app «  Climate Progress .::. Size~: 48.76 KBAug 06 12:56
oiaohm  Nice at long last formually on way.Aug 06 12:59
TechrightsBotTitle: [Phoronix] The X.Org Multi-Touch Protocol Specification Is Drafted .::. Size~: 17.24 KBAug 06 12:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Florian Müller Unofficially Joins Microsoft's 'Team Apologista' #swpats #microsoft #mono #patentsAug 06 13:16
TechrightsBotTitle: Florian Müller Unofficially Joins Microsofts Team Apologista | Techrights .::. Size~: 87.55 KBAug 06 13:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Eye on Security: Microsoft Windows Emergency Patch, Botnets Grab Data, Malware Scam Analysis 06 13:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Eye on Security: Microsoft Windows Emergency Patch, Botnets Grab Data, Malware Scam Analysis | Techrights .::. Size~: 83.27 KBAug 06 13:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] RT @StopActaNow El Instituto Medieval de La Propiedad Industrial ya esta en Twitter @Siga_IMPI #STOP #ACTA #FueraAmigo >>witty and aptAug 06 13:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] Pentagon Demands Wikileaks 'Returns' Leaked Documents; Does It Not Know How Digital Documents Work? 06 13:27
TechrightsBotTitle: Pentagon Demands Wikileaks 'Returns' Leaked Documents; Does It Not Know How Digital Documents Work? | Techdirt .::. Size~: 27.81 KBAug 06 13:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] ♺ @schestowitz: Florian Müller Unofficially Joins Microsoft's 'Team Apologista' #swpats #microsoft #mono #patentsAug 06 13:30
TechrightsBotTitle: Florian Müller Unofficially Joins Microsofts Team Apologista | Techrights .::. Size~: 88.8 KBAug 06 13:30
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Aug 06 13:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Bilski Interpretation From #Patent Lawyers #swpats #fsf #ebenmoglen #sflcAug 06 13:54
TechrightsBotTitle: Bilski Interpretation From Patent Lawyers | Techrights .::. Size~: 85.37 KBAug 06 13:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[mgeist] RT @stephenfgordon: What's w/census free ride? Statscan earns $100m/yr selling access to data. Access free in US. /via @daeavesAug 06 14:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Questioning the Future of the Open Student - seems a little negative, but raises important points #oer #ocw #educationAug 06 14:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Questioning the Future of the Open Student  (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE .::. Size~: 43.33 KBAug 06 14:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Software Patents Lobbyists Disguised as 'Open Source' Friends/Companies #SAP #google #swpats #ffiiAug 06 14:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Extraordinary map interface to Afghan War Diary by Danish Newspaper 06 14:27
TechrightsBotTitle: Software Patents Lobbyists Disguised as Open Source Friends/Companies | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.61 KBAug 06 14:27
TechrightsBotTitle: Ekstra Bladet - Warlogs .::. Size~: 106.35 KBAug 06 14:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] New Zealand Government Open Access and Licensing framework - useful moves #openaccess #nzAug 06 14:28
TechrightsBotTitle: Open Knowledge Foundation Blog  » Blog Archive   » New Zealand Government Open Access and Licensing framework .::. Size~: 34.01 KBAug 06 14:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] To Share or Not to Share: Is That the Question? - towards the open digital faculty #sharing #educationAug 06 14:30
TechrightsBotTitle: To Share or Not to Share: Is That the Question?  (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE .::. Size~: 41.62 KBAug 06 14:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[mgeist] My Hill Times op-ed on how fears about fair dealing reform in Bill C-32 are greatly exaggerated. 06 14:38
*Ziodotmatrix ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 14:58
*Ziodotmatrix ( has left #boycottnovellAug 06 15:02
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[ender2070/@ender2070] Eric Schmidt knows there is no such thing as privacy, thats why he said what he did months ago - 06 15:02
TechrightsBotTitle: No anonymity on future web says Google CEO | .::. Size~: 32.12 KBAug 06 15:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] Shocker: FCC Says Closed Door Meetings Failed In Creating Transparency 06 15:05
TechrightsBotTitle: Shocker: FCC Says Closed Door Meetings Failed In Creating Transparency | Techdirt .::. Size~: 25.51 KBAug 06 15:05
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 15:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #IntellectualVentures Revisited as #Facebook is Hoarding Patents; #Apple Patents Other People's Ideas/Implementations 06 15:10
TechrightsBotTitle: Intellectual Ventures Revisited as Facebook is Hoarding Patents; Apple Patents Other Peoples Ideas/Implementations | Techrights .::. Size~: 91.76 KBAug 06 15:10
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @ender2070 I was right about [Google's] Eric, his previous statement was based on the fact that there is no privacy on the internetAug 06 15:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @thistleweb If honesty was the default mode of the Pentagon they wouldn't be in this situation 06 15:15
TechrightsBotTitle:  Pentagon increases pressure on WikiLeaks to return military files | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 69.08 KBAug 06 15:15
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 15:16
sebsebseb Aug 06 15:16
schestowitz Aug 06 15:19
sebsebsebschestowitz:  Aug 06 15:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] "The boot must be kept on the throat of extremism." NYTimes OP ED irony fail. 06 15:23
TechrightsBotTitle: The New York Times > Log In .::. Size~: 9.01 KBAug 06 15:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] WikiLeaks comic from Bors 06 15:26
TechrightsBotTitle: new strip .::. Size~: 7.54 KBAug 06 15:26
*Chips_B_Malroy ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 15:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @glynmoody 6 August 1991: first mention of World Wide Web on Usenet- how time flies (via @polkaspots)Aug 06 15:28
TechrightsBotTitle:   Qualifiers on Hypertext links... -  alt.hypertext | Google Groups   .::. Size~: 21.37 KBAug 06 15:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @_goblin you've let work *slide*Aug 06 15:29
Chips_B_Malroy 06 15:30
Chips_B_Malroy"n October 2006, security researcher H.D. Moore discovered a serious problem with the way applications running on Windows display rich text content.Aug 06 15:30
TechrightsBotTitle: Forcing vendors to fix bugs under deadline | InSecurity Complex - CNET News .::. Size~: 150.09 KBAug 06 15:30
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 15:30
Chips_B_Malroy"He reported the vulnerability to Microsoft and nearly four years later it's still not fixed, despite the fact that it could be exploited to run malicious code on a PC and take control of it  Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. According to the Zero Day Initiative, which serves as a broker between security researchers who find flaws and software companies who need to fix them, there are 122 outstanding Aug 06 15:31
Chips_B_Malroyvulnerabilities that have been reported to vendors and which have not been patched yet. ".Aug 06 15:31
Chips_B_Malroy;jsessionid=XCUQ2LO25AZLLQE1GHOSKH4ATMY32JVN  ""Rumours suggest that Microsoft is dropping or at least shelving its graphical tool code-named Quadrant. "Aug 06 15:32
TechrightsBotTitle: Dr Dobbs - Quadrant Is Not Magic For Microsoft .::. Size~: 69.56 KBAug 06 15:32
Chips_B_Malroy  "Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) shares closed the day at $25.37, which means they are now just 10.41% away from its 52-week low, is this finally the bottom for MSFT? "Aug 06 15:33
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft Shares 10% within 52-week Low | .::. Size~: 38.61 KBAug 06 15:33
Chips_B_Malroy  "The US economy shed another 131,000 jobs in July, the second month in a row that jobs have been lost, the Labor Department has said.  Despite the overall fall in job numbers, the unemployment rate was unchanged at 9.5%"Aug 06 15:33
TechrightsBotTitle: BBC News - US sees 131,000 jobs lost in July .::. Size~: 49.46 KBAug 06 15:33
Chips_B_MalroyWhich means, that many unemployed, are long enough termed, that they are off unemployment benefits now, and are not termed seeking employment or whatever the term is.  Its not a true unemployment rate by any means, only those who are still eligble to draw unemployment benefits.Aug 06 15:34
DaemonFC 06 15:34
TechrightsBotTitle: daemonfc on .::. Size~: 132.96 KBAug 06 15:34
DaemonFCheheAug 06 15:34
*Murloc (4faf4248@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 15:36
Chips_B_MalroyThe unemployment rate figures given by the United States are actually vastly understated,   It a figure that only gives those who actually recieve the benefits themselves.  Not those who are unemployed.  Since a person could only recieve these benefits for a limited amount of time, the figure the government gives, would never go up very hign.Aug 06 15:37
Chips_B_MalroyHi Roy, hope maybe there is something in that mess you can use.Aug 06 15:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[sjvn] Headaches Abound with Mobile-in-the-Cloud by @bakercom1 #mobile #cloudAug 06 15:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Fidel Castro on WikiLeaks 06 15:40
TechrightsBotTitle: Emplazamiento al Presidente de Estados Unidos | Cubadebate .::. Size~: 241.71 KBAug 06 15:40
schestowitzhi, Chips_B_MalroyAug 06 15:40
Chips_B_MalroyPlus, if you quite your job, or are fired for various reasons, or do not have enough working credits (years) you may not be eligable for unemployment benefits too.  Part time employees that lost their jobs would not be eligiable either.Aug 06 15:41
Chips_B_MalroyMorningAug 06 15:41
Chips_B_Malroywell, at least here it isAug 06 15:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Wikileaks Cartoon 06 15:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[sjvn] Font Conference Adventures! 06 15:42
TechrightsBotTitle: new strip .::. Size~: 7.54 KBAug 06 15:42
TechrightsBotTitle: Font Conference - CollegeHumor video .::. Size~: 50.25 KBAug 06 15:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[mgeist] Access to Knowledge in Africa: The Role of Copyright - my colleague @jdebeer & others w/CC-licensed book. 06 15:43
TechrightsBotTitle: Access to Knowledge in Africa: The Role of Copyright .::. Size~: 10.77 KBAug 06 15:43
Chips_B_Malroy*quit   I see my misspelling and typo's nowAug 06 15:43
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: good find from Mills. I wrote about the Quadrant newsAug 06 15:44
MurlocGood afternoon people.Aug 06 15:44
Chips_B_MalroyWell Roy, thats all I have, for now, saved from late last night.Aug 06 15:44
schestowitz"The US economy shed another 131,000 jobs [...] the unemployment rate was unchanged at 9.5%Aug 06 15:45
schestowitzSo they gave birth to like millions of babies in a month :=_Aug 06 15:45
Chips_B_MalroyQuandrant is only interesting to me as another MS project on the cutting block.  As in heads must roll (layoffs to follow)Aug 06 15:46
Chips_B_MalroyBallmer has discovered the fine art of beancounting to prop up bad quarters by laying off employees and cutting projects, making the next quarter results seem better.Aug 06 15:47
schestowitz"Slower growth"Aug 06 15:48
schestowitzHeheAug 06 15:48
schestowitzTalk about euphemismAug 06 15:48
Chips_B_MalroySo Ballmer's newest trick is not being forgotten, and lots more MS jobs are at risk.Aug 06 15:48
schestowitz"High unemployment is undermining the US recovery"Aug 06 15:48
schestowitzRecovery...Aug 06 15:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Only in America can over 100,000 lose their job and unemployment % said to be "unchaged" #statsAug 06 15:48
TechrightsBotTitle: BBC News - US sees 131,000 jobs lost in July .::. Size~: 49.44 KBAug 06 15:48
schestowitz"Growth"Aug 06 15:48
Chips_B_MalroyThere cannot be a recovery, if people do not have jobs or money to spendAug 06 15:49
schestowitzI know.Aug 06 15:49
schestowitzBut the MSBBC stays optimisticAug 06 15:49
schestowitzBash WikileaksAug 06 15:49
schestowitzAnd tell people everything is OKAug 06 15:49
schestowitzUnless it's the terror~1Aug 06 15:49
schestowitzThat keeps them giving their liberties awayAug 06 15:49
DaemonFCWe demand that you return those documents that everyone in the world now has a copy ofAug 06 15:49
Chips_B_MalroyWhen you can bail out the banks, but cannot spare money for those without any income, you have failed as a sociaty.Aug 06 15:49
DaemonFCdemandAug 06 15:50
DaemonFCrequestAug 06 15:50
DaemonFCrequest Aug 06 15:50
DaemonFCdemandAug 06 15:50
schestowitz"Oh, WELL... if it's to protect me from the terror~1, then.."Aug 06 15:50
DaemonFCwe're outraged!Aug 06 15:50
DaemonFCbut we can't fucking do anything about itAug 06 15:50
DaemonFCso we'll bitchAug 06 15:50
DaemonFCthen we'll make some more requestsAug 06 15:50
DaemonFCerrr, demandsAug 06 15:50
Chips_B_MalroyThe safetly net has a big hole in it.Aug 06 15:50
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: 06 15:51
TechrightsBotTitle: daemonfc on .::. Size~: 132.69 KBAug 06 15:51
schestowitzryan embarrasses himselfAug 06 15:51
DaemonFCwho is watching me?Aug 06 15:51
schestowitz[15:37] <Chips_B_Malroy> The unemployment rate figures given by the United States are actually vastly understated,   It a figure that only gives those who actually recieve the benefits themselves.  Not those who are unemployed.  Since a person could only recieve these benefits for a limited amount of time, the figure the government gives, would never go up very hign.Aug 06 15:52
schestowitzThey can't go highAug 06 15:52
schestowitzIt demoralisesAug 06 15:52
schestowitzDaemonFC: it's like a gay version of MJAug 06 15:52
DaemonFCembarrass myselfAug 06 15:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] New Zealand Lawyers Suggest Full Internet Ban For Repeat Infringers 06 15:53
TechrightsBotTitle: New Zealand Lawyers Suggest Full Internet Ban For Repeat Infringers | Techdirt .::. Size~: 20.41 KBAug 06 15:53
schestowitzDaemonFC: put Gorillaz onAug 06 15:54
schestowitzRmours about him being gayAug 06 15:54
schestowitzHe's just confused all around, I reckonAug 06 15:54
schestowitzNoAug 06 15:54
schestowitzMichael didn't turn his skin whiteAug 06 15:55
schestowitzHe has a skin conditionAug 06 15:55
schestowitzSee his siblings tooAug 06 15:55
Chips_B_MalroyThe figures can't go high, because it shows the failure of the government to actually do anything for its citizens.  The banks (rich) they were fast to help.Aug 06 15:55
Chips_B_MalroyThe true nature of our government would be exposed for all to see.Aug 06 15:55
schestowitzAT least you have oneAug 06 15:56
schestowitzSOme people there live in tentsAug 06 15:56
Chips_B_Malroyyes, I have seen thoseAug 06 15:56
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Aug 06 15:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Morning all! How are we doing?Aug 06 15:57
schestowitzDaemonFC: Probably those who piss in public won't have that done to themAug 06 15:58
schestowitzUnless you learn from FAUXAug 06 15:58
Chips_B_MalroyRoy>  I don't know about MJ, but many more people than you would think, use bleach on their skin to appear white.  Especially some orientals.Aug 06 15:58
Chips_B_Malroywhich can cause all kinds of health problemsAug 06 15:58
schestowitzThere is no common senseAug 06 15:59
schestowitzIt means adhering to some localised normAug 06 15:59
schestowitzIn Iran it's common sense to hit a women who does not obeyAug 06 15:59
schestowitzDaemonFC: you lack context hereAug 06 15:59
schestowitzType it down.Aug 06 15:59
schestowitzTake medicine thenAug 06 16:02
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: sorry, DaemonFC is talking to me in videoAug 06 16:03
schestowitzAnd it ruins IRCAug 06 16:03
schestowitzDaemonFC: write it downAug 06 16:03
schestowitzor whatever... 06 16:03
TechrightsBotTitle: daemonfc on .::. Size~: 133.33 KBAug 06 16:03
DaemonFCwriting it down introduces laaaaaaaagAug 06 16:03
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: yeahAug 06 16:03
schestowitzI think he hastened the whiteningAug 06 16:03
schestowitzBut I once read he did have a natural condition, not verified thoughAug 06 16:04
schestowitzAnd I don't careAug 06 16:04
schestowitzIt's celeb stuff, it's irrelevant except for pop cultureAug 06 16:04
DaemonFChe paid a doctor for drugs ZOMG!!!!!Aug 06 16:04
DaemonFChe's the only one that's ever done that!Aug 06 16:04
DaemonFCthe pharma cartel encourages people to do exactly thatAug 06 16:05
DaemonFCwe'll tell you how to self diagnoseAug 06 16:05
DaemonFCyou go tell the doctor to give you what we told youAug 06 16:05
DaemonFCif he won't, find one that willAug 06 16:05
DaemonFCprofitAug 06 16:05
schestowitzYeah, old type of newsAug 06 16:06
schestowitzAbout v1agraAug 06 16:07
schestowitz[15:55] <Chips_B_Malroy> The figures can't go high, because it shows the failure of the government to actually do anything for its citizens.  The banks (rich) they were fast to help.Aug 06 16:07
schestowitzDid you see the bot fiasco?Aug 06 16:07
schestowitzIt's a lot of that...Aug 06 16:07
schestowitzCovered in an increasing # of placesAug 06 16:07
schestowitzYeahAug 06 16:08
schestowitzThey put the drug brand out thereAug 06 16:08
schestowitzEven if you don't click on itAug 06 16:08
schestowitzI've had this theory that all that 'medicine' spam raises brand awarenessAug 06 16:08
schestowitzAns by students, DaemonFCAug 06 16:09
schestowitzThey pay with their timeAug 06 16:09
schestowitzANd the patents goes to big pharmaAug 06 16:09
schestowitz /ans/and/Aug 06 16:09
schestowitzDaemonFC: But he lives in FloridaAug 06 16:10
schestowitzLike your grandmaAug 06 16:10
schestowitzDaemonFC: type hereAug 06 16:10
schestowitzDon't tell me via videoAug 06 16:10
schestowitzIt's not of value to IRCAug 06 16:10
DaemonFCwho lives in Florida?Aug 06 16:10
schestowitzFlorida has v1agra hoardersAug 06 16:11
schestowitz 06 16:11
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 16:11
schestowitz 06 16:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Oakland Tribune (AP) Online .::. Size~: 83.27 KBAug 06 16:12
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: I'll paste some noooesAug 06 16:12
schestowitzDaemonFC: They were in the US before youAug 06 16:12
schestowitzNoAug 06 16:12
schestowitzSpaniardsAug 06 16:12
Chips_B_MalroyRoy> ok then, I am off for awhile on various tasks today, car repairs.  See you all later.Aug 06 16:13
schestowitz 06 16:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Oakland Tribune (AP) Online .::. Size~: 66.68 KBAug 06 16:13
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: OKAug 06 16:13
*Chips_B_Malroy has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 06 16:13
schestowitz 06 16:14
TechrightsBotTitle: The New York Times > Log In .::. Size~: 9.14 KBAug 06 16:14
schestowitzDaemonFC: still doAug 06 16:14
schestowitzChinaAug 06 16:15
schestowitz+Taiwan+Korea..Aug 06 16:15
schestowitz 06 16:15
TechrightsBotTitle: Medicare fund will last extra 12 years - maybe .::. Size~: 88.99 KBAug 06 16:15
schestowitzDaemonFC: yes, BO was normalAug 06 16:17
schestowitz 06 16:18
TechrightsBotTitle: Fannie Mae's second-quarter loss smallest since government seized housing firm .::. Size~: 87.03 KBAug 06 16:18
schestowitzDaemonFC: FeechureAug 06 16:18
schestowitzDaemonFC: it's like ISP capsAug 06 16:19
schestowitzThey assume people won't use it upAug 06 16:19
schestowitzSame with banksAug 06 16:19
schestowitzDaemonFC: they give loansAug 06 16:19
schestowitzIt works OKAug 06 16:19
schestowitzAs long as not all people withdraw all money at the same timeAug 06 16:19
schestowitzThey don't have a piled of cash at the bank backing your savingsAug 06 16:20
schestowitz"All you can eat"=infinity?Aug 06 16:20
schestowitzBe sure to bring s far b****rd to an all you can eat bufferAug 06 16:21
schestowitz*buffetAug 06 16:21
schestowitzMight work for one dayAug 06 16:21
schestowitza weekAug 06 16:21
schestowitzDo it for a while he'd get staresAug 06 16:21
schestowitzAnd somehow pushed outAug 06 16:21
schestowitzDaemonFC: yesAug 06 16:22
schestowitzMinimal ordersAug 06 16:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[sjvn] Digg, dug, buried: Linux Are Microsoft fans burying #Linux on #Digg & other social bookmark sites? Yes.Aug 06 16:22
TechrightsBotTitle: Digg, dug, buried: Linux - Computerworld Blogs .::. Size~: 56.77 KBAug 06 16:22
schestowitzLike sitting with someone for 2 hours at a coffee shop with just a drinkAug 06 16:22
schestowitzThey can tolerate this for a while, not for longAug 06 16:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[einfeldt] .@sjvn I wonder how mnay of those Microsoft "fans" r employees of MSFT's PR acencies? 06 16:25
TechrightsBotTitle: Digg, dug, buried: Linux - Computerworld Blogs .::. Size~: 56.77 KBAug 06 16:25
schestowitzDaemonFC: it's more about symbol oif weathAug 06 16:28
schestowitzNot statusAug 06 16:28
schestowitzApple sells a status symbolAug 06 16:28
schestowitzDaemonFC: type it downAug 06 16:28
schestowitzDaemonFC: Vista too is "Cancer" on VistaAug 06 16:29
schestowitzDaemonFC: type it, damn itAug 06 16:29
schestowitzNobody knows what I reply toAug 06 16:29
DaemonFCApple Software on Windows is badAug 06 16:30
DaemonFCbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadAug 06 16:30
DaemonFChorribleAug 06 16:30
DaemonFCawfulAug 06 16:30
DaemonFCfor some reason, iTunes liked to make folders that you  couldn't delete from Windows ExplorerAug 06 16:30
DaemonFCat least the version I used didAug 06 16:30
schestowitzUse another file manager thenAug 06 16:31
DaemonFCand I ended up having to invoke an administrator command promptAug 06 16:31
DaemonFCand asking it what the DOS 8.3 name for the folders and files wereAug 06 16:31
DaemonFCand then telling it to delete THOSEAug 06 16:31
DaemonFCon Windows VistaAug 06 16:31
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 16:31
schestowitzWINOAug 06 16:31
schestowitz 06 16:32
TechrightsBotTitle:  Microsoft and Settle Patent Infringement Cases, Reach Patent Agreement -- REDMOND, Wash., Aug. 4 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- .::. Size~: 49.21 KBAug 06 16:32
schestowitz"Novell Inc., HOYA CORPORATION PENTAX Imaging Systems Division, Pioneer Corp., Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. and Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd."Aug 06 16:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[sjvn] 'The Secret to LinuxCon's success: Why LinuxCon Won't Implode Like LinuxWorld Me: We can hope. #LinuxAug 06 16:33
TechrightsBotTitle: The Secret to LinuxCon's Success | ITworld .::. Size~: 82.48 KBAug 06 16:33
schestowitzewww//Aug 06 16:34
schestowitzwhy back up system files?Aug 06 16:34
schestowitzthe settings are in homedir in LinuxAug 06 16:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] Going to Inception soonish. After having installed Red Hat Satellite, RHEV, Win2008, AD, PXEboot env with Cobbler, etherpad I guess its OK.Aug 06 16:37
schestowitzDaemonFC: yes, I use tarAug 06 16:38
schestowitzI then divide into 1GB volumesAug 06 16:38
schestowitzAnd put on two external media devicesAug 06 16:38
schestowitz20MB/sec via USBAug 06 16:38
schestowitzDaemonFC: you need to type hereAug 06 16:38
schestowitzI can't reply to you on/in videoAug 06 16:39
DaemonFCOK, Windows does not have any true drive imaging softwareAug 06 16:39
DaemonFCit cannot be doneAug 06 16:39
DaemonFCand part of that is the anti-piracy crap no doubtAug 06 16:39
schestowitzwatch how the Microsoft shills ruined Digg: 06 16:39
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 16:39
schestowitz"Engagement"Aug 06 16:40
schestowitzWith the "community'Aug 06 16:40
schestowitzHicks on PR was on spot in some senseAug 06 16:40
schestowitzDaemonFC: no, they don'tAug 06 16:41
schestowitzDaemonFC: they always hire PR agenciesAug 06 16:41
schestowitzThen they can blame the "bad company"Aug 06 16:41
schestowitzDaemonFC: people don't know who the PR company works forAug 06 16:42
schestowitzUnless they dig deeperAug 06 16:42
schestowitzAnd still, the PR damage is done to said company, not the paymasterAug 06 16:42
schestowitz 06 16:43
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft has the Lowest Relative Performance in the Systems Software Industry (MSFT, FIRE, WBSN, NOVL, MFE) | Comtex SmarTrend .::. Size~: 23.13 KBAug 06 16:43
schestowitzDaemonFC: Compat' is not just a WIndows issueAug 06 16:44
schestowitzMATLAB tooAug 06 16:44
schestowitzor P/LsAug 06 16:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] @schestowitz lol..... it was one of the hardest DIY kits I've tried.Aug 06 16:46
schestowitz"@schestowitz well it's not just on ubuntu, it's on a lot of "ubuntu clones" (distros) as @markshuttlecock calls them :)" 06 16:47
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.22 KBAug 06 16:47
schestowitz"Is !Ubuntu becoming more of a pain to set up than Windows? " Bruce Cowan (@bruce89) just added your notice from Thursday, 05-Aug-10 23:49:59 BST as one of their favorites.Aug 06 16:48
TechrightsBotTitle: Is Ubuntu becoming more of a pain to set up than Windows? « Ryans Blog .::. Size~: 82.72 KBAug 06 16:48
schestowitzDaemonFC: lots of people redent your post Aug 06 16:48
schestowitzDaemonFC: same with .DOCAug 06 16:49
*Murloc has quit (Quit: Page closed)Aug 06 16:49
schestowitzMicrosoft says stop using it for "Security"Aug 06 16:49
schestowitzBut anyway, you need to typeAug 06 16:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft has the Lowest Relative Performance in the Systems Software Industry Keep Ballmer in....Aug 06 16:51
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft has the Lowest Relative Performance in the Systems Software Industry (MSFT, FIRE, WBSN, NOVL, MFE) | Comtex SmarTrend .::. Size~: 23.13 KBAug 06 16:51
DaemonFCI've never really liked Firefox as much as Mozilla Application SuiteAug 06 16:52
DaemonFCtossing the web page editor, the email client/newsreader, the IRC client, etc. to save 2 MB on the setup file is just insaneAug 06 16:53
DaemonFCthey should have worked on improving the browser, not ditching 90% of the features to reduce the application size by 5%Aug 06 16:53
schestowitzFirefox can be lgihtAug 06 16:53
schestowitzUse fewer pluginsAug 06 16:54
DaemonFCI use Firefox because a lot of the extensions don't work right in Seamonkey anymoreAug 06 16:54
schestowitz 06 16:54
DaemonFCbut Seamonkey overall is a better applicationAug 06 16:54
schestowitzMoney boys promoted in the same ol' placeAug 06 16:54
TechrightsBotTitle: Mono Tools for debugging come to Linux, Mac - SD Times: Software Development News .::. Size~: 116.18 KBAug 06 16:54
DaemonFCThe first thing I said when I downloaded Phoenix 0.1 and saw them say "This is what we're replacing Mozilla with", I was disgustedAug 06 16:55
DaemonFCI thought it was a practical jokeAug 06 16:55
DaemonFC*thoughtAug 06 16:55
DaemonFCand I still doAug 06 16:55
schestowitz 06 16:55
DaemonFCit's one of those dumbing down operationsAug 06 16:55
schestowitzFirefox serves me wellAug 06 16:56
DaemonFCusers don't understand features, so we'll remove the features and leave most of the bloatAug 06 16:56
DaemonFCEmpathy instead of PidginAug 06 16:56
schestowitzI have too much extensions I depend onAug 06 16:56
DaemonFCXChat-GNOME instead of XChatAug 06 16:56
schestowitzBut it's not my main browserAug 06 16:56
schestowitzThe main one is ThunderBrowsr/GeckoAug 06 16:56
DaemonFCthat kind of stuffAug 06 16:56
DaemonFCThunderbird is kind of neglected nowAug 06 16:57
schestowitzIt worksAug 06 16:57
DaemonFCGo use webmailAug 06 16:57
DaemonFCit's web 2.0, lulz!Aug 06 16:57
schestowitz*LOL*Aug 06 16:57
DaemonFCCan has AJAX!Aug 06 16:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] Sub Pop Leaning Towards Giving Away The Infinite And Charging For The Scarce 06 16:57
TechrightsBotTitle: Sub Pop Leaning Towards Giving Away The Infinite And Charging For The Scarce | Techdirt .::. Size~: 23.21 KBAug 06 16:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Masuji Ibuse's "Black Rain" is a harrowing but important novelisation of the horror experienced at #Hiroshima. #HiroshimaDay #japanAug 06 16:58
schestowitzDaemonFC: no, I'm not clearning the floor ATMAug 06 16:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] I've marked one day of every month as "#Backup Day" in my household - when all backups are made, automated, and checked.Aug 06 16:59
DaemonFCI just noticed that Campbells soup is advertising that it's made in the USAug 06 16:59
DaemonFCas opposed to the Tastes Like Chicken soup imported from China?Aug 06 16:59
DaemonFC:)Aug 06 17:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] .@0r3z That "we are not in power" (whatever it means) does not mean that we should give up aspirations to a livable #society. #HarperMustGoAug 06 17:00
DaemonFCYour Queen has confidence in HarperAug 06 17:01
DaemonFCnow go back to paying taxesAug 06 17:01
DaemonFCschestowitz, I think it needs to be said that if someone is thinking about buying MP3s from Amazon from Novell Banshee which was written in .Net.....Aug 06 17:02
DaemonFCthey should just go to GNOME's website and donate $1Aug 06 17:03
DaemonFCit's more than GNOME would have gotten in affiliate cashAug 06 17:03
DaemonFCand it bypasses the Axis of EvilAug 06 17:03
schestowitzHP?Aug 06 17:04
DaemonFCwell, jono is advertising for them nowAug 06 17:05
DaemonFCoh look, GNOME gets 1 cent and the other 98 cents goes to Microsoft, Novell, MPEG-LA, and Amazon!Aug 06 17:06
DaemonFCand the RIAA!!Aug 06 17:06
DaemonFCshouldn't he be asking people to just go donate $1 to GNOME?Aug 06 17:06
DaemonFCschestowitz, What's next? Ubuntu Product Red edition?Aug 06 17:09
DaemonFC 06 17:14
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 06 17:14
DaemonFC:PAug 06 17:14
sebsebsebuh I just read whats new in Ubuntu 10.10 alpha 3 and yep :(Aug 06 17:16
sebsebsebalso Mono lovers :D  well  Banshee replaces Rthombox in the netbook versionAug 06 17:16
schestowitzDoes it?Aug 06 17:24
sebsebsebschestowitz: yepAug 06 17:24
schestowitzIt's bloated tooAug 06 17:24
sebsebsebaccording toAug 06 17:24
schestowitzWhere does it say that?Aug 06 17:24
sebsebsebhereAug 06 17:25
sebsebseb 06 17:25
TechrightsBotTitle: Ubuntu 10.10 Alpha 3 released - Whats new? | OMG! Ubuntu! .::. Size~: 78.95 KBAug 06 17:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Apple applying for patents on other´s people software sold through the iPhone market, what a shame: 06 17:26
TechrightsBotTitle: Controversy erupts over Apple software patent copying existing apps home screen | VentureBeat .::. Size~: 50.82 KBAug 06 17:26
sebsebsebwell I had read stuff before about how they had been considering using Banshee instead of Rythombox in Ubuntu, and yeah what seems to happen now, is netbook version gets certain things first, before the desktopAug 06 17:26
schestowitzchromuim-browserAug 06 17:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] I signet the Ubuntu Code of Conduct at last. I may now officially call myself a Ubuntero ;-) #ubuntuAug 06 17:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[sjvn] 11 free open-source apps your small business can use now 06 17:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Report: Android Market surpasses 100,000 apps Many Android/Linux apps, but mostly proprietaryAug 06 17:36
TechrightsBotTitle: 11 free open-source apps your small business can use now - Computerworld .::. Size~: 81.85 KBAug 06 17:36
TechrightsBotTitle: Report: Android Market surpasses 100,000 apps - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 33.8 KBAug 06 17:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Motorola and Verizon team up for TV tablet running #LinuxAug 06 17:37
TechrightsBotTitle: / Technology - Motorola and Verizon team up for TV tablet .::. Size~: 59.01 KBAug 06 17:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Motorola Glam brings Android 2.1, plenty of ritz to South Korea Android puts Linux on 200,000 new phones per dayAug 06 17:38
TechrightsBotTitle: Motorola Glam brings Android 2.1, plenty of ritz to South Korea -- Engadget .::. Size~: 163.31 KBAug 06 17:38
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 17:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @sjvn I am planning to write about Digg. Have you by any chance been smeared/bullied there at same stage? [to discourage participation]Aug 06 17:44
schestowitz Ubuntu goes lovoAug 06 17:49
schestowitz 06 17:51
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] Went to Govt higher secondary school, pallikaranai as a #cognizant #outreach volunteer and installed #koha 3 ILS 06 17:52
TechrightsBotTitle: Koha Library Software Community .::. Size~: 54.22 KBAug 06 17:52
DaemonFCgarylsnyder 4 minutes agoAug 06 17:53
DaemonFCJudge Scheibenberger joins The Gary Snyder Show, Monday on FM 100 TalksAug 06 17:53
DaemonFCDaemonFC a few seconds agoAug 06 17:53
DaemonFC@garylsnyder Judge Scheißenberger. OK, that one was too easy.Aug 06 17:53
DaemonFCin reply to garylsnyder Aug 06 17:53
DaemonFCheheAug 06 17:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Linux Gaming Projects That Need a Little TLC (or How You Can Contribute) #gaming #linuxAug 06 18:00
TechrightsBotTitle: Linux Gaming Projects That Need a Little TLC (or How You Can Contribute) | Linux Journal .::. Size~: 45.45 KBAug 06 18:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[sjvn] @schestowitz No I haven't seen much overt hostility towards me on Digg. Reddit's another matter.Aug 06 18:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] How The Pentagon's Reaction To Wikileaks Is Like The RIAA's Reaction To Napster 06 18:01
TechrightsBotTitle: How The Pentagon's Reaction To Wikileaks Is Like The RIAA's Reaction To Napster | Techdirt .::. Size~: 27.04 KBAug 06 18:01
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 18:03
schestowitz 06 18:04
TechrightsBotTitle: Firefox To Make History, About To Surpass IE in Europe | ConceivablyTech .::. Size~: 45.37 KBAug 06 18:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @sjvn when when you commented (thus opening yourself to abuse from trolls)?Aug 06 18:05
sebsebsebschestowitz: oh lets look at that Firefox linkAug 06 18:05
schestowitzyeah...Aug 06 18:08
schestowitz 06 18:09
schestowitzBack in 2008 I thought Android would not catch onAug 06 18:09
schestowitzIt had growing painsAug 06 18:09
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 06 18:09
schestowitzThen  it got criticial mass with apps and phone makers hopping on board the OHAAug 06 18:10
schestowitzHehAug 06 18:13
schestowitzMy dent is in the front page of as "popular"Aug 06 18:13
schestowitz 06 18:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Public timeline - .::. Size~: 41.32 KBAug 06 18:13
schestowitzIt links to daemon's blogAug 06 18:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @daemonfc that post of yours is in the front page of identicaAug 06 18:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @pietercolpaert FAQ: Does #identica has failwhales? A: No it doesn't. sites don't fail as much as twitter.Aug 06 18:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Over the weekend I will reach my 20,000th dent. I remember how @trmanco invited me there.Aug 06 18:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] A few hours into creating my first Drupal theme, well, the html+css part anywayAug 06 18:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Gwenview became really, really nice in #KDE 4.4. I hadn't used it in a long while, but noticed today. Koversation is great as well.Aug 06 18:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[sjvn] @schestowitz Nope, just comments on stories I'd written.Aug 06 18:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @sjvn thanksAug 06 18:30
*FurnaceBoy ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 18:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[sjvn] MediaPost Publications Video Can't Migrate Off the Desktop Fast Enough for Me' Agreed. We're getting there.Aug 06 18:43
TechrightsBotTitle: MediaPost Publications Video Can't Migrate Off the Desktop Fast Enough for Me 08/04/2010 .::. Size~: 54.78 KBAug 06 18:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Judge Napolitano: The Plain Truth - The Government Lies to You!! Freedom Watch 7/31/2010 #playoggAug 06 18:49
TechrightsBotTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: Judge Napolitano: The Plain Truth - The Government Lies to You!! Freedom Watch 7/31/2010 .::. Size~: 5.34 KBAug 06 18:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Severedfifth powered by Microsoft? Apparently they gave him a boxed copy of Win7 for streamingAug 06 18:54
schestowitzTechrightsBot: did they?Aug 06 18:59
schestowitzlink?Aug 06 18:59
ThistleWeblistening to the latest linux outlaws, they were talking about it in the Microsoft sectionAug 06 19:01
ThistleWeb 06 19:03
TechrightsBotTitle: Companies That Have Supported Severed Fifth  |  Severed Fifth .::. Size~: 27.43 KBAug 06 19:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] #ff @thedjjohno @schestowitz @sazzlerock @vrsix5spd @tobyw7 @qu1j0t3 TheGift73 @PeeteerSmith @ACS_LAW_ILLEGALAug 06 19:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] sorry (mistyped one) + @Thegift73 #ffAug 06 19:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] The Irish Red Cross Sues Google To Silence Anonymous Blogger, Amplifying That Blogger's Message 06 19:06
TechrightsBotTitle: The Irish Red Cross Sues Google To Silence Anonymous Blogger, Amplifying That Blogger's Message | Techdirt .::. Size~: 21.22 KBAug 06 19:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] #Microsoft: "We don't think of you as customers... more as franchisees."Aug 06 19:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT #ff @BuffieSummers We laugh, we cry, we toast to our victories! @geoff9cow @whisper1111 @mrrudyrude @qu1j0t3 @wolfrum @digitaldiva107Aug 06 19:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Links 6/8/2010: #Linux Conferences, #Android Market Passes 100,000 Apps Milestone #techrightsAug 06 19:18
TechrightsBotTitle: Links 6/8/2010: Linux Conferences, Android Market Passes 100,000 Apps Milestone | Techrights .::. Size~: 123.34 KBAug 06 19:18
schestowitzThistleWeb: thanks. Priceless.Aug 06 19:21
ThistleWeblol, np, Linux Outlaws spotted it before meAug 06 19:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @qu1j0t3 licensees?Aug 06 19:22
schestowitzI hope jono still boots into UbuntuAug 06 19:22
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Links 6/8/2010: !Linux Conferences, #Android Market Passes 100,000 Apps Milestone !techrightsAug 06 19:22
TechrightsBotTitle: Links 6/8/2010: Linux Conferences, Android Market Passes 100,000 Apps Milestone | Techrights .::. Size~: 123.35 KBAug 06 19:22
schestowitzI spoke to jono on the phone last year and he told me about how he used to talk with MicrosoftAug 06 19:23
schestowitzhe's no critic of theirsAug 06 19:23
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: franchisees, as in rent-payers.Aug 06 19:24
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: MikeGM in #classiccmp just pointed out how mcdonalds works, it's not dissimilar to MS:Aug 06 19:24
FurnaceBoyMikeGM | yup, and little known is McDonalds corp is more of a real estate company than a foodAug 06 19:25
FurnaceBoy(the food is an afterthought)Aug 06 19:25
FurnaceBoyMS not about technology. they're about shakedown. the software is the afterthought.Aug 06 19:25
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: you're a franchisee of their IP. it's the noose they have around your neck. if you want it, you have to keep on paying.Aug 06 19:26
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: I am not sure that licensee is correct term.Aug 06 19:26
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: for GPL, licensee seems correct term.Aug 06 19:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] If life ever gets you down, remember we always have - stay safe, my friends.Aug 06 19:36
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *Dramatic Cupcake Dog - Revelation,&lrm; .::. Size~: 97.05 KBAug 06 19:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Copyright assignment - Once bitten, twice shy - good intro to contentious area #copyright #assignment #opensourceAug 06 19:37
TechrightsBotTitle: Copyright assignment - Once bitten, twice shy - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 39.82 KBAug 06 19:37
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Aug 06 19:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Open Source Project Aims to Breathe New Life Into Classic Holga Camera - interesting - and surely the first of manyAug 06 19:39
TechrightsBotTitle:  Open Source Project Aims to Breathe New Life Into Classic Holga Camera  .::. Size~: 24.33 KBAug 06 19:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] A New DMCA Exemption for Security Research - chipping away #dmca #securityAug 06 19:41
TechrightsBotTitle: A New DMCA Exemption for Security Research | Freedom to Tinker .::. Size~: 38.95 KBAug 06 19:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] I hate Traditional Chinese Medicine - oh no, he's revealed it: "But there is one thing that does enhance virility…"Aug 06 19:45
TechrightsBotTitle: I hate Traditional Chinese Medicine : Pharyngula .::. Size~: 73.15 KBAug 06 19:45
*Aondo (stian@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 19:51
*FurnaceBoy has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 06 19:52
*FurnaceBoy ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 19:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] rt @theorosendorf Modernist Arabic Type aZNMQP // wow, this is beautiful! #typography #designAug 06 19:54
TechrightsBotTitle: | Basic | a simple URL shortener .::. Size~: 9.95 KBAug 06 19:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Stanford 'Frankencamera' platform available on Nokia N900 - interesting (via @alisonchaiken) #nokiaAug 06 19:59
TechrightsBotTitle: Stanford 'Frankencamera' platform to be unveiled at graphics conference .::. Size~: 17.75 KBAug 06 19:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Novell/Microsoft #Mono Poison (Banshee) Put in #Ubuntu 10.10 NBE by Default time to vote?Aug 06 20:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] US military ordered to avoid WikiLeaks 06 20:00
TechrightsBotTitle: Novell/Microsoft Mono Poison (Banshee) Put in Ubuntu 10.10 NBE by Default | Techrights .::. Size~: 87.08 KBAug 06 20:00
TechrightsBotTitle: Military ordered to stay off WikiLeaks  - Washington Times .::. Size~: 43.35 KBAug 06 20:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Trying to detox from caffient today, so far no cups of coffee, although it's 8pm and I'm already shatteredAug 06 20:06
GoblinRFDschestowitz: One you may find funny.... 06 20:07
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *Operation Good Guys - Raging Pig,&lrm; .::. Size~: 87.32 KBAug 06 20:07
schestowitzHey, _GHey, GoblinRFDAug 06 20:08
*schestowitz catches up quickly with IRCAug 06 20:08
schestowitzGoblinRFD: hehe, good oneAug 06 20:09
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: who's mikegm?Aug 06 20:10
schestowitzBTW, re mcdonalds, just seen 06 20:10
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *The Necessity Of Democracy & The State,&lrm; .::. Size~: 107.36 KBAug 06 20:10
schestowitz[19:25] <FurnaceBoy> MS not about technology. they're about shakedown. the software is the afterthought.Aug 06 20:10
schestowitzThey have a patent on making a sandwichAug 06 20:10
schestowitzI assume you know this alreadyAug 06 20:10
schestowitzmcdonalds is a processing company, not a restaurantAug 06 20:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] Don Henley Hates YouTube; Complains That The Gov't Needs To Do Something 06 20:11
TechrightsBotTitle: Don Henley Hates YouTube; Complains That The Gov't Needs To Do Something | Techdirt .::. Size~: 28.15 KBAug 06 20:11
schestowitzAnd nothing to do with food processing, just using staff like cogwheels to make cheapest 'food'Aug 06 20:11
schestowitzSo their real asset is not the recipeAug 06 20:12
schestowitzIt's the mechanisation of workersAug 06 20:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] There should be a 'Save Ballmer' Facebook group made up of all the peeps who love seeing MS fail time and time againAug 06 20:12
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: #classiccmpAug 06 20:12
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: yesAug 06 20:12
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: but the real estate aspect is very importantAug 06 20:13
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: and as mikegm says, not well known.Aug 06 20:13
schestowitzIt's not a cuisine companyAug 06 20:13
FurnaceBoyno shit.Aug 06 20:13
FurnaceBoyfood is an afterthought, like software is an afterthought for microsoft.Aug 06 20:13
schestowitzIt's factorisation of cookeryAug 06 20:13
FurnaceBoyit's just to get you in the door. as crappy as possible.Aug 06 20:13
FurnaceBoypoisonous, if possible (Coke)Aug 06 20:13
schestowitzStabucks tooAug 06 20:13
FurnaceBoyright.Aug 06 20:13
schestowitzIt's about the venue firstAug 06 20:13
FurnaceBoyit's basically the essence of the corporation.Aug 06 20:14
schestowitzThe coffee is like an olive with the beerAug 06 20:14
FurnaceBoyget yuo in the door, shake you down, leave you worse off than before.Aug 06 20:14
FurnaceBoy$2 drink of water with poison in it.Aug 06 20:14
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: I was surprised to learn some friend of mine know about Coca Cola murdering union organisersAug 06 20:14
FurnaceBoy$10 pile of fat and salt.Aug 06 20:14
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: hell yeahAug 06 20:14
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: check what's happening in India right now.Aug 06 20:15
schestowitzNo poisonAug 06 20:15
schestowitzThe issue with Starbucks is what it does in places like EthiopiaAug 06 20:15
schestowitzI only learned about it this yearAug 06 20:15
FurnaceBoythere are many issues with starbucks :)Aug 06 20:15
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: India?Aug 06 20:15
schestowitzWhat's up w/ that?Aug 06 20:15
schestowitzBTW, Gates is  a HUGE inestor in COCA COLAAug 06 20:16
schestowitzAnd Wal-mart tooAug 06 20:16
schestowitzHe doubled his stakes in them a few months ago (maybe 20Aug 06 20:16
schestowitz*2)Aug 06 20:16
FurnaceBoyno surprise.Aug 06 20:20
FurnaceBoythat's how he 'helps' humanityAug 06 20:20
schestowitzI just got messages about itAug 06 20:22
schestowitzCause BillyG made some headlinesAug 06 20:22
schestowitzLies about "giving half his fortune..."Aug 06 20:23
schestowitz...some time in his lifetime, he arguesAug 06 20:23
schestowitzAnd the whole press fawns overAug 06 20:23
FurnaceBoysighAug 06 20:23
schestowitzI bet he paid those multiple PR agencies that are contracted by Gates Foundation a lot of this "half my fortune" :-)Aug 06 20:23
schestowitzThey pressure journalists to print those fl;uff piecesAug 06 20:23
schestowitzThey sometimes ghostwrite it, apparentlyAug 06 20:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft Refuses to Fix Known #Security Vulnerabilities for Years, Anti-Virus (AV) Software Turns Useless #windowsAug 06 20:27
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft Refuses to Fix Known Security Vulnerabilities for Years, Anti-Virus (AV) Software Turns Useless | Techrights .::. Size~: 85.81 KBAug 06 20:27
*magentar has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 06 20:29
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 20:29
schestowitzI know some Red Hat people who are very suspicious of Florian. I think I'm among the few who still engage in dialogues with him. He's 'spamming' many journalists, as you may or may not know (identical messages sent separately to a ton of people for publication). I will carry on watching him because it's fun. Earlier today I wrote this: 06 20:34
TechrightsBotTitle: Florian Müller Unofficially Joins Microsofts Team Apologista | Techrights .::. Size~: 89.61 KBAug 06 20:34
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Aug 06 20:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Among Systems Software Companies, “Microsoft Has the Lowest Relative Performance” 06 20:45
TechrightsBotTitle: Among Systems Software Companies, “Microsoft Has the Lowest Relative Performance” | Techrights .::. Size~: 83.39 KBAug 06 20:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[aondo] Up and running with linux-2.6.35 preemtive, and it truly is preemtive. Huge lag in anything i did when i forgot to add me to the group :PAug 06 20:46
*WireWulf is now known as Wulf-is-not-hereAug 06 20:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[sjvn] RT @atbennett: Probably not one of those #coolinspirationalsayings, but still true: RTFM also applies to car repair. Me: Amen sister!Aug 06 20:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Groklaw Responds to Latest #FUD from Florian Müller 06 20:53
TechrightsBotTitle: Groklaw Responds to Latest FUD from Florian Müller | Techrights .::. Size~: 82.88 KBAug 06 20:53
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Aug 06 20:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[sjvn] It's not over. A #Lost epilogue is coming with, dare I say it, some answers! 06 20:57
TechrightsBotTitle:   Intriguing Teaser Clip for the Lost Epilogue - Screen Rant .::. Size~: 52.73 KBAug 06 20:57
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 266 seconds)Aug 06 21:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[sjvn] RT @BarbaraKrasnoff: I try out the Aegis NetDock, which adds 500GB storage and a DVD drive to your netbook - 06 21:09
TechrightsBotTitle: Aegis NetDock offers storage and substance for your netbook - Computerworld .::. Size~: 82.16 KBAug 06 21:09
*magentar has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 06 21:10
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 21:10
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] The robotron troll called my bluff...and lost.... my xp network.Aug 06 21:11
TechrightsBotTitle:  .::. Size~: 23.63 KBAug 06 21:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why #SCO is Like #ASCAP attacks on Larry Lessig/Creative Commons resemble some attacks on Pamela Jones/GroklawAug 06 21:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Why SCO is Like ASCAP | Techrights .::. Size~: 82.99 KBAug 06 21:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] Phone Calls Are For Old People? Just Not Efficient Enough 06 21:16
TechrightsBotTitle: Phone Calls Are For Old People? Just Not Efficient Enough | Techdirt .::. Size~: 21.32 KBAug 06 21:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] and sorry, Network should read netbook....I took the photo tweet on my HTC with damn predictive text...Aug 06 21:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Also people reading my tweets should know...I never used that netbook again after my holiday last year....Aug 06 21:22
*Wulf-is-not-here is now known as WireWulfAug 06 21:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @_goblin that's a prolific Microsoft trollAug 06 21:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] @schestowitz He tried to claim I didn't buy an xp netbook last year...with the HTC proof is quick and easy (if not a slight timewaste)Aug 06 21:50
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 21:50
sebsebsebhrm...Aug 06 21:51
sebsebsebBoycottnovell/Techrights got mentioned in...Aug 06 21:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] @schestowitz Robotron does try though...and he/she seems very keen on me. Maybe I should send them a signed picture?Aug 06 21:51
schestowitzsebsebseb: where?Aug 06 21:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @_goblin better to ignore that abuserAug 06 21:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Maybe Robotron was just after my autograph...Robotron, all you had to do was ask. 06 21:56
TechrightsBotTitle:  Maybe Robotron was just after my autograph...Robotron, all yo... on Twitpic  .::. Size~: 9.66 KBAug 06 21:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] lol, funny... aren't they? ♺ @slashdot: US Military 'Banned' From Viewing Wikileaks 06 22:01
TechrightsBotTitle: Slashdot Your Rights Online Story | US Military 'Banned' From Viewing Wikileaks .::. Size~: 97.29 KBAug 06 22:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[mgeist] RT @canadadigital: Submissions to foreign investment in telecoms consultation now up at 06 22:20
TechrightsBotTitle: Spectrum Management and Telecommunications - Opening Canada's Doors to Foreign Investment in Telecommunications: Options for Reform .::. Size~: 14.48 KBAug 06 22:20
schestowitz"That would be really nice, I hope they don't #Tivoized the Tablet like they did to the phone. [..]  I needed to add, that TV tablet sounds really cool. :)" 06 22:22
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 10.79 KBAug 06 22:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] Political Campaign Against Craigslist Ratchets Up 06 22:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] How Microsoft/Proprietary Software Bullies Ruined Digg for #GNU #Linux @sjvn on DiggAug 06 22:22
TechrightsBotTitle: Political Campaign Against Craigslist Ratchets Up | Techdirt .::. Size~: 26.25 KBAug 06 22:22
TechrightsBotTitle: How Microsoft/Proprietary Software Bullies Ruined Digg for GNU/Linux | Techrights .::. Size~: 89.5 KBAug 06 22:22
cubezzzthey messed up netcraft tooAug 06 22:28
cubezzzit used to show bsd with the longest uptimeAug 06 22:28
cubezzzthen they changed the way uptime was monitoredAug 06 22:29
FurnaceBoy:)Aug 06 22:31
FurnaceBoyit's called COMPETING!Aug 06 22:31
FurnaceBoyif you can't win the race, move the finish lineAug 06 22:32
cubezzzit's fraudAug 06 22:32
FurnaceBoy:)Aug 06 22:32
FurnaceBoyyou just hate successAug 06 22:32
cubezzzI shouldn't be surprisedAug 06 22:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Microsoft has computing in the cloud sorted...if only they could stop the PC smashing on the ground ..... ;)Aug 06 22:33
GoblinRFDIm bored now...Aug 06 22:35
cubezzzthere needs to be more companies/people take Microsoft onAug 06 22:35
GoblinRFDI'd agree, but who's brave enough?Aug 06 22:35
FurnaceBoy+1Aug 06 22:35
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: that's the big questionAug 06 22:35
GoblinRFDand who has the warchest of funds.Aug 06 22:35
FurnaceBoyeventually a hero will emerge among the OEMsAug 06 22:35
sebsebsebschestowitz: Jono Bacons ustreamAug 06 22:36
sebsebsebschestowitz: about 19 minutes inAug 06 22:36
GoblinRFDtheres always hopeAug 06 22:36
GoblinRFDbut I think Microsoft will downsize as a result of "a battle on many fronts" rather than one single "attack"Aug 06 22:36
cubezzzoh, I'm not that worried personallyAug 06 22:36
schestowitz"Pamela Jones (known as PJ to her readers) is the founder and editor of Groklaw. She is Director of Litigation Risk Research for Open Source Risk Management (OSRM). On February 4, 2004, Groklaw launched the Unix History Timeline Project, a collaborative effort to document the nearly thirty-year copyright, patent, and trade secret history of Unix and other proprietary precursors to Linux. "Aug 06 22:36
cubezzzI'm more worried for the schools mostlyAug 06 22:37
sebsebsebschestowitz: for the one yesterdayAug 06 22:37
cubezzzGary Kildall just wanted to sell out, and he didAug 06 22:37
sebsebsebschestowitz: 06 22:37
TechrightsBotTitle: At Home With Jono Bacon on USTREAM: Ramblings on community, Linux and technology from Jono Bacon.. Computers .::. Size~: 88.19 KBAug 06 22:37
sebsebsebto do with what apparently what  Boycottnovell/Techrights people are calling Mark?Aug 06 22:37
schestowitzsebsebseb: what did he say?Aug 06 22:38
cubezzzI wonder if CP/M was ported to non-x86, I think it wasAug 06 22:38
schestowitz "Dude, is that article for real? Eventhough I have to say I am not surprise, I can expect that behavior from them."Aug 06 22:39
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.47 KBAug 06 22:39
sebsebsebschestowitz: hear for your self if you want, theres the videoAug 06 22:39
schestowitzthe Digg post is factual, but a lot of it is not news.Aug 06 22:39
schestowitzsebsebseb: but it's liveAug 06 22:39
sebsebsebschestowitz: no it was liveAug 06 22:39
FurnaceBoycubezzz: yes it was.Aug 06 22:40
sebsebsebschestowitz: you can get onto the video like I just didAug 06 22:40
sebsebsebschestowitz: from the commentsAug 06 22:40
FurnaceBoycubezzz: it did not start out there, anyway.Aug 06 22:40
FurnaceBoycubezzz: 8080, Z80Aug 06 22:40
cubezzzyesAug 06 22:40
sebsebsebfrom the comment section area I should sayAug 06 22:40
FurnaceBoycubezzz: it was ported to 68K, and othersAug 06 22:40
FurnaceBoycubezzz: PDP-11, iircAug 06 22:40
cubezzzand it's FOSS now tooAug 06 22:40
schestowitzsebsebseb: what minute/s?Aug 06 22:40
sebsebsebschestowitz: about 19 minutes inAug 06 22:40
cubezzzFurnaceBoy, was Z80 the first to get CP/M?Aug 06 22:41
FurnaceBoycubezzz: 8080 was earlier, i think.Aug 06 22:41
FurnaceBoycubezzz: slightlyAug 06 22:41
FurnaceBoycubezzz: but they are largely compatible, of course.Aug 06 22:41
cubezzzah rightAug 06 22:42
schestowitzsebsebseb: this one? 06 22:42
TechrightsBotTitle: Severed Fifth: Live In The Studio 08/04/10 12:25PM, Severed Fifth: Live In The Studio 08/04/10 12:25PM jonobacon on USTREAM. Rock .::. Size~: 56.29 KBAug 06 22:42
schestowitzGive direct linkAug 06 22:42
FurnaceBoycubezzz: kind of like 68020 versus 68000Aug 06 22:42
schestowitzI don't have time to digg entire shows for few wordsAug 06 22:42
sebsebsebschestowitz: noAug 06 22:42
sebsebsebnot thatAug 06 22:42
FurnaceBoycubezzz: in fact MP/M on Z80 was one of my first experiences of computersAug 06 22:42
cubezzzI can't think of any z80 PC off-handAug 06 22:42
schestowitz /digg/dig/Aug 06 22:42
FurnaceBoycubezzz: there were hundredsAug 06 22:42
cubezzzI'm sure there was lots, yes :)Aug 06 22:42
FurnaceBoycubezzz: S100, etcAug 06 22:43
FurnaceBoycubezzz: even portables -- Osborne was probably Z80Aug 06 22:43
cubezzzAltair ran CP/M yes?Aug 06 22:43
FurnaceBoycubezzz: not sureAug 06 22:43
sebsebsebschestowitz: This one 06 22:43
TechrightsBotTitle: At Home With Jono Bacon - 4th Aug 2010, Q+A jonobacon on USTREAM. Computers .::. Size~: 55.89 KBAug 06 22:43
schestowitzokAug 06 22:43
cubezzzyes, it did, just reading it nowAug 06 22:43
cubezzzcan't imagine what else it could have beenAug 06 22:44
sebsebsebschestowitz: So he says stuff  about GimpAug 06 22:44
sebsebseband then it happensAug 06 22:44
sebsebsebwith the next questionAug 06 22:44
schestowitz "news to me though- just when you thought digg was ok"Aug 06 22:44
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 14.3 KBAug 06 22:44
schestowitz"i don't feel the ubuntu community is much better in this regard, that's why i left it- but it's not on the level of a conspiracy over there, i wouldn't go that far"Aug 06 22:44
schestowitz"you are right, at least not any more.  I am not even surprice if M$ indeed does those kind of things."Aug 06 22:45
schestowitzsebsebseb: yeah, I'm coming to itAug 06 22:45
schestowitzjono: "gimp.. a power toolAug 06 22:45
schestowitzjono: "I really respect the work they have done"Aug 06 22:46
sebsebsebthat was the previous question,  its when he does the next oneAug 06 22:46
schestowitzjono doesn't like "winblows'Aug 06 22:46
sebsebsebwhen he answers the next one that Boycottnovell/Techrights gets mentioendAug 06 22:46
schestowitzsebsebseb: he talks about someone in IRC maybeAug 06 22:46
cubezzzeverytime I think I know all Microsofts dirty tricks I find moreAug 06 22:46
schestowitzI don't distort Mark's nameAug 06 22:46
cubezzzdoze is the term :)Aug 06 22:47
cubezzzdon't be a dozerAug 06 22:47
schestowitzHe makes us sound anti-Mark ShuttleworthAug 06 22:47
schestowitzOh well..Aug 06 22:47
sebsebsebwell yeah exactlyAug 06 22:47
sebsebsebmakes it sound anti Mark ShuttleworthAug 06 22:47
schestowitzLet me ping him...Aug 06 22:47
FurnaceBoycubezzz: A friend has a Cromemco S100 CP/M system, workingAug 06 22:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @claytoncubitt: Mainstream Media Helps BP Pretend There's No Oil: (you should follow @MacMcClelland )Aug 06 22:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @jonobacon in your latest show you say we distort Mark's name. You must be referring to someone random in IRC, not the site's contentAug 06 22:48
TechrightsBotTitle: Mainstream Media Helps BP Pretend There's No Oil | Mother Jones .::. Size~: 193.37 KBAug 06 22:48
cubezzz486 is the oldest I still useAug 06 22:51
FurnaceBoy:)Aug 06 22:51
FurnaceBoywell, it runs linux :PAug 06 22:51
cubezzzit does Aug 06 22:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] @schestowitz: I thought I clarified this was from the thread? if not, my apologiesAug 06 22:53
sebsebsebschestowitz: The idnetica thread?Aug 06 22:55
schestowitz "maybe he's referring to your accent? i've no idea. you're probably just too "tribal" for his liking"Aug 06 22:55
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.02 KBAug 06 22:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @jonobacon which thread? Maybe I missed itAug 06 22:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] ♺ @ruiseabra ♺ @claytoncubitt: Mainstream Media Helps BP Pretend There's No Oil: (you should follow @MacMcClelland )Aug 06 22:57
TechrightsBotTitle: Mainstream Media Helps BP Pretend There's No Oil | Mother Jones .::. Size~: 193.37 KBAug 06 22:57
sebsebsebschestowitz: Can I pm quickly?Aug 06 22:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] @schestowitz: one of these: 06 22:58
TechrightsBotTitle: Dayo (jargon)  tagged stalinworth - .::. Size~: 62.45 KBAug 06 22:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Richard Stallman: "Urgent: Boycott Target" 06 22:59
sebsebsebschestowitz: I suppouse thats what happens when someone is famous or reasonaly famous or sort of famous,  their name gets made fun of sometimes.Aug 06 23:00
schestowitzsebsebseb: prefer not toAug 06 23:00
sebsebsebschestowitz: ok well this is what I was going to say.  there was one making fun of Mark Shuttleworths name, someone gave me a link before.  This reminds me of that and there was a Jona Bacon one as well.Aug 06 23:01
sebsebsebI mean something on identicaAug 06 23:01
sebsebsebbeing clearAug 06 23:01
schestowitzI didn't see it till nowAug 06 23:02
schestowitzWho's this guyAug 06 23:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @jonobacon that's none of me (nor "us", whatever that extends to)Aug 06 23:02
schestowitz"Aug 06 23:02
schestowitz     jargon Aug 06 23:02
schestowitzFull nameAug 06 23:02
schestowitz    Dayo Aug 06 23:02
schestowitz"Aug 06 23:02
FurnaceBoy...Aug 06 23:03
FurnaceBoyintrigues?Aug 06 23:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @jonobacon Stalin is a vicious dictator. Why would I make such a comparison? I didn't see it in IRC either, thus I askedAug 06 23:04
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: not according to rnb :)Aug 06 23:05
schestowitzHeheAug 06 23:06
schestowitzI know...Aug 06 23:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Stallman writes "Micro$oft", @jonobacon doesn't like it when people do this 06 23:06
FurnaceBoylolAug 06 23:07
cubezzzwell is it wrong?Aug 06 23:07
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: these fence sitters are so amusing.Aug 06 23:07
schestowitzI can writes $COAug 06 23:07
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: it's so NICE not to have to see anythingAug 06 23:07
cubezzzah, that's right, Microsoft doesn't care about money :)Aug 06 23:07
FurnaceBoycubezzz: right!Aug 06 23:07
FurnaceBoycubezzz: they care about helping ppl!Aug 06 23:07
schestowitzBut Microsoft daemonised those who dare to misspell its brand nameAug 06 23:07
cubezzztotally inappropriate :)Aug 06 23:07
schestowitzThey also established the label "Microsoft hater"Aug 06 23:08
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: LOLAug 06 23:08
FurnaceBoyoh boy...Aug 06 23:08
schestowitz"Microsoft hater" is like "anti-Semite", NaziAug 06 23:08
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: that's another mutation of "terrorist".Aug 06 23:08
cubezzzbut wait a sec, I _do_ hate Microsoft Aug 06 23:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @jonobacon sometimes I call him MarkS (the Microsoft trolls in COLA call his "shuttlecock). Maybe worth clarifying in next videocast.Aug 06 23:08
cubezzzreallyAug 06 23:08
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: let me guess, we hate the Microsoft eco$y$tem for its FREEDOMAug 06 23:08
schestowitzcubezzz: you can'tAug 06 23:08
schestowitzit would make you "irrational"Aug 06 23:08
FurnaceBoycubezzz: I hate what they do. WHo wouldn't?Aug 06 23:08
schestowitzTurns out other companies use the same tacticsAug 06 23:09
schestowitzResentment against govt. is the sameAug 06 23:09
FurnaceBoycubezzz: we should despise the scum responsible for these strategies and tacticsAug 06 23:09
schestowitzYou're be tied up with genocide and "Truthers" and stuffAug 06 23:09
cubezzzMy resentment of Microsoft transcends all other resentsents :)Aug 06 23:09
cubezzzresentments evenAug 06 23:09
schestowitzNotice how many Microsoft critics begin with an apologyAug 06 23:10
schestowitz"I am not trying to bash Microsoft, but.."Aug 06 23:10
schestowitzI see it all the timeAug 06 23:10
FurnaceBoyyes.Aug 06 23:10
FurnaceBoyon slashdotAug 06 23:10
cubezzzYes, the term "Microsoft Apologist" is aptAug 06 23:10
FurnaceBoycubezzz: absolutelyAug 06 23:10
schestowitzIt's like watching the criminally-minded Ben Stein talk about scienceAug 06 23:10
cubezzzthere's 3 types:Aug 06 23:11
schestowitzOr unemployed people: 06 23:11
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *Ben Stein: Unemployed Lazy, Unpleasant,&lrm; .::. Size~: 115.27 KBAug 06 23:11
cubezzzjust plain lazyAug 06 23:11
cubezzzjust plain ignorantAug 06 23:11
cubezzzjust plain greedyAug 06 23:11
schestowitzStein pretends to like DarwinAug 06 23:11
FurnaceBoyjust plain dishonestAug 06 23:11
schestowitzAnd then he compares hjm to Nazism and stuffAug 06 23:11
schestowitzHe promotes financial scamsAug 06 23:12
schestowitz"Employed' :-)Aug 06 23:12
schestowitzHarming society, but it makes $$$$Aug 06 23:12
FurnaceBoylike Gates.Aug 06 23:12
cubezzznotice that Stallman never gets on any of the major tv networks?Aug 06 23:12
FurnaceBoyhe's not famous or important or anything.Aug 06 23:13
FurnaceBoythe buzz is, he's a smelly hippie.Aug 06 23:13
cubezzzprobably a lot of younger ones don't know anything about himAug 06 23:13
schestowitz 06 23:14
TechrightsBotTitle:  Iran stoning case lawyer arrested in Turkey after escaping across border | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 69.96 KBAug 06 23:14
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: Chomsky tooAug 06 23:15
schestowitzRarely, was on Charlie Rose to be daemonise a littleAug 06 23:15
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: haAug 06 23:15
FurnaceBoycubezzz: rightAug 06 23:15
cubezzzLinus was on Rose tooAug 06 23:15
schestowitz 06 23:15
cubezzzbut not Stallman Aug 06 23:15
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *Noam Chomsky on "Concision" in the US Media,&lrm; .::. Size~: 94.99 KBAug 06 23:15
FurnaceBoycubezzz: a lot of negative memes have been spread, like fluoride in the water. Aug 06 23:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[sjvn] Is Android worth $10 billion per year to Google or zero? Schmidt and Ballmer disagree. By @pgralla #androidAug 06 23:16
TechrightsBotTitle: Is Android worth $10 billion per year to Google or zero? Schmidt and Ballmer disagree. - Computerworld Blogs .::. Size~: 56.62 KBAug 06 23:16
*TheMadHatter (63ee280b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 23:16
TheMadHatterRoy, this is a few days old, don't know if you've seen itAug 06 23:17
TheMadHatter 06 23:17
TechrightsBotTitle: Bill Gates: Nigeria Advances the Fight Against Polio .::. Size~: 208.68 KBAug 06 23:17
schestowitz "i don't give a fuck what jonobacon thinks about putting an $ in a company that does illegal things to hurt customers and competition AND free software AND ubuntu"Aug 06 23:18
TechrightsBotTitle: حالة menn (openuniverse) في يوم Friday, 06-Aug-10 21:58:53 UTC - 280 .::. Size~: 7.94 KBAug 06 23:18
schestowitzEww...Aug 06 23:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @jonobacon RT @@openuniverse he's confusing you with @jargon maybe, he's the only one i know that calls him "stalinworth"Aug 06 23:19
schestowitzArianna lets the crook write againAug 06 23:19
schestowitzWritten by his PR agentsAug 06 23:19
schestowitzAll the sheeple to think it's more than his phrama gameAug 06 23:20
schestowitz 06 23:20
TechrightsBotTitle: Bill Gates Lobbies in Nigeria for Governments (Taxpayers) to Solve Polio Problem That Gates Investments in Oil Are Creating | Techrights .::. Size~: 126.83 KBAug 06 23:20
sebsebsebcubezzz: FurnaceBoy Anyway Stallman doesn't get onto the TV networks, since they like Microsoft, and yeah things are about money?Aug 06 23:21
schestowitz "that may be (and if so it's unfortunate) but the guy pretending to be marks by the same name (and is a VERY obvious parody) is hilarious and (like any good parody) raises questions that go beyond mere FUD"Aug 06 23:21
TechrightsBotTitle: حالة menn (openuniverse) في يوم Friday, 06-Aug-10 22:04:37 UTC - 280 .::. Size~: 7.98 KBAug 06 23:21
schestowitzsebsebseb: advertisersAug 06 23:21
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: Arianna syndicates him.Aug 06 23:21
schestowitzThey don't wanna hear about the four freedomsAug 06 23:21
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: money talks to moneyAug 06 23:21
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: she dined with the criminalAug 06 23:22
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: they're buddies.Aug 06 23:22
schestowitzShe admires him.. cause he has more moneyAug 06 23:22
schestowitzIt means he's a "better" personAug 06 23:22
schestowitzWhat she wanted to becomeAug 06 23:22
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: that's part of it. they're just fellow club members.Aug 06 23:22
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: of course they are. She has the power to glorify him, so he digsAug 06 23:22
schestowitzI wonder how much if any he pays themAug 06 23:23
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: yes, she helps whiten his repAug 06 23:23
schestowitzAnyway, I wrote about it like 6 months agoAug 06 23:23
schestowitzWhen it was afresh in people's mindAug 06 23:23
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: political writersAug 06 23:23
*TheMadHatter has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Aug 06 23:23
schestowitzThat's what they do :-)Aug 06 23:23
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: it's the usual charity parasitism. the husbands make the huge dough by nefarious means, the wives work out how to maximise the PR of giving some away.Aug 06 23:23
schestowitzDaily KKOSAug 06 23:23
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: just that these two aren't marriedAug 06 23:24
schestowitzsebsebseb: yoAug 06 23:24
schestowitzsquarepeg: Aug 06 23:24
schestowitzTell us about KosAug 06 23:24
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: she helps get the GF message out, advises him on how to spendAug 06 23:24
schestowitzHow they banned you many times...Aug 06 23:24
sebsebsebschestowitz: This sick money system we haveAug 06 23:24
schestowitzFor suggesting impeachment of BushAug 06 23:24
schestowitzOr trialAug 06 23:24
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: absolutely. try him. 06 23:24
TechrightsBotTitle: Prosecution of GWB (GWBProsecution) on Twitter .::. Size~: 45.74 KBAug 06 23:24
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: try Blair as well. they can hang side by sideAug 06 23:25
schestowitzNo goodAug 06 23:25
schestowitzNo testimonies this wayAug 06 23:25
schestowitzWikileaks and Manning gave some materialAug 06 23:25
schestowitzNow the press combs through it...Aug 06 23:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] The only truth is the truth we give you 06 23:25
TechrightsBotTitle: Slashdot Your Rights Online Story | US Military 'Banned' From Viewing Wikileaks .::. Size~: 144.75 KBAug 06 23:25
schestowitzAnd the red-faced PMs will come from the woodwork laterAug 06 23:25
schestowitzMaybe in the HagueAug 06 23:25
schestowitzDutch troops have just withdrew from AfghanistanAug 06 23:26
schestowitzAnd the US military banned WikileaksAug 06 23:26
schestowitzCause Goodness forbid fodd... soldiers find out their real impact and do MIAAug 06 23:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] Appeals Court Rules Against Long Term Warrantless GPS Tracking Of Suspect; Sets Up Inevitable Supreme Court Case 06 23:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @thistleweb The only truth is the truth we give you 06 23:27
TechrightsBotTitle: Appeals Court Rules Against Long Term Warrantless GPS Tracking Of Suspect; Sets Up Inevitable Supreme Court Case | Techdirt .::. Size~: 23.77 KBAug 06 23:27
TechrightsBotTitle: Slashdot Your Rights Online Story | US Military 'Banned' From Viewing Wikileaks .::. Size~: 144.75 KBAug 06 23:27
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellAug 06 23:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Wikimedia blog: There's a hole in my bucket. (re: @wikileaks)Aug 06 23:36
TechrightsBotTitle: Theres a hole in my bucket. «  David Gerard .::. Size~: 14.34 KBAug 06 23:36
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: it'll happen eventually. makes me wish kissinger would live to 140 so we could get satisfactionAug 06 23:42
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: finally, a purpose for life extension bullshitAug 06 23:43
schestowitzHeheAug 06 23:44
schestowitzOrgan harvestingAug 06 23:44
schestowitzJobs got itAug 06 23:44
schestowitzDid he deserve it?Aug 06 23:44
schestowitzjobs: "i i i"Aug 06 23:45
FurnaceBoy:)Aug 06 23:46
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: of course. he's the superior kind of person. ask a haitianAug 06 23:47
schestowitzWait, Apple recognises "brown people"?Aug 06 23:48
schestowitzI thought Apple stores were more like Fox TV panelAug 06 23:48
FurnaceBoyLOLAug 06 23:48
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: die-ver-sie-tayAug 06 23:48
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: it's what ails 'mericaAug 06 23:48
schestowitzPotential "Domours"Aug 06 23:50
schestowitz*noursAug 06 23:50
*schestowitz needs to learn Haiti history... something about French and imported slavesAug 06 23:50
schestowitzAnyway, Haiti is not news anymoreAug 06 23:51
schestowitzEven BP is more importanyAug 06 23:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] Home made pizza - great dinner. Only problem is that the dogs wanted to share...Aug 06 23:51
schestowitzUSians can't go to the beach in some areas for a whileAug 06 23:51
schestowitzAnd besides, only 300k Haitians were killed, 3k people who dies in 9/11 count more and get memorialsAug 06 23:52
schestowitz*iedAug 06 23:52
schestowitz \/sarcasmAug 06 23:52
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: they were more important. besides, we have to make it seem big to justify killing a million unrelated arabs laterAug 06 23:58
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: or two. but who's counting? certainly not the DoD, who refuses to count dead or injured brown people.Aug 06 23:59

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