Gemini Links 05/03/2024: Financial Breakdown and Freedom of Protocols Initiative
Gemini* and Gopher
Painting eyes video
This video is real time, not sped up or slowed down.🤷🏻♀️
Yesterday I picked up daughter from her memaw and papa, then picked up a friend from the library. We found a less confusing route from my house to John Griffin and spent the better part of an hour in there, coming out to stars in the night sky atop the holler. Tromping around, exploring the cave, daughter said "Mama I need to talk to you." About what? I asked. "About my adventures," she said.
2024 Week 9: Status and Photos
I tend to start a lot of projects and tasks, only to stall on them after a few weeks. I might forget about them; I might become distracted with other things; I might lose motivation; I might become disorganized and lose track of how I'm doing. Last week I've redoubled my efforts to stay organized and on-track. I have three primary methods of task tracking, and each contains reminders to keep the others up to date. As a result, I've gotten a lot more done in the last seven days than I had the entire previous month. I feel pretty good about myself.
🔤SpellBinding: CILTPSM Wordo: SITES
February 2024
February was packed! Wrapping up the month I get to acknowledge how busy our weekends were, including a school carnival parade, the Chinese New Year celebrations, visits to the local Natural Sciences museum, visiting my hometown for the "Sant Antoni" celebrations, and a visit to near farm-school where Bernat will spend a few days later at Easter holidays.
Politics and World Events
As we can see there were theological opinions stating that people are justified by simple "imputation of the justice of Christ". It would mean, that this is just a legal act of making Christ justice to belong to someone else too. As we know from the Council of Trent - that's not the case and it is a heresy.
Financial breakdown (both senses of the word)
I'm making a list of my expenses and explaining my situation on here because I have spent 96 hours queasy and weepy about my financial situation and I simply don't know how to proceed because I am Bad At Money and I need help figuring shit out. This is both for my own benefit and in case someone knows any way for me to cut corners and not be constantly on the verge of financial and emotional collapse. Cheers.
My income is precisely 0€. My basic monthly expenses are ~700€. Let's break this down.
Technology and Free Software
Emacs: Gnome Notification After Async Command (publ. 2024-03-04)
The last few weeks I've been moving more of my work out of Gnome Console into Emacs. A lot of that Console work was just calling one-off shell commands, so I figured why not call those commands using shell-command or async-shell-command from Emacs. I take the the commonly used, longer-running commands and wrap them in async-shell-command inside of a simple interactive function with an easy to remember name.
The thing I was missing after the switch, however, is that after command completion, Gnome Console would send a notification to Gnome shell, which would pop up below the notification area and do a good job of getting my attention. This was helpful after running a command that takes an twenty minutes to complete, so I want some kind of notification when it is done. Emacs, however, just sends a message to the echo area, which is easily missed and often quickly removed by some other command.
AuraGem's Freedom of Protocols Initiative
The Freedom of Protocols Initiative desires to spread the use of new protocols with the goals of creating an advertising-free space that appreciates and prioritizes the user and is designed with the power-to-weight ratio in mind - as simple as can be, as complex as is necessary.
This initiative is not about locking people down to certain protocols, creating a document-retrieval singularity, shoehorning everything into a specific protocol, or protocol nationalism/supremacy. It is about embracing the plurality of protocols and each of their unique uses, characteristics, design goals, cultures, etc.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.