A 3-Year Campaign to Coerce/Intimidate Us Into Censorship: An Introduction
TODAY commences an important chronology of events leading up to a lawsuit.
The full extent of the words "Blackmail" or "Extort" (as literals or legal terms) may be disputable, which means "Coerce" is the most suitable term here, albeit it may be more aggravated and serious than merely coercion.
The campaign of coercion (or worse) started in 2021, only months after the infamous petition to "finish off" Richard Stallman. That was more than 3 years ago.
The way I see it, not only Stallman was targeted. I too became a target for backing the pro-Stallman petition.
So over the next few days we'll show how the harassment "evolved" over time. This harassment:
- Targeted informal communications of mine (not articles)
- Targeted several webhosts, trying to deplatform the entire Web site
- Targeted guest writers and people who merely sat in the IRC network, habitually chatting
- Targeted my family, including my wife, in spite of (or because of) her being more vulnerable and merely the victim of all this abuse
It's all just "for fun" or "funny", right? A new hobby or career for cancel mobsters? █