Gemini Links 13/06/2024: Linuxing of the Dell Laptop and Deep Dive into the World of the OpenEarth Foundation
Gemini* and Gopher
Getting Into Marvel and DC Comics, and DC's Divine Continuum explained
So, when I was younger I was never that into comics, probably because I never had the means of getting or reading them. To fix that, I started reading comics about 3 years ago. I started with Star Wars mainly because that was the franchise I loved. I never cared for superheros that much because from what I've seen of most movies, they were mostly about action and very little about personal relationships. The Arrowverse TV shows and Tom Holland's Spiderman changed that for me, and they still remain my favorite versions of superheros in DC and Marvel. But my preconceptions of the comics still persisted. I'm also quite picky with the art styles that I like, so there's a lot of art styles that I don't find attractive in comics, and they are mostly the older comic styles; I like more realism and shading, not the flat shapes and noisiness that a lot of older comics have. I'm most picky about the coloring of comics. Neon does not go with pastel colors and black (looking at you, "Flashpoint - Secret Seven" colorists). In fact, don't do neon ever please!
🔤SpellBinding: DFHNXUO Wordo: ANNEX
red pill
What if you're a pathological liar and you don't even know you're living in an alternative reality you're creating yourself, and the real world is at your fingertips, just behind the veil of the lies you've created? It only takes one decision to start discovering a new, amazing, exciting world without them. You only need to notice that veil, then you can just push it back with your hand casually and see the world beyond....
That moment when you become aware of your everyday confabulations (I treat confabulation quite broadly here as all the explanations we create, rationalisations, made-up predictions for the future, or, finally, confabulations in the classic sense of the word, so the addition of non-existent stories that fit logically into past events)... What are they, what is the chance of them hitting the mark? After all, we create them precisely because we don't know the truth and for some reason we don't want to look for it, but prefer to create our own story explaining the world (I'm not going into all the reasons here). So at the very moment you notice them, they cease to be confabulation, they start to be lies, or at best not to be truth in even the very liberal sense of claims that we are actually convinced are true. For convinced we are, but very superficially. If we give our beliefs a moment of reflection, our certainty fades and fades, and can even turn into certainty about their NOT being true.
Leaderboard available!
The Rangers now have an account in galactic credits! And a table of records is available, where you can compare completed quests and the amount in your account. There are rumors that some quests have a cap on the maximum amount of credits, and millions can turn into a couple of thousand, but not sure.
Technology and Free Software
Linux III: The Linuxing of the Dell Laptop
So... The main battery on my Dell Latitude E6430, but the slice battery still works, so it's still usable. I can replace that main battery when I get the chance, but for now... Debian 11 is working. It's still getting a battery life of around 4-7 hours on just the slice battery, and as high as 11 hours, so I'm happy with that. At 1600x900, with no nVidia GPU active without the driver, I'm running Trinity on this thing, and I'm happy with that as well. I could fix that by moving to Debian unstable/sid, but I don't feel like working on that quite yet. Maybe later.
Back to the MacBook
So, I made another attempt at just switching to Linux, this time using Debian 12 (Bookworm) on my Dell Latitude E6430. I had it set up with Trinity Desktop (TDE) for the GUI, as I still miss KDE 3, and modern GUIs (including XFCE and MATE Desktop, for some reason) just absolutely pinged the CPU and drained battery like it was nothing. Under TDE, the laptop was getting 7-11 hours of battery on PowerSave mode, using only the slice battery—the main battery had completely died, and will likely get replaced eventually.
Unsolicited ldd(1) Advice
As you can see, ldd is broken on OpenBSD, so therefore OpenBSD is a terrible OS. I mean, who would break ldd?! A minor problem here is that ldd(1) may execute arbitrary code, and xterm has the set-group-id bit turned on, so may execute arbitrary code as some other user. Anyways, arbitrary code execution is bad, unless you're an attacker pretending to be a confused user who wants to trick root into running ldd on some binary that the attacker has been having weird library issues with.
A Deep Dive into the World of the OpenEarth Foundation, Part 2 of 2: Mission
In Part 1[1], we looked at the people and organizations involved in funding the OpenEarth Foundation: a ragtag bunch of crypto billionaires, crypto companies, massive philanthropic foundations, and even a former Sotheby's art dealer who, according to OpenEarth's recently-released 2023 IRS filings (form 990)[2], was given a seat on their board of directors.
Just another manic Thursday
~softwarepagan stoked an idea of increased freedom in absence of identity references.
Yes, the first two sentences violated that right off the bat with '~softwarepagan'. It's quite the very sticky thing.
But hopefully practice leads to perfection despite Murphy's (BZZZT! another transgression!) best efforts.
Making a tic-tac-toe variant
This week was calm at work, which, combined with insomnia, made for a good opportunity to work on a game as a hobby.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.