"Heroes of Fedora" Are Just Salaried Employees of IBM (But "Community" is Just Sounding a Lot Nicer)
Not all of them. Many in this list, however, are IBM (Red Hat) staff, including the one at the top (we recognise others too): (via Planet Fedora)
First in the list:
Remember that in the petition to oust Richard Stallman many of the leading people were IBM staff (the biggest and most notorious petition was operated by IBM staff). The concept of "community" overlooks the real financial relationships, which bears corporate obligations and loyalty to Wall Street's shareholders.
The Fedora Council, which makes important decisions, is mostly IBM. A real community would not allow IBM a majority. It's a governance deficit that lets IBM's CEO treat the community like disposable slaves and subservient staff. IBM made it clear that its employees, even after work or outside working hours, are company "property" with their hands ties ("100% of the time").