It's FOSS? No, It's SPAM.
Another sellout:
They will pay for it and it's costing them (in reputation). History shows that taking Linux Foundation (LF) money results in ruin.
In the past, "It's FOSS" entered one of those LF programs and reposted that chaff in Tux Machines (we had to delete that spam that they had added).
Linux Foundation isn't pro-Linux; it promotes operating systems that compete against Linux and only gives about 2% of its budget to Linux.
Related: Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (SJVN) 'Works' for Linux Foundation (LF) on SPAM Campaigns, Just Like Spamnil's TFiR (Swapnil Bhartiya) | Linux Foundation Let Rot for Two Months and Now It Posts Ridiculous Spam
Update (04/12/2024)
Their entire site now looks like this:
It's some sort of partnership.
Update (07/12/2024)
FOSS Force is back to doing this too: