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Do-No-Evil Saturday - Part I: FOSDEM Starts, OpenSUSE Attends, SUSE's New Qt4-rich Installer

SUSE in Green

Francis Giannaros has published his latest OpenSUSE newsletter, the summary of which lies below.

[opensuse-announce] openSUSE Weekly News, Issue 10


Issue 10 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! [0]

YaST bootIn this week's issue: * A look at SUSE Hack Week Innovations * FOSDEM 2008 - This Weekend! * In Tips and Tricks: How to Enable 3rd-party Upgrades


Have a lot of fun!

Martin Lasarsch spoke about OSDEM, which is apparently about to kick off any moment (it's 10 AM in Belgium):

[opensuse-announce] Last Reminder: FOSDEM this Weekend


This weekend (23-24.02) the openSUSE folks will again go to Brussels to one of the most important developer events in Europe: FOSDEM.

For all openSUSE users we will again have an openSUSE devroom, which means 2 days full of interesting presentations about the openSUSE universe.

Some highlights: * 19 talks total * We will record all talks * openSUSE Buildservice track * Laptop track * Community talks * Meet Zonker for the first time in Europe * openSUSE booth * Meet the community!

For a detailed schedule visit the FOSDEM openSUSE wiki page [1], where you will also find the videos and slides after the event. Or visit the official FOSDEM schedule for the openSUSE devroom [2].

[1] [2]

There is some more information about FOSDEM 2008 in the OpenSUSE Web site.

This weekend (23-24.02) the openSUSE folks will again go to Brussels to one of the most important developer events in Europe: FOSDEM. For all openSUSE users we will again have an openSUSE devroom, which means 2 days full of interesting presentations about the openSUSE universe.

Zonker talks about Hack Week 2. We mentioned this last week when Andreas brought up the topic.

While it’s groovy that the Eee PC runs Linux, I’ve been thinking about how to put openSUSE on the little beast. Lucky for me, Sonja Krause-Harder is already working on it as a Hack Week II project...

There is a rather weird press release about an OpenSUSE commands book.

Aimed squarely at aspiring Linux power users and professional administrators, the SUSE Linux Toolbox offers more than 1000 examples of useful Linux command lines.

It's not too clear how SUSE is different from many other GNU/Linux distribution, but there you go.

Ryan Paul took a look at the latest installer of OpenSUSE, which makes good use of Qt's latest and greatest capabilities.

Novell's second Hack Week event is taking place right now and developers are writing blog entries about some of their projects. Artist Jakub Steiner, who is best known for his work on GNOME and icons, has written about the new installer for OpenSUSE 11 which uses the CSS-like styling capabilities of Qt 4 to provide an aesthetically rich interface.

Not much more from OpenSUSE in the past week, but we no longer keep good track of OpenSUSE beta/alpha reviews.

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