Do-No-Evil Saturday - Part II: Novell Product Releases and Integration
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2008-02-23 09:19:51 UTC
- Modified: 2008-02-23 09:19:51 UTC

SUSE has
a new client and look at whose expense that business was earned.
By switching to an enterprise resource planning (ERP) environment running on SuSe Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), South African toy manufacturer and distributor Prima Toys has managed to reduce its processing time by 500 percent and has gained enhanced stability for its line-of-business computing environment.
Before the switch to SLES, Prima Toys made use of an outdated SCO Unix deployment that was slow and no longer enjoyed official support.
There continues to be some talk about the SiteScape acquisition and
integration work with Novell's Bonsai.
Like Microsoft and IBM, Novell is also moving its groupware and messaging in a social networking direction, a Novell executive told BetaNews.
Mind the role SiteScape
in GroupWise:
Novell, an old player in enterprise networking and collaborative enterprise messaging (GroupWise), has moved aggressively into the UC market with its acquisition of SiteScape (CPM web news). While it is relying on this acquisition to bring in real-time conferencing and social networking for “team collaboration” to its traditional GroupWise capabilities, it is also emphasizing the open source Linux framework that it has structured its product directions upon.
Some third parties boast GroupWise support in their offerings. This includes
Compatible with Novell GroupWise, Microsoft Exchange and IBM Lotus Notes/Domino, our products are installed and supported via a world-wide channel of over 100 Certified System Integrators and IT Consultants, including Novell (NOVL).
It also needed to be easy to manage and compatible with our Novell NetWare and Novell GroupWise environments. The FalconStor NSS solution gave us the exact advanced storage services we needed, such as synchronous mirroring and snapshots, in our heterogeneous environment.”
Novell's BorderManager gets a new version of
LinkWall, illustrating some work by the partners.
The LinkWall Suite, consisting of LinkWall, AdWall and FileWall, adds valuable functionality to Novell BorderManager by providing blocking of unwanted sites, advertising and defined file types, using public-domain site blocking lists. The products are significantly less expensive than competing third-party solutions, which require costly ongoing annual subscriptions for downloading site-blocking lists.
Here is a new article covering
Novell's ZENworks ESM version 3.5.
This centrally administrated product can increase productivity while strengthening security, adhering to compliance regulations and lowering mobile support costs. Its primary function is as a handheld management system that integrates into the overall ZENworks management suite. In that regard, it treats the handheld as just another component of the enterprise, simplifying device management.
Identity Management
On the identity management front, which had Novell's PR rather excited the other day, there's this
reiteration of recent news.
Novell Inc. announced last week an enhancement to its security and information event management solution, Novell Sentinel, that will help retailers meet the detailed requirements of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). The new enhanced security and information event management solution helps merchants achieve compliance with PCI-DSS.
The next post, much like this one, is likely to be boring. It's an important record for future reference though.
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