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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: December 1st, 2008 - Part 1


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RevGTRtwitter: yea but they don't know whom or what they are abusing or if it is even close to realityDec 01 00:00
twitterProfessionals have to share enough personal details to make a convincing smear, it's called a resume.Dec 01 00:01
twitterMost want to share more in public.Dec 01 00:01
RevGTRtwitter: but a resume should be only sent to those who you wish to work withDec 01 00:02
RevGTRtwitter: or else someone may just take it and maybe use your identity for other meansDec 01 00:02
twitterIf you are a lawyer, you want everyone to know you and work with you.Dec 01 00:02
schestowitzWhat can employers rely on?Dec 01 00:03
twitterYour interview.Dec 01 00:03
twitterYour previous employers, publications and academic record.Dec 01 00:03
RevGTRtwitter: a good Lawyer knows which clients to chooseDec 01 00:03
RevGTRtwitter: which you can sent to them in an email over an encrypted connectionDec 01 00:04
twitterIdentity fraud should be checked with in face ID.Dec 01 00:04
RevGTRtwitter: good luck getting businesses to creat the infastructure to handle thatDec 01 00:04
twitterI should not be afraid of my name, address and phone number being public.Dec 01 00:04
twitterBusinesses that don't do that deserve to be robbed.Dec 01 00:05
RevGTRtwitter: you must live in a nice neighborhoodDec 01 00:05
schestowitzYeah, that's itDec 01 00:05
twitterEveryone should live in a nice neighborhood, I've lived in all kinds.Dec 01 00:05
schestowitzThe data was always there.Dec 01 00:05
schestowitzIt just had more hoops to jumpDec 01 00:05
RevGTRtwitter: make that most Businesses as their number one concern is earning and keeping working capitalDec 01 00:05
schestowitzThe perverts, stalkers and dangerous people were not always able to leap these hoopsDec 01 00:06
twitterdangerous companies and government always have been able to sabotage people, more communications and sharing are good.Dec 01 00:06
twitterFB provides centralized control, it's a step backwards.Dec 01 00:08
RevGTRhow is sharing good when you can sweet talk any online or over the phone service into believing who you are with 9 numbersDec 01 00:10
twitterThat's not sharing, it's sloppy accounting and fraud.Dec 01 00:10
RevGTRtwitter: which can be achieved if the right amount of information is exposed for the pickingDec 01 00:12
twitterNo one intentionally exposes that kind of information.Dec 01 00:13
schestowitztwitter: CIA loves FBDec 01 00:13
twitterIt generally leaks out of insecure IT practices.Dec 01 00:13
twitterI don't love the CIA.Dec 01 00:13
schestowitzIt does some of its homework, conducted by 'the little people'Dec 01 00:13
twitterDomestic spying like that is supposed to be against the law.  FB makes it legal by getting people to volunteer the information.  It's slimy.Dec 01 00:15
twitterPeople should be able to trust their networking site to not share their information in ways they don't approve.Dec 01 00:16
twitterFB fails the trust test, so it should not be used.Dec 01 00:16
RevGTRtwitter: there are not many social networking sites that are truely confidential with your informationDec 01 00:16
twitterFB also fails the veracity test, so it should not be trusted.Dec 01 00:16
twitterfree software should walk into the space and provide trusted networking software.  of course, that devolves into trusting your friends but it's clear that's better than trusting FBDec 01 00:17
RevGTRtwitter: free software like what?Dec 01 00:18
twitterencrypted web service/wiki, jabber etc.Dec 01 00:19
twitterIt should be easy for people to share things with their friends without having to fear Big Brother.Dec 01 00:19
RevGTRtwitter: true but most people take ease of use and popularity over securityDec 01 00:19
twitterfree software always makes things easier eventually.Dec 01 00:20
twitterA society that does not have secure communications will lose the rest of their freedoms eventually.Dec 01 00:21
RevGTRtwitter: true but free communication has to be ensured by laws and social norms everyone not only has to follow but make sure they are not brokenDec 01 00:22
twitterFB as it exists is breaking libel laws.Dec 01 00:22
twitterCommunications between friends should be private.Dec 01 00:23
twitterPeople in them can uphold real laws the same way they have always been upheld - by reporting crimes.Dec 01 00:24
twitterMonitoring is not required and it is evil.Dec 01 00:25
twittertime for dinner, back later.Dec 01 00:25
schestowitzIt has just occurred to me that Mandriva with a new CEO may be a risky due to Microsoft pressuring.Dec 01 00:37
RevGTRschestowitz: as in capitulating or driving away M$ demands?Dec 01 00:42
*RevGTR is now known as RevGTRafkDec 01 00:44
*[H]omer_ (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 00:52
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schestowitzRevGTRafk: either oneDec 01 00:55
schestowitzI had the same worry when Red Hat changed heads.Dec 01 00:55
schestowitz 01 00:55
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 01:03
*RevGTRafk is now known as RevGTRDec 01 01:23
RevGTRschestowitz: so how is Red Hat Enterprises doing now?Dec 01 01:23
schestowitzPretty well. Sales are increasing.Dec 01 01:26
schestowitzI don't know about deployments because centos and oracle might east some 'sales'Dec 01 01:26
RevGTRschestowitz: well in that case all the luck to them, I g2g. Thanks for chatting you have to be one of the most actively participating hosts on this node if not all of IRCDec 01 01:46
*RevGTR has quit ()Dec 01 01:46
schestowitzPleasure to have you here.Dec 01 01:46
schestowitz"In fact, for all the intense gloom surrounding the news-paper and magazine business, this is actually a golden era for journalism. The blogosphere has added a whole new idiom to the act of writing and has introduced an entirely new generation to nonfiction. It has enabled writers to write out loud in ways never seen or understood before. " < >Dec 01 01:47
schestowitzOn the other hand:" Wired has posted an already-controversial article about how blogs are "so 2004", and how services like Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr even are here to replace them." < >Dec 01 01:53
schestowitzIt's painful news about Mandriva: ; 01 01:59
schestowitz"Another Saturday weekly protest occurred in  Iceland over their banking collapse and economic situation. Protesters want a new general election and the resignation of the banking heads." < >Dec 01 02:04
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 01 02:06
schestowitzOn Facebook.. "If you're on Facebook, you've no doubt got a bunch of friends. And if you're like most Facebook users, you're certain those friends are exactly who they say they are. And you might be right. Or you could be wrong. They could be scammers posing as your friends." < >Dec 01 02:15
schestowitz ...Better to buy FreeRunner. Buying an iPhone from Apple helps their vanity count, just like buying XBox to act as a GNU/Linux server enables Microsoft to approach game makers with inflated figures.Dec 01 02:24
twitterRecent submissions, Inevitability Myth is Dead, 01 02:40
twitterM$ to blow $20B on data centers doomed to fail, 01 02:41
twitterBruce Byfield misses the point to create conflict again, 01 02:42
twitterM$ is for naive users and deluded dreamers,  Greed is not a sustainable business model.Dec 01 02:43
twitterthanks for the interesting links.  I'll ponder them over the next day or so.  Good night.Dec 01 02:47
*seller_liar (i=bd121fc3@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 03:42
seller_liaranother abandoned projectDec 01 03:42
seller_liara cil to class converterDec 01 03:42
seller_liar 01 03:42
seller_liarit uses mono 0.4Dec 01 03:43
seller_liar 01 03:48
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seller_liar 01 03:58
seller_liar 01 03:58
seller_liarthe last is very oldDec 01 03:58
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*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 05:49
Omar87HiDec 01 05:49
Omar87schestowitz: Seriously, if I were you, I'd ban G. Michaels.Dec 01 05:49
Omar87He's just plain annoying, posting off-topic spam here and there.. -_-Dec 01 05:50
Omar87Sometimes, he just reminds of the guy who calls the cops to order a pepperoni pizza.Dec 01 05:51
*Received a CTCP PING 1228115173 from Omar87Dec 01 06:58
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kevin__helloDec 01 07:37
*Omar87 has quit (Connection timed out)Dec 01 07:49
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*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 08:07
schestowitzMorning.Dec 01 08:10
schestowitzWhy I Love Twitter < >Dec 01 08:20
schestowitzAnti-DRM campaign calls for MacBook boycott < >Dec 01 08:34
kentmaHmm.. Apple in the firing line now- can't say I'm surprised, seeing their senior exec use the term "freetard" really put me off them significantly.Dec 01 08:40
schestowitzWhich senior exec?Dec 01 08:41
schestowitzI thought that it was only the faker (living in Jobs' shadow) who used and spread this word.Dec 01 08:42
kentmahe's still a senior exec...Dec 01 08:53
kentmabtw Roy - have you seen any traffic on the OSA mailing list recently?Dec 01 08:53
kentmaschestowitz: also, just heard that a Microsoft guy will be giving the Royal Institution's xmas lecture this year...Dec 01 08:54
schestowitzLet me ehck..Dec 01 08:55
schestowitzWow. None since October (*check)Dec 01 08:55
kentmathat's what I saw - last message was in October.Dec 01 08:59
schestowitzI last posted there around June, I think.Dec 01 09:01
kentmaI've not posted in a while... I got accused of being a "daily mail" reader when I pointed some facts about state of the present examination system.  Of course, that was before the KS3 sats disaster...  it rather put me off - I was hoping for a more grown-up discussion.Dec 01 09:06
schestowitzI must have missed that. Either way, it ended up well for Sirius, which got a govt contract.Dec 01 09:10
kentmaMark T did well out of it, and in general, getting foss accepted by Becta was a huge leap forward.  Unfortunately, that's just the beginning.  Kent LEA are busy adopting everything Microsoft as fast as they can... so there are still huge problems to address.Dec 01 09:11
schestowitzThis latest tragedy won't be good for India: ( Fear of More Attacks Could Hurt Business in India )Dec 01 09:11
schestowitzBECTA sucked up to Microsoft in front of the EU the last time I read about the MS07 controversyDec 01 09:12
schestowitzIt would be interesting to see how many former Softies there are in BECTADec 01 09:12
kentmaprobably lots... it makes good business sense for MS to push their ex-employees everywhere they can.Dec 01 09:13
schestowitzIf we could get a list of BECTA seniors and then do googling for each, that would be handy in identifying their High-Fields and Tree Huggers(R)Dec 01 09:13
schestowitz"That agreement was nearly imperiled last weekend, though. Gerri Elliott, corporate vice president at Microsoft’s Worldwide Public Sector division, sent an e-mail message to fellow commissioners Friday evening saying that she “vigorously” objected to a paragraph in which the panel embraced and encouraged the development of open source software and open content projects in higher education." 01 09:14
schestowitz2006/09/01/commissionDec 01 09:14
schestowitz 01 09:14
schestowitzhttp://board.bec...Dec 01 09:15
schestowitzHeaded by "# ^ Andrew Pinder. "Government Gateway is not a 'Microsoft puppet'""Dec 01 09:16
schestowitzWhy need to rebut? "Second, Microsoft was in no way given carte blanche to do as it pleased. A tough decision was taken when it became clear that the partnership with Compaq was not going to work. It was quite the contrary of panicking: we chose to internally manage a host of suppliers in order to provide the best solution."Dec 01 09:17
schestowitz"we're not puppets. Really"Dec 01 09:18
Omar87schestowitz: Seriously, if I were you, I'd ban G. Michaels.Dec 01 09:18
Omar87He's just plain annoying, posting off-topic spam here and there.. -_-Dec 01 09:18
Omar87Sometimes, he just reminds of the guy who calls the cops to order a pepperoni pizza.Dec 01 09:18
schestowitz"Typically [teachers who run IT] would be people who have a real passion about Open Source — as if open source is any different from any other software — it's just the pricing structure is different, that's all. "Dec 01 09:18
schestowitz-- Andrew PinderDec 01 09:18
schestowitzOh god.Dec 01 09:18
schestowitz"It's a religion, it's a real belief, and again they have a belief about bits of technology that are going to change things. What they don't do, however, is organize things properly."Dec 01 09:19
schestowitz-- Andrew PinderDec 01 09:19
schestowitzCompare to: “Open source is not a movement; it’s a religion. It is a set of principles and practices that let everyone share non-existent or semi-existent intellectual property. Remember the Communist Manifesto: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” It is this generation’s Woodstock.”Dec 01 09:19
schestowitz–Howard Anderson Framingham Founder of The Yankee Group (2007) (Microsoft puppet) [source: ]Dec 01 09:20
schestowitz "In this role, he gave a speech at the CBI in November 2001,[3] and spoke at a Microsoft-sponsored Government Leaders Conference in Seattle in April 2002, where he famously announced that the government's target of putting all services online by 2005 could cost 800,000 public sector employees their jobs.[4]"Dec 01 09:20
schestowitzIncestuous, no?Dec 01 09:21
schestowitz"He oversaw the rushed implementation in 2001 of the Government Gateway, a project for putting all the government services on-line, which was built by Microsoft in just 15 weeks and initially locked out all browsers except Microsoft's own Internet Explorer. "Dec 01 09:21
schestowitz"The deal also involved Microsoft using UK government intellectual property to build products for other governments in order to recoup some of the costs of building the technology. The rate of return was to the tune of 22% of their gross sales of the intellectual property, which Pinder hoped would "give us quite a lot of money".[6]"Dec 01 09:22
Omar87schestowitz: Really, just ban him. All his posts are becoming completely irrelevant and just plain off-topic spam.. -_-Dec 01 09:22
schestowitzAnd that's just ONE guy from BECTA's board. I haven't checked the rest.Dec 01 09:22
schestowitzOmar87: I can't ban people.Dec 01 09:22
schestowitzI could discourage his postings, but can't censor.Dec 01 09:23
kentma:-)Dec 01 09:23
kentmaI recall that one... never miss a trick, do they?  Anything to prevent choice.Dec 01 09:23
kentmaum, just seen the item on Microsoft stitching up the Ukrainian government.Dec 01 09:23
schestowitzYesDec 01 09:24
schestowitzAlso the University of South Africa.Dec 01 09:24
schestowitzNo Microsoft? No entryDec 01 09:24
Omar87schestowitz: at least put a red-colored sentence on his posts that says: "That's the guy to talks about skydiving in a cooking website.", or anything like that.Dec 01 09:25
schestowitzThey suffocate SA because they move to F/OSS. Utterly disgusting.. they must have found some corruptible people to take a 'real bargain' t give away kids' freedomDec 01 09:25
schestowitzOmar87: maybe later. I'd rather point to examples of chronic stalking. He does the same thing in /.Dec 01 09:26
Omar87schestowitz: ok, you know how to handle him. :)Dec 01 09:26
schestowitzUK education bodies partner with Microsoft to improve school ICT < >Dec 01 09:28
schestowitzThat's another BECTA board member: Ralph TabbererDec 01 09:28
schestowitzRalph Tabberer, from the TTA said; "We are looking forward to a productive working relationship with Microsoft over the next three years and we will work closely together .."Dec 01 09:29
schestowitz "The current chairman of Becta holds the view that "open source is [no] different from any other software -- it's just the pricing structure is different, that's all. But [its supporters] have a passion. It's a religion, it's a real belief."[2]"Dec 01 09:30
MinceRj0Dec 01 09:33
Omar87schestowitz: He's got nothing to do but flaming and spamming everywhere he goes. The articles he posted about you, is just utter bulls#*t.Dec 01 09:35
schestowitzLopa Patel... also from BECTA board... I guess I can't see her without getting the Silver Lie. 01 09:36
Omar87I mean the article**Dec 01 09:36
schestowitz"Attendees: Andrew Pinder, John Roberts, Graham Moore, Stephen Gill, Derek Wise Stephen Crowne, Niel McLean, Tony Richardson, Ian Adams, Alan Cowie, Jane Williams, John Landeryou, Mark Wallbank, Roger Parr, Leigh Fish, John Newbigin, Doug Brown (part)"  < >Dec 01 09:38
schestowitz"In discussion, Board members explored how Becta should engage with Microsoft, and secure benefits on behalf of the education sector, particularly around flexibility and price; and how the Board should support the Executive in the planned discussions with Microsoft."Dec 01 09:38
kentmaAnd they can't see what's wrong with that?  corruption really does run very very deep indeed.Dec 01 09:39
schestowitzBecause... you know... you MUST buy from Microsoft.... yes... you MUST... you are getting very sweeeeeeeeepy...... you MUST.Dec 01 09:39
schestowitz"Stephen Crowne and Mark Wallbank introduced the paper and updated the Board on the issues and progress."Dec 01 09:39
schestowitz"Summing up, the Chairman said the Board was broadly content with progress so far. The forthcoming meeting with Microsoft was an important opportunity to deal with the outstanding issues."Dec 01 09:40
schestowitzSo... did they ditch Microsoft? Or did they sign another secret deal that the 'stupid' taxpayers are BY NO MEANS permitted to know about... e.g. how much they paid.Dec 01 09:40
schestowitz"Action: A small group of the Board (John Roberts, Steve Gill, Graham Moore and Andrew Pinder) to support the Executive in its discussions with Microsoft"Dec 01 09:41
schestowitzThat was in MAY 2008, mind you...Dec 01 09:41
schestowitzAfter the OOXML corruption.. including the lawsuit against the BSI for its corruption...Dec 01 09:42
schestowitzAmazing. The government distortion continues... "The software for the e-tax system has been written in a mix of Delphi, VB, C++, C# and VB.NET, with the user application being mainly in Delphi, which the ATO would like to maintain."Dec 01 09:49
kentmaI think that their totally pro-Microsoft bias was so challenged that in the end, they had to let someone else into the fold, namely Sirius, as to do anything else would be as good as Becta seniors walking around the Microsoft passcards.Dec 01 09:53
kentmaPublicity really is the best defence against this kind of corruption.Dec 01 09:53
schestowitzHere's what I think happens, which is unfortunate.Dec 01 09:54
schestowitzOpen source people slam BECTADec 01 09:54
schestowitzBECTA then fears and loathes open source.Dec 01 09:54
schestowitzOpen source people slam BECTA again.Dec 01 09:54
schestowitzBECTA runs away to Microsoft for protection.Dec 01 09:54
schestowitzMicrosoft serves kool-aid about that so-called "religion" and relationship between BECTA and MS tightens.Dec 01 09:55
schestowitzIn due time, executives too might be swapped. BECTA fails to realise the goals of education and basic things like skills they are intended to give kids.Dec 01 09:55
schestowitzIt's not about training for $Product from $Vendor and depriving kids of access to data (proprietary format), media (DRM-O/S, aka VIsta), choice of applications and most importantly discrimination against the poor that cannot afford the software taught (or will be forced to pay later). There's NO software scarcity. It's digital.Dec 01 09:57
kentmaThere could also be some of the "conservatory problem" going on - some promise of future personal benefit, at some time.  Like "we'll pay for your conservatory next year" sort of thing.Dec 01 10:00
schestowitzlibervis is actually sidling with 'ownership' of ideas... *shudder* 01 10:01
schestowitzkentma: yes, deferred reward.Dec 01 10:01
schestowitzExamples..Dec 01 10:01
kentmaAh, so we're going to have "unauthorised thought processes" soon, when you have an idea which isn't allowed...Dec 01 10:02
schestowitz 01 10:02
schestowitzAnd 01 10:02
schestowitzkentma: that "unauthorised thought processes" could create job. That's a lot of policing to do. :-)Dec 01 10:04
schestowitz*jobsDec 01 10:04
kentmathe libervis article is flawed at the very beginning - it defines an individual as one and only one thing, namely the collection of millions of cells, molecules, atoms, which is a human being.  However, a collection of human beings "a collective" cannot have a single view according to the article, but the collection of cells which is a person, can.  How very very simplistic.Dec 01 10:04
schestowitz (Minority Report)Dec 01 10:05
schestowitz 01 10:05
schestowitzHaha. He has this in the footer: 01 10:06
schestowitzHe blocks all traffic from Whorn [sic] enabled ISPsDec 01 10:06
schestowitzIt's calling for a boycott on Dabs and BTDec 01 10:07
kentmaso I see...Dec 01 10:08
schestowitzMaybe they'll reverse action. It's still an active discussion, but that $company is trying to erase the past by eliminating critical posts.Dec 01 10:11
schestowitzMicrosofto does this too... recent examples include Hotmail rants and Forza2 threads.Dec 01 10:12
schestowitzStuart Cohen: Open Source: The Model Is Broken < >Dec 01 10:14
schestowitzBW has also just published pro-FOSS articles.Dec 01 10:14
schestowitzLet's see if Stuart is just trying to market himself (CIS) by throwing dirt.Dec 01 10:14
schestowitz"Change has been afoot for some time. Two years ago, Microsoft (MSFT) stunned the world by forming a partnership with Novell (NOVL), a company specializing in the open-source Linux operating system that competes with Windows. Before that, Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer would have had us all believe that Linux and open source were un-American, cancers of the worst kind. Meanwhile the hard-core open-source faction scDec 01 10:15
schestowitzreamed foul on Novell, claiming it was really an old-fashioned shakedown, with Microsoft promising not to sue companies that used Novell's "Redmond-approved" version of Linux."Dec 01 10:15
schestowitzI see he's still a Novell/Microsoft apologistDec 01 10:15
schestowitzLike Zemlin for all I can tell. They are, after all, somewhat of an IBM front and IBM supported the horrid patent deal.Dec 01 10:15
schestowitz"I was one of the few open-source CEOs to support that deal while at Open Source Development Labs, and I even joined Ballmer and Novell CEO Ron Hovsepian on stage that day. "Dec 01 10:16
schestowitzFol.Dec 01 10:16
schestowitzFool.Dec 01 10:16
schestowitzThey say this may have caused OSDL to collapse.Dec 01 10:16
*schestowitz looks outside at the first snow shower this yearDec 01 10:17
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 01 10:29
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Omar87schestowitz: can I use XHTML tags in my comments?Dec 01 10:47
schestowitzYes, but some might not work.Dec 01 10:47
schestowitzLike JavaScript and font sizeDec 01 10:47
*kentma has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Dec 01 10:47
Omar87I want to quote something from another topic.Dec 01 10:47
Omar87from another comment sorry.Dec 01 10:48
schestowitzuse <blockquote>blah</blockquote>Dec 01 10:49
Omar87schestowitz: can you please cancel my latest comment on "Novel Leaps"?Dec 01 10:55
schestowitzSureDec 01 10:58
PetoKrausFINALLYDec 01 10:59
PetoKrausI got reply from the owners of the flat aboveDec 01 10:59
PetoKraus"Our plumbers visited the property last week and confirmed that the water seems to be coming down the back wall as a result of insufficient sealing around the bath area."Dec 01 10:59
schestowitz"On November 12, 2008, a group of artists and activists unveiled a brilliant spoof of the New York Times, widely distributed to readers in New York and Los Angeles. This "July 4, 2009" version of the Times — which the real New York Times described as a "Grade-A caper" — boldly announced the end of the Iraq War" 01 11:01
trmancogood morningDec 01 11:11
Omar87schestowitz: Sorry for the inconvenience, can you also moderate my comment too?Dec 01 11:13
schestowitzSure, hold on.Dec 01 11:13
schestowitzWhat do you mean by moderate?Dec 01 11:13
Omar87schestowitz: can you please correct "just as all a favor" to "just do us all a favor" ?Dec 01 11:13
schestowitzOk, sure.Dec 01 11:16
Omar87schestowitz: Thanks a lot.Dec 01 11:16
kentma1how about "just do us all a favour"...Dec 01 11:32
kentma1:-)Dec 01 11:32
*PeterKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 11:55
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EruaranMicrosoft has informed us that we haven't done any advertising for them and that if we put some Vista advertising in our newspaper ad this week it will be some thousands in the bank for us in marketing money from M$. There is also a bonus on offer... though in my distain for the whole thing today I didn't pay attention to what that was about.Dec 01 12:04
EruaranI suggested that we put the Vista stuff in our ad with Tux next to it with "Linux ready" underneath.Dec 01 12:06
schestowitzWowDec 01 12:07
EruaranMy employers said they would be expecting a visit from Microsoft heavies if we do that.Dec 01 12:07
schestowitzThat's news to me.Dec 01 12:07
schestowitzPeople like Helios have always suspected this.Dec 01 12:07
schestowitzI can publish something about it, right?Dec 01 12:07
EruaranSure, its not a secret... though I don't want to divulge who I work forDec 01 12:08
schestowitzCool.Dec 01 12:08
EruaranThis is how Microsoft gets all that Vista stuff in ads and things.Dec 01 12:08
EruaranThey pay you for it.Dec 01 12:08
schestowitzYes, it all comes together now.Dec 01 12:08
schestowitzI haven't come across the smoking huns.Dec 01 12:08
schestowitzBut it ws clear that the "vendor recommend WIndows" thing was a sellout.Dec 01 12:09
EruaranI can get a copy of the email for youDec 01 12:09
schestowitzPleaseDec 01 12:09
schestowitzr at schestowitz dot comDec 01 12:09
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 01 12:10
EruaranWont be too long... I have to remote in as I don't have it hereDec 01 12:10
schestowitzThanks!Dec 01 12:11
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 12:12
Eruaranforwarding to myself now...Dec 01 12:14
schestowitzI'd need to anonymise.Dec 01 12:15
EruaranIt has attachments...Dec 01 12:15
*PeterKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 12:16
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EruaranDid you know Windows SP2 cracks work with SP3 ?Dec 01 12:51
EruaranNo effort seems to have been made to make it more difficult to crack XPDec 01 12:52
schestowitzIts too riskyDec 01 12:53
schestowitzMicrosoft relies on counterfeiting.Dec 01 12:53
EruaranyesDec 01 12:53
schestowitzThose who won't buy Windows MUST be able to crack it, else else [Linux]Dec 01 12:53
schestowitzLet me find the quote..Dec 01 12:53
schestowitzOkay, it would take a while to find the URL, but I know this almost by heartDec 01 12:54
schestowitzGates said that (or was it Mundie?) that "If they are going to steal, then we want them to steal ours"Dec 01 12:54
EruaranyesDec 01 12:56
EruaranWhen SP3 came out we just assumed that the old cracks would no longer workDec 01 12:56
Eruaran(and we often use them, not to "pirate" Windows but rather to crack licenced copies becuase it is quicker than calling Microsoft... we just don't have time to have it wasted on this sort of rubbish)Dec 01 12:57
schestowitzSP3 means "lipstick on a pig", not "shackles on the pig" (that would be Vista)Dec 01 12:57
schestowitzMicrosoft sues this 'crack' game to force China into Vista, from what I could gather.Dec 01 12:57
EruaranI was a little surprised one day when I tried them and found they still worked exactly the same on SP3Dec 01 12:58
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schestowitzI's not a bug, it's a feature.Dec 01 12:58
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schestowitzRegister is peddling vapourware again: 01 14:37
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trmancoFirefox Share Tops 20% for November: 01 14:49
kentma1The MS game seems to be up.  They're actually starting to get some real competition, having managed to destroy it all each time previously by one means or another.  I wonder if they'll be able to cope with competition?Dec 01 14:50
kentma1Their best play so far has been to un-EOL XP, but I wonder just how sustainable that is?Dec 01 14:52
MinceRthey can never cope with competitionDec 01 14:53
MinceRand they can't run away from it any moreDec 01 14:53
MinceRperhaps they should GPLv3 all their products and start building some goodwillDec 01 14:53
kentma1Hehe - it's never too late to mediate :-)Dec 01 14:55
*str8t_man (n=rahmat3f@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 14:55
MinceRthat way they might even end up with products that actually workDec 01 14:56
str8t_manany sleepy? :DDec 01 14:57
str8t_manshit!!!! :'(Dec 01 14:58
kentma1They would need to move from "release early, never fix problems and add new features constantly" to "release when it works"Dec 01 14:59
schestowitztrmanco: these stats are noise.Dec 01 14:59
trmancobetter then not have have themDec 01 15:00
trmanconot to have*Dec 01 15:00
schestowitzGoogle has good stats.Dec 01 15:00
*str8t_man (n=rahmat3f@ has left #boycottnovellDec 01 15:00
schestowitzBut they are biased towards Google users although it has "Analytics" spyware as well.Dec 01 15:01
PetoKrausschestowitz: they are not bad thoughDec 01 15:01
PetoKraus20% is massiveDec 01 15:01
trmancoyes but they aren't publicDec 01 15:01
trmancoI just wonder what sites are they getting this info from (net applications)Dec 01 15:02
schestowitzIt's not sites.Dec 01 15:02
schestowitz 01 15:03
trmancothen from where do they get this info?Dec 01 15:03
schestowitz"We collect data from the browsers of site visitors to our exclusive on-demand network of live stats customers."Dec 01 15:04
trmancoohDec 01 15:04
trmancoi get it nowDec 01 15:04
schestowitz"In addition, we classify 430+ referral sources identified as search engines. Aggregate traffic referrals from these engines are summarized and reported monthly. The statistics for search engines include both organic and sponsored referrals. The websites in our population represent dozens of countries in regions including North America, South America, Western Europe, Australia / Pacific Rim and Parts of Asia."Dec 01 15:05
schestowitzREFERRALS!Dec 01 15:05
schestowitz12 countries, doesn't say which ones and how many sites from each... site size, eyc.Dec 01 15:05
trmancowellDec 01 15:06
schestowitzNo Linux sites there, I bet you $100Dec 01 15:06
trmancoI wonder the stats of google's homepageDec 01 15:06
schestowitzThey don't give away people's privacyDec 01 15:06
schestowitzStats are site- or population-speficisDec 01 15:06
trmancono bets, I don't have $100 :-PDec 01 15:07
schestowitzThe question is, do you want to know installed base or site usage? It's not the same thing.Dec 01 15:07
trmancoyes I know it's not the same thing, but it would be nice to know installed base and site usage, to compareDec 01 15:08
trmancoIMODec 01 15:08
*_doug (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 15:09
trmanco -> The Simpsons "Mapple"Dec 01 15:12

Recent Techrights' Posts

Politicians Ought to Invite Dr. Richard Stallman and Prof. Eben Moglen to Speak About Policies, Licensing, Digital Sovereignty
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Good Explanation of Why IBM Has Chosen to Conceal Mass Layoffs (of 'Expensive' Staff) as "R.T.O." (Even For People Who Never Worked at the Office to Which They're Ordered to "Return")
Many remaining IBM (or Red Hat) workers in Europe are in "cheaper" places such as Brno
Microsoft's Serial Strangler and Matthew J. Garrett Join Forces in Trying to Gag Techrights (for Exposing Microsoft Corruption and Crimes Against Women)
Whose terrible idea was it?
Links 23/02/2025: Apple Back Doors, Ukraine Updates, and Gemini Leftovers
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Recent Improvements in Techrights
minimalism works fine when the main goal is to relay information
Slopwatch: Brian Fagioli, Brittany Day (, and Microsoft Misinformation, False Marketing
Serial Sloppers
Censored: Debian Zizian transgender vigilante comparisons in open source Linux communities
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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IRC Proceedings: Saturday, February 22, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Microsoft's Market Share in Cameroon Falls to New Lows
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, February 21, 2025
IRC logs for Friday, February 21, 2025
The Streisand Effect is Real
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Links 21/02/2025: Doomscrolling and European Ham Radio Show
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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano Proud to Host Free Software Talk by Richard Stallman
ahead of Monday's talk
Slopwatch: Anti-Linux Machine-Generated FUD (LLM Slop) From GBHackers, CybersecurityNews, and Guardian Digital, Inc (Google News Promotes Slop Plagiarism, Misinformation)
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Gemini Links 21/02/2025: Web Browsers, Mechanical Shortcuts, and Internet Hygiene
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Richard Stallman 'Only' Founded the FSF
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Techrights Disconnected From the United States Two Years Ago
Did people really need to wait for the US government to become this hostile towards the media before recognising the threat?
Before Trying Censorship by Extortion the Serial Strangler From Microsoft Literally Begged Us to Delete Pages
This is very clearly just a broad campaign of intimidation
Hype Watch: Weeks After Microsoft Disappointed Investors With "Hey Hi" It's Trying Some "Quantum" Hype (Adding Impractical Vapourware to Accompany This Hype and Even LLM Slop in 'News' Clothing)
Remember "metaverse"? What happened to media hype about "blockchain" and "IoT"?
Report About February Mass Layoffs at Microsoft (Third Wave of Microsoft Layoffs in 2025) Comes Back From the Dead
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Over at Tux Machines...
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