Bonum Certa Men Certa

Links 17/07/2009: Many GNU/Linux Releases and Zeitgeist Engine

GNOME bluefish



  • Some recent site stats

    Operating Systems 1. Windows 71.32% 2. Linux 15.14% 3. Macintosh 12.67% 4. iPhone 0.34% 5. (not set) 0.20% 6. iPod 0.14% 7. SunOS 0.09% 8. Playstation 3 0.03% 9. SymbianOS 0.03% 10. Android 0.02%

  • Understanding the Scope
    Besides...Linux Against Poverty does not end in Austin...this is only the beginning. People on 4 continents are waiting for us to get this documented so they can hold their own event.

  • Linux, Mac users - your copy of Windows may be tax deductible
    While better than previous years, it is still little comfort to Macintosh users or those who may not be able to get WINE working for whatever reason.

    The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has not indicated any interest in producing either a cross-platform edition of e-tax or a release for any non-Microsoft operating system.

  • Desktop

    • Microsoft Office comes to Linux - MS begrudgingly bends
      While doing their best to keep the stranglehold on the productivity software market, Linux struggles to get a foothold in the market without a painless solution for business documents that doesn’t require how-to instructions on the net. Linux without business documents surely has stunted its growth into the corporate market. By offering their web apps for free, Microsoft is reluctantly offering an olive branch to Linux users. In Microsoft’s video, the company states that browser Internet Explorer won’t be required to use the web app, they even name Firefox and Safari as being compatible. Microsoft doesn’t mention Google’s Chrome (although both Safari and Chrome are built using the same components).

  • Server

    • Community Live - Online Gaming High Scalability
      The inaugural meeting of the Online Gaming High Scalability Special Interest Group was a one day conference on the theme of "Should you bet on the Cloud". From the users point of view, an online gaming system seems simple but behind the scenes there is a high level of complexity, from ensuring response times, handling hundreds, thousands or more clients, ensuring the reliability of the entire system and managing the security of a system which may be handling virtual or real money. The question asked by the conference was can "The Cloud" help address those issues. The 180 conference attendees came from a wide range of businesses, from the obvious online bookies, poker and other game oriented companies to banks and financial institutions who have similar issues.

  • Kernel Space

    • Ubuntu 9.10 Preview: Kernel Mode Setting
      Put simply, kernel mode setting means the Linux kernel, instead of an X11 video driver, handles the task of configuring the graphics mode of the console. The assignment of this work to the kernel shaves away some overhead, making certain operations faster. It also helps developers by allowing kernel problems to be more easily debugged when X is running, and simplifying the video infrastructure upon which Linux relies.

    • File System Evangelist and Thought Leader: An Interview with Valerie Aurora
      There are many people who are influential in Linux. Many of them you are already aware of, but there are some, who are very influential, that you might not be aware. Valerie Aurora is a very influential thought leader in the Linux and FOSS community. She is responsible for the ChunkFS concepts and for much of the current work in Union file system work within Linux.

  • Applications

    • GNOME's Zeitgeist Engine Has Its First Release
      One of the GNOME projects that's in development that should premiere around the time of GNOME 3.0 is Zeitgeist, which is the system for tracking user activity and events and then logging it, so that later on the user can use the Zeitgeist tool to browse or find events and files on the computer.

    • CrossOver Linux 8.0.0 review
      CodeWeavers has released the latest version of its CrossOver software for Mac and Linux users. If you want to try working without Windows but can't live without a must-have Windows app, CrossOver just might be the answer.

      CodeWeavers CrossOver is a commercial product based on the open-source Wine project. Wine emulates key Windows software libraries, allowing Linux or Mac users to run Windows applications. And unlike virtualization tools like VMware or Parallels, Wine doesn't require users to install a licensed copy of Windows to get started.

    • Boxee Will Blow You Away
      Boxee is a cross-platform freeware media center software with promising new social networking features. Boxee is based on XBMC media center, an award winning open source project. Since i had already tested the latest XBMC 9.04, i was not expecting anything dramatic from an alpha release of Boxee. I was way wrong.

    • FFmpeg made easy
      So you've got those expensive headphones you always wanted. You put them on, set your playlist on shuffle, lean back on the recliner, and hit play. And Robbie Williams sounds just as bad as he did on the older cheapo headphones. What gives? Unless you aren't a Robbie fan, the music doesn't sound great because it isn't encoded to.

    • Linux Games: Eschalon Book I
      In this entry to the Linux Games department I am going to introduce you to a very fine RPG entry created by Basilisk Games called Eschalon Book I. This game is one of the few full-blown RPG games available for Linux, Windows, and OS X. Eschalon Book I won the 2007 Indie game of the year and with good reason. It’s well done.

      Now this game isn’t your standard, free, GPL fare. This game allows you to download a demo but to get the full blown fun you need to purchase the full version. The good news is that the full version will only set you back $19.95 for the download version. You can also purchase the CD version for $39.95. Believe me, this game is worth the price of the download version. Let’s take a look and see why.

  • Desktop Environments

    • A lightweight heavyweight
      So I was amazed, and at the same time pleased, to read on the LXDE devlopment blog that they rank quite high in the list of active projects on Ohloh. You can double-check the figures and the rankings with the links on that entry; I had to look for myself too, but apparently it’s true.

  • Distributions

    • Red Hat

      • JBoss Open Choice, Part 1 – JBoss Enterprise Web Server
        It’s July 4th and we have an extended weekend in the US which is a good enough excuse to catch up on some blogging; at least until the Strawberry Margaritas start flowing. At Java One this year we announced an initiative called Open Choice which I blogged about previously. Fundamentally Open Choice is about broadening our footprint and giving customers what they want and moves us closer to supporting the whole applications infrastructure tier rather than just parts.

    • Ubuntu

      • Netbook Performance: Ubuntu vs. OpenSolaris
        There were a few areas where OpenSolaris had pulled ahead (GnuPG, Sunflow), but in the rest of the disk, computational, and other real-world tests, the results were either tied or in favor of Ubuntu Linux. Beyond just the quantitative desktop performance of OpenSolaris and Ubuntu Linux, Ubuntu has other advantages on the netbook when it comes to the Ubuntu Netbook Remix and other optimizations for these small mobile devices. With OpenSolaris there are a few annoyances with the Caiman installer and a few other GUIs when running at the common 1024 x 600 resolution, etc.

      • UbuntuOne in the cloud
        With more and more users turning to the Internet to store and share documents, Linux developer Ubuntu has also entered the market with a beta version of its UbuntuOne service ( The platform is a competitor to the likes of Dropbox and allows users to synchronise files between computers as well as sharing them with friends and colleagues.

      • Ubuntu 9.04 Receives OpenJDK 6 Certification
        Canonical, through Matthias Klose, announced on July 11th, 2009 that the Ubuntu Java development team had completed the certification of the OpenJDK 6 platform for Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope). This means that the OpenJDK 6 package included in Ubuntu 9.04 has passed the meticulous tests of the Java Standard Edition Test Compatibility Kit and that it is now fully compatible with the Java Standard Edition 6 platform, on both i386 and amd64 architectures.

    • New Distributions

      • Clonezilla Live 1.2.2-25

      • sidux 2009-02
        A little later than originally planned, we now have the pleasure to announce the immediate availability of sidux 2009-02 "Αιθήρ", shipping with kernel 2.6.30 and KDE 4.2.4 in the following flavours:

      • sidux 2009-02 Has KDE 4.2.4 and Linux Kernel 2.6.30
        Stefan Lippers-Hollmann proudly announced earlier today the immediate availability of sidux 2009-02 Linux distribution, dubbed "Αιθήρ." The new release ships with the powerful Linux kernel 2.6.30 and the breathtaking KDE 4.2.4 desktop environment. sidux is a full-featured Live CD based on Debian Sid, with a special focus on hard disk installations, a clean upgrade path within Sid and supplementary hardware and software support.

      • Elive 1.9.33 development released
        The Elive Team is proud to announce the release of the development version 1.9.33

      • AUSTRUMI 1.9.3

      • ExTiX 7.0

      • Kongoni Nietzsche released
        It is my pleasure to announce that Kongoni version 1.12.2 codenamed Nietzsche has been officially released. This marks the first official and stable release of the Kongoni GNU/Linux distribution after several development releases. Kongoni is a fully free African GNU/Linux distribution based on Slackware with significant inspiration from the BSD-Unix architectures. The operating system is primarily designed for desktop power users and aims to provide a powerful, customizable system that puts the user in control of his own environment while nonetheless being easy to work with and not get in your way.

      • ULTILEX 4.0.0 is released
        ULTILEX stands for "Ultimate Linux Experience". This is a live Linux CD compilation which in turn contains several live Linux distributions. You can boot ULTILEX from CD/DVD and USB flash devices.

        When you boot ULTILEX, the first thing you'll see is a beautiful startup screen with menu from which you can choose the exact live Linux distribution to run. The current version of ULTILEX is 4.0.0 and it contains the following live Linux distributions...

  • Devices/Embedded

    • Instant-on Linux vendors respond to Chrome OS
      Instant-on Linux platform vendors Phoenix and DeviceVM have responded to the revelation that Google will soon be releasing its own lightweight Linux platform. They view Google's entry into the market as a validation of their products and they both have strategies for competing with the search giant.

    • Phones

      • Borqs Secures $17.4 Million in Venture Financing Led by Norwest Venture Partners
        And because Borqs is based on Android and an open source environment, smartphones can be produced at a lower price point to further increase consumer adoption and drive the overall smartphone market. The company currently works with leading mobile operators and tier-one device manufacturers worldwide.

      • What's Next? A Google Store?
        When Microsoft first announced their retail strategy back in February I wrote a post called Microsoft Retail Strategy Doomed to Fail and I haven't changed my view. Today, it became clear that in the face of all common sense they are continuing to push forward with this wrong-headed idea.

      • Sybase Announces Support for Android
        Sybase iAnywhere today announced a new version of its iAnywhere€® Blue SDK (Software Developer Kit) that will help developers and product managers incorporate Bluetooth€® capabilities into Android devices. With the underlying Bluetooth functionality running on a Linux based 2.6.x kernel, the Sybase iAnywhere Blue SDK provides necessary application layer support for developers to effectively add increased wireless flexibility to the rich Android framework.

      • Nokia to bridge Maemo, Symbian with Qt
        Basing Maemo Harmattan on Qt will make it easier for developers to write applications for both Maemo and Symbian, Nokia's smartphone platform, the Finnish company's development platform product manager Quim Gil said Saturday at the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit.

    • Sub-notebooks

      • Google Chrome OS – a game of chess
        It should not be news to anyone that Google is working on a 2010 release timeframe for its newly dubbed Google Chrome OS. What has been interesting is the chatter which has occured since then, many fingers pointing at Apple as the real beneficiary of this move. However, nothing could be further from the truth. What Google did was brilliant, very similar to its strategy with Chrome and I will outline it below.

Free Software/Open Source

  • Google releases open source NX server
    Amid the fanfare of last week's Chrome OS announcement, Google quietly released an open source NX server, dubbed Neatx, for remote desktop display.

    NX technology was developed by NoMachine to handle remote X Window connections and make a graphical desktop display usable over the Internet.

  • Mozilla upgrades Jetpack browser booster
    Jetpack, Mozilla Labs' open source technology for building functional add-ins to personalize the Firefox browser, has been fitted with more capabilities in an upgrade detailed over the weekend, including enhancements to the SlideBar information access capability.

  • Small Pieces Tightly Joined: Open Source in the Cloud
    It’s not a shock to state that cloud computing will disrupt the business model of commercial software. But how it will affect the open source movement?


    There’s a lot of talk today about setting up private clouds with an Open Source Cloud OS, but the idea of private clouds is simply a delusion. Since the owner of private cloud has to purchase all required HW upfront, private clouds don’t provide the main benefit of cloud computing: elasticity. Other people will claim that clouds are not compatible with the open source movement or call it outright ‘stupidity’.

  • Is Open Source Software More Secure than Proprietary Products?
    Open source can also make patching software a bit faster. There's no need to contact the vendor about a bug - like you'd have to with proprietary code - or wait for a next release of the software that's fixed the bug.

    "If I find a bug in an open source program ... I submit a fix to the people who are responsible for the program," Dolan said. "It gets peer reviewed before it's accepted, but then it is accepted in short order, so we eliminate this whole workflow of reporting a bug to have somebody else fix it. You just fix it yourself and pass along the fix to

  • Why FreeBSD 8 Won't Rewrite the Book
    A major release of an operating system typically brings significant changes that require users to learn new skills.

    But backers of the open source FreeBSD 8 operating system say that's not necessarily going to be the case with its next major version.

    FreeBSD 8 is currently in its beta release cycle with a final release targeted for August. The new release will be the first major release since FreeBSD 7 in February 2008, with the most recent point update being the 7.2 release in May of this year.

  • Business

    • MuleSource Announces Three Consecutive Quarters of Record Bookings
      The second quarter of 2009 was another record for the company, with a 140 percent year-over-year increase in quarterly bookings and over 100 percent growth for the year-to-date period. MuleSource continues to outperform expectations relative to the current economic climate with its consistent and dramatic success.

    • Bacula Systems Extends Open Source Backup and Restore Leadership with Bacula Enterprise Edition
      Bacula Systems SA, the world's leading provider of Open Source network backup and restore solutions, today announced the worldwide availability of Bacula Enterprise Edition 2.6. Large IT departments now have an Open Source, enterprise-class scalable network backup solution as a realistic alternative to proprietary applications.

    • Former Red Hat execs aim to open-source health care
      That someone appears to be Joanne Rohde, former executive vice president of worldwide operations at Red Hat, who has launched the Axial Project, a stealth-mode start-up that aims to "combin[e] the principles of Open Standards and Open connect all the parties in the Health ecosystem safely and securely."

    • Talend Uses Open Source and Community to Transform Data Integration
      Talend, a California-based open source data integration vendor with a development center in China, first shipped product in late 2006, and two and a half years later has established a strong, growing business as more and more firms attempt to build a relatively complete stack of open source data management software.

    • Four Open Source Mind Mapping Apps to Keep You Focused
      Mind mapping tools are among the unsung heroes of project management. They're often overlooked or underused because some people mistakenly believe the learning curve is too steep or the features are unnecessary. Most mind mapping software is easy to use, however, and the applications are a great way to keep track of projects, research, book notes, and brainstorming sessions.

    • Open-source Lucene threatens Microsoft, Google enterprise search
      You spend $1.2 billion to acquire enterprise search leader FAST in January 2008 and then another $100 million on semantic search vendor Powerset in July 2008, only to have the excellent Apache's Lucene, an open-source search project, and Solr, an enterprise search server based on Lucene, offer better performance at a 100 percent discount.

  • Government

    • Helping The US Department Of Justice
      I was yesterday, for the second time, on a call with the US Department Of Justice regarding how the Oracle / Sun deal could affect Open Source software, in particular MySQL and Java.

    • Lockheed Martin To Release Social Media Tool As Open Source Software
      Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] announced today that it will release a proprietary social media tool under an open source software license. The announcement, made at the Enterprise 2.0 conference in Boston, is the first of its kind for Lockheed Martin.

    • NL: Dutch police will study moving to open source
      The Dutch police will start investigating how to increase its use of open standards and open source software. A plan to implement the two types of software should be ready early next year, just in time to meet the government's deadline.

      The police's IT analysis is mentioned in a letter from Guusje ter Horst, the Interior Minister, to the Dutch parliament, published on 1 July. "If possible, the Dutch police force will make use of the experiences of other organisations. Procurements will then be carried out according to this implementation plan. I will ensure that the cabinet's policy on open standards is implemented and that a policy on using open source will be developed."

    • Interim decision in Swiss open source case
      The Swiss Federal Administrative Court has issued an interim verdict in a legal action brought by a group of open source companies against the Swiss Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics (BBL) for awarding a software procurement contract to Microsoft without a tendering process. The decision revokes the restraining order issued at the end of May, but only allows the BBL to continue to obtain such services from Microsoft as are necessary for ensuring the continued function of federal information systems.


  • Google To Newspapers: Here, Let Me Introduce You To Robots.txt
    With the silly introduction last week of the AP's attempt to create a weird and totally unnecessary new data feed to keep out aggregators and search engines, it seems that Google has gotten fed up.

  • Swedish ISP to appeal file sharing verdict
    Swedish broadband provider Ephone has said it will appeal a controversial court ruling obliging it to hand over information about its customers to five publishers looking into copyright violations.

  • Plato And The RIAA Have Some Views In Common: Gov't Should Stop Remixes
    Apparently Plato wasn't a huge fan of innovation in music. James Boyle, who is working on the latest edition of the Tales From The Public Domain comic book has shared a nice little graphic that shows a quote from Plato, suggesting that he wouldn't be a big fan of remixed music...

  • United Breaks Guitars - A Marketing Case Study In The Making
    If only. Dave has posted a short video on YouTube where he says that song two is even better than song one and should be ready in August. I've not seen anywhere that United has responded on YouTube yet, and I suspect their unhappiness will only get deeper until they embrace the situation rather than trying to "solve" it. This one could run and run, and when it's done I think every corporate marketing team wll use it as a case study.

Digital Tipping Point: Clip of the Day

Alexandro Colorado, international open source evangelist 20 (2004)

Digital Tipping Point is a Free software-like project where the raw videos are code. You can assist by participating.

Recent Techrights' Posts

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Alyssa Rosenzweig is the graphics witch behind the reverse-engineered drivers for the Apple GPU. She previously led Panfrost, the free drivers for Arm Mali GPUs powering devices like the Pinebook Pro. She graduated in 2023 with a Computer Science degree from the University of Toronto and now writes free software full-time.
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4 new stories
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outrage included
GNU/Linux Climbed 0.25% This Month (in statCounter)
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Ilya Gulko Introduces Pollyanna
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looking to raise funds at the same time as the FSF
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GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, June 29, 2024
IRC logs for Saturday, June 29, 2024
Links 29/06/2024: Astronauts at Risk, Ukraine Updates
Links for the day
Fedora and Red Hat Leftovers
Microsoft is Now Googlebombing or Spamming 'Open Source' and 'Linux' to Promote Proprietary Surveillance, Azure
Notice the title and the image, what's being promoted etc.
Seychelles: GNU/Linux Doing OK
Seychelles cannot be considered poor
Gemini Protocol Isn't Even Remotely "Dead"
"Lupa knows of 505,000 (half a million!) working Gemini URLs at present, up from about 425,000 this time last year"
About 10 New Free Software Foundation (FSF) Members Per Day
The total changed from 46 to 47 while typing the article
Vista 11 Adoption Unusually Low in Germany and It's Going Down, Not Up
This is not happening only in Germany
Kevin Korte on Computers Being Allowed to Make Decisions Based on Cryptic Algorithms and Proprietary/Secret Data
It uses buzzwords where none are needed
[Meme] Garbage In, Garbage Out (
It is neither Linux nor security, just chatbot-generated slop
Microsoft-Invaded CISA Spreads Anti-Free Software FUD (as If Proprietary Software Has No Memory Safety Issues), Brittany Day Uses Chatbots to Amplify and Permutate the Microsoft FUD became an anti-Linux spam site
Microsoft Laying Off Staff in an Act of Retaliation and Union-Busting
retaliatory layoffs at Microsoft
Gemini Links 29/06/2024: Content Drowning in 'Goo' and LLM Slop
Links for the day
Windows Lost Almost 92% Market Share in Egypt
From over 99% to just over 7%
In Ecuador, GNU/Linux Adoption Surged From Under 1% to Over 4% in About 3 Years
Not even counting Chromebooks
LibrePlanet: Cultivating Backups (of Recordings)
an appeal to recover some of these talks
Microsoft/Windows Machines Are Turned Off (or Windows Deleted/Decommissioned) in Web Servers, as the "Market Share" Collapse Continues
Taking full history into account, this is a decrease of over 90% in some cases
Corwin Brust Hosting Freedom: A Behind-the-scenes Tour With the GNU Savannah Hackers
"the "smiling faces" behind it."
Android at 90% or More in Chad
Windows below 2%
David Wilson: Cultivating a Welcoming Free Software Community That Lasts
"a feeling of shared ownership for all users."
Julian Assange Might Continue Wikileaks, But Certainly Not Yet (Recovery Time Needed)
And probably at a symbolic capacity only
Bringing in 12 Santas and Taking 13 Out (Old Interview With Julian Assange)
Julian Assange's life inside the Ecuadorian embassy
Neil Plotnick on GNU/Linux in the High School Classroom
uploaded to the LibrePlanet instance of MediaGoblin
Asia Appears to be Fastest to Adopt GNU/Linux
the home of a considerable majority of the world's population
Alexandre Oliva's LibrePlanet 2024 Talk About "Software Enshittification"
in spite of technical difficulties encountered while recording
What They Used to Do With Mono They Now Do With Systemd (Lower and Deeper Down Than Userspace)
Now we have a project started primarily by Red Hat (and managed by Microsoft GitHub, which is proprietary) being managed by Microsoft and primarily serving Microsoft and IBM
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[Meme] In 50 Years...
Microsoft's Vista 11 will take 50 years to be fully adopted
Only About 1 in 8 Russian Windows Users is Using Vista 11
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Gemini Links 28/06/2024: Christmas Prematurely, Self-hosting
Links for the day
IBM: So Long, Suckers. Your Free OS is Now Proprietary. Pay IBM or Else.
almost exactly a year after turning RHEL into proprietary software
Vista 11 is Doomed and Despite Lack of Adoption Microsoft Already Speaks of Vapourware ("12")
"Microsoft has pulled a Windows 11 update after users reported boot loops and startup failures."
ChromeOS Reaches Highest Share in Years at the World's Most Populous Nation, Windows Now at All-Time Low of 13%
We're talking about India today
[Video] "It Is Incredible That Julian Assange Survives"
There was a positive and mutual relationship between Wikileaks and Dr Jill Stein
Never Assume That Because the Law Exists the Powerful Will Follow the Law
Who's going to hold them accountable now?
Nearly a Month Has Passed and Nobody at the Debian Project Even Attempted to Explain What Seems Like Back-dooring of Debian (and Hundreds of Distros That Are Debian-Derived)
I can cynically guess that only matters when a user with a Chinese name does it
[Video] Julian Assange Explains Wikileaks' Logistics
predating indefinite detention
IBM Was Never the "Good Guy", Just a Self-Serving and Opportunistic Money- and Power-Hungry Monopolist, Living Off of Taxpayers' Money (Government Contracts)
The Nazi Party of Germany was its second-biggest client at one point and now it's looking to profit from the work of slaves
"I Hated Working at IBM. They Were the Most Unfriendly People."
Don't forget what Watson the son did to a poor woman on a plane
State of the News (and Depletion of Journalism Online, Not Just Offline)
Newspapers are not coming back and the Web is not coming back either
GNU/Linux Consolidates in North America
Android rising a lot this year, too
[Meme] More Monopolies Granted While Patent Examiners Die (Overworking for Less Compensation)
Work more; Get less
Staff Union of the EPO (SUEPO) is Taking the New Pension Scheme (NPS) to an International Tribunal (ILOAT)
SUEPO wants more EPO staff to participate in collective action
Stella Assange and the Legal Team Speak to the Media a Day After WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Arrives in Australia
Published yesterday by a number of mainstream publishers
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Thursday, June 27, 2024
IRC logs for Thursday, June 27, 2024
RIP Daniel Bristot de Oliveira, Red Hat death
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock