--Richard Stallman
OUR previous post presented a new document and provided a first glimpse at the true mess inside the EPO, where not only SUEPO but also the Staff Committee has concerns. There is also FFPE-EPO, which yesterday expressed solidarity for SUEPO in its official statement. Here is the same document in all languages (much larger file).
One might rightly ask, who are in this committee anyway? Well, it is not a closely-guarded secret, so here is who's involved. Everyone in the EPO's management knows them and in case there will ever be some altercation (like EPO managers trying to punish or intimidate representatives), we will be better at identifying possible motivations, causes, ulterior motives etc.
European Patent Office
Central Staff Committee
24.06.2015 scl527Ocp — 0.2.1/2.2/2.3
Questions on the EPO
A discussion paper on the independence of the departments in DG1
Dear Colleagues,
A structural reform of the Boards of Appeal is currently under discussion. This will be a main topic on one of the next Council meetings. The reform addresses the independence of the Boards. Independence is an indispensable requirement for legal certainty with regard to the decisions taken by the members of the Boards, but also by the examiners in DG1.
The annexed documents (English, French and German versions of the discussion paper) shall give further input to the discussion from another point of view. Some daily life situations of examiners in DG1 are reflected in a questionnaire. Many difficulties result from the hierarchical position of examiners within DG1.
As a huge part of EPO staff is allocated to other DGs than DG1 and DG3, the documents contain some background information on the current structure of DG1. This should help to increase mutual understanding of all EPO staff in all DGs. We.would like to encourage everybody to discuss the issues addressed therein with her/his colleagues and superiors.
We are interested in your feedback, which can be sent to centralstcom@epo.org or to your preferred staff representative. We intend to publish a follow-up document so as to summarize your comments and to provide the administration with suitable proposals.
The Central Staff Committee
addresses, which, considering the mass surveillance inside the EPO (going as far as keyloggers and hidden cameras), very much limits one's ability to independently operate. It's a farcical body with no real, effective independence or autonomy. SUEPO overcame this issue by using its own domain, suepo.org
(EPO management now deletes or blocks E-mail from that domain, allegedly since 2013).
"Please note that the Central Staff Committee uses epo.org
addresses, which, considering the mass surveillance inside the EPO (going as far as keyloggers and hidden cameras), very much limits one's ability to independently operate."On another subject, let's explain the severity of this whole situation. It is becoming ever more serious right now. It not only affects SUEPO. The suspension of the staff representatives is a real bombshell and there are many actions planned as a result (we have seen some details, but won't publicly divulge them at this point).
Some of the details began to reach us with urgency as people inside the EPO were in panic. The EPO's management too is in panic, but for different reasons. We were told the names of the parties involved and the shocking treatment of people at The Hague. We couldn't reveal the names of the parties at the time, but both the Munich and The Hague staff committees later published the names of the parties (right before the scandal took the blogosphere by storm).
"The staff representation has NINE members, and FIVE of these have been suspended and/or "investigated"."We are revealing the names not because we disregard privacy because they're essential for understanding of just how terrible the EPO management became. Jesús Areso and Laurent Prunie can both be seen above, under The Hague. They were among those whom EPO managers (or their Stasi-esque unit) attacked. Malika Weaver and Brumme (under Munich) were also attacked. So was Michels (under Vienna). Why is this important?
The above image adds one piece of information which completes the picture which hasn't been mentioned elsewhere to our knowledge:
The staff representation has NINE members, and FIVE of these have been suspended and/or "investigated". That's more than half! It's only a matter of time until they figure out something for crushing the remaining four active members.
"We kindly ask readers to remember that these members were elected despite the rotten voting system unilaterally imposed by Battistelli in an attempt to sabotage the staff representation."One can see for oneself the composition of the staff representation above.
We kindly ask readers to remember that these members were elected despite the rotten voting system unilaterally imposed by Battistelli in an attempt to sabotage the staff representation. We have covered this in passing already.
Who would even be brave enough to be a staff representative right now? Mr. Battistelli has achieved what even Vladimir Putin could not achieve. Battistelli made himself the Sun King. ⬆