Bonum Certa Men Certa

Disrupting Battistelli's Distracting Propaganda: EPO Staff to Protest Again in About a Fortnight

Blatter and Qatar

Summary: The overly extravagant (waste of money) EPO European Inventor Award will have to compete for media attention with thousands of EPO staff (in all EPO sites) marching in the streets to protest against the EPO's abuses

THE EPO became a big bundle of scandals and it's the fault of Battistelli along with his notorious 'circle', who allegedly subvert democracy and work around (if not run over) the EPC. At this stage, for people who work at the EPO, the imperative question to address is not "why protest?" but "why NOT protest?"

In just a few years, having already existed and thrived for many decades (almost half a century), the Office (EPO) turned into a laughing stock and a stock of unprecedented European scandals. This takes its toll on the institution (or Organisation) as a whole, bringing it to a state of crisis (by its own admission) if not the verge of collapse. What future will there be for EPO patent examiners if totally incompetent fools and rascals like Battistelli remain in charge for another couple of years? The EPO now damages the legitimacy of the European Union as a whole. This is not good.

"In just a few years, having already existed and thrived for many decades (almost half a century), the Office (EPO) turned into a laughing stock and a stock of unprecedented European scandals."Earlier this month the French officials at Munich observed an EPO protest. Other French officials are well aware of the problem. As someone close to these actions put it (not to us directly, not even indirectly): "The French government has been fully informed of the problems caused by their compatriot Mr Battistelli, amongst others by Mr Pierre-Yves Le Borgn’, Mr Philip Cordery, Ms Claudine Lepage and others. But we have not seen much effort (diplomatic or otherwise) of the French government to address the situation. It therefore seems me to [sic] remind the French government of the situation at the EPO. The demonstration has been authorised by the German local authorities."

Separately, in relation to these recent actions, one person wrote: "Staff should not wait for the cavalry to come in on their own impulse and solve all the EPO Problems, let alone rescue its employees. By the me the outside observer will note the state of decay (quantity, motivation, quality, service, etc...), it will be way too late. Hence it is today all the more urgent for staff to show that the world in the EPO is not as the President describes it, let alone as the Gazette attempts to make it look like. According to the Technologia Survey, reality today is that the situation in the EPO is worse than ever: for those “férus de Benchmarking”, it is reported to be worse than the crisis at France Télécom ever was..."

"The EPO now damages the legitimacy of the European Union as a whole. This is not good."There are several bogus 'studies' in the making right now. We know about these and we know what they were designed (by EPO management) to show. It's more like think tanks or lobbying, not genuine surveys or research, for reasons we noted here earlier this month. In addition to these so-called 'studies' (produced to help influence politicians) there is also that stupid propaganda event which strives to create bogus press coverage from "media partners" of the EPO. SUEPO has scheduled a demonstration to coincide with this propaganda event, but we don't expect the EPO's "media partners" to even mention such a demonstration, having witnessed how they deleted entire paragraphs which made the horrible 'error' of covering criticism expressed at the event itself. Here are SUEPO's words, noting the lack of progress from Battistelli (he should get sacked shortly after this event unless he manages to 'buy'/secure his seat in nefarious ways that he's now renowned for). To quote: "No progress has been made on staff’s claims (see e.g. last call for strike “Lawfulness at the EPO”). There is also no sign that Mr Battistelli intends to respect the March resolution of the Administrative Council. On the contrary: new controversial reforms are planned (EPO health insurance, dismissal procedure, post-employment obligations), some already for decision in the next meeting of the Administrative Council on 29-30 June. In order to flag the lack of progress to the Administrative Council, a demonstration at all four places of employment is planned for Thursday 9 June. The demonstration will coincide with the EPO European Inventor Award ceremony in Lisbon."

This is clever timing. The strike probably ought to have coincided with the Administrative Council's meeting, but Team Battistelli used what looked (at the time) like delaying tactics. "The demonstration will coincide with the EPO European Inventor Award ceremony in Lisbon," says the above. It's going to hurt Team Battistelli where it hurts because the EPO's PR people are working in the weekend again (both Saturday and Sunday), helping to distract from the scandals [1, 2] using the European Inventor Award. It's all just 'damage control' and this is all they have been doing for about a month now. Can SUEPO crash the propaganda event? If not, how about taking aim at Team Battistelli's 'baby', the UPC?

"The strike probably ought to have coincided with the Administrative Council's meeting, but Team Battistelli used what looked (at the time) like delaying tactics."According to this new tweet, Team Battistelli is still in self-fulfilling prophecy mode (trying to pretend that it's all over and done, even when it's not) regarding the UPC. To quote: "Its interesting that the guys at the EPO information booth at AIPLA were confident that Brexit would fail--Whistling past the graveyard?"

Remember that the UPC is at stake when it comes to Brexit and it's anything but a done deal for various other reasons. Even the EPO's mouthpiece, writing about the bride-like EPO, finally acknowledges that Brexit matters (some British patent lawyers previously tried to deny this). To quote today's columns from IAM's editor: "In one month and one day, the UK electorate will be deciding the immediate, and perhaps the permanent, future of the proposed EU unitary patent and Unified Patent Court regime. That’s because on 23rd June, the British will vote on whether they want the UK to remain a member of the European Union. As discussed previously on here, if they do vote to Remain, within a year we can expect to see both the patent and the UPC up and running."

But there are other barriers, the least of which are Britain's potential exit, Finland's potential exit (an EU membership referendum there would be far from a close call, based on polls), and Spain's longtime opposition.

"Nothing would anger Battistelli and his goons more than seeing the defunct UPC 'project' go down in a fiery downward trajectory."We invite EPO workers to join a good cause and help secure the economy of Europe. We ask them to remind their management not to patent everything under the Sun (common trap when maximising the wrong parameter, like a businessman rather than a scientist) and if this means rejecting the UPC, then so be it.

Nothing would anger Battistelli and his goons more than seeing the defunct UPC 'project' go down in a fiery downward trajectory. This would not only avenge (for his many abuses) but it might also help restore the 'old' EPO, before all that "EU Patent" or "Community Patent" or "UPC" overhaul got drawn up, with help and collaboration from large applicants (not even European, just a bunch of billionaires with lobbyists all over the world). The UPC has many similarities/parallels with TPP and TTIP, as we explained before.

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