IT is generally regarded as black comedy inside the EPO that Battistelli attempted to frame his regime as "social democracy". Nothing could be further from the truth because Battistelli is antisocial and his regime is undemocratic (even antidemocratic).
"Laws were composed by lobbyists behind closed doors and politicians with a stake in the outcome turned up at 1:30AM to 'vote' (even if about 95% of the public representatives were asleep and likely unaware of the vote)."We previously described as "antidemocratic" the UPC campaign. The whole thing had been a sham from start to finish (by "finish" we mean the likely scuttling of it). Laws were composed by lobbyists behind closed doors and politicians with a stake in the outcome turned up at 1:30AM to 'vote' (even if about 95% of the public representatives were asleep and likely unaware of the vote).
The UPC comes tumbling down these days. There are too many delays -- certainly some may be fatal. "Then all dreams of a quick judgment seem increasingly unlikely," Mathieu Klosââ¬Â (Juve) wrote. ("Dahin alle Träume auf schnelles Urteil aus Karlsruhe Klageabweisung immer unwahrscheinlicher")
"The UPC deserves to die because it has corrupted the media (which published puff pieces for Team UPC, directly or indirectly), misrepresented businesses, misled people and even corrupted political systems (all the way up to constitutions).""More than that," Dr. Thorsten Bauschââ¬Â replied, it could be the end of "all dreams of a UPCA in its present form. What comes then?" ("Mehr noch: Dahin alle Träume auf ein UPCA in seiner jetzigen Form. Doch was kommt dann?")
The UPC deserves to die because it has corrupted the media (which published puff pieces for Team UPC, directly or indirectly), misrepresented businesses, misled people and even corrupted political systems (all the way up to constitutions). It's pretty incredible that it managed to get as far as it has.
At what cost do patent fanatics think they can carry on? Six EPO workers committed suicide in recent years, the atmosphere/morale among patent examiners is appalling, and national laws are being violated in Munich and The Hague as a matter of routine. As one person put it last night , "for the EPO's paymasters, the more human rights abuse of employees at the EPO, the better."
Sadly, they (the millionaires and billionaires) don't suffer from it; they just don't care. Here's the full comment:
I said above that the Big Corporate Fish don't care about abuses of human rights at the EPO. I was wrong.
They do care. If the EPC Member States evidently abuse their own employees, it becomes hypocritical of elected Governments to criticise Big Corp, when it, in turn, abuses the rights of its own employees.
This neutering of any political criticism of labour abuses in multi-national corporations is extremely useful for them and their lobbyist forces.
Thus, for the EPO's paymasters, the more human rights abuse of employees at the EPO, the better. Shame on you, Member States, in the pockets of the sociopathic multi-national corporations.
"Sadly, they (the millionaires and billionaires) don't suffer from it; they just don't care.""He owes his position to the activism of Sarkozy," it added, perhaps alluding to a subject we covered before (Battistelli and Sarkozy are indeed very closely connected).
"Believe it or not," it says, "Battistelli was the ONLY candidate classified as totally unsuited for the position of VP (in particular for his obvious lack of social skills and arrogant behaviour)."
...please do not spread fake info of the kind wrt Battistelli's ring.
His cheap ring is called a chevaliere. This is a pleb ring which no decent frenchman mastering etiquette would wear for at least fourty years (except in the deep countryside province). It is a sign of utterly bad taste, as is, his pathetic golden Hermes belt which again no one disposing upon a decent education would wear since the 1970s.
Battistelli is what is called in FR a prolo. A man with no education and no behavior.
As to the Masonery. No one knows (by nature unless he reveals it which is not the case) if he is a free mason but many speculate. Even if he was, all what he did to the EPO has nothing to do with Masonery but with his cheap behaviour.
Do not forget that when he candidated for the position of VP1 (when FR ex VP1 Mr Michel retired about 13 years ago) the EPO organised for once (and never again) a real high level assessment center (with Roland Berger). Believe it or not: Battistelli was the ONLY candidate classified as totally unsuited for the position of VP (in particular for his obvious lack of social skills and arrogant behaviour).
Few years after, after 30 rounds or more of votes he was elected president. He owes his position to the activism of Sarkozy.
So Pink there is no illuminati involved nor Opus Dei as many wrongly speculate. This pathetically human and cheap human in the very case of Battistelli.
"It must be pretty old, going back to the days Battistelli was just a politician trying to learn what on Earth patents were (for his INPI position)."Battistelli's political career must not have been very exciting. He just had some diplomatic positions (nothing too fancy). It's therefore not too shocking that Battistelli and his ilk would pursue fake elections, just like rogue politicians.
We're reminded of attempts to organise a strike almost exactly three years ago. There was a strike ballot on October 23rd, 2014 (today is October 22nd) and at the end of October an open letter was circulated regarding this planned strike. The Central Staff Committee wrote the following message to Battistelli:
Dear Mr Battistelli,
We have the following observations concerning the implementation of the strike ballot held on 23 October 2014: - You refused to accept our nominations to the ballot committee. As a consequence, we were not in a position to verify whether the voting regulations were respected, in particular with regards to fairness and confidentiality of the ballot.
- The list of voters included senior managers such as the Vice-Presidents and yourself. This is inappropriate. - The ballot was held to coincide with school holidays in The Hague and Berlin: this most likely had a negative impact on the final participation rate. - We received feedback from some staff that proxy votes have been lost. We are not in a position to judge the frequency of such technical irregularities, but again this most likely had a negative impact on the participation rate.
Given that the outcome of the ballot is nevertheless clear, unambiguous and simply confirms the feedback we receive daily from staff, we will refrain from challenging the results.
We do, however, strongly object to what seems to be an impaired implementation performed in bad faith of the new strike regulations, regulations that themselves already infringe fundamental staff rights.
"A year later the leadership of SUEPO got suspended and the following year Battistelli rendered them unemployed."It was an open letter at the time. It made it clear that all other options had been exhausted. To quote their open letter: "Please be assured that the Central Staff Committee has always been prepared to enter a fair social dialogue and continues to be so. If social dialogue in the time between the above blocks of strike days leads to a substantial progress on the grounds for strike, we are willing to recommend to Staff to terminate the strike actions."
A year later the leadership of SUEPO got suspended and the following year Battistelli rendered them unemployed. He arrogantly ignored the recommendations (even of his very own Disciplinary Committee), reaffirming the widely-held view that he does not comprehend democracy and the Rule of Law.
One heck of a leader, eh? That's the "social democracy" Battistelli had in mind all along. ⬆