Reference: Constructive vote of no confidence
A WAVE of autocracy sweeps across Europe, including some elements inside the Bundestag.
"It's showing that Tilmann publicly but quietly mocks the rule of law in Germany, just like the EPO does... he tactlessly attempts to justify what happened at 1:30 at night..."Some other hardcore members of Team UPC have embarrassed themselves by writing about it in blog posts, only to be harshly criticised in comments. Tilmann has instead chosen to quietly speak to the courts (deadline is end of this month). This is truly laughable because to attempt to defend the UPC on this basis is to mock democracy itself. Thanks to Thomas Adam, we now know what Tilmann has been up to. It's showing that Tilmann publicly but quietly mocks the rule of law in Germany, just like the EPO does... he tactlessly attempts to justify what happened at 1:30 at night (or morning, as it's defined as morning by some). Everyone was asleep. This was the plan.
"The President of the Boards of Appeal has a connection to the UPC, as we noted a year ago when he was appointed."Another German, Thorsten Bausch, has been rather shocked to see all this. He is rightly concerned that in the name of self interest German law is being ripped apart. Among the latest comments in his blog we see Paul Tauchner, who wrote: "It seems that this affair is a prime example of the way determined dictators in various countries have in the past increased their power, with the rather despicable complicity between control organs (the IC) acting either indifferently or even with incompetence and the leaving President. We may now indeed expect more scandals to become public as it recently happened (in a different context though) with the growing “Me Too Campaign”. Let us hope this will bring satisfaction to those who have suffered from injustice."
And another person wrote: "Good to hear that at least the President of the Boards of Appeal takes proper account of ILO decisions. A great pity Battistelli has been able to manipulate the Administrative Council so effectively over the years. Let’s hope the Admin Council takes note of the criticisms in the judgments of the ILO."
The President of the Boards of Appeal has a connection to the UPC, as we noted a year ago when he was appointed. But unlike Tilmann he has not (so far) made a mockery of simple rules. In fact, he appears to be the only person who opened his door to Judge Corcoran. ⬆