Bonum Certa Men Certa

Microsoft's Fingers in Every Pie: The Cult Mentality That Society Needs to Become Wary of


Summary: Microsoft and its co-founder (pretending to do his for-profit 'charity' via the Gates Foundation) are trying to control the world; in the process they've moved to control even their most potent competitor, according to Gates himself, which is GNU/Linux

"Behind a veil of corporate media PR, the Gates Foundation has served as a vehicle for Western capital while exploiting the Global South as a human laboratory. The pandemic is likely to intensify this disturbing agenda," yesterday's article said, under the headline "Why the Bill Gates global health empire promises more empire and less public health" (privatisation and predatory practices some have aptly dubbed “philanthropic racism”).

"Bad news, it has often been said, spreads faster and more widely than good news (or fluff)."It's good to see that the Gates Foundation's "jig" is up (over); people are coming to realise what it's up to and how it spent a fortune corrupting the media for puff pieces (lulling people if not getting them to play along).

Bad news, it has often been said, spreads faster and more widely than good news (or fluff). The Gates Foundation is rapidly losing control of the narrative and no amount of media bribery can stop that; it can only discredit those willing to play along.

More people now understand that the 'new' Microsoft is still a bribery machine. Bribery is their currency and modus operandi. As recently as yesterday we have this example wherein “University College Dublin has announced a Microsoft Newman Fellowship” (way for a company of criminals to pass bribes and corrupt academia like the EPO does).

"This is a Red Hat project, but now it's coded by Microsoft as well; at least twice yesterday Red Hat was promoting Microsoft proprietary software (Visual Studio and SQL Server)."It is meanwhile being reported that Microsoft is again engaging in censorship of Free software (>GitHub Removes 'Chimera13' iOS Jailbreak After DMCA Notice from 'Unc0ver'). To quote: "Jailbreaking tools are generally protected from copyright infringement claims through a DMCA exemption. This week, however, GitHub removed the Chimera13 jailbreak code. The takedown notice, which is disputed, doesn't come from Apple though, but was sent by the rival jailbreak solution Unc0ver."

We know that Microsoft controls systemd in GitHub already (but not the Linux kernel, at least not yet) and hours ago Michael Larabel wrote that "Microsoft Addition For systemd 246 Exposes Host OS Information To Containers" (guess whose agenda will be served by Microsoft's "contributions"). To quote:

There is a last minute change from a Microsoft engineer to the upcoming systemd 246 that is now undergoing release preparations.

This change is allowing containers to access details about the host OS being run. In particular, the focus is on exposing the os-release details to container-like runtimes.

This is a Red Hat project, but now it's coded by Microsoft as well; at least twice yesterday Red Hat was promoting Microsoft proprietary software (Visual Studio and SQL Server). Microsoft is pushing the same proprietary stuff into Planet Python this morning. Over at SUSE, which is still down to its knees for Microsoft, it's no better than Canonical. The 'open' SUSE project is helping Microsoft's attack on GNU/Linux. WSL is an attack, yet the official openSUSE blog has just published "openSUSE Leap '15.2' is Available for Windows Subsystem for Linux" (Microsoft seems to have infiltrated every major distribution by now).

"What the corporate media says may get a lot of readers; but that does not imply merit or accuracy. It's all about money, connections, and power."The media played along in Microsoft's takeover, at times even censoring the views of people like us. They tell us that Gates or Microsoft are wonderful 'charities' or something to that effect. But they're just cults looking to control everything they can.

One can hope that in defiance of all this nonsense there will still be enough of us out there who are not bribed by Gates and Microsoft (to do their biddings, spreading their lies). One can hope that the debate will change. What the corporate media says may get a lot of readers; but that does not imply merit or accuracy. It's all about money, connections, and power. They even manage to blacklist publications which expose their abuses/wrongdoing.

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