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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: November 15th, 2008


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*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 15 00:18
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 00:32
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 15 00:35
MinceRgnNov 15 00:58
schestowitzgnNov 15 00:58
twitterWith E, you just run the KDE and Gnome theme utilities for apps.  E, of course, is famous for theming it's borders and menus but it leaves other people's apps alone.Nov 15 01:09
schestowitzPerhaps that has changed since I last used it.Nov 15 01:10
schestowitzPeter is no longer here anyway.Nov 15 01:10
twitterIt's about the same as it always was.  E themes are a pain to make but easy to install if they are packaged already.Nov 15 01:11
schestowitzYour stalker is in BN again.Nov 15 01:37
neighborleeis rms still actually against mono ?Nov 15 01:38
schestowitz"You're sad for giving a shit and spending all this time on researching his nicks. Who gives a shit?"Nov 15 01:38
schestowitzneighborlee: well, depends on how it's used. He doesn't wanytNov 15 01:38
neighborleewoahNov 15 01:38
schestowitzoopsNov 15 01:39
neighborleejust wondering as his 2007 statement was rather sternNov 15 01:39
schestowitzdotbnu is useful for migrating legacy apps.Nov 15 01:39
schestowitzBut Novell actually BUILDS with Mono.Nov 15 01:39
*macabe (i=43f0d869@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 01:42
twitterWhere is the silly stalker now?  I consider that kind of thing spam.  People are paid to write it.Nov 15 01:54
neighborleeindeedNov 15 01:56
twitter 15 02:04
twitter 15 02:08
twitterheh, here's what happened to your trolls. 15 02:17
neighborleeahh so RMS is just 'being fed disinformation on topics he isn't fully versed in - but he's been a supporter of people using whichever language they like best for 20-30 years. 'Nov 15 02:25
neighborleeinteresting huhNov 15 02:25
neighborleerms is just misinformed is all..;)Nov 15 02:25
twitterRMS is a supporter of freedom and is more consistent than others about most things.Nov 15 02:48
twitterInstead of recommending any specific language he points out problems, such as C with classes being easier for people to make non free than ordinary C.Nov 15 02:50
twitter"tailored lethality" Weapons advert.  Your body bag should not pinch or be too lose.Nov 15 03:32
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 15 07:30
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 15 08:06
schestowitzSomeone is stalking neighborlee this month.Nov 15 08:31
schestowitzSearch Keyphrases (Top 10)Nov 15 08:31
schestowitz5007 different keyphrasesSearchPercentNov 15 08:31
schestowitzmicrosoft5156.6 %Nov 15 08:31
schestowitzboycott novell2943.7 %Nov 15 08:31
schestowitznovell1972.5 %Nov 15 08:31
schestowitzboycottnovell1301.6 %Nov 15 08:31
schestowitzmicrosoft layoffs540.6 %Nov 15 08:31
schestowitzlinux530.6 %Nov 15 08:31
schestowitzsite boycottnovell neighborlee420.5 %Nov 15 08:31
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 08:46
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 15 09:19
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 10:38
schestowitz"Interesting read on the  de evolution of Wallstreet, from an insider's perspective. Or how to take the concept of investing in companies because they provide sound goods and services and turn it into pretty much anything but that." < > < >Nov 15 10:48
schestowitzReducing the Risk of Human Extinction < >Nov 15 10:51
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 10:53
schestowitzSchneier linked to it today. For some reason..Nov 15 10:55
schestowitzSun needs to do more to explain to the public how Novell forks its projects and harms Sun/JAVA with Mono/.NET.Nov 15 10:59
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 11:14
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 15 11:15
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 11:24
schestowitzNovell is attacking Sun at the moment (OOo and Java). Please raise awareness.Nov 15 11:38
TallkenI liked the fact Novell was selling OOo with support ^^Nov 15 11:55
schestowitzThey also do this to Red Hat.Nov 15 11:57
schestowitzWill they also sell $0 copies of Microsoft Office and Windows (with support)? ;-pNov 15 11:58
schestowitzMicrosoft uses Novell to suffocate Microsoft's fierce competition.Nov 15 11:58
trmancolook like we have a new trollNov 15 12:02
trmancolooks*Nov 15 12:02
schestowitzWhich one? There are several. Some of them are twitter's obsessive stalkers.Nov 15 12:09
trmancoBarcaNov 15 12:10
schestowitzOh, in  USENET?Nov 15 12:16
schestowitzThat's Gary Stewart with a new name.Nov 15 12:16
trmancooh greatNov 15 12:17
trmanco...Nov 15 12:17
schestowitzThose who believe that Novell and Microsoft  do well financially are easily fooled by PR. Let's not be gullible, shall we? I did an article about layoffs this morning: 15 12:44
*Tallken has quit (Client Quit)Nov 15 12:58
MinceRhow are you gentlemen !!Nov 15 13:15
schestowitzJ0Nov 15 13:17
*kentma1 has quit ("Leaving.")Nov 15 13:30
*seller_liar (i=c92ad65d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 13:42
seller_liarI have found a .net to java converterNov 15 13:43
seller_liar 15 13:43
seller_liarbut it seems incompleteNov 15 13:43
schestowitzWhat about Mainsoft?Nov 15 13:43
seller_liarno this time is free gpl v2Nov 15 13:43
seller_liarlook a t project pageNov 15 13:44
seller_liarI'm not a good dev ,but if you know a good one ,please cite this projectNov 15 13:44
schestowitzYou still need to convince devs to ditch the monkey (mono)Nov 15 13:45
schestowitzI'll blog it in 20 minsNov 15 13:46
seller_liarYes ,I know but this project is better than nothingNov 15 13:46
seller_liarconvince people change is veeeeery hard!Nov 15 13:46
seller_liarthanks!Nov 15 13:46
seller_liarAnd this is a way to java explore .net libraries ,the same way ikvm doesNov 15 13:48
schestowitzI do a post about Mono.Nov 15 13:49
schestowitzIncluding an RMS videoNov 15 13:49
seller_liarWhat rms says about mono?Nov 15 13:50
schestowitzYou'll see. It's up in a few minutes. I just proofread another pending post.Nov 15 13:54
seller_liarokNov 15 13:54
seller_liarthere's a lot of good projects in java.netNov 15 13:55
seller_liarbut there's a lot of abandoned projectsNov 15 13:55
schestowitzWe need to find solutions.Nov 15 13:56
schestowitzRanting about the .NET threat is one thing.Nov 15 13:56
schestowitzAnything we can show users would be good.Nov 15 13:56
schestowitzOne reader tells me that we need to use the space to point people at the /right/ tools, not just dismiss the bad ones.Nov 15 13:57
seller_liarjava2net developerNov 15 14:02
seller_liar 15 14:02
seller_liarsorry net2java!Nov 15 14:02
schestowitzYesNov 15 14:10
schestowitzI got it.Nov 15 14:10
schestowitzAnything else you can find?Nov 15 14:10
schestowitzMaybe companies like Red Hat can help Sun with it... to remove the Mono/.NET issue from Fedora.Nov 15 14:10
seller_liarI will try to find more infoNov 15 14:13
seller_liarNet2java can be very handy to convert banshee to a java form ,Nov 15 14:14
seller_liarBut is very incompleteNov 15 14:14
seller_liarThe last version dates jan 2007Nov 15 14:14
seller_liarno more patent problem and the user still uses the software!Nov 15 14:14
schestowitzYes... can the developer than carry on coding in Java?Nov 15 14:16
seller_liarThe problem is net2java converts onlyNov 15 14:18
seller_liarIt's not possible to use net classes and compiles them in java bytecodeNov 15 14:18
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 14:18
seller_liarit's not possible to use net code for scripting in java for exampleNov 15 14:18
seller_liarlike jython and jtubyNov 15 14:19
seller_liar*jrubyNov 15 14:19
seller_liar 15 14:20
schestowitzI think Sun will soon be divided.Nov 15 14:21
schestowitzSun's symbol (ticker) is JAVANov 15 14:22
seller_liara old noticeNov 15 14:22
seller_liar 15 14:22
schestowitzJava is the #1 programming lang.Nov 15 14:22
seller_liarWhy Sun can divide?Nov 15 14:22
schestowitzThanks. I'm adding it.Nov 15 14:22
seller_liar 15 14:25
seller_liarbut this article in computer world is another toolNov 15 14:25
seller_liaris a proprietary toolNov 15 14:25
seller_liaris a very old noticeNov 15 14:25
seller_liarand speaks some info about micros*itNov 15 14:26
schestowitzOkay, wait..Nov 15 14:27
*Tallken has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 15 14:30
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 14:30
*Tallken has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 15 14:40
*_doug (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 14:56
twitter"One reader tells me that we need to use the space to point people at the /right/ tools, not just dismiss the bad ones."  I'm not sure about that.Nov 15 14:59
twitterEach of the alternatives do their job of promoting themselves.  BN is not made to pick favorites, only to point out dangers to freedom.Nov 15 15:01
*seller_liar has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Nov 15 15:04
schestowitzThat's what I said initially. I don't want it to look like advertising.Nov 15 15:04
schestowitzIf it were not for Shane, I'd drop the adverts too, but he pays the hosting bills.Nov 15 15:04
twitterTo do detailed technical analysis of each of the alternatives you would have to make yourself a expert of the alternative and Mono.  That would take a lot of time better spent on other things.Nov 15 15:07
twitterLearning M$ technologies is worse than a waste of time, it's often damaging.Nov 15 15:09
schestowitzIt's still essential for criticism.Nov 15 15:11
schestowitzIf you get the facts wrong, the PJ comes with a cluebat claiming to be superior. :-)Nov 15 15:12
twitterNo.  Freedom has nothing to do with technical details.Nov 15 15:12
twitterThe M$/Novell Mono threat is about patents and judicial extortion.Nov 15 15:13
twitterNo one wants to suffer those, which is the basis of the M$/Novell deal.Nov 15 15:13
twitterM$ is trying to damage free software by infusing it with patent encumbered technology which it then promotes and threatens at the same time.Nov 15 15:15
twitterThis creates FUD for gnome, divisions the evangelists can exploit and wastes developer time.Nov 15 15:17
twitterThe M$/Novell deal strengthens all of that and makes legal FUD for competitors.Nov 15 15:17
twitterThe best thing that can happen is software patents being thrown out, and the US is coming close to that.Nov 15 15:18
twitterThe worst thing that can happen is a dying M$ suing Red Hat, Canonical and other free distributions for willful infringement.Nov 15 15:19
twitterWe all know the case is total bullshit but M$ still has money to cause harm with the crazy US legal system.Nov 15 15:20
twitterThe nastiest thing of all is that they can sit for years without doing anything.  The threat alone causes great harm.Nov 15 15:21
twitterDevelopers should understand this and shun mono.Nov 15 15:21
twitterIt would not matter if the only alternative was barely functional, but it just so happens that there are plenty of good competitors.  Perl, PHP, java and others.  I don't know the details because it's not my line of work.Nov 15 15:23
twitterI do know that these alternatives are the incumbents and run successful sites like Slashdot.Nov 15 15:24
schestowitz 15 15:24
schestowitzYes, just caught up and I agree.Nov 15 15:25
twitterNice write up.Nov 15 15:31
schestowitzAstroTurfing agency: 15 15:40
schestowitzApparently hired by Microsoft to rip the Web.Nov 15 15:40
schestowitz"Recent Promotions and Changes [...] Andrea Goodrow, Microsoft College Tour, Brand Ambassador"Nov 15 15:41
_dougRoy ..Nov 15 15:43
schestowitzHey, _doug.Nov 15 15:43
_dougWait .. I have more ...Nov 15 15:43
_dougre: another issue :)Nov 15 15:44
*schestowitz whistlesNov 15 15:48
-_doug-DCC Chat ( 15 15:50
*Received a DCC CHAT offer from _dougNov 15 15:50
_dougXbox 360 poised to overtake the Xbox ..Nov 15 15:51
_doug 15 15:52
_doug:)Nov 15 15:52
_doug"I remember the original Xbox as a bit of a flop"Nov 15 15:52
schestowitzBo contrast?Nov 15 15:56
schestowitzBo contrast?Nov 15 15:56
schestowitzBo contrast?Nov 15 15:56
schestowitzBy contrast?Nov 15 15:56
schestowitzExcuse me while I puke, :-)Nov 15 15:56
schestowitzBy contrast? 15 15:56
schestowitz$7 billion in debt?Nov 15 15:57
schestowitz"XP was bad. By contrast, VIsta is great. Now why don't you go to the shop and buy Vista then/>?Nov 15 15:57
_dougreplace $Vista with $Windows\ 7Nov 15 16:01
schestowitzYes, any $version and $version+1Nov 15 16:04
schestowitz"In the face of strong competition, Evangelism's focus may shift immediately to the next version of the same technology, however. Indeed, Phase 1 (Evangelism Starts) for version x+1 may start as soon as this Final Release of version X." -- Microsoft < >Nov 15 16:04
_dougYOu know that could be the source-manual for any kind of marketing ..Nov 15 16:05
_dougFrom corn-flakes to soap-powder ..Nov 15 16:05
schestowitzYes, but it's important the people are made aware of it.Nov 15 16:06
_dougPromise them the communicator off StarTrek, get the contract and then sell them a re-hash of some bought-in half-working product with most of the feetures not-working ..Nov 15 16:07
schestowitz Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft: "The purpose of announcing early like this is to <b>freeze the market</b> at the OEM and ISV level. In this respect it is JUST like the original Windows announcement...Nov 15 16:07
schestowitz Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft: "One might worry that this will help Sun because <b>we will just have vaporware</b>, that people will stop buying 486 machines, that we will have endorsed RISC but not delivered... So, Scott, do you really think you can fight that avalanche?"Nov 15 16:07
_dougIs comes 3096 copy-right ?Nov 15 16:07
schestowitzIt's a court exhibit.Nov 15 16:07
schestowitzMicrosoft wanted it destroyed (and paid for it), but we grabbed a copy.Nov 15 16:08
schestowitzSometimes when the law is broken, then you can't recall disclosure unethical.Nov 15 16:08
_dougwho rrote it again ?Nov 15 16:08
schestowitzSome guy who preached at Microsoft.Nov 15 16:08
schestowitzGoebbelsoftNov 15 16:09
_doug 15 16:10
_dougYa gotta admire Jamie .. :)Nov 15 16:11
_doug"I talked about how you're using the pawns and you're going to screw them .. You can't let them feel like that. If they feel like that, you've lost from the beginning"Nov 15 16:12
_dougWhat's he doing now ?Nov 15 16:12
_doug"Writing a book on the theory and practice of Technical Evangelism, which is what he did at Microsoft for eight years."Nov 15 16:14
_doug 15 16:14
_dougNever mind 'Technology Evangelism', sounds too narrow a field, he should write a general faction novel on what it was like to be at the center, while bill and steve were building the empire ..Nov 15 16:16
_dougI wonder who should paly them in the movie ?Nov 15 16:16
_dougplayNov 15 16:16
_dougGary Oldman = billgNov 15 16:17
_dougot: The Baader Meinhof Complex .. what motovated them ?Nov 15 16:18
_dougA bunch of middle-calss kids pissed off at their parents, so they blew things up ..Nov 15 16:18
schestowitzHaha.Nov 15 16:18
_dougYea .. ??Nov 15 16:18
schestowitzIs this the guy who wrote the evanglism stuff?Nov 15 16:19
_dougback on topic: Beau Bridges plays the old Steve Ballmer ...Nov 15 16:19
schestowitzNo, wait... was that him?Nov 15 16:19
schestowitzGroklaw had the name, I haven't looked though.Nov 15 16:19
_dougChris O'Donnell plays the young Steve, when he had $hair€®Nov 15 16:20
_dougWell .. never mind .. I'm sure there's a book there .. and none of it in the private-domain ...Nov 15 16:23
_doug'Technical Evangelist' there's that phrase again ..Nov 15 16:28
*ModplanMan (n=ryan@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 16:40
schestowitz_doug: one questionNov 15 16:43
schestowitz"In the section of an internal manual on effective evangelism, written in 1997 by James Plamondon,"Nov 15 16:44
schestowitzHa. Got it!Nov 15 16:44
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 16:52
neighborleeschestowitz, haa,,they are now ( on ubuntu forum ,and of course on recurring disucssions where it wont get alot of play :)..) claiming that regardless that rms said mono should be avoided, that surely we dont know that he came to this conclusion via 'caeful consideration'  LOL..I guess they are also now  mono-mindreadersNov 15 16:54
schestowitzI have a new post about Mono: 15 16:56
neighborleekNov 15 16:57
neighborlee < ive seen before, but its a great one to be aware of in future talks of mono-moonlight,,everyday sheds more light on what a ridiculous joke mono is and novel/ubuntu for supporting it , and to fedora/redhat for being brave and forwards thinking for avoiding it.Nov 15 17:23
neighborleeOf additional merit on the grounds of laughter, is the fact that they point to Gnewsense's inclusion of mono, to discredit  RMS statements that we should avoid mono LOL ;)Nov 15 17:27
neighborleeConsidering Gnewsense is #70, even though they cite me for using parroting propaganda for my arguments, theirs is based on a distro that has no weight with anyone in the linux community, whereas my at least is from someone who holds much regard ;)Nov 15 17:28
schestowitzYesNov 15 17:31
schestowitzI'm trying to explain this to RMS at the moment.Nov 15 17:31
schestowitzHe's new to some of this.Nov 15 17:31
neighborleegood.Nov 15 17:33
schestowitzOK, done.Nov 15 17:37
neighborleeTHey try to paint you usually as propgandic adhominem attacks  against novel , but while offering your views you offer said views open to civil discourse, even though many mono supporters usually degrade into terribly lacking civility, inherant it seems in their demeanor which I find ironic in the quest to claim with straight forward face that mono is safe LOLNov 15 17:38
schestowitzI mistkenly wrote "Linux" once. This was not intended and I always refer to the system as GNU/Linux (I generally disregard Linus for his philosophy).Nov 15 17:38
neighborleewell if thats your only sin, I suspect god will pardon you ;)Nov 15 17:38
schestowitzIn press releases which announce the patent deals, Microsoft refers to the covered technology as "Linux" (with the exception of Samsung, which goes further). Nov 15 17:38
schestowitzTherefore my explanation seemed as demeaning as theirs. They also do not make it clear which parts exactly (of the GNU system) they refer to, but they spoke of GUIs at a later occasion.Nov 15 17:38
schestowitzInfoWorld (IDG) will soon publish an article about Microsoft and Novell. It will incorporate bits of my interview with them (the editor approached me). I didn't mention Mono though.Nov 15 17:39
schestowitzI ought to have corrected my last mistake with InfoWorld though.... one where I implies that Red Hat was a member of OSDL. They were not.Nov 15 17:41
schestowitzGot to go now. BblNov 15 17:42
neighborleecuNov 15 17:42
*ModplanMan (n=ryan@ has left #boycottnovellNov 15 17:43
*trmanco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 17:46
*trmanco has quit (Nick collision from services.)Nov 15 17:47
*trmanco_ is now known as trmancoNov 15 17:47
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 18:14
_dougThe Guardian has an interesting article .. which examines some persons of interest to computer technology (Bill Joy, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, amongst others ..Nov 15 18:29
_doug 15 18:29
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 18:37
*Tallken has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 15 18:52
trmanco 15 20:28
schestowitzI'm not a fan of ESRNov 15 20:49
schestowitz...not 'Linux Hater'Nov 15 20:49
schestowitzBye-bye A&B < >Nov 15 20:51
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Nov 15 20:59
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 21:03
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 21:19
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 15 21:30
*DCC CHAT to _doug aborted.Nov 15 21:44
neighborleelatest FUD from HEX: " The funny thing about boycottnovell & those who copypaste their party line, is that NOTHING would be sufficient - largely because of misdirected hate. "Nov 15 21:45
neighborleeits hate to them because we are willling to take the heat and divulge the mistruth behind mono...yup haters all of us   :))Nov 15 21:46
neighborleethe truth willl make you hate :) <ah ha> ;)Nov 15 21:46
schestowitzHate comes from Microsoft.Nov 15 21:46
neighborleeyupNov 15 21:46
schestowitz 15 21:46
neighborleeinterestingNov 15 21:49
neighborleeyeah as if ( as if it were true) we had any potential patent  on hate, and judging by this james guy we surely wouldn't LOLNov 15 21:50
neighborleelike all these mono supporters are arrogant and vile, just like james here...I see it over an over againNov 15 21:50
neighborleeI can use logic to explain my view, but they usually fire back with anger...its been the case every single time.Nov 15 21:51
neighborleeand I pointed it out, and of course I just got more anger ;)Nov 15 21:51
neighborleebut sadly its getting kinda silly..the forum talks is almost irrelvant now because its under 'recurring discussions' , so very few people will be seeing it anyway.Nov 15 21:53
neighborleeubuntu clealry wants to 'hide' this from broader community views so they slammed it there,,its so blatantly obvious.Nov 15 21:53
schestowitzA community that refuses to discuss direction is a monarchy. Monarchies die in Free software.Nov 15 22:07
neighborleeagreed.Nov 15 22:08
MinceRwhat's debian's stance on the .net trap?Nov 15 22:09
MinceRand what's ubuntu's stance on it?Nov 15 22:09
schestowitzWhy is 'directhex' anonymous? Who does he work for? How does he make money from mono? Does he care about freedom or about his money? These questions he must answer. Without disclosure, you can't trust anyone.Nov 15 22:09
neighborleeschestowitz, yupNov 15 22:09
schestowitzI got an E-mail about Debian stance on Go-OO.Nov 15 22:09
schestowitzBut not Debian.Nov 15 22:09
schestowitzThat's older newsNov 15 22:10
neighborleeMinceR, they include mono in defaault livecd install that much I am sure they endorse it.Nov 15 22:10
MinceRneighborlee: which one?Nov 15 22:11
neighborleeMinceR, livecdNov 15 22:11
MinceRneighborlee: i mean, debian or ubuntu?Nov 15 22:11
neighborleeMinceR, not sure about alternate install methodNov 15 22:11
neighborleeubuntuNov 15 22:11
neighborleedebian doesn't yet I dont think.Nov 15 22:11
neighborleeI know there is some mono debian website, but debian doesnt officially endorse it I dont think.Nov 15 22:11
neighborleeI def to schestowitz on this as I think he has written on it.Nov 15 22:12
neighborlee...deferNov 15 22:12
MinceRicNov 15 22:12
*_doug has quit ()Nov 15 22:14
schestowitzYes, I wrote about Debian. Got corrected too..Nov 15 22:15
neighborleeahNov 15 22:21
neighborleeso is mono still out of it ?Nov 15 22:21
schestowitzBy default.Nov 15 22:40
neighborleeok good.Nov 15 22:45
neighborleeschestowitz, in the future, imo anyway it would be nice to be able to click on thoes url that you put sometimes at bottom of quotes..its annoying to have to manually type them in.Nov 15 22:55
neighborleecrap nvm my bad..ic the link above one sentence before.Nov 15 22:59
schestowitzWhat do you mean about quotes?Nov 15 23:02
schestowitzThe URL from which they come? Hover over links with a globe on them. They are always adjacent to the quotes.Nov 15 23:03
neighborleeyup I know np.Nov 15 23:10
neighborleethe paul allen article is really interesting btwNov 15 23:11
neighborleethe only people who could possibly think M$ can be trusted are those in their employment :)Nov 15 23:12
neighborleelolNov 15 23:12
schestowitzThey hope to loot together with "the gang"Nov 15 23:13
neighborleehehNov 15 23:13
schestowitz ""We're getting the gang back together."Nov 15 23:13
schestowitzI need to find the original article.Nov 15 23:13
schestowitzThat's Microsoft executives talking about "getting the gang back together."Nov 15 23:14
neighborleeI wish them luck, now that there is a actual brilliant lawyer in the white house ;)Nov 15 23:14
neighborleesomehow of actual character this time.Nov 15 23:14
neighborleesomeoneNov 15 23:14
schestowitz**Industry Moves: Microsoft Appoints New Head of Zune Unit** 'Microsoft's Entertainment & Devices Div. President Robbie Bach sent an e-mail  on Oct. 4 notifying staff of this. Thompson will report to J Allard...he  worked with Allard on the original Xbox business. Several of the early Xbox  cohorts are already on the Zune team, the story says and quotes Nov 15 23:14
schestowitz Allard: "We're getting the gang back together." 'Nov 15 23:14
neighborleeLOL zune <hahaNov 15 23:15
neighborleethe nearly nonexistant device ;))Nov 15 23:15
schestowitzIt's dead.Nov 15 23:15
neighborleezune what ? ;))hehehNov 15 23:15
schestowitzNot funny at all.Nov 15 23:15
schestowitzSad story really. Like XBox360... just dead more quickly.Nov 15 23:15
neighborleeI cant cry them a river ;)Nov 15 23:15
neighborleeI dont agree with the type of games they put out anyway,so I cry nothing.Nov 15 23:15
neighborleeTHere is a reason wii is so popular..mothers know the breed of games on them are more family oriented ;)Nov 15 23:16
schestowitzBallmer called Zune and XBox "funny products" about 4 months ago because, according to him, Microsoft hasn't figured out how to make money out of them (it loses $billions)Nov 15 23:16
neighborleeyupNov 15 23:17
schestowitzI saw some Wii adverts at the gym... nice games with musical instruments and skiing.Nov 15 23:17
schestowitzNo knives, chainsaws and plasma rifles.Nov 15 23:17
neighborleewell they are trying to win by having best of breed games, but I think wii is winning them all atm...last I checked anywayNov 15 23:17
neighborleeschestowitz, exactlyNov 15 23:17
neighborleeschestowitz, there are a few exceptions, but overall definitely yesNov 15 23:17
*mib_clewd7 (i=62c003bc@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellNov 15 23:28
*mib_clewd7 has quit (Client Quit)Nov 15 23:28
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Nov 15 23:55


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Many of these people earn a few dollars a day; they don't care for Microsoft's "Hey Hi PC" hype
The Mail (MX) Server Survey for July 2024 Shows Microsoft Collapsing to Only 689 Servers or 0.17% of the Whole (It Used to be About 25%)
Microsoft became so insignificant and the most astounding thing is how the media deliberate ignores it or refuses to cover it
Windows Down From 98.5% to 22.9% in Hungary
Android is up because more people buy smaller mobile devices than laptops
Microsoft Windows in Algeria: From 100% to Less Than 15%
Notice that not too long ago Windows was measured at 100%. Now? Not even 15%.
Microsoft Windows "Market Share" in New Zealand Plunges to 25%
Android rising
SUSE Goes Aryan: You May Not Use the Germanic Brand Anymore (It's Monopolised by the Corporation)
Worse than grammar Nazis
Gratis But Not Free as in Freedom: How Let's Encrypt is Dying in Geminispace
Let's Encrypt is somewhat of a dying breed where the misguided CA model is shunned
Links 17/07/2024: New Attacks on the Press, European Patents Squashed Even at Kangaroo Court (UPC)
Links for the day
Gemini Links 17/07/2024: Proponents of Censorship and New Arrivals at Gemini
Links for the day
Links 17/07/2024: School Budget Meltdown and Modern Cars as Tracking Nightmares
Links for the day
This Should Certainly be Illegal, But the Person Who Helped Microsoft Do This is Still Attacking the Critics of It
perhaps time for an "I told you so post"
[Meme] A Computer With an Extra Key on the Keyboard Isn't Everyone's Priority
(so your telling me meme)
Africa as an Important Reminder That Eradicating Microsoft Doesn't Go Far Enough
Ideally, if our top goal is bigger than "get rid of Microsoft", we need to teach people to choose and use devices that obey them, not GAFAM
Billions of Computers Run Linux and Many Use Debian (or a Derivative of It)
many devices never get updated or even communicate with the Net, so exhaustive tallies are infeasible
[Meme] Microsoft is Firing
Don't worry, Microsoft will have some new vapourware coming soon
More DEI (or Similar) Layoffs on the Way, According to Microsoft Team Leader
What happened shortly before Independence Day wasn't the end of it, apparently
[Meme] Many Volunteers Now Realise the "Open" in "OpenSUSE" or "openSUSE" Was Labour-Mining
Back to coding, packaging and testing, slaves
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, July 16, 2024
IRC logs for Tuesday, July 16, 2024
[Meme] Ein Factory
A choice between "masters" (or "master race") is a false choice that results in mass exploitation and ultimately eradication (when there's little left to exploit)
Links 17/07/2024: Open Source Initiative Lies and Dark Net Thoughts
Links for the day
Media Distorting Truth to Promote Ignorance
online media is rapidly collapsing
Android Rises to New Highs of Almost 80% in Cameroon
How many dozens of nations will see Windows at under 10% this coming winter?
Links 16/07/2024: TikTok Ban in Europe and Yandex Split
Links for the day
Gemini Links 16/07/2024: On Packrafting and on Trump Shot
Links for the day
[Meme] Firefox Users Who Think They Know Better Than Mozilla
Enjoy Firebook
Firefox Used to Have About Half the Market in Switzerland, But It Doesn't Stand a Chance Anymore (Chrome Surging This Summer)
Mozilla has managed to alienate some of the biggest fans of Firefox
Microsoft's Biggest Losses Are in Europe This Summer
Microsoft's ability to milk a relatively rich Europe is fast diminishing
How to Make Software Suck and Discriminate Against People at the Same Time
ageism glorified
Bing Was at 2.6% in Russia When LLM Hype Started. Now It's Down to 0.8% (for 3 Months in a Row Already)
The sharp fall of Bing may mean that exiting the Russian market won't matter to anybody
[Meme] Microsoft Seems to be Failing to Comply With WARN Act (by Refusing to Announce Mass Layoffs as They Happen)
since when does Microsoft obey the law anyway?
Microsoft Layoffs Are Still Too Frequent to Keep Abreast of and Properly (or Exhaustively) Classify
The "HR" department knows what's happening, but whistleblowers from there are rare
Bahamas Joined the "5% Windows" Club
statCounter only traces back about 1 in 20 Web requests to Windows
Links 16/07/2024: Salesforce Layoffs and Microsoft's DMARC Fail
Links for the day
Antenna Abuse and Gemini Abuse (Self-hosting Perils)
Perhaps all this junk is a sign of Gemini growing up
Possibly Worse Than Bribes: US Politicians and Lawmakers Who Are Microsoft Shareholders
They will keep bailing out Microsoft to bail themselves out
The Software Freedom Conservancy Folks Don't Even Believe in Free Speech and They Act As Imposters (Also in the Trademark Arena/Sense)
Software Freedom Conservancy was already establishing a reputation for itself as a G(I)AFAM censor/gatekeeper
Djibouti Enters the Windows "10% Club" (Windows Was 99% in 2010)
In Africa in general Microsoft lost control
GNU/Linux Share Doubled in the United States of America (USA) in the Past 12 Months
Or so says statCounter
Even in North Korea (Democratic People's Republic Of Korea) Google Said to Dominate, Microsoft Around 1%
Google at 93.26%
[Meme] The Red Bait (Embrace... Extinguish)
They set centos on fire, then offer a (de facto) proprietary substitute for a fee
Shooting the Messenger to Spite the Message
segment of a Noam Chomsky talk
[Video] Boston Area Assange Defense (Yesterday)
It was published only hours ago
Guinea: Windows Down From 99.3% to 2.7% 'Market Share'
Guinea is not a small country
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, July 15, 2024
IRC logs for Monday, July 15, 2024
What's Meant by "Antenna Abuse" (Gemini)
syndication is not a monopoly in Gemini and if one doesn't condone political censorship, then one can create one's own syndication service/capsule
Microsoft Layoffs and Entire Unit Termination: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
What an announcement to make just before Independence Day
Links 16/07/2024: Old Computer Challenge and One Page Dungeon Contest
Links for the day
Microsoft Falls Further and Closer Towards 10% (Windows "Market Share") in Kuwait
more countries entering the "single-digit Windows" (under 10%) club
Gemini Links 15/07/2024: Antenna's Pro-Hamas Bias Revisited and Old Computer Challenge
Links for the day
[Video] Julian Assange, Over One Decade Ago, Cautioning About What the Internet Had Truly Become
video is not new
Homage to Malta
Malta is probably easy for Microsoft to bribe
IRC at 16
Logging has been used for us and against us
In Malta, Android/Linux Has Overtaken Microsoft Windows (According to statCounter)
statCounter milestone?
Links 15/07/2024: China’s Economic Problems, Boeing Under Fire
Links for the day
500 Days' Uptime Very Soon
Good luck doing that with Windows...
Windows Falls Below 20% in Tunisia
A month ago we wrote about GNU/Linux in Tunisia
Links 15/07/2024: Google Wants Wiz and Why "Sports Ruin Everything"
Links for the day
Gemini Links 15/07/2024: Old Computer Challenge and Sending Files via NNCP
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, July 14, 2024
IRC logs for Sunday, July 14, 2024