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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: February 1st, 2009 - Part 1


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*DarkUranium has quit ("Leaving")Feb 01 00:05
PetoKrausUnfortunately we are unable to accept the file format you have just tried to upload.Feb 01 00:10
PetoKrausPlease save your CV as either a Word Document (.doc or .docx), a Text file (.txt) or in Rich Text Format (.rtf) and try again.Feb 01 00:10
PetoKrausARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME?!? No PDF?!?Feb 01 00:10
schestowitzPass them overFeb 01 00:12
schestowitzThey are a stupid company, whoever they areFeb 01 00:12
schestowitzYou don't need a company that shoves Office and Wordpad down your throadFeb 01 00:13
schestowitz*oatFeb 01 00:13
PetoKrausi thought about renaming the pdf to a docFeb 01 00:15
PetoKraus:DFeb 01 00:15
schestowitzWindows won't hadle itFeb 01 00:16
schestowitzIt's not like Linux where files are handled by contentFeb 01 00:16
PetoKrausi don't give a damn :DFeb 01 00:17
schestowitzSend a DOCFeb 01 00:17
PetoKraustrgroupscotland.aplitrak.comFeb 01 00:17
schestowitzPut in it, in large fontsFeb 01 00:17
schestowitzThe URL of the PDFFeb 01 00:17
schestowitzOn your siteFeb 01 00:17
PetoKraus:DFeb 01 00:17
PetoKrauslolFeb 01 00:20
PetoKrausnow this is coolFeb 01 00:20
PetoKraussecond page - i supplied email and CV in PDFFeb 01 00:21
PetoKrausit's got my contact details from somewhereFeb 01 00:21
schestowitzCoolFeb 01 00:21
schestowitzAnyway, I'm off to bedFeb 01 00:21
PetoKrausaddress, name, phone numberFeb 01 00:21
PetoKrausi guess it parses the PDFFeb 01 00:21
schestowitzI hope the hosting will have returned by the morning.Feb 01 00:21
schestowitzgnFeb 01 00:22
PetoKrausgnFeb 01 00:24
*Roy_B2 has quit ("Leaving")Feb 01 00:25
*flyback also wishes he had a hack to run nt4 from livecd or usb flashFeb 01 00:36
MinceR 01 01:06
twitter"also wishes he had a hack to run nt4 from livecd or usb flash"  Why don't you try to make a virtual box and run it from DSL or similar?Feb 01 01:36
flybackuhFeb 01 01:37
flybackp150mmxFeb 01 01:37
flyback64 meg ramFeb 01 01:37
twitternt4 should fit into that.Feb 01 01:38
flybackyes but I don't have a hd :PFeb 01 01:38
twitterDSL will manage it well.Feb 01 01:38
flybackI NEED A WINDOWS PROGRAMFeb 01 01:38
MinceRlolFeb 01 01:38
MinceRgnFeb 01 01:38
twitterlater MinceRFeb 01 01:38
flybackI could try to run wine but it's going to probably be too painfulFeb 01 01:38
twitterwhy do you think that?Feb 01 01:39
twitterwine works very well.Feb 01 01:39
flybackagainFeb 01 01:40
flybackP150Feb 01 01:40
flyback64 MEG RAMFeb 01 01:40
twitteragain, DSL + wine.Feb 01 01:40
flybackthere's just no way that's going to run wellFeb 01 01:41
twitterI have not tried wine on my 233 MHz PII.  I might if I had some kind of Windows anything that I needed.Feb 01 01:41
flybackbtw this is a laptop or I wouldn't even try :PFeb 01 01:41
twitterThe poor thing is a little slow with Lenny, but it's not bad.Feb 01 01:42
flybackthe program is a really nice serial comm/debug programFeb 01 01:42
flybackthere is NO linux equivalentFeb 01 01:42
twitter????!Feb 01 01:42
flybackthe program does work in wine but I doubt the box can run the overheadFeb 01 01:42
flybackminicom does not do hex, bin, show pins firing, show control charactersFeb 01 01:42
flybackor do advanced logging and redirects over telnet etcFeb 01 01:43
twitterkernel devs have been using serial ports for a long time, I'm sure there's software that does what you want.Feb 01 01:43
twitterWhat OS are you using with that old laptop anyway?Feb 01 01:44
*flyback beats his head into the wall playing this retorical questioningFeb 01 01:44
flybacknone yet again it doesn't have a hdFeb 01 01:44
flybackhence the whole canucking comment I made int he first canucking placeFeb 01 01:44
twitteryou said you got it working with a CD the other day.Feb 01 01:45
flybackit's missing the caddy or I would slap in a hd from my collectionFeb 01 01:45
twitterwhat OS did you use.Feb 01 01:45
flybackyeah off linux and some dos stuffFeb 01 01:45
flybackbut it was very slow and iffyFeb 01 01:45
*flyback ponders linux console + qemu + nt4Feb 01 01:46
flybackbahFeb 01 01:49
flybackI can get a caddy for $5 onlineFeb 01 01:49
flybackhell with itFeb 01 01:49
*flyback finds it odd that 2 streaming anime sites are having problems and suspects something is upFeb 01 02:11
*NeonFloss ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 02:44
*flyback makes a noob mistake not realizeing that most linux distros have switched to the floppy drive being a module, duahFeb 01 03:06
*tessier__ ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 03:47
tessier__ 01 03:47
tessier__Another BN link. I'm running across more and more it seems.Feb 01 03:47
flyback <-- old but reminds of me of why I said "YOU STUPID CANUCKS"Feb 01 04:09
*Cable (i=52b5a7e9@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 04:22
CableHello!Feb 01 04:22
*Cable has quit (Client Quit)Feb 01 04:26
*matt123 ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 04:35
matt123Hi, i was trying to find a blog site, called something like 'me and ubuntu' does anyone know the address?Feb 01 04:36
*scientes ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 04:40
*scientes ( has left #boycottnovellFeb 01 04:41
*xlotlu_ (n=john@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 05:22
xlotlu_guys, articles pushed through coral CDN get redirected around in circlesFeb 01 05:24
*matt123 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 01 05:30
*xlotlu_ is now known as xlotluFeb 01 05:31
*jose ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 05:40
*jose has quit (Client Quit)Feb 01 05:40
schestowitzSite's backFeb 01 05:43
schestowitzxlotlu: hiFeb 01 05:44
schestowitzThankfully you came here. Do you know what happened?Feb 01 05:44
schestowitzDespite downtime we might make another FP: 01 05:45
schestowitzI've disabled the Coral redirect for now.Feb 01 05:46
xlotluschestowitz: 01 05:48
schestowitzThanks.Feb 01 05:48
*schestowitz looksFeb 01 05:48
schestowitzAre you with Coral?Feb 01 05:48
xlotluthat's a proxy that does a check itself to avoid loopingFeb 01 05:48
xlotluno, just a random userFeb 01 05:48
schestowitzOKFeb 01 05:48
schestowitzThanksFeb 01 05:48
schestowitzWe had too much load on the server.Feb 01 05:48
schestowitzLet me monitor it now.Feb 01 05:48
xlotluif you hit a coral proxy that doesn't do the check, you finally get the browser giving upFeb 01 05:48
schestowitzI've just woken upFeb 01 05:49
schestowitzxlotlu: Cortal has always been cryptic to meFeb 01 05:49
schestowitzSometimes it fails to workFeb 01 05:49
schestowitzIt's touch and goFeb 01 05:49
schestowitzInternal server ewrror can be commonFeb 01 05:49
schestowitzBut I have no choice but to use it, otherwise the server falls overFeb 01 05:50
schestowitz(which it did last night at 8pm GMTFeb 01 05:50
schestowitzGive me a moment to check what happenedFeb 01 05:50
xlotluschestowitz: basically, the server should check if the request came through coral, and issue the redirect appropriatelyFeb 01 05:51
xlotlutheir FAQ says matching for CoralWebPrx in HTTP_USER_AGENTFeb 01 05:53
schestowitzOKFeb 01 05:53
schestowitzI see....Feb 01 05:53
schestowitzxlotlu: how would that be achieved?Feb 01 05:53
schestowitzin .htaccess terms?Feb 01 05:53
xlotluschestowitz: 01 05:53
xlotluRewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !^CoralWebPrxFeb 01 05:54
*tessier ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 05:55
*tessier has quit (Client Quit)Feb 01 05:56
schestowitzThanks.Feb 01 05:56
xlotluoh, and you should probably redirect with HTTP 302 instead of 301 (which means moved permanently)Feb 01 05:56
*tessier ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 05:56
schestowitzLet me see..Feb 01 05:57
*Ziggy2 ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 05:57
Ziggy2backFeb 01 05:57
schestowitzZiggy2: yes, since when, I wonder...Feb 01 05:57
schestowitzI'll do some links shortlyFeb 01 05:57
Ziggy2k, thanks (yeah felt like watching a movie)Feb 01 05:57
schestowitzxlotlu: like this?Feb 01 05:58
schestowitz<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>Feb 01 05:58
schestowitzRewriteEngine OnFeb 01 05:58
schestowitzRewriteBase /Feb 01 05:58
schestowitzRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fFeb 01 05:58
schestowitzRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dFeb 01 05:58
schestowitzRewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !^CoralWebPrxFeb 01 05:58
schestowitzRewriteRule . /index.php [L]Feb 01 05:58
schestowitz</IfModule>Feb 01 05:58
*schestowitz is no Apache expertFeb 01 05:58
Ziggy2schestowitz: what was the question ( I know a bit about apache)Feb 01 05:58
schestowitz"Redirect permanent " -  how to make it 302... just omit "permanent"?Feb 01 05:59
schestowitzZiggy2: I want to avoid loopingFeb 01 05:59
xlotluZiggy2: the server was doing a loop redirecting via the coral CDNFeb 01 05:59
schestowitzWe might make another FP, which means another chance of falling overFeb 01 05:59
schestowitzWe didn't fall like this since Dec 07 when we made Slashdot unpreparedFeb 01 05:59
schestowitzSlashdot linked to main page, which had the DB thrashing.Feb 01 06:00
schestowitzxlotlu: does that look right?Feb 01 06:00
Ziggy2something like this redirect 301 /old/old.htm 01 06:00
Ziggy2or redirectMatch 301 ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.comFeb 01 06:01
Ziggy2                      redirectMatch permanent ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.comFeb 01 06:01
xlotluschestowitz: the RewriteRule is definitely not right :)Feb 01 06:01
schestowitzQuestion mark ??Feb 01 06:01
schestowitzld/old.htm << Q mark?Feb 01 06:02
Ziggy2no ?Feb 01 06:02
schestowitzJust checkingFeb 01 06:02
schestowitzI know it's a Question...Feb 01 06:02
Ziggy2 is where I found itFeb 01 06:03
schestowitzLet's test itFeb 01 06:03
schestowitzZiggy2: thanksFeb 01 06:03
schestowitzxlotlu: thanks for the helpFeb 01 06:03
xlotluschestowitz: i _think_ it should be something like RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]Feb 01 06:04
schestowitzThe redir doesn't workFeb 01 06:04
schestowitzBut I think it's Coral to blame...Feb 01 06:04
schestowitzI disabled it for nowFeb 01 06:04
schestowitzI now see the statsFeb 01 06:05
schestowitzHoly shitFeb 01 06:05
schestowitzOver half a million hits in like 4 hoursFeb 01 06:06
Ziggy2niceFeb 01 06:06
schestowitzNo wonder it fell, that's not incluuding CortaFeb 01 06:06
schestowitzWith Coral it must be over a millionFeb 01 06:06
Ziggy2that's good new, The site is becoming popularFeb 01 06:06
schestowitzI was before..Feb 01 06:07
schestowitzBut this is the first time in over a year it falls over for hoursFeb 01 06:07
schestowitzIt made me upset yesterdayFeb 01 06:08
schestowitzI told people to mirror and copy the thingFeb 01 06:08
schestowitzI want people to know about it, but many got turned awayFeb 01 06:08
schestowitzUpdate on ACPI situation...Feb 01 06:09
schestowitz"I was going to mention this on #boycottnovell but forgot:Feb 01 06:09
schestowitz 01 06:09
schestowitzIf you look at the bottom, it looks like someone (probably Homer) was valiantly trying to edit the ACPI article on Wikpedia and came up with some resistance from mostly the same people who were responsible for suppressing the criticisms: "Jimmi Hugh", "FreeRangeFrog" and "Warren".  The latter brings in emacsuser's proposed edits of the "Microsoft Windows" article, to which "emacsuser" rightly claimed an ad hominem attack.  "Jimmi HFeb 01 06:09
schestowitzugh" objects to using "boycottnovell" as a source. "Feb 01 06:09
schestowitz"The net result is that the article has not changed and it still has a very watered down criticism of ACPI (in fact, in one sense, it seems to place the blame on driver writers on not on the specification itself.)"Feb 01 06:09
schestowitzServer Load  3.49 (4 cpus)Feb 01 06:11
*mib_72ndv5 (i=4c1b5fe5@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 06:11
Ziggy2niceFeb 01 06:11
schestowitzThanks, Ziggy2. I'm just gonna get ready now (shower and all) and then catch up, do linksFeb 01 06:13
schestowitzI have some good posts in line tooFeb 01 06:13
*mib_72ndv5 has quit (Client Quit)Feb 01 06:13
*schestowitz updates post about layoffsFeb 01 06:16
schestowitzbenJIman: I'll wait until more reports come about the layoffsFeb 01 06:16
Ziggy2is it my computer is it that "'s are now B and C?Feb 01 06:19
Ziggy2like Bbasically an across-the-board reduction of 25 percentCFeb 01 06:20
Ziggy2(that's what I see in the postsFeb 01 06:20
Ziggy2could be using a different fontFeb 01 06:21
schestowitzLet me checkFeb 01 06:24
schestowitzIt looks OKFeb 01 06:24
Ziggy2must be my computerFeb 01 06:24
schestowitzCan you give a specific example I can compare with?Feb 01 06:24
Ziggy2in the article "Novell Lays Off Around 1,000 Employees (Corrected)", “basically an across-the-board reduction of 25 percent” appears as Bbasically an across-the-board reduction of 25 percentCFeb 01 06:25
*ushimitsudoki1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 01 06:29
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 06:29
schestowitzZiggy2: works fine here.Feb 01 06:29
schestowitz“basically an across-the-board reduction of 25 percent”Feb 01 06:30
schestowitzThese are 'fancy' quotes (unicode I think?)Feb 01 06:30
Ziggy2oh, okFeb 01 06:30
xlotluZiggy2: probably a font with poor utf-8 support (i.e. missing the "smartquotes")Feb 01 06:30
Ziggy2that;s better, change the font and it fixed the problemFeb 01 06:31
schestowitzxlotlu: it's a WP 'feature'Feb 01 06:32
schestowitzCreeps in the way oftenFeb 01 06:32
schestowitzFor example, many text editor fudge it... can't use normal quotes for valid XHTML, etc.Feb 01 06:33
xlotluschestowitz: the WP typographical features are usually nice. except when writing code, when they're utter misfeatures :)Feb 01 06:33
schestowitzYes, slashes tooFeb 01 06:33
schestowitzIt was worse in WP 1.2Feb 01 06:33
schestowitzIt could really make text disappear if I got my markup wrong. VERY annoying.Feb 01 06:34
Ziggy2I was thinking that you put the B's and C's to signify that the Statement was Bull CrapFeb 01 06:34
schestowitzI updated that postFeb 01 06:42
schestowitzThe source was not correctFeb 01 06:42
schestowitzTwitters from Novell were wrongFeb 01 06:42
schestowitzWTF? 01 06:46
schestowitzMicrosoft puts money in the GNU??Feb 01 06:47
Ziggy2I like how Google is also in thereFeb 01 06:50
schestowitz[H]omer pointed this out in USENETFeb 01 06:50
schestowitzAnd replying to him -- former MS employeeFeb 01 06:50
schestowitzGreg CoxFeb 01 06:50
schestowitzThey justidy thisFeb 01 06:50
schestowitz*justify. With money on the table, it'll be harder for RMS to criticise the criminal org.Feb 01 06:51
schestowitzushimitsudoki: did you see "<matt123> Hi, i was trying to find a blog site, called something like 'me and ubuntu' does anyone know the address?"Feb 01 06:53
*Ziggy2 has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 01 07:00
*Ziggy1 ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 07:00
*Omar871 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 07:13
schestowitz"Server Load  5.77 (4 cpus)"Feb 01 07:13
schestowitzNot good.......Feb 01 07:13
schestowitzGood morning, Omar871 Feb 01 07:15
Omar871Hey schestowitz, Good morning. :)Feb 01 07:19
*flyback wonders if there are any supernatural anime series where the camera isn't up the girl's skirt 97% of the time wtfFeb 01 07:24
schestowitzflyback: why, does it bother you?Feb 01 07:27
flybackyeahFeb 01 07:27
flybackI don't watch anime to wack offFeb 01 07:28
flybacksheeshFeb 01 07:28
Ziggy1Vista 7 sucks, I have not seen a feature yet that is not already in LinuxFeb 01 07:28
schestowitzThe Turfs love itFeb 01 07:28
schestowitzThere is a naked emperor phenomenon out there.Feb 01 07:28
Ziggy1I'm watching Chris pirillo do his videos on itFeb 01 07:29
schestowitzWatch the shills go: 01 07:29
schestowitzIt's called "buzz marketing"Feb 01 07:29
Ziggy1He's talking about Areo shake, it's funny to see him go from smart to kind of dumbFeb 01 07:32
schestowitzHe loves Compiz-FusionFeb 01 07:33
Ziggy1didn't know thatFeb 01 07:34
schestowitzHe also slams some of Microsoft's stuff. He'd be better off joining us. MVPs are rotting like Microsoft's shipFeb 01 07:40
schestowitzHe came to WordPress some years ago... so he's already dabbling with FOSS that impresses him.Feb 01 07:40
flyback 01 07:40
Ziggy1hehFeb 01 07:41
schestowitzThere's "Cooking with Pooh"Feb 01 07:42
schestowitzIt was on Jay Leno's show some years ago (circa 2004)Feb 01 07:42
flyback 01 07:45
flybackHHAHAHAFeb 01 07:45
flybackdriving failFeb 01 07:45
flyback <-- don't iron while smashed, k thxFeb 01 07:46
flyback 01 07:48
*flyback falls overFeb 01 07:49
schestowitzZiggy1: can you look through this one for me.. proofreading..?Feb 01 07:55
schestowitz 01 07:56
*xlotlu has quit (Connection reset by peer)Feb 01 07:57
flyback <---- omgwtfbbq hahahahahaah double darwin awardsFeb 01 08:05
schestowitzGood comments here: 01 08:08
Ziggy1schestowitz: sorry went out for a bitFeb 01 09:04
Ziggy1schestowitz: looks goodFeb 01 09:05
*mib_yuvi50 (i=480d9a38@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 09:33
*mib_yuvi50 has quit (Client Quit)Feb 01 09:33
*NeonF|oss ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 09:47
schestowitzThe site spews some errors againFeb 01 09:49
schestowitzAnd we might hit the FP again.. :-SFeb 01 09:50
schestowitzI'll set up cache just in caseFeb 01 09:50
schestowitzOK, done.Feb 01 09:54
schestowitzRedirect 301 /2009/01/31/huge-driver-group-billg/ 01 09:54
schestowitzRewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !^CoralWebPrxFeb 01 09:55
*NeonFloss has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 01 10:03
*GoblinRFD ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 10:13
GoblinRFDGood morning.Feb 01 10:13
Ziggy1good afternoonFeb 01 10:14
schestowitz*LOL*Feb 01 10:14
schestowitzJust posted: 01 10:15
amarsh04schestowitz, I should have left "Darryl" with the last comment on that link you posted, but suggested he read a bit more widely: 01 10:15
schestowitzDo you read LT too?Feb 01 10:19
amarsh04mainly ltFeb 01 10:20
amarsh04I didn't let "Darryl" know that  John Lions, Linus Torvalds and Dennis Ritchie were all at the Australian Unix Users Group conference in September 1994 - was a good conferenceFeb 01 10:20
schestowitzCarla's articles are greatFeb 01 10:21
schestowitzThat Darryl thing trolls BN as wellFeb 01 10:21
amarsh04yes, being someone who does "how to" articles and books makes her a good "hands-on" personFeb 01 10:21
schestowitzIf you feed it, it spews moreFeb 01 10:21
amarsh04he is supposedly in SydneyFeb 01 10:21
amarsh04I post useful references for others in the process (-:Feb 01 10:22
Ziggy1nice articleFeb 01 10:23
Ziggy1brb going to watch dextorFeb 01 10:23
amarsh04Darryl claimed that Linus Torvalds used John Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition, with Source Code to write LinuxFeb 01 10:23
amarsh04that's not the way Linus described it when speaking in front of John Lions and Dennis RitchieFeb 01 10:24
amarsh04 01 10:24
schestowitzamarsh04: yes, he's AustralianFeb 01 10:25
schestowitzThat was not news to me. He uses hotmail too (consistently)Feb 01 10:25
amarsh04it's a bit like Dick van Dyke's character in A Night at the Museum suggesting to Ben Stiller's character to learn some historyFeb 01 10:25
schestowitzamarsh04: that Ken story is back, eh?Feb 01 10:25
schestowitzAnd variations thereofFeb 01 10:26
amarsh04which "Ken story"?Feb 01 10:26
schestowitzThat Dennis Byron brought it back a while agoFeb 01 10:26
schestowitzRussinovich (?? spelling ??) did this in a MS conference some years backFeb 01 10:26
schestowitzIt originate from MS... a big lies that even got /me/... I thought Linux had been derived from MINIXFeb 01 10:26
schestowitzKen Brown, IIRCFeb 01 10:27
schestowitzAlexis Institute or something...Feb 01 10:27
amarsh04Alexis de Torquetville Institute ADTI - I'd happily forgotten all of thatFeb 01 10:28
schestowitzMicrosoft hasn'tFeb 01 10:28
schestowitzIts talking points seem to include itFeb 01 10:28
schestowitzLinux=stealingFeb 01 10:28
schestowitzGood fit for propaganda, no?Feb 01 10:28
amarsh04some people seem to forget that lots of people were trying to invent the telephone, radio, powered flight and all manner of other things at the same timeFeb 01 10:30
amarsh04sometimes all the pieces were there already invented, but just had to be put together the right wayFeb 01 10:31
amarsh04the Wright brothers might have been first with controlled powered fight, but their patents set back the us aviation industryFeb 01 10:31
amarsh04it is wrong to give one person or company credit for "standing on the shoulders of giants"Feb 01 10:32
*GoblinRFD has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 01 10:32
schestowitzamarsh04: preciselyFeb 01 10:33
schestowitzSame with the lampFeb 01 10:33
schestowitzPeople who are humble give credit to the inputFeb 01 10:33
schestowitz"Invention"= outputFeb 01 10:33
amarsh04edison versus swannFeb 01 10:33
schestowitzOutput=assembly of inputFeb 01 10:33
schestowitz"It was Edison who said "1% inspiration, 99% perspiration". That may have been true a hundred years ago. These days it's "0.01% inspiration, 99.99% perspiration", and the inspiration is the easy part. "Feb 01 10:33
schestowitz" As a project manager, I have never had trouble finding people with crazy ideas. I have trouble finding people who can execute. IOW, "innovation" is way oversold. And it sure as hell shouldn't be applied to products like MS Word or Open office." --Linus TorvaldFeb 01 10:34
schestowitz"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants," Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)Feb 01 10:34
amarsh04I'm reminded when our ee lecturers would quiz us on who invented the transistorFeb 01 10:35
MinceRgeekingsFeb 01 10:35
schestowitzamarsh04: who did?Feb 01 10:36
schestowitzDid the Neanderthal sketch it from scratch, so to speak?Feb 01 10:36
amarsh04William Shockley, James Bardeen, Walter Brattain (sp)Feb 01 10:36
schestowitzApple 'invented' the dockFeb 01 10:37
schestowitzMicrosoft 'invented' pagingFeb 01 10:37
schestowitzMicrosoft also hold 'the' patent on tabbed browsing!Feb 01 10:37
*amarsh04 went through comp sci on vaxenFeb 01 10:38
schestowitzWow. did you know 400k due every year in the US from tobacco?Feb 01 10:39
schestowitzAccording to this, 50 million in China will die from these illegal substances from the US...Feb 01 10:42
amarsh04die?Feb 01 10:42
schestowitzYesFeb 01 10:42
amarsh04more women in .au die as a result of lung cancer than as a result of breast cancerFeb 01 10:42
schestowitzSome scientist from Cambridge estimated thisFeb 01 10:42
schestowitzMy grandma died from smokingFeb 01 10:43
schestowitzActually, maybe my uncle tooFeb 01 10:43
amarsh04swmbo's mum did alsoFeb 01 10:43
*oiaohm2 (n=oiaohm@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 10:44
amarsh04SWMBO = She Who Must Be Obeyed.  (From Rumpole of the Bailey)Feb 01 10:44
schestowitzAh... you lost me there for a second./Feb 01 10:48
schestowitzwb, oiaohm2 Feb 01 10:48
oiaohm2You are doing very well.   schestowitz .   I somehow think you could run your blog for another 10 years on the matterial that exists around the mess of Microsoft if they don't create any more.Feb 01 10:52
schestowitzWe have like 10000 exhibits.Feb 01 10:53
schestowitzI got some suggestions I implement right now.Feb 01 10:53
amarsh04I see that is onlineFeb 01 10:53
schestowitz"Hi, Roy,Feb 01 10:54
schestowitzHere's a gem:Feb 01 10:54
schestowitzAre we truly prepared to draw up a statement that speaksFeb 01 10:54
schestowitzfor all of us as a people and a nation, that serves as aFeb 01 10:54
schestowitzcatalyst for the surrender of the free flow ofFeb 01 10:54
schestowitzinformation not to an institution defined by principles,Feb 01 10:54
schestowitzbut a corporation defined by deception?Feb 01 10:54
schestowitz"Feb 01 10:54
*schestowitz looks at bermanexposed.orgFeb 01 10:54
schestowitzYes, it's people like him, Nathan Myhrvold, Carl Ichan etc that need to be jailed or exiledFeb 01 10:55
schestowitzThey ruin their own countries for self gainFeb 01 10:55
schestowitz ... hmm... I can't helping thinking of Madoff.Feb 01 10:56
schestowitz"Each year, Berman, using his front groups to spread misinformation, spends millions of dollars distracting the public with misleading ads."Feb 01 10:58
schestowitz"Richard Berman has been a regular front man for business and industry in campaigns against consumer safety and environmental groups. Through his public affairs firm, Berman and Company, Berman has fought unions, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, PETA and other watchdog groups in their efforts to raise awareness about obesity, the minimum wage, the dangers of smoking, mad cow disease, drunk driving,  and other causes. Berman runs at lFeb 01 10:58
schestowitzeast 15 industry-funded front groups and projects, such as  the Center for Union Facts and holds 16 "positions" in those organizations."Feb 01 10:58
oiaohm2Some how I woulder if a trival game about all Microsoft evils would marketable.Feb 01 10:58
schestowitzYou know what's intresting? This site is hosted in PANAMA!Feb 01 10:58
schestowitzoiaohm2: what do you suggest?Feb 01 10:59
schestowitzThere is no money in fighting corruptionFeb 01 10:59
schestowitzbalzak raised this as an issue before, e.g. selling advice and information about Microsoft's crimeFeb 01 10:59
oiaohm2Something like triva pusut or some other game like it.Feb 01 11:00
schestowitz*LOL*Feb 01 11:00
oiaohm2Doing better for more of the evils you know.Feb 01 11:00
schestowitzYes, true...Feb 01 11:00
schestowitzPJ is still aroundFeb 01 11:00
schestowitzShe knows this stuff pretty well tooFeb 01 11:00
schestowitz 01 11:01
schestowitz>>Feb 01 11:01
schestowitz>> 270   .columns   Property -moz-column-width doesn't exist :  12emFeb 01 11:01
schestowitz>> 271 .columns Property -moz-column-gap doesn't exist : 1emFeb 01 11:01
schestowitz>> 272 .columns Property -moz-column-rule doesn't exist : medium solidFeb 01 11:01
schestowitz>> 273 .columns Property -webkit-column-width doesn't exist : 12emFeb 01 11:01
schestowitz>> 274 .columns Property -webkit-column-gap doesn't exist : 1emFeb 01 11:01
schestowitz>> 275 .columns Property -webkit-column-rule doesn't exist : medium solidFeb 01 11:01
schestowitzThat's for multi column. They don't like it... just like <video> for Ogg... HTML/W3C is being left being by Apple, Nokia and all those cronies like Chris Wilson from MicrosoftFeb 01 11:02
oiaohm2Those tags are all not part of the offical standard.Feb 01 11:03
oiaohm2Ok hopefully a standard for them does get added at some point.Feb 01 11:03
amarsh04I keep hounding webmasters that claim to meet accessibility guidelines but fail to have valid htmlFeb 01 11:04
schestowitzoiaohm2: yes, I know.Feb 01 11:07
oiaohm2Define of valid html is a hard one.Feb 01 11:07
schestowitzSome readers complained about them, that's all.Feb 01 11:07
schestowitzPS.  I notice misuse of the META elements.  Each page's meta elementsFeb 01 11:07
schestowitzhave exactly the same content.  Search engines ignore that, so it is aFeb 01 11:07
schestowitzwaste of bandwidth and needs to be removed.  Having a unique summary forFeb 01 11:07
schestowitz the actual page there is, however, valuable.Feb 01 11:07
schestowitzPPS.  I think that one reason the layout is always a little hammered isFeb 01 11:07
schestowitzthat absolute measurements have crept in.  It'll be worth the work toFeb 01 11:07
schestowitzswap out px for em or percent so as to get a scalable page.Feb 01 11:07
schestowitz----------Feb 01 11:07
schestowitzAre meta tags so important anyway?Feb 01 11:07
oiaohm2To search engines not so much any more.Feb 01 11:08
schestowitzI could do some coding to fetch page excerpt for metaFeb 01 11:08
schestowitzoiaohm2: yes, I know too that they are ignoredFeb 01 11:08
schestowitzFor indexers or things like Alexa/Web dirs they might matterFeb 01 11:08
oiaohm2For indexers they do matter.Feb 01 11:08
schestowitzI'm making a distinct style for evidence.Feb 01 11:09
schestowitzblockquote.evidence {Feb 01 11:09
schestowitzmargin: 0 20px;Feb 01 11:09
schestowitzpadding: 0.05em 20px;Feb 01 11:09
schestowitzborder-top: 1px solid #CCC;Feb 01 11:09
schestowitzborder-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;Feb 01 11:09
schestowitzbackground: url( repeat-y;Feb 01 11:09
schestowitzfont-size: 1.5em;Feb 01 11:09
schestowitz}Feb 01 11:09
schestowitzThe issue is, not all pages have an exceptFeb 01 11:09
schestowitzSo this complicates doing meta 'on the fly'Feb 01 11:09
schestowitzI'll let it restFeb 01 11:09
oiaohm2One day indexing engines may grow the means to process pages like google crawlers do.Feb 01 11:10
schestowitzLike Time Machine?Feb 01 11:12
*kapipi ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 11:13
schestowitzThat can't be good for the environment (astronomical tables)Feb 01 11:13
*kapipi_ ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 11:13
*kapipi_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 01 11:13
oiaohm2Kinda like Time Machine more like . Something that no matter the document passed in it will process it and index it.Feb 01 11:15
oiaohm2Had some fun with beranger recently.  Got him to the point of threating to delete all future posts.   Only one problem he was wrong so I can still post.   Some of these attackers really need to learn there internals.Feb 01 11:19
schestowitzSighFeb 01 11:21
schestowitzNow there's a new errorFeb 01 11:21
oiaohm2Ok schestowitz I don't know what is worse.  What I have been doing for the last 3 weeks or what you are trying to do.   Last 3 weeks have had to perform a full audit on a 2003 server yes filesystem permissions included.Feb 01 11:22
schestowitzAll the services are upFeb 01 11:22
Ziggy1backFeb 01 11:22
schestowitzThanksFeb 01 11:23
schestowitzThe site ain't back thoughFeb 01 11:23
schestowitz"It doesn't look like you've installed WP yet. Try running install.php."Feb 01 11:24
oiaohm2I fell sorry for my poor under person.  They have about a 20 000 page document to produce from my notes on the errors in the server.Feb 01 11:25
Ziggy1niceFeb 01 11:25
oiaohm2Funny enough the system some how was not breached.Feb 01 11:25
oiaohm2Note that is only the secuirty errors found turned into normal english.Feb 01 11:26
oiaohm2I am really looking forward to my week off.Feb 01 11:26
schestowitzThe Wiki works... 01 11:26
schestowitz 01 11:27
oiaohm2I am not looking forward to the week after I get back.   I then have to assemble a interface system for it to prevent the mess happening all over again.Feb 01 11:28
oiaohm2Wiki are fairly bomb proff.   There is about only one way to majorly stuff them up.   Point them to the wrong database.Feb 01 11:29
schestowitzNow it doesn't resolveFeb 01 11:29
schestowitzIt has been up and down for a whilewFeb 01 11:30
schestowitzToo much hammering on one of the pages..Feb 01 11:30
oiaohm2Ok please don't be like the firewall server were I was.   It had intermitant ram.Feb 01 11:32
oiaohm2Yep what started me into the nightmare.Feb 01 11:32
schestowitzoiaohm2: any idea what happens in BoycottNovell?Feb 01 11:33
schestowitzhave a lookFeb 01 11:33
schestowitzWHAT??Feb 01 11:34
schestowitzMy DB is goneFeb 01 11:34
oiaohm2Yep that would explain the failure.Feb 01 11:35
schestowitzHow can this be????Feb 01 11:35
oiaohm2I hope you do backups.Feb 01 11:35
schestowitzI doFeb 01 11:35
Ziggy1does this sound to much like a coincidence 01 11:35
schestowitzBut not very recentFeb 01 11:35
Ziggy1Scott Moore, who left Microsoft four years ago for Yahoo, is returning to Redmond as U.S. executive producer to lead MSN's content and programming strategy, AllThings D reported Friday.Feb 01 11:35
oiaohm2Has the machine been unstable.Feb 01 11:36
oiaohm2Bad ram can cause MYSQL databases to self destruct.Feb 01 11:36
schestowitzHack job maybeFeb 01 11:36
schestowitzoiaohm2: yes, it was unstableFeb 01 11:37
schestowitzoiaohm2: can the host restore it?Feb 01 11:37
schestowitzOr rather... will it just repear?Feb 01 11:37
oiaohm2If they keep backups yes.Feb 01 11:37
schestowitzI have one from earlier I think.Feb 01 11:37
Ziggy1anyway I'm going to bed cyaFeb 01 11:38
*Ziggy1 ( has left #boycottnovellFeb 01 11:38
schestowitzBut the server wasn't quite so heavily hammered some moments agoFeb 01 11:38
oiaohm2Double check they have fixed the server.Feb 01 11:38
*DarkUranium ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 11:38
schestowitzI just wrote a post and right in the middle..Feb 01 11:38
schestowitzWait..Feb 01 11:38
oiaohm2Bad ram kinda required work on server.Feb 01 11:38
oiaohm2Hammered if a Linux box should not equal crashes but just link failures.Feb 01 11:39
oiaohm2Or even solarias.  crashes equal something dieing hardware or breach.   More often than not ram.Feb 01 11:40
schestowitzSo what would you do now?Feb 01 11:41
schestowitzWait for host?Feb 01 11:41
schestowitzIf I restore from BU, then you know... they can't quite restore, can they?Feb 01 11:41
oiaohm2Depends on there backup system.Feb 01 11:41
oiaohm2I never worked with your host before.Feb 01 11:41
oiaohm2Normally before hosting with a company I would have there backup and restore system on file for critical times like this access to know what action will or will not make the loss worse.Feb 01 11:43
amarsh04back later...Feb 01 11:44
oiaohm2I guess you don't have mayday server option with them.Feb 01 11:44
schestowitzIs it possible that the DB is just temporarily inaccesible?Feb 01 11:44
schestowitzThat it didn't exactly vanish?Feb 01 11:44
oiaohm2Can you access any other DB in the database system.Feb 01 11:45
schestowitzYesFeb 01 11:45
oiaohm2I guess so since wiki is working.Feb 01 11:45
schestowitzI have 2Feb 01 11:45
oiaohm2So its not database server down.Feb 01 11:45
schestowitzOne just disappearedFeb 01 11:45
schestowitzoiaohm2: mysel is up (cpanel status report0Feb 01 11:45
schestowitzThe DB just isn't there.Feb 01 11:46
oiaohm2Disapeared is not exactly good.   There are very limited numbers of things that could have happened.Feb 01 11:46
oiaohm21) Damaged by hardware malfuction effecting write so main database is no longer readable to database server.Feb 01 11:47
oiaohm22) For some reason permissions on database file releating to that DB have got stuffed up(best option).Feb 01 11:47
schestowitzShould I restore from BU?Feb 01 11:48
schestowitzYour callFeb 01 11:48
schestowitzIt has been like 20 minutes without DBFeb 01 11:48
oiaohm2I would restore into a different database name.   Very good reason so any backfiles of the old database are hopefully left untouched.  I guess you cannot wait for inspection of the server.Feb 01 11:49
schestowitzAnd then what.. merge diffs?Feb 01 11:50
schestowitzIf there's a restoration, I might as well have it done now.Feb 01 11:50
oiaohm2YepFeb 01 11:50
schestowitzSo what do you suggest?Feb 01 11:50
schestowitzReload under another name?Feb 01 11:51
oiaohm2Also leaves behind evidence incase it was some form of hardware failure.Feb 01 11:51
oiaohm2Worst case here is if it something releating to drives being on bad cables.Feb 01 11:51
schestowitzOKFeb 01 11:51
oiaohm2I would also be backing up your other database while you can.Feb 01 11:51
oiaohm2Yes lost 1 lossing 2 is worse.Feb 01 11:52
PetoKrausDebian RC2 outFeb 01 11:52
schestowitzIf I rename the tar file, will restoring mysql give the DB a different name?Feb 01 11:53
oiaohm2I have not touched how to resore under different name in mysql in over 6 months.Feb 01 11:53
oiaohm2Start backing up the wiki database now then work out how to restore the other one.Feb 01 11:54
oiaohm2I always love providers with mayday servers.   Because I would just restore everything on mayday and leave the main for inspection.Feb 01 11:54
schestowitzResorting...Feb 01 11:58
schestowitzIn 5 years with mysql DBs this never happened to meFeb 01 11:59
oiaohm2I had it 4 times in 3 months due to defective hardware.   Bad batched for ram and harddrives.Feb 01 12:00
oiaohm2Basically segate failures recently pissed me off majorly.Feb 01 12:00
schestowitzSeagate is bad.. not just technicallyFeb 01 12:01
oiaohm2Recentlly they have been technically bad.Feb 01 12:01
oiaohm2Most of the time Seagates have been technically ok.Feb 01 12:02
*amarsh04 was using mysql for dns/dhcp data at but it was upgraded to oracle (used perl's DBI to make the change-over easy)Feb 01 12:02
oiaohm2I have had bad drive batches from all drive makers.Feb 01 12:03
*amarsh04 managed to get data off a toshiba mk56f before it died way back, then onto wd caviar drives, and now still have a 10+ year old IBM scsi driveFeb 01 12:04
schestowitzamarsh04: any advice on this case?Feb 01 12:05
schestowitzI hope to restore into  a news lot and then redirect WP to that slotFeb 01 12:05
amarsh04no, haven't touched mysql in 6 yearsFeb 01 12:06
schestowitzIt's taking ages to restore the DCFeb 01 12:06
schestowitz20MBFeb 01 12:06
oiaohm2I have a still working IBM Death StarFeb 01 12:06
amarsh04I backed up mysql data to text every day in a weekly rotation to safeguard against lossesFeb 01 12:07
oiaohm2Yes I disasmbled it in a clean room and fixed its problem.Feb 01 12:07
amarsh04ide drive in this machine is a samsung - slow but okFeb 01 12:07
schestowitzOK, resotred as new DBFeb 01 12:08
oiaohm2Future with database schestowitz have a really good backup system.Feb 01 12:08
amarsh04the temperature read-outs from SMART frighten me sometimes - hit 61 C this weekendFeb 01 12:08
oiaohm2There are many ways to bring even the best database into data failure.Feb 01 12:08
amarsh04did you both see the xkcd cartoon about Bobby tables?Feb 01 12:09
amarsh04the child whose name ended in "'); drop table students;"Feb 01 12:10
oiaohm2One of the the groups here schestowitz runs like wp off line and uploads the database changes.    So two locations have to fail to loss there posts.   Ok replies get lost since the off line one never has replies stored.Feb 01 12:10
schestowitzWTF?Feb 01 12:11
schestowitzIt's like the DB is still there.Feb 01 12:11
amarsh04back in a few...Feb 01 12:11
schestowitzDatabase  Size  Users  ActionsFeb 01 12:11
schestowitzboycottn_wiki 2.24 MB  Feb 01 12:11
schestowitzboycottn_wki Delete UserFeb 01 12:11
schestowitzDelete DatabaseFeb 01 12:11
schestowitzboycottn_wrdp1 81.41 MB  Feb 01 12:11
schestowitzDelete DatabaseFeb 01 12:11
schestowitzboycottn_wrdp2 37.06 MB  Feb 01 12:11
schestowitzDelete DatabaseFeb 01 12:11
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 01 12:12
schestowitzWhy the difference in size??Feb 01 12:12
oiaohm2BackupsFeb 01 12:12
oiaohm2Reason why I said don't overwriteFeb 01 12:13
schestowitzI didn'tFeb 01 12:13
schestowitzBut why is the older one still in the list?Feb 01 12:13
oiaohm2mysql runs its own backup files.Feb 01 12:13
schestowitzcpanel > MySQL DatabasesFeb 01 12:13
oiaohm2Could be damaged past what Mysql can read.Feb 01 12:13
oiaohm2But person doing a restore command on sever might be able to bring it back.Feb 01 12:13
schestowitzBack from where?Feb 01 12:13
schestowitzbackup or repair?Feb 01 12:14
oiaohm2Ok I will explain mysql.   Number one your database is stored twice once enough time passes.  This is a active running backup.Feb 01 12:15

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