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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 11th, 2009 - Part 2


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schestowitzSay it many timesApr 11 20:39
schestowitzTo dilute the wordApr 11 20:39
MinceRWar is FreedomApr 11 20:39
MinceRoopsApr 11 20:39
schestowitzHere in IRC we can replace all words like "bad" with "terror"Apr 11 20:39
MinceRi've mixed up the quoteApr 11 20:39
schestowitzThen terror stops meaning muchApr 11 20:39
MinceRwe could use "terror" as a greetingApr 11 20:39
schestowitzIt's just a 'junk food' word like apparentlyApr 11 20:39
Omar87schestowitz: Or innocent women and children locked up in their homes, starving to death... and being killed and massacred with no mercy...Apr 11 20:39
MinceR"Good terror to all!"Apr 11 20:40
schestowitz"terra Brotha!"Apr 11 20:40
schestowitzHigh fiveApr 11 20:40
schestowitzLike people who before the 2008 election added a middle nameApr 11 20:40
schestowitzHusseinApr 11 20:40
schestowitzNetscape's founder is among themApr 11 20:40
schestowitzBecause of Obama. sticking it to Republican FUDApr 11 20:40
schestowitzWatch this headline: Gavin Clarke, the MS shill, is spreading terrorApr 11 20:42
schestowitzLinux and "core dump" in the same headline. It's terrible terroristic. it scares the reader who wanted to try Linux...Apr 11 20:42
schestowitzTerribly said, no?Apr 11 20:42
MinceRIt's terror.Apr 11 20:48
schestowitzAmazon should really join Open Cloud. What they do at the moment is immobilise and proprietarise Free software.Apr 11 20:49
schestowitzThis headline is just utter terror: 11 20:53
schestowitzThey changed it from the original and as usual (For Linux Planet) they trolled in it.Apr 11 20:53
schestowitzThe way they present may also make it seem like they call Mark Shuttlworth "ugly duckling"Apr 11 20:54
schestowitz "Spec for spec, the XP version is also $35 cheaper than the Mi version." HP is selling Linux for MORE than Windows XP.Apr 11 20:58
MinceRmore value for more money?Apr 11 20:58
MinceRthe solution is obvious, thoughApr 11 20:58
MinceRdon't buy hpApr 11 20:58
schestowitzOf course, butApr 11 20:59
schestowitzThey'll interpret this as no demand for LinuxApr 11 20:59
schestowitz"So while I have indeed contributed to the official Microsoft share of the U.S. netbook market, I am on record here as saying all of my netbooks, including the two Windows XP ones I got for a total of $500, now run Linux. Thus, Linux has 100% market share here, even if the official statistics don’t have it right."Apr 11 21:00
schestowitzFrom 11 21:00
MinceRi wonder how much did ballmer pay hp for thatApr 11 21:00
MinceRor perhaps they merely threatened them with increasing the price of windows licensesApr 11 21:01
schestowitzEither way, it reeks of corruption of one kind or anotherApr 11 21:03
MinceRwhere there's windows, there's corruption.Apr 11 21:06
schestowitzSmashed windows.Apr 11 21:08
schestowitz"Watch ya knees, darling"Apr 11 21:08
*mib_y5ikvg (i=4b0d21e4@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 21:09
*mib_y5ikvg has quit (Client Quit)Apr 11 21:10
schestowitzHere's a though I've just had. Why can't file watermarking be subveryted by simple I/O? Like open file, put in another more cleanly/cleanly/slightly scrambled?Apr 11 21:10
schestowitzBasically, it's like DRM. Trivial to strip.Apr 11 21:11
MinceRyou need to know where the watermark is hidden in order to strip itApr 11 21:14
schestowitzBut can't you rencode with some noise?Apr 11 21:16
schestowitz*re-encodeApr 11 21:16
schestowitzMultimedia is based on the assumption that noise is tolerable. it's not an executableApr 11 21:17
MinceRyou could but you'd have to add more noise to be sure it's goneApr 11 21:20
MinceRsay you're pretty confident they will only change the lowermost 4 bits of the audio -> you have to replace all of them with random bitsApr 11 21:21
MinceRand even if the lowest 1 bit is used to hold the watermark, the watermark might not necessarily replace it entirely with noiseApr 11 21:22
MinceRthere might be some algorithm to make the watermark less noisyApr 11 21:22
schestowitzNovell has just pushed this into the Tube: 11 21:22
taconeomfApr 11 21:25
taconemonoApr 11 21:26
schestowitzBansheeApr 11 21:26
schestowitzThey promote this garbage in the lyricsApr 11 21:26
tacone the mono logo !Apr 11 21:26
schestowitzWhere?Apr 11 21:26
tacone3:00 circaApr 11 21:26
schestowitzI see nowApr 11 21:26
schestowitzyeah..Apr 11 21:26
schestowitzSmack the MonkeyApr 11 21:26
schestowitzNovell uploaded this video twice... like on Friday I think.....Apr 11 21:27
taconethe video is very nice.Apr 11 21:27
schestowitzGood video to remind us that novell is "Linux" for lamersApr 11 21:27
taconeit's just an aspiring viral videoApr 11 21:28
schestowitzYes, I know. Spiraling tooApr 11 21:28
schestowitzMinceR's taste of music :-pApr 11 21:28
taconepoor MinceR.Apr 11 21:29
MinceRwhatApr 11 21:29
schestowitzMinceR: re watermarks, sure, if the algo is goodApr 11 21:29
schestowitzKind of like 'unhackable' Blueray :-)Apr 11 21:29
schestowitzBluray BD..Apr 11 21:29
schestowitzOr any DRM for that matter.Apr 11 21:30
MinceRwell, my point is that if you don't know the watermarking algorithm, you might lose a lot more quality than you really have toApr 11 21:30
schestowitzI never had any experience with DRM (or watermarks)Apr 11 21:30
schestowitzPoor me... :-) I guess we're all 'bahind'Apr 11 21:30
MinceRneither have i -- except for "watermarked" pdf-sApr 11 21:30
MinceR(but that was really obvious)Apr 11 21:31
schestowitzI hear that Vista thing has this latest "technology"Apr 11 21:31
taconewatermark are for tracing people.Apr 11 21:34
MinceRwe know :>Apr 11 21:34
taconeoh >:(Apr 11 21:34
MinceR(offtopic) (flash) (video) (music) 11 21:39
schestowitz 11 21:40
MinceRtranslation?Apr 11 21:40
schestowitzPolitically Timed "Terror" Arrests - the Real Bob Quick Scandal < >Apr 11 21:40
taconeError 404, deputies un-findableApr 11 21:41
taconeimpossible to find the law(?) HadopiApr 11 21:41
schestowitz "A Google Street View cameraman told a photographer "don't you take pictures of me" when he tried to reverse roles on him and take his photograph. "Apr 11 21:41
schestowitzPricelessApr 11 21:41
MinceR:)Apr 11 21:42
schestowitztacone: This week showed a quite surprising turn of events at the French Assemblée Nationale. The French Parliament actually rejected the infamous HADOPI law (the three-strikes law). 11 21:43
taconeJean-F. Copè did not found the deputies necessary to access the vote.Apr 11 21:43
tacone - has the socialist party proceeded to a derisory manouver ?Apr 11 21:43
tacone- is your minister of culture enough clever ? Please verifyApr 11 21:43
tacone- is your (law) project acceptable for your own party deputies ? please keep your majority.Apr 11 21:43
schestowitzHow the government uses dirty data to legislate morality < >Apr 11 21:44
schestowitz"When it comes to sex and censorship, Government's insistence that laws are "evidence-based" is little more than hot air."Apr 11 21:45
schestowitztrmanco: it's French Revolution in reverse.Apr 11 21:45
schestowitzReturn to feudalismApr 11 21:45
taconeschestowitz: yes, but it was just for lack of legal numberApr 11 21:46
schestowitzAdd caption (found in glymoody): 11 21:47
taconewhich is a fairly common failure for right wing partyApr 11 21:47
taconethe law will be voted again in 10-15 days.Apr 11 21:47
schestowitztacone: yes, what MAFIAA wants MAFIAA will get.Apr 11 21:47
taconeusually is not that easy to force french peopl to swallow something they don't likeApr 11 21:48
MinceRtacone: thxApr 11 21:48
taconebut since they voted right, after decades of left. maybe even that is going to change.Apr 11 21:48
schestowitz "Peaceful protest is an essential part of our democracy. But at the G20 demonstrations last week it was threatened by flawed policing -- targeting the peaceful majority instead of isolating the handful of troublemakers. Watch one of the many videos which have shocked the nation, and let's stop this from ever happening again. "Apr 11 21:48
schestowitzYouTube Rejects Real Name System for Korean Users < >Apr 11 21:50
schestowitz "Apr 11 21:51
schestowitzNOTE:  Both Taleb and I conclude that the best way to deal with this risk is to simplify our global economic system.  Taleb recommends that we turn back the clock to a simpler time.  In contrast, I recommend that we organically evolve into a more efficient decentralized system that concentrates on community resilience. "Apr 11 21:51
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 21:52
schestowitzGood comments here: 11 21:59
schestowitzFree to a Good Home: Junk < >Apr 11 22:01
*_Hicham_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 22:02
_Hicham_DaemonFC : anything new?Apr 11 22:03
DaemonFCNot muchApr 11 22:03
DaemonFCI angered a few Microsoft fanboys and ended up deleting some comments on YoutubeApr 11 22:03
DaemonFC:PApr 11 22:04
DaemonFCnot cause I am trying to censor, because they were unintelligible and mostly foul languageApr 11 22:04
_Hicham_which Youtube content did u comment on?Apr 11 22:04
DaemonFCI was a video where I talked about Windows 7Apr 11 22:05
_Hicham_the video still exist?Apr 11 22:06
DaemonFC 11 22:06
amarsh04I'm not entirely sure why Debian closes bugs on KDE 3.5.X when KDE 4.2.X isn't fully ready - I'd still like to get a relatively small number of problems fixed in KDE 3.5.X rather than battle the new bugs in KDE 4.2.XApr 11 22:06
schestowitzShould 32-bit Be Retired? < > OH, come on.,..Apr 11 22:08
MinceRperhaps 4.2 is ready enough for them :>Apr 11 22:08
DaemonFCwell, 32-bit x86 is hard to killApr 11 22:09
_Hicham_amarsh04 : KDE 3.5.X will just have security patchesApr 11 22:09
amarsh04hehe...Apr 11 22:09
DaemonFCmostly because people are cheap, ignorant or stupidApr 11 22:09
schestowitzThanks, RyanApr 11 22:09
DaemonFCthere's really few reasons to actually support itApr 11 22:09
schestowitzCan I make ogg and link from BN?Apr 11 22:09
amarsh04and 32 bit ARM will be around longerApr 11 22:09
DaemonFCsureApr 11 22:09
schestowitzCool, thanks.Apr 11 22:09
taconelol, the arch april foolApr 11 22:10
amarsh04yes, agreed about the security patches... I prefer that konqueror 3.5.10 doesn't crash and won't upgrade that because that means upgrading to KDE 4.2.2Apr 11 22:10
DaemonFCshould have kept my originalApr 11 22:11
DaemonFCit was an oggApr 11 22:11
DaemonFC:PApr 11 22:11
amarsh04lots of 32 bit ppc around as automotive computer cpus and the likeApr 11 22:12
schestowitzThat's ok. I ffmpeg is promptly.Apr 11 22:12
_Hicham_DaemonFC : host it on ur website, instead of having to use flash formatApr 11 22:13
_Hicham_and use the video tagApr 11 22:13
_Hicham_I prefer the video tag to using flashApr 11 22:13
DaemonFCyeah, but then IE7, IE8, Firefox 3 and lower, and Opera can't use itApr 11 22:14
schestowitzLinux Magazine is picking up writer (second person I see this week): Combining Debian and FreeBSD; Pushing the Envelope of FOSS < >Apr 11 22:14
schestowitz_Hicham_: I'll do it <video>Apr 11 22:14
MinceRi prefer a link to the video fileApr 11 22:14
DaemonFCyou need to use a non-IE development version of your browser to use thatApr 11 22:14
DaemonFCright?Apr 11 22:15
schestowitzJust catching it still.Apr 11 22:15
MinceRthat way it won't be in the browser windowApr 11 22:15
schestowitzTo ensure DaemonFC doesn't start shouting at some crowds :-)Apr 11 22:15
_Hicham_DaemonFC : better push browsers to adopt itApr 11 22:15
schestowitzLike in IRC...Apr 11 22:15
DaemonFCdoes the Mac rip to AIFF if you want to just create uncompressed PCM audio?Apr 11 22:20
*DaemonFC is trying to figure out what the hell made those AIFF files he just converted to FLACApr 11 22:21
schestowitzThis is you? 11 22:23
schestowitzDaemonFC: it's posted now. Microsoft should have mailed you a $2000 gift to ensure you say nice things. Earlier today I caught IDG and other Microsoft mouthpieces talking about what bribed bloggers said without actually TRYING it THEMSELVES.Apr 11 22:30
DaemonFClolApr 11 22:32
schestowitzWhen Vista was near release in 2006 (before and after RTM) Microsoft dispatched dissent against people who crtiticised it. They also recited slogans like "Vista will kill Linux" or "last nail of the coffin of Linux". So far it's mostly the same. They invest hundreds of millions on the image of Vista7. They made a budget of $500mApr 11 22:33
schestowitzSome sources say $300mApr 11 22:33
DaemonFChehApr 11 22:40
DaemonFCschestowitz: Did you get that story about Microsoft losing the patent lawsuit?Apr 11 22:40
_Hicham_when I was using MSVC to port a project to Windows, I thought about searching the MSDN for the term "Linux", and guess what I did find? This is one of the results I found : "How to remove Linux from your system" !!!!!!!!Apr 11 22:40
DaemonFCThe one where they infringed patents to create Product Activation?Apr 11 22:40
DaemonFCthey were ordered to pay the company that held the patents $388 MillionApr 11 22:41
schestowitzzoobab01: 11 22:43
schestowitzDaemonFC: they appealApr 11 22:43
schestowitzIt was the same against Alcatel-LucentApr 11 22:43
schestowitzBut this time they can't countersue and settleApr 11 22:43
DaemonFC 11 22:44
schestowitzbecause Alcatel-Lucent has real products; it's not a patent troll or little so-called 'inventor'Apr 11 22:44
DaemonFChehApr 11 22:44
schestowitzThey are closing down more nowApr 11 22:44
schestowitzRunning out of moneyApr 11 22:44
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 22:44
schestowitz"We're broke," as Slated put itApr 11 22:44
twitterSlated, broke?Apr 11 22:45
DaemonFCLucent?Apr 11 22:45
DaemonFChehApr 11 22:45
schestowitzToday(ish): Microsoft cancels campus pub  < >Apr 11 22:45
schestowitzDrinking At Work Just Got Harder At Microsoft < >Apr 11 22:45
twitterNo free beer for you!Apr 11 22:45
twitterha haApr 11 22:45
schestowitzIt's safe to rely on Microsoft's death for Linux Renaissance on the desktop. Windows already competes at the SAME PRICE.Apr 11 22:46
DaemonFCthey got greedy back in the 90s and started making cheap controllerless "WinModems" that leeched CPU time to avoid putting a hardware DSP on the card.Apr 11 22:46
schestowitzWindows/Vista7 will be a freebie tooApr 11 22:46
schestowitzFree for sub-notebooksApr 11 22:46
schestowitzBut a cripples versionApr 11 22:46
schestowitzIntel's CEO said it would backfireApr 11 22:46
schestowitzAnd he's a buddy of Ballmer|gatesApr 11 22:46
taconeuhmApr 11 22:46
DaemonFCwell, you can't just give something away and expect to stay in businessApr 11 22:46
schestowitzIntel has MoblinApr 11 22:46
taconedell's adamo doesn't ship Intel and Windows stickersApr 11 22:46
twittergot the Intel quote?Apr 11 22:46
schestowitzBecause it has ARM to compete vsApr 11 22:46
schestowitzAnd ARM is WIndows-free zoneApr 11 22:47
taconea great advance of technology :)Apr 11 22:47
schestowitzCE is a dead duckApr 11 22:47
twitterI've seen him saying that M$ needs a "plan"Apr 11 22:47
DaemonFCeven Canonical has a reason for dumping Ubuntu discs on everyoneApr 11 22:47
DaemonFCit's marketingApr 11 22:47
schestowitzWindows Mobile isgoign nowhere.Apr 11 22:47
DaemonFCthey want you to be familiar with Ubuntu, edeploy it at work, and buy supportApr 11 22:47
schestowitzFound this afternoon: (Google Tablet Leaves Windows Mobile Eating Dust (GOOG, MSFT))Apr 11 22:47
schestowitztwitter: Microsoft does have a planApr 11 22:47
schestowitzShot-termApr 11 22:47
schestowitzTo dump Windows... at customersApr 11 22:47
schestowitzBut Linux is not a companyApr 11 22:48
schestowitzThat's how they crashed BorlandApr 11 22:48
twitteryeah, but Intel CEO does not think it will workApr 11 22:48
schestowitzIt won't work against a coalition (Linux Foundation)Apr 11 22:48
twitterIt's how they crashed everyone.Apr 11 22:48
twitterIt's not working anyomoreApr 11 22:48
schestowitzEssentially, they pissed off too many people like Ellison, Hurd and Palmisano so they turn the OS to a commodityApr 11 22:48
schestowitztwitter: will look for the Intel quoteApr 11 22:49
schestowitzbrbApr 11 22:49
schestowitztwitter: not Slated being broke....Apr 11 22:49
schestowitzHe showed another MS division eating dust some days agoApr 11 22:50
twitterahApr 11 22:50
schestowitzHe quoted MicrosoftApr 11 22:50
schestowitzThen translared their words that say they run out of moneyApr 11 22:50
schestowitz[still looking] (Otellini: 'MID revolution will be centred round Linux')Apr 11 22:51
schestowitzBallmer: GNU/Linux Will Win on Netbooks < >Apr 11 22:51
schestowitzStill looking for  Otellini quoteApr 11 22:51
schestowitzGot it.Apr 11 22:52
schestowitzOtellini: Windows 7 Upgrade for Netbooks Will Be Tough' < >Apr 11 22:52
twitterOMG, they really burnt the bar subcontractor.Apr 11 22:52
schestowitz"Microsoft has a challenge: Sell a Windows upgrade as a way to save money."Apr 11 22:52
schestowitz"The company's fourth quarter Windows revenue declined 8 percent, as PC buyers opted for lower-priced netbooks that run either Windows XP or Linux, rather  than the higher-priced Windows Vista operating system, which does not run on  netbook hardware."Apr 11 22:52
twitterYeah, I think that's the one I saw.Apr 11 22:52
schestowitzI think Q1 report is 2 weeks awayApr 11 22:52
schestowitzIt'll be ugly if many netbooks were soldApr 11 22:53
schestowitzBut they will cook the books as usual.Apr 11 22:53
schestowitzLike their employee/whistleblower said they doApr 11 22:53
schestowitz (Reports: Microsoft Cripples Windows 7 Starter Edition in Hopes of Netbook Upgrades)Apr 11 22:53
twitterFrom what I've seen, they are dumping M$ loaded netbooks on schools.Apr 11 22:53
DaemonFCWindows 7 seems to be almost exactly like Vista, only easier to ruinApr 11 22:53
schestowitzDana Bass IIRC: Microsoft’s Windows 7 May Not Cure Netbook Headache < >Apr 11 22:53
DaemonFCI can't believe I corrupted it so bad it couldn't boot jsut trying to put software for my webcam on it (not even the driver, the software)Apr 11 22:54
schestowitzOne Third of Dell Inspiron Mini 9s Sold Run Linux < >Apr 11 22:54
_Hicham_fuck Windows, fuck MicrosoftApr 11 22:54
schestowitzmath: Windows 7 + netbook = failure - GNU/Linux as remaining winner! <,10000... >Apr 11 22:54
schestowitzMicrosoft losing control of netbooks < >Apr 11 22:54
schestowitzI'd say, maybe not "in netbooks"Apr 11 22:55
schestowitzThey lose controlApr 11 22:55
schestowitzBy giving WIndows for freeApr 11 22:55
schestowitzThey began this in May 2008Apr 11 22:55
schestowitzThe memo leaked to IDG News ServcieApr 11 22:55
schestowitzbefore that, the majority of netbooks ran WIndowsApr 11 22:55
DaemonFCschestowitz: Is there a Bonnie++ for Windows?Apr 11 22:55
schestowitzAs the memo article said, "Microsoft decided to put an end to it"Apr 11 22:56
twitteryou mean linuxApr 11 22:56
schestowitzThe cost: Windows marginsApr 11 22:56
schestowitzOOPSApr 11 22:56
schestowitzI meant, "before that, the majority of netbooks ran Linux'Apr 11 22:56
schestowitzAlmost all of them ran Linux. Windows was sometimes just an optionApr 11 22:56
twitterthey also crippled netbook specs and punished OEMs that don't play nice, like ASUS which suffered it's first ever loss on inventory.Apr 11 22:56
schestowitzAmazon's top sellers were Apple computers and Linux netbooksApr 11 22:56
schestowitzLike 70% of them or somethingApr 11 22:56
schestowitztwitter: that tooApr 11 22:57
schestowitzThey later changed the limitsApr 11 22:57
schestowitzBut they still crippled themApr 11 22:57
twitterI think the Windows sales are fake, it's hype to drive sales.Apr 11 22:57
schestowitzElse Netbooks become Notebooks with free (gratis) WindowsApr 11 22:57
schestowitzIn which case, Windows is zeroing its marginsApr 11 22:57
schestowitzAnd people use Google Apps/OOo, esp. on weak h/wApr 11 22:57
twitterAnyone with any technical knowledge knows that a Windows netbook won't run well and will burn up in six months.Apr 11 22:57
schestowitzThey can't use Office 2007 on netbooksApr 11 22:58
schestowitzit's too fat and unresponsiveApr 11 22:58
twitterIt's hard to use Office 2007 on anything.Apr 11 22:58
schestowitzNo WIndows profit + no Office = ??Apr 11 22:58
twitterno beer.Apr 11 22:58
schestowitztwitter: well, dual-core would doApr 11 22:58
schestowitzOK for engineersApr 11 22:58
schestowitzPeople whose computer is their occupationApr 11 22:58
schestowitzNot good for Average JaneApr 11 22:58
schestowitzEsp. not in this economyApr 11 22:59
twitterI'm not sure about that, they changed the interface.  Even if your computer can run Office 2007, the user is left frustrated.Apr 11 22:59
twitterThe usual morons are pushing Office 2007 though.  School systems are starting to demand docx and hand out "educational" material using it.Apr 11 23:00
twittera real push is on and University dumping is now viral.Apr 11 23:00
schestowitzPeople forget Microsoft's workforce troubleApr 11 23:00
schestowitzOnly Microsoft develops WindowsApr 11 23:00
schestowitzAnd it must maintain many versions, inc. XPApr 11 23:01
twitterI met someone who supplied most of her small town with M$ Office 2007 through LSU's student software rape program.Apr 11 23:01
schestowitzBecause upgrades are neither smooth no freeApr 11 23:01
*jumbo has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 11 23:01
schestowitzIt's not like Fedora!Apr 11 23:01
twitterThey dump on everyone through the university.Apr 11 23:01
schestowitzSo as oiaohm points out, they can't maintain when they lose programmersApr 11 23:01
DaemonFCschestowitz: Is there freeware screengrab software for Windows?Apr 11 23:01
twittervistaApr 11 23:01
schestowitzWindows can't rely on:1) others writing patches and testing them; 2) people upgrading to the latest (it's not free)Apr 11 23:02
DaemonFCI want to video some particular problems I'm talking aboutApr 11 23:02
schestowitzBloat in Vista did not help, eitherApr 11 23:02
schestowitzDaemonFC: well, printscreenApr 11 23:02
schestowitzNot much of an app though, is it...?Apr 11 23:02
twitternot videoApr 11 23:02
schestowitzI used import for 8 yearsApr 11 23:02
twitterbetter to use a static image anyway.Apr 11 23:03
schestowitzNow I use the GIMP's UI for screenshots. KDE has one built in tooApr 11 23:03
schestowitz 11 23:03
schestowitzI know the guy who wrote thisApr 11 23:03
taconealso shutterApr 11 23:03
tacone 11 23:04
schestowitzThe 'problem' with Linux is that you can achieve the same thing in different waysApr 11 23:04
schestowitzIt's not really a problemApr 11 23:04
schestowitzFor someone watching what you do it might seem oddApr 11 23:04
schestowitzBut you get things done anywayApr 11 23:04
taconeto video recordmydesktop.Apr 11 23:04
schestowitzLike resolving from the CLI problems you can resolve from the GUIApr 11 23:04
schestowitzIf gets the same job done either wayApr 11 23:04
taconedependsApr 11 23:05
schestowitzTwo routes, same outcomeApr 11 23:05
taconeon macosx there are two routes to burn a cdApr 11 23:05
schestowitztacone: KDE/GNOME is another issueApr 11 23:05
taconeconfusing at most. and one way work, the other don't :)Apr 11 23:05
schestowitzThat's where there are different solutions that do not work universallyApr 11 23:05
schestowitzSo for documentation it can be a painApr 11 23:05
schestowitzThe CLI though is universal. GNU utils and Linux stuff.Apr 11 23:05
twitterYou've been away from Windows too long, Roy.Apr 11 23:06
schestowitztwitter: it has a GIU tooApr 11 23:06
twitterThere's far less documentation on that OS.Apr 11 23:06
schestowitzFor ipconfig for exampleApr 11 23:06
schestowitztwitter: Windows has 'documentation'Apr 11 23:06
schestowitzYou can some numberApr 11 23:06
schestowitzLike an ISP/shopApr 11 23:06
twitterThere's also a multitude of nasty, non free ways of doing things and none of them ever really work.Apr 11 23:06
_Hicham_Windows has MSDNApr 11 23:06
schestowitzSometimes reach someone half way across the globeApr 11 23:06
taconeby the way i tried macosx. it isn't any better than gnome. i was surprised.Apr 11 23:06
schestowitzGet told to reinstall.Apr 11 23:06
*DaemonFC has quit ("Windows is like playing Russian Roulette with six loaded chambers.")Apr 11 23:07
twitterLMAO, Hicham.Apr 11 23:07
schestowitz'Solves' the problem.Apr 11 23:07
taconeit isn't even pretty.Apr 11 23:07
schestowitztacone: matter of tasteApr 11 23:07
twitterdo you think end users want to go to a Developer Network to figure out something like how to take a screenshot?Apr 11 23:07
schestowitzHow versatile is theming in OS X?Apr 11 23:07
_Hicham_MSDN is very well organizedApr 11 23:07
schestowitzI rarely see much customisation in OS X.Apr 11 23:07
taconeschestowitz: it doesn't exist.Apr 11 23:07
schestowitzIt's kind of like XP Fisher PriceApr 11 23:07
tacone10.4 had some third party appsApr 11 23:08
schestowitzI'd hate to use a Mac that has ALWAYS the same hardware AND themeApr 11 23:08
schestowitzIt's kind of commieApr 11 23:08
twitterMSDN can be as well organized as Google can make it, but it still sucksApr 11 23:08
tacone10.5 has seen the light of a theme-app very recently.Apr 11 23:08
schestowitzNo indovoduality allowedApr 11 23:08
schestowitzApple instructs... on what's 'cool'Apr 11 23:08
taconei was looking after that the other day. i wanted to build an utility to convert mac icon themes to X11Apr 11 23:08
twitterI'm having to use Windoze every day.  It sucks life.Apr 11 23:08
taconebut no standard nor official way exists. you download the icons and set them 1 per 1 basis.Apr 11 23:09
twitterThe single screen interface with zero flexibility.Apr 11 23:09
twitterDocumentation from 15 vendors in 15 spots, none of it useful.Apr 11 23:09
twitterIt makes me pull my hair.Apr 11 23:09
taconei was surprised at how much macosx sucks. guess windows is better in many ways.Apr 11 23:09
schestowitzI like the theme in OS XApr 11 23:09
schestowitzFonts seem nice 'by defaultApr 11 23:10
_Hicham_Linux>Windows>MacOSApr 11 23:10
schestowitzCan achieve the same in Linux of course..Apr 11 23:10
silentivmthe only thing I like on OS X by default are fontsApr 11 23:10
silentivmotherwise? nopeApr 11 23:10
taconemacosx theme is nice. but well.. it doesn't look that good a 1280. and by the way, you can't change it.Apr 11 23:10
_Hicham_schestowitz : Fedora looks betterApr 11 23:10
twitterNo, if you believe in non free, you want Apple.Apr 11 23:10
silentivmthe dock is a complete turn-offApr 11 23:10
taconethe default font seems normal to me, but i have no taste for fonts.Apr 11 23:10
schestowitzFirst thing I do in KDE is use my fancy fontsApr 11 23:10
MinceRosx theme is nice... for me to poop on!Apr 11 23:10
twitterthe whole point of non free is that someone else takes care of the "hard parts"Apr 11 23:10
twitterApple does this and provides things that work.Apr 11 23:10
schestowitzMinceR:yo, comic insult dogApr 11 23:10
twitterWindows does not work.Apr 11 23:11
silentivmOS X is too whitey for me... I prefer darker themesApr 11 23:11
twitterI prefer things that work.Apr 11 23:11
silentivmyepApr 11 23:11
silentivmso do IApr 11 23:11
MinceRi prefer things that workApr 11 23:11
MinceRthat's why i use gnu/linuxApr 11 23:11
taconeosx theme is nice. but it's the only one. and when you see it for a day or two, it doesn't look nice anymore.Apr 11 23:11
schestowitz└─(23:11 $)─> uptimeApr 11 23:11
schestowitz 23:11:32 up 38 days,  8:29,  2 users,  load average: 0.66, 0.96, 1.08Apr 11 23:11
silentivmI once configured GNOME+Compiz+awn to look like OS XApr 11 23:11
schestowitzDoes OS X reboot upon updates?Apr 11 23:11
taconewhich updates ?Apr 11 23:12
twitterOSX looks like a fancy E16 to me.Apr 11 23:12
tacone:)Apr 11 23:12
taconeyes, sometimes at least.Apr 11 23:12
_Hicham_fuck OSXApr 11 23:12
twitterso will gnu/linux if you update a crucial part of the kernel.Apr 11 23:12
twitterI've still been having power management issues.Apr 11 23:13
schestowitzroy@baine (at work):~$ uptime 22:53:09 up 75 days, 11:54,  2 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.26, 0.23Apr 11 23:13
taconei never really gave osx a chance but... it seems a pig covered with gems to me.Apr 11 23:13
_Hicham_fuck Apple tooApr 11 23:13
twitterThese are new bugs that I did not have in Etch.Apr 11 23:13
taconei like microsoft better than apple.Apr 11 23:13
schestowitztacone: BSD is a pig?Apr 11 23:13
_Hicham_twitter : what bugs?Apr 11 23:13
schestowitzIt's a devilApr 11 23:13
taconethe kernel may be good. the user interface seems crappy + some nice animationApr 11 23:14
twitteri810 something about setting audio sample rate takes forever on wake upApr 11 23:14
_Hicham_twitter : do u run Lenny on a laptop?Apr 11 23:14
schestowitzUnderneath the shiny Apple there's a devilApr 11 23:14
twitterI run Lenny everywhereApr 11 23:14
schestowitzActually there might be too. They also have DRM underneath the sea (Aqua)Apr 11 23:14
schestowitz*twoApr 11 23:15
twitterIf I had a mac, I'd run Lenny.Apr 11 23:15
_Hicham_I didn't test suspend on Lenny yetApr 11 23:15
silentivmif I had a Mac, I'd run... Arch Linux, of courseApr 11 23:15
taconepft. they put drm everywhere. even on the steak if no salt is available.Apr 11 23:15
silentivm:)Apr 11 23:15
MinceRbsd isn't a pig, it's a dinosaurApr 11 23:15
twitterIt's hardware dependent, ACPI sucks.Apr 11 23:15
taconemac sucks at running linux.Apr 11 23:15
silentivm:(Apr 11 23:15
taconei actually have a mac.Apr 11 23:15
twitterI've played with OpenSolaris a little lately.Apr 11 23:15
taconeand i run ubuntu instead of macosx.Apr 11 23:15
_Hicham_fuck MacApr 11 23:16
twitterthey are using a lot of GNU tools.Apr 11 23:16
taconewe're talking about a machine that can't even boot an usb drive.Apr 11 23:16
silentivmI don't really hate Apple, I just fail to see what's so cool about their products.Apr 11 23:16
_Hicham_Apple + MS = gangs of thiefsApr 11 23:16
taconesilentivm: think again. they're as evil as microsoft.Apr 11 23:16 3.1 delayed to the end of April < >Apr 11 23:16
silentivmtacone, hmmApr 11 23:16
schestowitzI didn't even know it was dueApr 11 23:16
taconemicrosoft is like mafia, apple is more like a criminal gang.Apr 11 23:16
MinceR002535 < tacone> i actually have a mac.Apr 11 23:16
MinceRtacone: well, at least you can keep the wind from slamming the door with something.Apr 11 23:16
_Hicham_what is new about open office 3.1?Apr 11 23:16
taconeMinceR: ?Apr 11 23:17
MinceRtacone: a doorstop from apple.Apr 11 23:17
twitterAnyone know how to video conference with free software?Apr 11 23:17
schestowitz_Hicham_: grammar checker and stuff... I can't recall.Apr 11 23:17
schestowitzIt's supposed to be faster tooApr 11 23:18
schestowitztwitter: depends on the SW usedApr 11 23:18
_Hicham_it is already in experimentalApr 11 23:18
schestowitzSome s/w supports LinuxApr 11 23:18
schestowitzSome uses FlashApr 11 23:18
twitterno flash, pleaseApr 11 23:18
schestowitz_Hicham_: RCApr 11 23:18
schestowitztwitter: I know.Apr 11 23:18
twitterI've got working video all day longApr 11 23:18
schestowitzWait until Ogg comesApr 11 23:19
schestowitzBut does it stream well?Apr 11 23:19
schestowitzAnd what about mics?Apr 11 23:19
_Hicham_fuck FlashApr 11 23:19
twitteraudio is easyApr 11 23:19
_Hicham_schestowitz : streaming is not format relatedApr 11 23:19
twitterEkigia is supposed to work but I'm cluelessApr 11 23:19
_Hicham_twitter : Ekiga for streaming?Apr 11 23:19
twitterIt used to be gnome-meetinApr 11 23:20
twittergApr 11 23:20
taconeogg success depends on how good the browsers implement their player.Apr 11 23:20
_Hicham_twitter : I think it will be superseeded by Empathy...Apr 11 23:20
_Hicham_Firefox' one is working greatApr 11 23:20
_Hicham_I tested it in OLPCApr 11 23:21
_Hicham_Firefox3.1 is days awayApr 11 23:21
tacone3.5 ?Apr 11 23:21
_Hicham_aka 3.5Apr 11 23:22
*mib_6u211h (i=510bcab4@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 23:22
_Hicham_it is now in its beta 3Apr 11 23:22
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 11 23:23
*mib_6u211h is now known as CshapGnomeorJavaApr 11 23:23
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 23:23
taconei heard about june.Apr 11 23:24
taconenot days.Apr 11 23:24
taconei may be wrong, though.Apr 11 23:24
taconebut beta 3 sounds like far.Apr 11 23:24
taconemeans several weeks awayApr 11 23:24
*CshapGnomeorJava has quit (Client Quit)Apr 11 23:27
schestowitz_Hicham_: I was thinking about controlsApr 11 23:27
schestowitzOgg won't do interaction alone, BUT..Apr 11 23:27
schestowitzYou could use some more Javascript for thatApr 11 23:27
schestowitztacone: I think maybe June...?Apr 11 23:28
schestowitzI'm not sure about thisApr 11 23:28
schestowitzI read about the dates being shifted the other dayApr 11 23:28
taconethat what i heard as well.Apr 11 23:28
taconelet's hope they get performance right once for all.Apr 11 23:29
_Hicham_schestowitz : Firefox will handle interactionApr 11 23:29
taconechromium linux is amazing.Apr 11 23:29
_Hicham_tacone : is it available for download?Apr 11 23:29
tacone 11 23:30
taconeif you're on ubuntu, yes.Apr 11 23:30
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 23:30
taconeotherwise you may have to compile yourself, which means downloading gigabytes (i guess)Apr 11 23:30
tacone_Hicham_: that's a mostly non-working alpha. take it as a proof of concept.Apr 11 23:30
schestowitz_Hicham_: yes, I know. "controls"Apr 11 23:31
schestowitzBut it ought to be universalApr 11 23:31
schestowitzI don't know where Opera stands on thisApr 11 23:31
schestowitzThey have good market share in phonesApr 11 23:31
taconenot for long.Apr 11 23:32
schestowitzSo they could give Adobe the high finger and put Ogg on their devices that they supportApr 11 23:32
schestowitzLike Nokia phones... though Nokia hates OggApr 11 23:32
_Hicham_fuck OperaApr 11 23:32
schestowitzWhy?Apr 11 23:33
taconethe more powerful phones get, the less important opera becomes.Apr 11 23:33
schestowitzBnary, I know.Apr 11 23:33
schestowitzBut they'll give upApr 11 23:33
schestowitzThey use Linux in house...Apr 11 23:33
_Hicham_neverApr 11 23:33
_Hicham_Opera will remain binary foreverApr 11 23:33
taconethey were even ad-ware in the past.Apr 11 23:34
_Hicham_fuck them till deathApr 11 23:34
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has left #boycottnovellApr 11 23:34
_Hicham_I don't like proprietary softwareApr 11 23:34
taconegoogle released GoogleUpdate as open source.Apr 11 23:35
_Hicham_tacone : really?Apr 11 23:35
taconepeople were concerned about having that daemon runningApr 11 23:35
taconeyeahApr 11 23:35
taconereallyApr 11 23:35
tacone 11 23:35
_Hicham_I like to compile google by myselfApr 11 23:36
_Hicham_to be sureApr 11 23:36
taconepft. i compiled yahoo some year agoApr 11 23:36
taconeon a 486.Apr 11 23:36
_Hicham_yahoo?Apr 11 23:36
tacone_Hicham_: ... that was a joke.Apr 11 23:37
taconesurprisingly, google update is not made in c#Apr 11 23:38
_Hicham_tacone : did u test chromium on ubuntu?Apr 11 23:38
taconeyes.Apr 11 23:38
twitterekiga sets up easily but there might be router problemsApr 11 23:38
taconei have it installed and it updates every 2 daysApr 11 23:39
twitterI can't tell because I don't have anyone to play withApr 11 23:39
_Hicham_tacone : does it work well?Apr 11 23:39
tacone_Hicham_: is mostly non implemented. i mean... you have to use hotkeys to close tabs. and preference windows is yet to implement.Apr 11 23:39
taconebut basic surfing works.Apr 11 23:40
taconeand works very nicely.Apr 11 23:40
taconevery fast.Apr 11 23:40
taconerendering is ok, and it starts up the same moment I click the launcher.Apr 11 23:40
_Hicham_wowApr 11 23:41
taconeit's slower to close than to start.Apr 11 23:41
_Hicham_does it have a GTK interface?Apr 11 23:41
taconewell not sure. maybe it starts before i click :-)Apr 11 23:41
taconeyes, they went for gtk.Apr 11 23:41
taconethere's a mailing list thread where they discussed the issue.Apr 11 23:41
taconealso, it's unknown if they will put tabs on top on linux. maybe they will do as a 20%time project.Apr 11 23:42
DaemonFCschestowitz: Can you post a video for me?Apr 11 23:42
DaemonFCit's too large for YoutubeApr 11 23:42
taconebtw, it doesn't look native to me. so maybe they changed they're mind.Apr 11 23:42
taconewow. now tabs work. updates.. :-)Apr 11 23:43
_Hicham_tacone : check the memory maps to see if it uses qt or wxwidgetsApr 11 23:43
tacone_Hicham_: i woudln't know how to do such thing. i am no tech enough.Apr 11 23:44
schestowitzDaemonFC: sureApr 11 23:44
taconeit uses gnome's icons though in the menusApr 11 23:44
taconeso i guess they use gtk, but much of the interface is custom (it doesn't use theme colors)Apr 11 23:45
DaemonFCschestowitz: I called Logitech support to complain about the cam not working in Windows 7Apr 11 23:45
DaemonFCit's kind of funnyApr 11 23:45
DaemonFCand their software destroying WindowsApr 11 23:46
tacone_Hicham_: that's an old screenshot (now it's a little better) 11 23:46
taconeas you see, the tabs and the toolbar are totally custom.Apr 11 23:46
MinceRi'd prefer it to use system colors.Apr 11 23:47
tacone_Hicham_: which distro are you on ?Apr 11 23:47
_Hicham_tacone : I am on Debian LennyApr 11 23:48
tacone_Hicham_: so there's the big chance the ppa will work.Apr 11 23:48
_Hicham_I will tryApr 11 23:48
taconeokApr 11 23:48
taconeif we don't see you anymore for 4 days, we know why.Apr 11 23:48
schestowitzDaemonFC: did you record it?Apr 11 23:50
DaemonFCyesApr 11 23:50
schestowitzaudio?Apr 11 23:50
DaemonFCyesApr 11 23:50
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 23:51
schestowitzmail it over to roy at schestowitz comApr 11 23:51
schestowitzThat is, if it's what you needed on YouTubeApr 11 23:51
*kentma has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Apr 11 23:52
DaemonFCI'm downconverting itApr 11 23:52
_Hicham_tacone : why?Apr 11 23:52
DaemonFCapparently Youtube has a 100 meg limitApr 11 23:52
DaemonFCbut they jsut say keep it under 10 minutesApr 11 23:52
_Hicham_tacone : does it break the system?Apr 11 23:53
tacone_Hicham_: that was the joke. i don't think anything will happenApr 11 23:53
DaemonFCthe Logitech dude admitting it corrupts Windows 7Apr 11 23:53
taconeyou can check the ppa contents though, if you're unsure.Apr 11 23:53
DaemonFCand telling me to REINSTALL WindowApr 11 23:53
DaemonFC*WindowsApr 11 23:53
DaemonFClolApr 11 23:53
schestowitzWTF?Apr 11 23:55
schestowitzHow can a driver do this?Apr 11 23:55
taconethey call it flexibility :)Apr 11 23:56
_Hicham_Windows 7 is great DaemonFC, it will wipe Windows users away for everApr 11 23:56
_Hicham_I like how Microsoft is doing a "rm -rf"Apr 11 23:56
taconeask microsoft service: "hey, i'm joe from new jersey. can you make a version of windows that wipe himself from any computer"Apr 11 23:57
taconems assistance (steve): sure. wait a moment.Apr 11 23:57
schestowitzWHose fault would it be?Apr 11 23:58
schestowitzHow can a driver screw kernel space?Apr 11 23:58
taconemaybe they just replace files.Apr 11 23:58
schestowitzAnd can Logitech gain permissions/privilege to do this?Apr 11 23:59
DaemonFCit's signedApr 11 23:59
trmancowhat happened?Apr 11 23:59
taconeschestowitz: can adobe get permissions to bypass windows firewall? :)Apr 11 23:59
schestowitzWhat for? 'Security'?Apr 11 23:59
DaemonFCno, the 64-bit Windows kernel can't load unsigned driversApr 11 23:59
DaemonFCso you HAVE to get them signed by MSApr 11 23:59
taconethat's the old good partner logicApr 11 23:59

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