Winning When Techrights Becomes Unnecessary
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2011-06-16 14:23:17 UTC
- Modified: 2011-06-16 14:23:17 UTC

Photo by Angela George
Summary: What it would take to win the battle for GNU/Linux
Techrights has been relatively quiet recently not due to my other duties. Slowly but surely, with help from volunteers (of which I am one*), the site keeps growing behind the scenes and it attracts more visitors than before (see the Spanish portal of Techrights for example of quiet growth that does not make the front page). If the site does not post many new stories, then it's because there is not much FUD to counter. Novell is gone, Mono has gone underground, and Free software continue to grow without too much fanfare (it is no longer the underdog; just witness the growth of Apache, the expansion of Android, GNU/Linux approaching 100% market share on the world's top 500 computers).
The day that
Techrights becomes unnecessary is the day that we win.
Groklaw argued something along these lines way back in April, correctly noting that now it's down to software patents, which we must crush by changing popular vote, explaining to people the consequences, and naming the perpetrators. Today too we will focus on the issue of software patents, which is the #1 issue facing Linux/Android and by extension Free software. Let's put an end to software patents and leave the likes of Microsoft without a cash cow that subsidises lobbyists, bribes, and general misconduct. Freedom breeds better civilisation.
* As of days ago, we no longer run any Ad Bard ads to compensate the Web host, either. The site is running at the expense of our time and our pockets.