Apple Caught Lying to Judges Again, Using Fabricated Evidence. Time to Fine/Ban Apple?
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2011-08-20 14:40:06 UTC
- Modified: 2011-08-20 14:40:06 UTC
![Jobs-Ellison mashup](
Jobs image licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License (version 1.2 or any later versions); Ellison patch By Thomas Hawk
Summary: Steve Jobs' mob is systematically manipulating images that his lawyers submit as 'evidence' with which to ban Linux-based devices
LAST YEAR a Microsoft Lawyer said that Microsoft “covers up alleged misconduct, mischaracterizes evidence [...] protects the perpetrators and retaliates against victims.” A few days ago we saw that Apple too is perturbing the legal system with potential illegalities like Microsoft's. According to another report from Holland/USA [via], "In a court filing, Apple resized a photo of the Galaxy S smartphone to match the dimensions of an iPhone 3G" (not just its hypePad).
got fined $40,000,000 for trial misconduct. Will Apple be filed for submitting evidence which it knew was fake? How about banning Apple rather than devices Apple wants banned, using fake evidence as an instrument that deceives/manipulates judges?
Apple: where gullibility is the business model.