Summary: Popular magazine Mother Jones is the latest among many magazines (those which have not been paid by Bill Gates yet) to tell readers the true story of the tax-evading, investment-driving, PR-pumping, Microsoft- and patents-boosting operation known as "Gates Foundation"
DUE to lack of time, we no longer cover the Gates Foundation as we once did. The same dirty tricks are still used and a lot of publications are still being bribed in an attempt to change perceptions and drive agenda. One publication that Gates appears not to have bribed yet is Mother Jones. It's easy to know this because this Web site is clearly unafraid to publish the facts (unlike some fake guardians of society, such as the Gates-bribed Guardian).
Mother Jones put it (with some nice infographics): "The Gates Foundation did not respond to requests for comment; however, its investment policy says the the trust's managers "consider other issues beyond corporate profits, including the values that drive the foundation's work."
This covers some of the examples we covered before, but we covered even more. The total hypocrisy is clearer to see in the images prepared by
Mother Jones. For instance there's this: "In its most recent annual report to investors, private prison company GEO group listed some risks to its bottom line, including "reductions in crime rates" that "could lead to reductions in arrests, convictions and sentences," along with immigration reform and the decriminalization of drugs. Military contractor DynCorp, meanwhile, has faced allegations of fraud, mismanagement, and even slavery from the Middle East to Eastern Europe."
Remember that Gates offered money for
Gartner too. This is a group that spends much of its time bashing Free software and actively blocking its adoption. Its latest target
is OpenStack and a lot has been written about Gartner's (possibly deliberate) misunderstandings. There are many rebuttals on the Web right now.
When one can bribe the press, pass money to publications (to advance particular messages under the guise of 'peer review') and even bribe analysts or politicians it is no wonder that policies are bottom-down, imposed by plutocrats on the rest of us.