Linux Foundation Has Killer Instincts
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2020-01-02 05:35:52 UTC
- Modified: 2020-01-02 05:35:52 UTC

Failing to understand the motivation of these deliberate lies is failing to understand the career objectives of Jim Zemlin
Summary: The destructive power of the Zemlin-led PAC is realised by a growing number of people; the question remains though, what (or when) will be the last straw?
"Microsoft loves Linux," according to Microsoft. "Open Source loves Microsoft," according to the chief of the Linux Foundation, who sends the code to a proprietary software platform of Microsoft (called GitHub).
Worry not; the real GNU/Linux community isn't fooled by these liars and charlatans. See for example
this year-old Reddit page (very popular, too) entitled
TIL that James Zemlin, the Executive Director of Linux Foundation earns $157K more than Linus Torvalds in Salary.
To some people -- usually geeks -- Linux is about code. To other people -- marketing professionals like Mr. Zemlin -- Linux is only about one thing. Money and
personal prestige. He's
'making a killing' with Linux. What a shark. The Cambridge English Dictionary defines "make a killing" as "to earn a lot of money in a short time and with little effort" (perfect fit for Zemlin, who never wrote any code, didn't know about Linux until around 2000, and
still isn't using it).