THE Gates Foundation is for the most part a vehicle facilitating tax evasion, for-profit investment and bribery. It bribes the media, it bribes officials, and it generally seeds destruction while whitening the reputation of a sociopath since birth/inception.
"It bribes the media, it bribes officials, and it generally seeds destruction while whitening the reputation of a sociopath since birth/inception."In the coming few days we expect to do a little series about abuses of the Gates Foundation against "Freedom of the Press" principles. It's not exactly secret, many people are already aware of it, but we have an exclusive story coming and the story is special because it impacts (or is related to) Techrights directly. It will soon be 8 months since Seattle's Police Department was contacted for crucial records; suffice to say, they're not complying. The workers must be afraid; the story we'll tell in the coming days can help shed light on the machinations at work/play. Sadly, a lot of people still grossly underestimate the threat posed by the sociopath who could barely get along with his own family, let alone with society at large. People are often reminded, especially over this past week, that the police exists mostly to protect the rich ("property owners") from the poor, not the poor from the rich. Moreover, without "Freedom of the Press" principles and truly independent (resistant to bribes and blackmail as well) press outlets we're bound to be indoctrinated by "the news" rather than properly educated. ⬆