THE EPO under the non-leadership of António Campinos (he cannot even speak to representatives of his own staff because of an angry lady whom many inside the Office rightly perceive or interpret as agent of Benoît Battistelli) is a failing institution. Judging a patent office based on the number of patents it grants is like assessing an essay based on the number of words it contains. Examiners keep telling us that they're extremely unhappy to grant -- under pressure of course -- European software patents. They're aware of the EPC and European caselaw; those patents aren't meant to be granted, but their guidelines aren't lawful; there's no compliance and nobody left to say so (not safely anyway).
"EPO insiders send us links expressing concerns about the role of patents in vaccine monopolies which limit the dissemination/reach of vaccines -- a subject one isn't permitted to mention in Twitter."One reader of ours has shifted our attention to this new and incomplete page (warning:
link) about "EPO AI course" (yes, "hey hi", in effect teaching a couple of buzzwords). To quote: "The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on our daily lives is discussed in all areas of society and technology, around the globe. Blockchain technology is applied in an increasing number of technical areas and more and more inventions involving its use are proving to be patentable. In order to capitalise on these opportunities, a comprehensive understanding of various related issues is needed, such as requirements to comply with, fields of application, searching and examining, the current technological landscape and the associated challenges and opportunities that these new technologies bring to patenting."
They're not even hiding the fact that they use such buzzwords to promote illegal software patents -- both a constitutional problem and a legal problem. They've exploited feminism to cover up an attack on judges, who are being lobbied if not threatened by Mr. Campinos to just say "OK" to virtually everything, even 'virtual' courts and 'virtual' exams (illegal as per the law, human rights conventions, and everything to do with common sense).
The latest software patents spin now comes from a Team UPC spinner, Matthieu Dhenne (Ipsilon), who has very often been lying about UPC prospects (he stands to gain from that financially), not to mention all sorts of other things. "Hey hi" nonsense is being leveraged by him too: "G 1/19, that admits the patentability of a computer-implemented simulation, was the second opportunity for the Enlarged Board of Appeal to rule on the assessment of the patentability of computer-implemented inventions. Did it take advantage of this One More Chance or was it only One More Time?
"At any rate, here, I will only briefly comment these statements in relation to my favorite topic: technicality. And we will see that these statements are interesting! Both on the technicality criterion itself, on the one hand, and on the assessment of technicality, on the other hand."
Remember that those judges aren't legally placed/composed -- a subject of ongoing debate and active obstruction by the Office (because Battistelli did illegal things).
Adding insult to injury, Dhenne is then pressuring the European Union to use those besieged judges (they're besieged by their own admission) to allow software patents anyway; To quote: "In any case, eventually, the Enlarged Board adopts a vision which seems to be too imprecise to obtain the desired legal certainty in the field of computer science. Perhaps the European Union could finally take up the topic once again with AI, as it did with biotechnology in the past? Who knows?"
So should we let corrupt officials from the EPO tell the whole European Union what to do, including how to legislate? No, the European Union needs to step up and crack down on corruption at the Office. The "Mafia" which took over this 'European' Patent Office has become an utter embarrassment to Europe and a source of much harm/concern for European innovation. EPO insiders send us links expressing concerns about the role of patents in vaccine monopolies which limit the dissemination/reach of vaccines -- a subject one isn't permitted to mention in Twitter. ⬆