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Links 2/3/2022: OpenSUSE Leap 15.4 Beta and Bluefin R Series

  • GNU/Linux

    • [Make Use Of] 6 Reasons Why Linux Doesn’t Have More Apps

      A majority of Linux apps are community-developed but still, there's a lack of both open-source and proprietary apps for Linux. Why is this so? Linux has an abundance of software, but when you first make the switch, you may be frustrated by the lack of names you're familiar with. If you've used Linux for a while, you may also grow disillusioned by what can feel like a relatively slow rate of change or the enduring lack of certain types of software. Why are certain apps yet to come to Linux, and what is holding back the community from producing more alternatives? Let's find out.

    • Desktop/Laptop

      • What is Dahlia OS and Why You Have to Try It

        Having been a Linux user for what feels like an eternity, there have always been instances where I felt why do we have just Linux dominating? Granted it’s open-source which is great and of course, there’s the Unix family but we cannot exactly claim Unix to be fully open-source – considering the Open Group relationship. Even though we have the BSD family of truly free and open-source Unix operating systems including OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, etc there is a need to be skeptical about these systems and their interoperability with the future of IoT devices that will continue to define the landscape of technology going into the future. Enter Zircon; Zircon is the new kid on the block that was conceived by Google with the underlying family of operating systems in the image of Fuchsia and Dahlia OS both of which are open-sourced with heavy use of Flutter+Dart all through. Fuchsia is the official operating system upon which the Zircon kernel is continually developed. Learn more about Fuchsia OS and Zircon here! Dahlia OS, on the other hand, is based on the unfinished Fuchsia operating system and as an equally open-source initiative, It does a pretty good job of bringing both the Linux and Zircon kernel operating under one roof, Dahlia OS.

      • [TechRadar] [Older] Best Linux distro for developers in 2022

        The best Linux distros for developers provide a simple, stable, and secure environment for coding and programming applications for the internet, Android, and the cloud. This is increasingly important, because Linux powers the backbone of the internet, mobile devices, and now cloud computing systems. Therefore it's often essential for techies to be able to work directly in a Linux environment, especially for operating servers and for developing software that runs on them. While Linux has a reputation for being primarily for coders and programmers, over the past couple of decades there have been moves to provide versions of Linux that are more friendly to ordinary users, such as by providing more of a graphic user interface (GUI) and be less reliant on command line use. However, at its core Linux still offers a thriving environment for coders and developers.

      • [TechRadar] [Older] Best Linux server distros of 2022

        We feature the best Linux distros for servers, to make it simple and easy to run stable and reliable servers for your home or business. While Windows may be the world's most popular Operating System (OS) for desktop PCs, the world's most popular OS for the internet's web servers is Linux. Usually bundled along with Apache, MySQL, and PHP - and frequently referred to as a LAMP configuration - a wide variety of different Linux distros are used not just for the servers that power the internet but also for the virtual networks behind cloud computing. Sometimes the choice of which Linux distro you use on your servers is down to personal preference, sometimes market forces, and sometimes due to small advantages a particular distro will have in regards to the core applications to be used, security concerns, or stability issues. Ultimately, most web users will never notice any difference because the OS works very much in the background, and it will only be the system administrators and IT managers who take notice of which distro of Linux is used.

    • Linux Magazine

    • Applications

      • [Medevel] LessPass is a free self-hosted Password Manager and Password Generator

        LessPass is a free, web-based password manager for individuals. The project is maintained by a large community of developers and software engineers. LessPass uses PBKDF2 with 100,000 iterations and a hash function sha-256. Password generation is based on pure functions.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • Get started on OpenStack with DevStack | Enable Sysadmin

        Start tinkering with the open hybrid cloud by using DevStack to create a local OpenStack installation on a spare server or laptop.

      • How to Install OpenLiteSpeed Web Server on Ubuntu 20.04 – VITUX

        OpenLiteSpeed is a free and open-source web server software that enables users to deliver websites faster and reliably. This can be done in many ways, including concurrency, memory usage, request processing rates and built-in cache. OpenLiteSpeed has a large community dedicated to developers who contribute code and hardware to the project. OpenLiteSpeed is written in the C programming language and can be used on many platforms, including Linux, UNIX, BSD and Windows. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps necessary to get OpenLiteSpeed up and running on your server. Plus, we will show you how to configure it for optimal performance. So let’s get started!

      • [HowTo Forge] How to Install and Configure Suricata IDS along with Elastic Stack on Rocky Linux 8

        Suricata is a Network Monitoring tool that examines and processes every packet of internet traffic that flows through your server. It can generate log events, trigger alerts and drop traffic upon detecting any suspicious activity. You can either install Suricata on a single machine to monitor its traffic or deploy on a gateway host to scan all incoming and outgoing traffic from other servers connected to it. You can combine Suricata with Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Filebeat to create a Security Information and Event Management(SIEM) tool.

      • How to Install Chromium Browser on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - LinuxCapable

        Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all users to experience the web. The Chromium codebase is widely used, and Microsoft Edge, Opera, and many other browsers are based on the code. Chromium is well-liked amongst advanced users that prefer not to have all the bloat of tracking that can come in Chrome and other proprietary software. In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install Chromium Web Browser on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish using APT or Flatpak installation.

      • Oximeter And Hearth-Rate Sensor with Arduino: Max30100 wiring, setup and code

        In order to measure the Heart beat in BPM and Oxygen level, the MAX30100 Oximeter is one of best devices to get this data. As it works on reflection of light, so just have to place finger on the light emitting from it to get your data from Arduino. This tutorial is all about interfacing the MAX30100 pulse oximeter sensor with Arduino Uno. The sensor has the ability to measure blood oxygen and heart rate.

      • How to Install Opera Browser on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - LinuxCapable

        Opera is a freeware, cross-platform web browser developed by Opera Software and operates as a Chromium-based browser. Opera offers a clean, modern web browser that is an alternative to the other major players in the Browser race. Its famous Opera Turbo mode and its renowned battery saving mode are the best amongst all known web browsers by quite a margin, along with a built-in VPN and much more. In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install Opera Browser stable, beta, or development (nightly) on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish, including installing, updating, and removing the browser.

      • How to Install Python Package Manager Pip on Ubuntu

        Have you ever wondered why Python installation and setup is so fast and easy for all that it promises? This is thanks to its standard package manager, called pip. Python itself comes with very basic built-in modules, but the most powerful modules that make Python a powerhouse are not included in the basic installation of Python. Any package in PyPI (the Python Package Index) can be installed, uninstalled, updated, and so on with the package manager called pip. Python Package Index (PyPI) is an extensive library that was developed by the Python community and has brought a huge amount of application development. In this article, you will learn to install and use pip to manage packages within Python. Additionally, this article goes over the installation of the pip version that is compatible with Python2.

      • How to install KDE neon 20220210 - Invidious

        In this video, I am going to show how to install KDE neon 20220210.

      • How to Install Docker on RHEL 8 (AlmaLinux/RockyLinux)

        Docker is a container-based software that allows multiple applications to run inside the containers. This is a virtualization platform that is useful for developers and other users to feel fewer compatibility issues with an operating system. In Docker, various containers can communicate with each other and share the same kernel. So, you can run different applications in multiple containers. Docker can be installed on almost on all major distributions such as Windows, Linux (RHEL based distros, Debian based distros, etc.), Mac OS. We will explore in this article how you can install Docker on the a RHEL 8 distribution, such as AlmaLinux 8 or Rocky Linux 8, using the command-line method. In our example we’ll be using AlmaLinux 8.

      • How to Install Software with Yum/Dnf Using RHEL ISO Image

        Linux operating system attributes such as easy configuration, open-source projects support, access to container development tools, and other numerous functionalities are not the only reasons why some users fancy RHEL 8 over other Linux operating system distributions. The release of RHEL 8 has more muscles to flex to its user community. You can now set up RHEL ISO local repo on your installed RHEL 8 server system from an RHEL OS ISO file or installation DVD.

      • How To Install Flameshot on AlmaLinux 8 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Flameshot on AlmaLinux 8. For those of you who didn’t know, Flameshot is an open-source screenshot tool available for Linux, Mac, and Windows. The best thing about this screenshot tool is that it operates with both the graphical user interface as well as the command-line interface. It is a very easy-to-use screenshot tool that provides users with a high level of flexibility and customization. This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of the Flameshot screenshot tool on AlmaLinux 8. You can follow the same instructions for CentOS and Rocky Linux.

      • How to Install Timeshift on Manjaro 21 Linux - LinuxCapable

        Timeshift is a powerful open-source tool that can help you protect your data. It allows you to create incremental snapshots of your filesystem, which can be browsed with a file manager. In BTRFS mode, snapshots are taken using the in-built features of the BTRFS filesystem if you’re looking for a reliable way to back up your data. In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install the TimeShift snapshot utility on Manjaro 21 Linux. The tutorial will use the yay AUR helper, ideally most users may be using some wrapper for Pacman, for new users, it is essential to install one to keep your packages up-to-date while you learn Arch/Manjaro.

      • How to Install Calibre on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - LinuxCapable

        Calibre is a free and powerful e-book software that can be used to catalog your books, fetch metadata for them automatically with the help of its built-in tools, or you could do it manually if needed; convert texts into various formats, including ones made explicitly by the device manufacturers so they’ll display properly on readers like Kindle Fire HDX 8.9″, send files straight away without having any interruptions along route thanks again network features which also allow users download content over 1K websites updated daily! In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install Calibre on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish using two different methods with APT and Flatpak.

      • Migrate Docker Containers To New Server

        Docker makes it simple to deploy container images that contain a fully functional operating system and make use of the host kernel. We’ve already covered the installation and use of Docker containers; in this post, we’ll go through how to migrate Docker containers from one server to another server. Docker containers are relatively easy to set up and manage. We can find hundreds of containers on docker hub and create a full-fledged virtual operating system with just a few commands from the console. In the last post in the Docker category, we learned how to host several websites or applications on a single server by using docker containers. The following commands will allow you to move your Docker containers to a new server. But first, let’s take a quick look at how we’re going to go about accomplishing this. Typically, we deploy a docker image by first downloading it from a source like Docker Hub. The command docker create automatically downloads and deploys the specified container image. After successfully deploying an image and publishing our application. During the production time, the application creates data, and we also install packages that modify the base docker image. When migrating docker containers, we must save the operating container as an image, transmit it to the new server, then load the docker image as a brand new container. Another method of migrating docker containers is to export and import docker containers. Exporting a docker container using docker export command is a little different from saving a docker image using docker save command. docker export command creates a snapshot of a running container whereas docker save commands creates an image that can be used to create container. We can use both the commands to migrate our containers to a new server.

      • How to use httpx, a web client for Python |

        The httpx package for Python is an excellent and flexible module for interacting with HTTP.

      • Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 LTS

        Having written a few top things in the past for Ubuntu systems, it’s that time of the year again for us to revisit the subject of some of the ideal things you need to do in order to successfully configure your Ubuntu operating system for optimal use. For the uninitiated, Ubuntu is a family of operating systems that are oriented towards newcomers in the Linux world. With the main Ubuntu system using Gnome as the default desktop environment, we have other flavors that use desktops like XFCE, MATE, LXDE, and KDE by default.

      • How to Install Tor Browser on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - LinuxCapable

        Tor, also known as The Onion Router, is open-source, free software that enables anonymous communication when using online services such as web surfing. The Tor network directs the Internet traffic through an accessible worldwide volunteer overlay network with over six thousand relays and continues to grow. Many users want to find more ways to keep their information and activities anonymous or at least as private as possible, which has led to Tor Browser growing quite popular in recent years as it conceals a user’s location and usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis. The Tor network is intended to protect the personal privacy of users and their freedom and ability from conducting communication without having their activities monitored, and data were taken without their consent and used to sum it up. In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install the latest Tor Browser on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish.

    • Games

      • Steam Deck may inadvertently steal Nintendo's retro gaming market

        According to PC Gamer, Valve's new Steam Deck is an emulation dream machine. The Steam Deck has one-click access to all of the latest emulators, including Dolphin, DuckStation, PCSX2, BSNES, and even Yuzu, the Nintendo Switch emulator. Gamers can access this list of emulators by switching to the system's desktop mode by holding down the power button--there's no need to enter command lines. This easy access, setup, and execution of emulators could eat Nintendo's retro gaming lunch. Nintendo is removing all Virtual Console games from sale, and by next year in 2023, the Nintendo Switch Online subscription will be the only way to buy and play old-school retro games on Nintendo platforms. Before now there hasn't been an easy way to play older games on handhelds without the use of configuring, jailbreaking and obtaining software downloads/patches, etc.

      • [GamingOnLinux] Valve expect to make 'hundreds of thousands' of Steam Decks next month | GamingOnLinux

        In a fresh interview with IGN, Valve developer Lawrence Yang spoke about a number of things and it sounds like you may get your Steam Deck perhaps a little sooner than expected. Right now, Valve use a special queue system giving reservations a rather broad time on when to expect a Steam Deck delivery like Q2 or after-Q2. The good news is though, production is quickly ramping up. Yang mentioned how "in production terms it'll ramp very quickly, in the first month very quickly we'll be in the tens of thousands, by the second month we'll be in the hundreds of thousands and beyond that it'll grow even quicker". Yang also mentioned how once they get into the after-Q2 launch period, things will get a lot clearer.

      • [GamingOnLinux] Steam Deck gets an OS update to help solve stick drift | GamingOnLinux

        As more people get their shiny new Steam Deck, more problems will inevitably appear not just because hardware can never be perfect but as more system updates roll out — there's a bigger chance for problems and recently stick drift became an issue. Posting on Reddit, a couple of users (#1, #2) showed some pretty bad stick drift, something other console makers have also had to deal with and it can be a really big issue. Particularly problematic on the Nintendo Switch with the Joy-Cons, something I've personally experienced.

      • [Boiling Steam] The Steam Deck Has Now 935 Games (Playable and Verified) Right After Launch - Boiling Steam

        Valve is not falling asleep after the launch of the Steam Deck, and the pace of verification of new titles for the Deck is going steady.

    • Distributions

      • SUSE/OpenSUSE

        • openSUSE Leap 15.4 Reaches Beta Build Phase

          The next openSUSE Leap minor release, 15.4, has entered its beta release phase today and users can begin testing the minor version to find bugs before the general release schedule for June 8. Unlike previous 15 series versions, Leap 15.4 will offer a refresh of more modern packages for the distribution.

      • Arch Family

        • [Its FOSS] Ubuntu vs Arch Linux: What’s the difference?

          Ubuntu and Arch Linux offer entirely different desktop experiences. It is often tough to choose one of them as your daily driver, especially when you cannot ignore the benefits of Arch Linux and Ubuntu. They are both incredible choices for what they are. But, how do you choose what is best between these two?

      • IBM/Red Hat/Fedora

        • CentOS Automotive SIG Announces New AutoSD Distro –

          The CentOS Automotive SIG is excited to announce the Automotive Stream Distribution. This is a binary distribution developed within the SIG that serves as a public, in-development preview of the upcoming Red Hat in-vehicle OS. In August 2021, the CentOS project announced the launch of the CentOS Automotive SIG. The purpose of this SIG is two-fold. First, it is meant to be a neutral public space for collaboration between third parties interested in open development of software targeted at in-vehicle automotive use cases. Second, it is meant to provide such projects with build and test infrastructure. The goal of the SIG is to provide an open-source home for RHEL-oriented automotive work, and to attract and encourage open development of automotive software between commercial and non-commercial partners.

        • [Enterprisers Project] Agile transformation: 5 ways to measure progress

          Among the many hot project management strategies these days, Agile may be the most widely implemented: Agile techniques like daily stand-ups, scrums, and sprint planning are now ubiquitous in offices and Zoom calls alike. Rather than building towards a singular, make-or-break product release or campaign, Agile project management focuses on small, incremental achievements to encourage forward movement and avoid bottlenecks. Leaders often wonder whether adoption of Agile methodologies is working for their organizations. How can they determine whether or not it’s a success? While there are ways to quantify progress – particularly with regard to speed and revenue – not every change can be put into data and figures.

        • [Enterprisers Project] IT leadership: 3 ways to thrive during disruption | The Enterprisers Project

          The way companies approach IT infrastructure, workplace configuration, and enterprise architecture is shifting. CIOs and IT leaders need to be ready to effectively support their organizations as digital transformation strategies evolve and business disruption continues. Here are three primary areas where change is likely to occur, along with some ways to position your team for success in the coming months.

        • Red Hat contributes towards innovative optical & wireless network technologies

          Chris Wright, Chief Technology Officer at Red Hat, conducted a keynote session and elaborated upon the open source possibility around IOWN technology development, and shared Red Hat’s contribution to the IOWN GF. In the IOWN GF technology working group, we are contributing to three task forces: The Data-Centric Infrastructure Task Force, IOWN for Mobile Network Task Force, and the Reference Implementation Model Task Force. We joined the discussion in each TaskForce last year from our perspective based on OpenShift/Kubernetes and RHEL upstream possibilities, and delivered the reference documents summarizing minimum viable versions of IOWN technology in 2021 together with IOWN GF members in each Task Force. Data-centric Infrastructure is designed to enable service providers with the tools needed to build and flexibly place data pipelines, including data processing and storage functions, and to dynamically select data transfer and network protocols for each. Figure 1 provides an example of a Logical Service Node providing Tenant Workloads for overlay solutions. It also shows an enhanced Logical Service Node integrating telco specific accelerators and a vendor’s embedded proprietary code, such as for 5G Radio Access Network. They can run on Kubernetes worker nodes as composable compute in a disaggregated infrastructure with Open APN (All Photonics Network) providing lossless and low latency infrastructure.

        • Introduction to the Node.js reference architecture, Part 7: Code coverage | Red Hat Developer

          Get advice on testing your JavaScript applications—and how to ensure adequate code coverage for that testing—from the Node.js reference architecture.

    • Devices/Embedded

    • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

      • [Linux Links] Blanket - focus and productivity tool

        Linux offers a vast collection of open source small utilities that perform functions ranging from the obvious to the bizarre. It’s the quality and selection of these tools that help Linux stand out as a productive environment. A good utility cooperates with other applications, integrating seamlessly. We are always looking out for small utilities that help improve productivity.

      • Programming/Development

        • picolibc-testing

          Picolibc has a bunch of built-in tests, but more testing is always better, right? I decided to see how hard it would be to run some of the tests provided in the GNU C Library (glibc).

  • Leftovers

    • Hardware

      • [CNX Software] MediaTek Dimensity 8000/8100 Cortex-A78/A55 processor to power premium 5G smartphones - CNX Software

        MediaTek Dimensity 8000/8100 Arm Cortex-A78 processors for 5G premium smartphones bring many of the features of the flagship Dimensity 9000 Armv9 processor announced last December, but at a more affordable price point.

      • [Hackaday] PlayStation 4 Controller Gets a USB-C Upgrade

        Micro USB was once the connector of choice for applications where USB-A was too big, but now USB-C has come to dominate all. It’s becoming standard across the board for many peripherals, and [Ian] recently decided that he wanted to upgrade his PS4 controller to the newer standard. Hacking ensued. The hack consists of a small breakout board that enables a USB-C connector to be fitted into the PS4 controller in place of the original micro USB port. [Ian] explains what needs to be done to complete the mod, which first involves disassembling the controller carefully to avoid damage. The original microUSB breakout board can then be removed, and fitted with one of a selection of replacement boards available on Github to suit various revisions of PS4 controller. A little filing is then required to allow the new connector to fit in the controller case, and [Ian] notes that using an 0.8mm thick PCB is key to enabling the new breakout board to fit inside the shell.

    • Integrity/Availability

      • Proprietary

        • Microsoft 365 Price Increases Now in Effect After Last-Minute Rush
        • Delinea bolsters PAM service for Linux with cloud expansion

          Delinea has announced an extension of its cloud suite to help provide better management solutions for Linux user groups. The new technology expansion allows customers to add users from cloud directories to existing local groups on Linux systems. The company says this will create more efficient and secure access for all parties involved. Delinea's PAM technology and cloud suite allows enterprises to secure critical data, devices, code, and cloud infrastructure to help reduce risk. With the new expansion allowing Linux capability, users will now be able to experience a centralised administrative experience for greater efficiency and control over secure data and workload. On Windows and Linux machines, local user groups collect user accounts into manageable units, streamlining access management. However, when systems run into the hundreds or thousands, managing local groups on each system becomes a significant challenge and disruption.

    • Defence/Aggression

      • [The Register UK] Tech world's Ukraine response mixes evacuation efforts, ad bans, free phones, infosec FUD

        As Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues, the technology industry is trying to use its services to make a difference – and to keep those services available as the war makes it harder to operate. Nation-state level responses to the invasion have been led by the European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States, which together on Saturday barred Russian entities from using the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication's (SWIFT’s) money transfer services. Doing so leaves Russian banks effectively unable to transact across borders using digital technology – but Russia almost certainly still able to use digital technology in the service of its illegal invasion.

      • [AccessNow] EU must keep people in and leaving Ukraine as safe, secure, connected as possible - Access Now

        The European Union must do everything in its power to ensure the safety and wellbeing of people affected by Russia’s attack on Ukraine, and work with tech platforms and telecoms operators to uphold connectivity, access to accurate information, data protection, and non-discrimination at the border. “Russia has launched a full scale war on Ukraine. The European Union must immediately use its full capacity to help keep people as safe, secure, and connected as possible,” said Natalia Krapiva, Tech-Legal Counsel at Access Now. “We must empower people to access accurate information, protect the privacy of millions as they escape, keep those on the move connected to their loved ones, and do everything possible to treat everyone fairly.”

      • [AccessNow] Open letter to the EU: protect people affected by Russia’s attack on Ukraine

        On behalf of Access Now, we write to provide a list of recommendations to share with tech platforms and telecoms operators in the context of the war in Ukraine. We welcome the swift engagement of the European Union in these matters and we ask for your support in the area of connectivity, platforms’ operations, data protection, and non-discrimination. Access Now is an international NGO that works to defend and extend the digital rights of users at risk around the world. We operate in 13 countries, including in the Central and Eastern Europe region, and we operate a 24/7 Digital Security Helpline that provides technical support to activists and journalists on the ground.

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Reproduced verbatim
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The OSI is abusive on many levels!
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it helps show how irrelevant Microsoft is becoming
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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
The RTO (Return-to-office) Layoffs or 'Soft' Layoffs at IBM and Red Hat
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They even target women
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That's what the OSI is right now: a salesperson
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
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IRC logs for Friday, March 07, 2025