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IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, April 10, 2022

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techrights-news[Meme] EPO Moving Backwards | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 10 00:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] EPO Moving Backwards | TechrightsApr 10 00:02
DaemonFCComcast is out here. There's a bunch of lines that don't work at all.Apr 10 00:04
schestowitz-TRcool!Apr 10 00:04
DaemonFCI asked him if he could just take the two way splitter off my neighbor's line and patch me in using a three way splitter until they can get someone out here to rewire everything in a couple weeks.Apr 10 00:05
DaemonFCThen push the line we're all using behind a big bush so that idiot can't weed whack the line again.Apr 10 00:05
DaemonFCThe neighbors are up there stoned. I wonder if they'll be pissed when their cable goes down for a bit.Apr 10 00:06
DaemonFC:)Apr 10 00:06
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, Did you see the picture of the cars?Apr 10 00:06
techrights-news"We have new neighbors from Ukraine. The owners of the flat dropped a letter into everyone's mailbox to inform us and to ask that maybe we could share our wlan access with the family (mother, 2 children and mother-in-law)." gopher:// 10 00:06
DaemonFCYou know, even my Impala doesn't look bad for all it's been through.Apr 10 00:06
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: show me againApr 10 00:07
DaemonFC 10 00:07
DaemonFCThe 2008 Buick is in front, the 2003 Impala is in back.Apr 10 00:07
schestowitz-TRis that the car you want to buy next to yours?Apr 10 00:08
schestowitz-TRahApr 10 00:08
schestowitz-TRok, beat me to itApr 10 00:08
DaemonFCYep, it's my mechanic's dad's car.Apr 10 00:08
DaemonFCI looked it over.Apr 10 00:08
schestowitz-TRmake sure it's not going to break after you buy itApr 10 00:08
schestowitz-TRspeaking or asking for a friendApr 10 00:08
DaemonFCIt has a couple quirks that are not too important.Apr 10 00:08
schestowitz-TRwho recently bought a "good" second-hand car and spends a lot of time taking in it for repairsApr 10 00:09
DaemonFCI'm going to flush the coolant and change the battery right away.Apr 10 00:09
schestowitz-TR[00:08] <DaemonFC> Yep, it's my mechanic's dad's car.Apr 10 00:09
DaemonFCThey just put new tires on it.Apr 10 00:09
schestowitz-TRah, so he can vouch for itApr 10 00:09
schestowitz-TRwould not sell you some dodgy shitApr 10 00:09
DaemonFCIt sat long enough to dry rot the tires.Apr 10 00:09
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, I know him well enough to know he doesn't run a dirty shop.Apr 10 00:09
schestowitz-TRyeah, shaqApr 10 00:09
schestowitz-TRanyway, be sure you have secure parkingApr 10 00:10
DaemonFCHe's always done all of the work I've paid him for on the Impala and that's the last I hear about that part.Apr 10 00:10
schestowitz-TRanyway, bbiabApr 10 00:10
schestowitz-TRI am way behind rss feedsApr 10 00:10
schestowitz-TRand cars are barely on topicApr 10 00:10
DaemonFCI had him replace the front bumper cover and headlamps last year.Apr 10 00:10
schestowitz-TRat least this one is not "Smart"Apr 10 00:10
DaemonFCThe old ones were fogged up and yellow.Apr 10 00:10
DaemonFCThen I ended up having that accident and busting them out.Apr 10 00:11
schestowitz-TRokApr 10 00:11
DaemonFCSo I'm just glad I didn't replace them then have the accident then have to replace two brand new headlamps AGAIN.Apr 10 00:11
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, No smart shit.Apr 10 00:11
DaemonFCNo cameras, tablets, hard drives, infotainment system, navigation system, onstar, or anything like that.Apr 10 00:12
techrights-news379.5 – Phishing Season 10 00:12
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 00:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 379.5 – Phishing Season – mintCastApr 10 00:12
techrights-news"I have a gaming mouse for playing FF14 but I wondered if I can fit my tiling window manager onto it and have it be remotely usable, turns out it's a terrible idea but it works." 10 00:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 00:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Can I Fit A Tiling Window Manager On My Mouse? - InvidiousApr 10 00:13
techrights-newsHow do you prefer writing your if statements? - Invidious ⚓ ䷉ Source: Video | Invidious | MultimediaApr 10 00:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How do you prefer writing your if statements? - InvidiousApr 10 00:14
techrights-news"Lets breakdown Linux Distributions and figure out which one is good at what." 10 00:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 00:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Fedora vs Debian and Arch Linux - InvidiousApr 10 00:14
techrights-news1) remove Windows. 2) install something else, like BSDs or GNU/Linux. 10 00:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Remove Bloatware from Windows - Make Tech EasierApr 10 00:15
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: for now I just keep renewing my driver's licenceApr 10 00:15
schestowitz-TRI've had it for over 20 yearsApr 10 00:15
schestowitz-TRbut I don't own a car at this timeApr 10 00:16
schestowitz-TRI might in the futureApr 10 00:16
schestowitz-TRif some job requires itApr 10 00:16
schestowitz-TRthough I'd rather notApr 10 00:16
schestowitz-TRcars are like a kidApr 10 00:16
schestowitz-TRbuying one is like 10% of the overall chore they will becomeApr 10 00:16
schestowitz-TRI totally get that in some place, like US, not having a car is hardApr 10 00:17
schestowitz-TRthey intentionally obliterated public transportApr 10 00:17
schestowitz-TRit's not "how it is"Apr 10 00:18
schestowitz-TRthat's HOW THEY MADE ITApr 10 00:18
techrights-news"I just found out about this Android compatibility layer for Linux called Anbox its made by Canonical it looks promising I only wish it wasn't a Snap." 10 00:18
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 00:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Anbox a Android compatibility layer for Linux. - Linux & UnixApr 10 00:18
techrights-newsZDNet in 2022: 80% webspam.Apr 10 00:20
*SomeH4x0r has quit (Quit: I expect to be back tomorrow)Apr 10 00:22
*DaemonFC has quit (connection closed)Apr 10 00:24
XRevan86MinceR: Oh my, the Hungarian government is calling for an independent investigation of the events in Bucha.Apr 10 00:24
MinceRlolApr 10 00:25
*Despatche_ has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer)Apr 10 00:25
MinceRthe gypsy king is building hungary's image againApr 10 00:25
XRevan86MinceR: I have a feeling that they're stalling for time. Is that right?Apr 10 00:25
schestowitz-TR"calling for an independent investigation"Apr 10 00:25
schestowitz-TRoh, wowApr 10 00:25
schestowitz-TRthat's an easy oneApr 10 00:25
schestowitz-TRUS government: killing is wrongApr 10 00:25
schestowitz-TRPope: pedophilia is not OKApr 10 00:25
MinceRhe's trying to be a friend of putler and of EU/NATO at the same timeApr 10 00:25
MinceRand nobody's buying itApr 10 00:25
XRevan86What the fuck do they want? The Russian government said one thing, the obvious evidence paints a completely different picture.Apr 10 00:26
schestowitz-TRMinceR: telex coverage is very good btwApr 10 00:26
MinceRi don't know what they want, but maybe they'll manage to score some sanctions and boycotts for hungaryApr 10 00:27
MinceRit would be well deservedApr 10 00:27
XRevan86Before April 7th the Kremlin Telegram publics were still trying to combat the data, they "analysed" the Maxar Technologies photographs and stuff.Apr 10 00:27
schestowitz-TRMinceR: from EU?Apr 10 00:27
XRevan86But then Meduza published a 1.1G archive of raw drone footage.Apr 10 00:27
MinceRfrom every relatively sane place on the planetApr 10 00:28
XRevan86And… they have nothing to say.Apr 10 00:28
schestowitz-TRhey eu!!! (hey you) stop boycotting me, don't tase me broApr 10 00:28
XRevan86There is nothing that *can be* said.Apr 10 00:29
XRevan86Even a blind person can see what this means.Apr 10 00:29
XRevan86But not Orban I guessApr 10 00:29
schestowitz-TR"Even a blind person can see"Apr 10 00:29
schestowitz-TRplease... let's not exaggerateApr 10 00:29
techrights-newsPerl Advent Calendar articles about Moose | simbabque [] ⚓ ䷉ Source: perlApr 10 00:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Perl Advent Calendar articles about Moose | simbabque []Apr 10 00:30
MinceR 10 00:31
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 00:31
techrights-news'Open'Razer... hosted by ProprietarySoftware prison of a criminal company (Microsoft)... they need to correct this 10 00:32
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 00:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-OpenRazer 3.3 Released With Support For More Razer Devices - PhoronixApr 10 00:32
techrights-newsKDE Ships Frameworks 5.93.0 10 00:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE Frameworks 5.93 Brings Multi-Cursor Support for Text Editor Apps, over 280 Changes | Tux MachinesApr 10 00:33
techrights-news"Seriously people, WTF?? Why change the English title in Germany to another one still in English? And what was the concept behind this? Do zee Germans understand the word legacy better? I hate this. Give it a translated title or leave it." gopher:// 10 00:34
techrights-news1850 active Gemini capsules. May be 1900 by month's end? gemini:// 10 00:35
XRevan86schestowitz: Figuratively speaking, of course.Apr 10 00:37
schestowitz-TRyes, I knowApr 10 00:38
schestowitz-TRbut you could offend someone ;-)Apr 10 00:39
*matey (~matey@trd6gtkhwvxew.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 00:39
schestowitz-TR"EVEN"Apr 10 00:39
XRevan86Yea, fair enough.Apr 10 00:39
schestowitz-TRwe've given to blind people every month for many yearsApr 10 00:39
schestowitz-TRblind more are more sensitive in most other sensesApr 10 00:39
XRevan86The wording needs work.Apr 10 00:39
schestowitz-TRsmell, taste, touch (finger sensory stuff, like Braille)Apr 10 00:40
schestowitz-TRthey compensate for a lack of visionApr 10 00:40
XRevan86schestowitz: I know.Apr 10 00:40
schestowitz-TRmatey: wbApr 10 00:40
schestowitz-TRtoday we adopt a new approach to patentsApr 10 00:40
XRevan86schestowitz: It's pretty late for me, so I've failed to notice the connotations.Apr 10 00:41
schestowitz-TRakin to the Openwashing ReportApr 10 00:41
psydruidmhhaApr 10 00:41
schestowitz-TRXRevan86: seeing drone footage is the one thing they cannot doApr 10 00:41
schestowitz-TRand drones don't do soundApr 10 00:41
schestowitz-TRif they did, it would be of no valueApr 10 00:41
psydruidmake Hungarians hungry againApr 10 00:41
schestowitz-TRmake Hungarian GOULASH againApr 10 00:41
XRevan86schestowitz: That's what they have in common with Orban.Apr 10 00:42
schestowitz-TRXRevan86: perpetuating the idea of uncertaintyApr 10 00:42
schestowitz-TRthat another investigation would be neededApr 10 00:42
schestowitz-TRuncertainty and doubtApr 10 00:42
schestowitz-TRstalling, buying timeApr 10 00:43
schestowitz-TR"hey, don't rush to conclusion"Apr 10 00:43
schestowitz-TRI'm sure Biden just stages piles of bodiesApr 10 00:43
XRevan86What a son of a bitch.Apr 10 00:43
schestowitz-TR"don't move, we need this on film"Apr 10 00:43
*bnchs (~bnchs@ey7wjpupu8782.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 00:44
schestowitz-TRreminds me of people who say things about nazi death campsApr 10 00:44
schestowitz-TRas if the footage is fake or somethingApr 10 00:44
schestowitz-TRand the things never existedApr 10 00:44
XRevan86Even Silvio Berlusconi understands.Apr 10 00:44
schestowitz-TREVEMN!Apr 10 00:44
schestowitz-TRIvan Berlusconi understandsApr 10 00:45
XRevan86Of course, this guy even visited post-2014 Crimea.Apr 10 00:45
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 00:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesApr 10 00:45
techrights-newsAudiocasts/Shows/Videos: Fedora vs Debian and Arch Linux, Tiling Window Manager, and mintCast • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 00:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Audiocasts/Shows/Videos: Fedora vs Debian and Arch Linux, Tiling Window Manager, and mintCast | Tux MachinesApr 10 00:45
XRevan86 "mio amico Vladimir Putin", 4 years ago.Apr 10 00:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Silvio Berlusconi - In volo verso la Russia per il compleanno del mio amico Vladimir Putin. Ne approfitterò per confrontarci su tutte le grandi questioni internazionali. | FacebookApr 10 00:45
schestowitz-TRFB :-)Apr 10 00:46
schestowitz-TRis that a real site?Apr 10 00:46
XRevan86schestowitz: Trust in TechrightsBot-tr :)Apr 10 00:46
schestowitz-TRfakebookApr 10 00:46
schestowitz-TRI sometimes forget it even existsApr 10 00:46
schestowitz-TRbecause I rarely see links to itApr 10 00:46
XRevan86I got the link from Mediazona.Apr 10 00:46
mateyAnnular Innovation has just launched a Kickstarter campaign for its innovative Whisper Drone. This new kind of machine, instead of the typical hive-like sound of drones, produces the whoosh of air passing through a vent.Apr 10 00:46
schestowitz-TRit's walled gardens, maybe that's whyApr 10 00:47
mateyThe sound of a drone in flight is about 75 to 80 decibels on average. A quiet drone is usually considered to be a drone that only makes 65-70 decibels of sound from a distance of three to five feet away from you. Can drones be silent? There are no truly silent consumer drones, although some of the models mentioned in the list above get prettyApr 10 00:47
schestowitz-TR[14:29] <techrights-news> You didn't expect "drone" and "open" on the FSF's site. Updated today: 10 00:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OpenDroneMap - Free Software DirectoryApr 10 00:47
matey/me presumes the next word is "quiet"Apr 10 00:47
schestowitz-TRthe drones in the middle east, "Reaper", make lots of buzzing noisesApr 10 00:48
schestowitz-TRand scare the shit out of residents belowApr 10 00:48
schestowitz-TRlots of articles about it about a decade agoApr 10 00:48
schestowitz-TR"eye in the sky" or "death from the sky" syndromneApr 10 00:48
schestowitz-TRif you don't like hearing helicopters aboveApr 10 00:48
schestowitz-TRfor fear they might falApr 10 00:48
mateyThe mini600TVL Camera and the TBS ZeroZero camera are powerful little cameras that also have built in mic's. However, as shown on the video above, the best sound quality comes from an external microphone. This is because it is dedicated in fulfilling just one job in recording sound. This external microphone only costs a few dollars.Apr 10 00:49
schestowitz-TRimagine hearing armed drones in swarms above your villageaApr 10 00:49
schestowitz-TRand the occasional explosionsApr 10 00:49
mateythe drones designed to attack people probably are noisyApr 10 00:49
mateyi imagine recon drones are less soApr 10 00:49
schestowitz-TRthey are smallerApr 10 00:49
schestowitz-TRthey can be 10 times smallerApr 10 00:50
schestowitz-TRreaper is quite largeApr 10 00:50
mateythe noise a prop makes seems to me like the perfect candidate for noise cancellation algorithms (on a recording)Apr 10 00:50
schestowitz 10 00:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper - WikipediaApr 10 00:50
XRevan86Has CrystalMаth commented on the Russian army's actions in Ukraine?Apr 10 00:51
mateynow this says very little about sound quality, but: March 4, 2020 With a speaker and four microphones, drones can echolocate like bats Mathematicians found a method to hear the shape of a room using four microphones mounted on a drone.Apr 10 00:51
schestowitz"The Reaper has a 950-shaft-horsepower (712 kW) turboprop engine (compared to the Predator's 115 hp (86 kW) piston engine). The greater power allows the Reaper to carry 15 times more ordnance payload and cruise at about three times the speed of the MQ-1"Apr 10 00:51
matey<XRevan86> Has CrystalMаth commented on the Russian army's actions in Ukraine? <- CrystalMаth seems to always work backwards from a conclusion, when it comes to politicsApr 10 00:52
schestowitzXRevan86: not latelyApr 10 00:52
schestowitzsometimes it's better to say nothingApr 10 00:52
schestowitz(than to support Putin)Apr 10 00:52
mateythat would be a great song titleApr 10 00:52
matey sometimes it's better to say nothing (than to support Putin)Apr 10 00:52
XRevan86Maybe it's better not to provoke an answer, because Serbia had its fair share of atrocities.Apr 10 00:53
schestowitz-TR"you're taking it out of context"Apr 10 00:53
schestowitz-TRthose piles of corpses are just meant to "incite" against PutinApr 10 00:53
mateyi seem to recall it wasnt on any of my lists of choice holiday destinationsApr 10 00:53
schestowitz-TR"fuckin' Russians"Apr 10 00:54
MinceRwe've heard him plenty about the NATO's answer to serbian atrocitiesApr 10 00:54
XRevan86Indeed we have…Apr 10 00:54
XRevan86But this time this war is so well-documented that it's very hard to abstract it aware.Apr 10 00:55
XRevan86* awayApr 10 00:55
techrights-newsMultinational corporations and billionaires may not mind this (they profit even more; price hikes all across the board!), but the EPO is making itself extremely unattractive to much-needed researchers and it’s pricing itself out of the reach of SMEs 10 00:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | For EPO Staff on Dutch Territories Purachasing Power Fell 12% in Just One Year While EPO Increased Its Fees | TechrightsApr 10 00:55
matey/me isnt particularly a huge fan of nato, but sending putin after them at best would be like sending hannibal lecter after someone who made a mean joke about you in classApr 10 00:55
techrights-newsAs we’ve just seen, the EPO isn’t interested in employing the people it absolutely must employ 10 00:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] EPO Moving Backwards | TechrightsApr 10 00:55
mateyi mean, i get the temptation, unless we are talking about real fucking life hereApr 10 00:55
mateythen its just kind of wrongApr 10 00:55
XRevan86Funny thingApr 10 00:56
mateyhow do you root for putin?Apr 10 00:56
XRevan86Pieskov said that Russia has no issue with Finland joining NATOApr 10 00:56
mateybut is that true though?Apr 10 00:56
XRevan86I voiced this thought a lot, I don't remember if I said it here: Ukraine joining NATO was never important to Putin.Apr 10 00:56
techrights-newsHow to Use and Automate PKI in DevOps? 10 00:57
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 00:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How to Use and Automate PKI in DevOps | GlobalSignApr 10 00:57
mateythen whats his motivation?Apr 10 00:57
XRevan86matey: Hard to say, but it's not that.Apr 10 00:57
matey/me thought it was just about natural gas and economy and strategic naval routesApr 10 00:58
mateyliterally "just" about thatApr 10 00:58
mateyunless hes playing some kind of fucking 3d chessApr 10 00:58
techrights-newsExample of webspam at ITwire,-email-and-net-connection.html "iTWire asked Russell Coker, a senior developer with the Debian GNU/Linux project and a veteran sysadmin to evaluate the site."Apr 10 00:58
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative:,-email-and-net-connection.html,-email-and-net-connection.htmlApr 10 00:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-iTWire - New ASPI tool offers means to check website, email and net connectionApr 10 00:58
mateythey should do that, they should bring back risk, 3d-chess styleApr 10 00:58
XRevan86matey: The ugly thing is that this decision was a personal one.Apr 10 00:59
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▃▂▃▆▅▆▇▅▁▄▅▅▅▆▄▅▅▄▇▆▃▄▇▅▇▅▆▆▆▅▄▆▁ avg(k/sec) 25.86 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂███▂▃▁▂▂▁▁▁▃▂▁▂█▁█▂██▂▂▂▁▁▂▂▂▃▂▂▁ avg(k/sec) 71.21▕ swarm size (avg): 430.08  ⟲Apr 10 00:59
mateyso his motivations are like eric raymonds thenApr 10 00:59
matey(ive tried to understand raymond and open source for years. i have always tried to find a better theory than "he was jealous" but i just cant find one)Apr 10 00:59
mateyjealousy has attacked bigger ships than free softwareApr 10 01:00
XRevan86matey: People who tried to view geopolitics from a rational point of view failed to predict the war.Apr 10 01:00
XRevan86It's simply because it's not rational.Apr 10 01:01
mateysure, if you want to understand people, you have to be able to throw rationality out the window when it simply doesnt applyApr 10 01:01
mateyoccams razor doesnt work in politicsApr 10 01:01
XRevan86matey: Or rather, to understand persons.Apr 10 01:01
XRevan86Individuals.Apr 10 01:02
mateythat tooApr 10 01:02
mateyi mean, thats more relevant hereApr 10 01:02
techrights-newsHuawei CFO who was detained in Canada promoted to chair - El Reg ⚓ ䷉ Source: theregisterApr 10 01:02
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Huawei CFO who was detained in Canada promoted to chair • The RegisterApr 10 01:02
techrights-newsSick of Compiling Gentoo Linux? Then Try the New LiveGUI Distro! • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 01:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sick of Compiling Gentoo Linux? Then Try the New LiveGUI Distro! | Tux MachinesApr 10 01:02
techrights-news"China's Securities Regulatory Commission has opened a consultation on revised regulations aimed at avoiding trouble for local tech companies that list on US stock markets." 10 01:03
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | China moves to protect offshore tech company listings • The RegisterApr 10 01:03
XRevan86It's not a factor of political interests that one guy may want to immortalise himself as a uniter of Eastern Slavs.Apr 10 01:03
techrights-newsLanguages? Compiling the future is where the real fun's at - El Reg ⚓ ䷉ Source: theregisterApr 10 01:03
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Languages? Compiling the future is where the real fun's at • The RegisterApr 10 01:03
XRevan86That he may think that the risks are acceptable for a cause that's shaky at best.Apr 10 01:04
techrights-newsUnix Command Cheat Sheet for Busy Developers | by Koushik Thota | Apr, 2022 | Medium ⚓ Source: tvkoushikApr 10 01:05
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Unix Command Cheat Sheet for Busy Developers | by Koushik Thota | Apr, 2022 | MediumApr 10 01:05
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@64ucc9vur9ywy.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 01:06
XRevan86Also Putin just doesn't like to concede.Apr 10 01:06
DaemonFCNo more T-Mobile Home Internet.Apr 10 01:06
techrights-newsMoodle, the Perth-based open-source software platform that has taken global education by storm 10 01:06
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Apr 10 01:06
DaemonFCI'm self-destruct.Apr 10 01:06
XRevan86It's been known for ages. And this war shows that very well. I think it's obvious to everyone now.Apr 10 01:06
XRevan86What if he didn't want to concede L/DPR but knew that since time works against them without a big move he will have to give it up?Apr 10 01:07
matey<XRevan86> Also Putin just doesn't like to concede. <- megalomania is not known for its modesty or prudenceApr 10 01:07
XRevan86Hence… the big move.Apr 10 01:07
mateyby the way, how do you say "dick" in russian? like "you dick"Apr 10 01:08
XRevan86Of course the initial plan was very different, like a low-blood Anschluss. But he's willing to escalate indefinitely.Apr 10 01:08
XRevan86matey: "ты хуй"Apr 10 01:08
mateynice, um, can you do it in roman letters too?Apr 10 01:08
XRevan86matey: "ty khui"Apr 10 01:08
mateycheersApr 10 01:08
XRevan86matey: In this case "ty khuilo" may work better.Apr 10 01:09
mateycool, thank youApr 10 01:09
techrights-newsElementary OS Founders Split, Putting Project In Question 10 01:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | elementary OS is imploding | Tux MachinesApr 10 01:09
mateyBut he's willing to escalate indefinitely. <- hopefully someone saner will find a way to kill him thenApr 10 01:10
XRevan86-lo is a postfix that means a tool to accomplish a taskApr 10 01:10
mateyweve dealt with such people before (granted i realise the stakes are higher here)Apr 10 01:10
XRevan86like myti (to wash) → mylo (soap)Apr 10 01:10
mateyinterestingApr 10 01:10
matey/me thinks of milo as chocolate malt drink, but i guess that wouldnt work in russiaApr 10 01:11
XRevan86But in slurs like that the accuracy is not as important as the sonorityApr 10 01:11
mateysame as englishApr 10 01:11
*MinceR thinks of Mylo as a nameApr 10 01:11
XRevan86matey: Indeed.Apr 10 01:11
mateymilo is a name in english tooApr 10 01:11
mateyas is milesApr 10 01:11
MinceRlike Mylo Steamwitz, or Milo CasaliApr 10 01:12
matey/me isnt sure how nestle chose milo for the drink nameApr 10 01:12
mateyits popular in africa, south america as well as asiaApr 10 01:13
mateythats some coverageApr 10 01:13
DaemonFCThere we go. Netherlands VPN server why not?Apr 10 01:13
mateyi actually have a chocolate drink mix that isnt owned by nestle or hershey, which seems rare enough (ovaltine is nestle)Apr 10 01:15
mateyinstead its owned by pepsiApr 10 01:16
schestowitz-TRMinceR:  don't highlight me ;-)Apr 10 01:17
XRevan86matey: The pronunciation is very different of course.Apr 10 01:17
mateyi dont doubt itApr 10 01:17
*MinceR plays as Roy in Crystal CavesApr 10 01:19
XRevan86Random fact: -lo in Proto-Slavic looked like -dlo, but only West Slavic languages retained the "d".Apr 10 01:19
matey/me wonders how much would change acoustically if his neighbour actually shoved those speakers up their arseApr 10 01:23
mateyprobably not a lot, maybe he could beat himself to death with them insteadApr 10 01:23
techrights-newsZoos... 10 01:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Zoos hiding birds as avian flu spreads in North America | National News | beatricedailysun.comApr 10 01:25
techrights-newsStill not freedom, only more spying over time... 10 01:30
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chrome OS adds Stability to the three core principles of Speed, Simplicity and Security – About ChromebooksApr 10 01:30
techrights-newsSame as the latest time: "French voters go the polls this Sunday in the presidential election first round, with Macron’s old rival Marine Le Pen likely to advance with him." 10 01:32
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Macron Begins His Fight for a Second Term in French Presidential Election First RoundApr 10 01:32
techrights-newsWhen media attempts to tell us the every single Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen voter is "FAR RIGHT" it is merely cheapening that term. It is not helping.Apr 10 01:34
techrights-news"People buy Macs to avoid command line stuff......." Oh really?? 10 01:36
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mac Pro 5.1 kernel panic (I think) | MacRumors ForumsApr 10 01:36
techrights-newsGNU/Linux user: let's fix this computer. Windows user: this computer is broken. Let's buy a new one or reinstall everything.Apr 10 01:37
techrights-news"osu!octave is a free and open source rhythm game designed to play osu!standard beatmaps, optimized for best performance and playability on PlayStation Vita." 10 01:38
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-PS Vita release: osu!octave (osu! port for PS Vita) - Wololo.netApr 10 01:38
techrights-newsOh shit. 10 01:39
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Indonesian director and actor Richard Oh dies at 62Apr 10 01:39
techrights-news"Does this OS pop-up indicate a "Bad USB" type hack attempt?" 10 01:42
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Malware via eBay? Does this indicate a "Bad USB" type hack attempt? - Mac OSApr 10 01:42
techrights-newsGulag Maps are a disservice. Use OpenStreetView instead. 10 01:43
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google silently dumps Schedule Explorer from Google MapsApr 10 01:43
techrights-newsDRM in action, punishing those who followed the "official" routes 10 01:44
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-PSN Bug Causing Game Licenses to Expire on PS3, Vita - SiliconeraApr 10 01:44
techrights-newsDRM clusterfuck 10 01:45
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Users report their digital PlayStation classics are ‘expiring’ and unplayable | VGCApr 10 01:45
techrights-newsDRM lols. Get popcorn. 10 01:46
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PS3, Vita Games Mysteriously Expiring, Making Them UnplayableApr 10 01:46
techrights-newsHow many did AMD ship to Phoronix? 10 01:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Here is an AMD SP5 socket (LGA6096) for EPYC Zen4 Genoa processors - Its BIGApr 10 01:47
techrights-newsStop calling everything "HEY HI", even game engines 10 01:48
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AI beats top players at Bridge in two-day tournament • The RegisterApr 10 01:48
techrights-news"The term is believed to have been created in 1999 independently by the OpenBSD developers and the Sun Microsystems marketing team." 10 01:50
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cardano Hackathon in Argentina - Cardano FeedApr 10 01:50
techrights-news"Some of the most important inventors you may not have heard of, are: Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace, Herman Hollerith, Semyon Korsakov, Alan Turing; where to start? The truth is; Hollerith was the only one that succeeded financially." 10 01:51
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Capitalism Is The Problem, ………. (Part Two: A republic, if you can keep it) | by D. J. Adams | Apr, 2022 | MediumApr 10 01:51
psydruidit's not Noah's Ark anymore, but Michael's ArkApr 10 01:51
mateyinterestingApr 10 01:52
mateyi dont get the reference thoughApr 10 01:52
psydruidhe needs at least 2 copies of every server chip AMD has ever shippedApr 10 01:52
mateyhehApr 10 01:52
mateyi thought maybe you meant microbelApr 10 01:52
psydruidyes, I meant himApr 10 01:53
mateyi wasnt expecting the punchline :)Apr 10 01:53
techrights-newsGulag will have to pay €150 million fine to the French Competition Authority, court orders 10 01:53
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google must pay €150m fine to the French • The RegisterApr 10 01:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Who Really Exposed Amandine ‘cryptie’ Jambert of CNIL/FSFE? | TechrightsApr 10 01:53
psydruid> How many did AMD ship to Phoronix? 10 01:53
psydruidIn reference to thisApr 10 01:53
mateyniceApr 10 01:53
techrights-newsBuzzwords for outsourcing, which in many cases is ILLEGAL (but media helps normalise the unlawful) 10 01:54
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google Distributed Cloud Edge to challenge AWS Outposts • The RegisterApr 10 01:54
mateyi just realised that you can paste from xterm to tk with shift+insApr 10 01:54
mateywhile ctrl+v will paste from "gui" stuffApr 10 01:54
mateyi have no idea how this works, only that it worksApr 10 01:54
psydruidI usually do thatApr 10 01:54
MinceRselecting with the mouse in a terminal sets the primary selectionApr 10 01:54
MinceRctrl+c sets the CLIPBOARDApr 10 01:55
techrights-newsSurveillance 10 01:55
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google enters home power consumption dealApr 10 01:55
mateyctrl+c also terminates the program running in the termApr 10 01:55
MinceRit doesn't terminate most GUI applications thoughApr 10 01:55
MinceRi think terminals usually have it on ctrl+shift+c or something like thatApr 10 01:55
mateydoesnt apply to xterm Apr 10 01:56
MinceRor on the menu :>Apr 10 01:56
MinceRyeah, i don't know if xterm supports clipboard at allApr 10 01:56
mateyyoure usin one o them fancy term winderzApr 10 01:56
techrights-newsRussia bans Gulag (but not gulags) 10 01:56
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 01:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Russian media watchdog bans Google from advertising • The RegisterApr 10 01:56
matey i don't know if xterm supports clipboard at all <- oh it doesApr 10 01:56
mateybut its... complicatedApr 10 01:56
mateyfor example, if you copy something from firefuxApr 10 01:56
mateythen you highlight something from xtermApr 10 01:57
mateythen you ctrl+v in another window, it ignores poor xtermApr 10 01:57
mateyfirefux winsApr 10 01:57
MinceR 10 01:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | x11 - What's the difference between Primary Selection and Clipboard Buffer? - Unix & Linux Stack ExchangeApr 10 01:57
mateybut if the other window is tk, and you use ctrl+v, its exactly the sameApr 10 01:57
mateybut if you use shift+ins it worksApr 10 01:57
mateyand i rediscovered this the other day, and its like having a new desktop environment in terms of usability impactApr 10 01:58
mateybecause what i used to do is copy to another xterm :) and then pipe that to a graphical less programApr 10 01:58
MinceR 10 01:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | X Selections, X Cut Buffers, and Emacs Kill RingsApr 10 01:58
mateysure ive got it streamlined, but its a ridiculous stepApr 10 01:58
mateyoh fuck that guyApr 10 01:58
matey/me throws jwz off the planetApr 10 01:59
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▂▃▄▁▂▅▅▂▆▅▆▇▆▆▂▃▆▆▆▄▅▃▂▇▅▆▃▂▅▅▁▄▄▅▃▃▁ avg(k/sec) 22.15 ▕  IPFS upstream: █▁▂█▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▂▂▃█▁▁▁▁▁▁█▁▂▁▁▂▂▂▂▂▁██▁ avg(k/sec) 91.56▕ swarm size (avg): 348.95  ⟲Apr 10 01:59
mateybut he knows more about this than i doApr 10 01:59
techrights-newsRaspberry Pi Just Made Two Huge Changes for Security and Convenience 10 01:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi OS removes default "Pi" username, adds experimental support for Wayland | Tux MachinesApr 10 01:59
MinceRi even saw some program with support for multiple selections at the same timeApr 10 01:59
mateyhes better than poettering at leastApr 10 01:59
mateyfunnily enouguh theres a program for x that lets you see the sausage being made in terms of whats selected / copied / whateverApr 10 01:59
techrights-newsHow curious that 3 years later "The Daily Beast" bumps up its defamatory story "Richard Stallman, Famed MIT Computer Scientist Who Defended Jeffrey Epstein, Resigns" (bumped up 4 days ago)Apr 10 02:00
mateyxsel or something like that (probably not xsel though)Apr 10 02:00
mateyive got it installed but since ive only used it once, fuck if i know what its calledApr 10 02:00
mateybut i REALLY like xtermApr 10 02:00
mateybecause if i want to watch 20000 lines scroll by VERY quickly, there are few (read: zero) better optionsApr 10 02:01
mateyi dont like rxvt as muchApr 10 02:01
mateyeverything else is slowerApr 10 02:01
techrights-newsReputation laundering for racist IBM 10 02:01
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 02:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Four-Year College Degree Requirements in Hiring Are Slowly Easing - The New York TimesApr 10 02:01
mateyand st... i dont know what to say about it. you have to use it to see what i meanApr 10 02:01
mateyim not AGAINST people running a more featureful term window of courseApr 10 02:01
mateybut they dont perform in any way that suits my purposesApr 10 02:02
mateyi also have an editor that acts as shellApr 10 02:03
mateyyou type shell commands then press ctrl-t, its tk-basedApr 10 02:03
mateyits fast as fuckApr 10 02:03
mateybut it doesnt do interactive shell stuff, so thats what xterm is forApr 10 02:03
techrights-newsIntel is getting away with crimes again see 10 02:03
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 02:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EU appeals the overturning of $1.2bn Intel antitrust fine • The RegisterApr 10 02:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel - TechrightsApr 10 02:03
mateyi used to use xfce4-term but it got annoyingApr 10 02:04
mateythe one thing i truly hate about xterm though is if you resize it Apr 10 02:05
mateythe one thing i truly hate about xterm though isApr 10 02:05
activelowhere rxvt is faster than xterm (Xorg fbdev driver), and it depends if async scrolling or similar is enabledApr 10 02:05
matey#techrights : 04/10/22 01:05 <matey> the one thiApr 10 02:05
MinceRwhat i hate about xterm is lack of antialiasingApr 10 02:05
activelowand rxvt is the fastest terminal in this configuration i worked withApr 10 02:05
MinceRurxvt is probably the slowest terminal emulator i've ever usedApr 10 02:05
mateyyeah i like the lack of antialiasing, but thats a legitimate thing to wantApr 10 02:06
MinceRit was a pain to use on a rpi1Apr 10 02:06
activelowreason i switched from xterm to rxvt: xterm does NOT support legacy BSD/Unix pty handling anymore, rxvt doesApr 10 02:06
techrights-newsLatest Changes EasyOS 3.4.5 10 02:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EasyOS 3.4.5 | Tux MachinesApr 10 02:06
mateyi mean antitalising is nice sometimesApr 10 02:06
mateyxterm does NOT support legacy BSD/Unix pty handling anymore, rxvt does <- i dont know what this means, i use xterm in bsdApr 10 02:06
mateypresumably i dont use "legacy bsd pty handling" thoughApr 10 02:07
mateypty has something to do with tty, but youd have to explain itApr 10 02:07
activelowgood question, linux kernel offers legacy pty option (which i consider as some minor security benefit), and too i disabled the modern pty handlingApr 10 02:07
MinceRpty is pseudoteletype, tty is teletypeApr 10 02:07
MinceRiircApr 10 02:07
mateylinux kernel offers legacy pty optio <- well there you go, i wouldnt benefit from that because im not using that kernel :)Apr 10 02:07
techrights-newsEvery Unreal Engine 5 Game So Far - GameSpot ⚓ ䷉ Source: gamespotApr 10 02:07
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 02:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Every Unreal Engine 5 Game So Far - GameSpotApr 10 02:07
matey<MinceR> pty is pseudoteletype, tty is teletype <- cheers mincerApr 10 02:07
activelowthis required patches, for example, to tmux; and some other terminals which require a pty can be configured... xterm didn't support legacy pty ($ man pty; on linux) anymoreApr 10 02:08
matey/me wonders if the xterm in openbsd actually has the supportApr 10 02:08
techrights-newsCommunity?? What "Community"? Business CommunityTM? 10 02:08
mateyat any rate i dont know how to make use of that featureApr 10 02:08
activelowmatey: openbsd pty handling is different (wscons iirc), and this requires separate code paths in rxvt/xterm/tmux etc. anywayApr 10 02:09
mateystill, ive never argued for there to be only one term. i literally installed rxvt this weekApr 10 02:09
mateyfor reasons (im sure i wont use it)Apr 10 02:09
activelowand wscons is different to the original legacy bsd/unix ptyApr 10 02:09
mateymy guess is if anyone uses it, openbsd supports it (unless its a vector or vulnerability)Apr 10 02:09
techrights-newsAlmaLinux = Microsoft booster. Use RockyLinux instead. Skip AlmaLinux. They boost ATTACKS on GNU/Linux, e.g. Azure and WSL. Those are NOT pro-GNU/Linux but deliberate attacks on us all. AlmaLinux is opportunistic like Novell.Apr 10 02:10
activelowanyway, rxvt on fbdev/xorg is the _fastes_ terminal i worked withApr 10 02:10
techrights-news"Microsoft loves Linux" =~ "Putin loves Ukraine"Apr 10 02:10
mateyhave you tried spitting out 50000 lines on it next to xterm?Apr 10 02:10
mateybecause i think it gets either choppy or slow thenApr 10 02:10
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, Apr 10 02:10
DaemonFCComcast has cut customer support to the bone.Apr 10 02:11
mateybut the last time i tested it was on gnu/linux, so this is sort of a prejudiceApr 10 02:11
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: price upApr 10 02:11
schestowitz-TRinflationApr 10 02:11
schestowitz-TR"let's cut jobs"Apr 10 02:11
schestowitz-TR"profits all-time high!"Apr 10 02:11
matey<DaemonFC> Comcast has cut customer support to the bone. <- theyre somewhere between sirius cybernetics corp and nazi germany probablyApr 10 02:11
mateyin terms of customer serviceApr 10 02:12
activelowthe tek4014 emulation is interesting, or vt340 with bitmap graphics, which rxvt doesn't haveApr 10 02:13
mateythe tek4014 emulation is interesting <- it would be. mines only compiled with these fucking "sixels" but i dont have a test for that yetApr 10 02:13
activelowalthough i would prefer such a terminal emulator on raw framebuffer console, outside/without x11Apr 10 02:13
mateylow priorityApr 10 02:13
mateyalthough i would prefer such a terminal emulator on raw framebuffer console <- yeah, i miss the framebufferApr 10 02:14
mateynetbsd seems to do more for it than openbsd, though i wouldnt say its worth using netbsd to have thisApr 10 02:14
activelowdon't think so, serial line termination with bitmap graphics (for scientific plots), would be awesome, there isn't any really 100% free and opensource one - including hardware i meanApr 10 02:14
activelowmaybe the gigagtron ttl is a platform for this...Apr 10 02:14
matey/me thinks gigatron needs to make a comeback with christopher lloyd doing the adverts (and pronouncing it jiggatron)Apr 10 02:15
mateyim not sure they can afford him thoughApr 10 02:16
mateyim only mostly sure hes still aliveApr 10 02:16
DaemonFCI'm in a Customer Service Vindaloop.Apr 10 02:16
DaemonFCAfter playing Chat Robot Circular Hell.Apr 10 02:16
mateyif only they were discriminating against black people you could hope that blm finds themApr 10 02:17
mateyi know, i know. but its comcast.Apr 10 02:17
schestowitz-TRmatey: or chris rock with an "n" for a "g"Apr 10 02:18
mateywoofApr 10 02:18
schestowitz-TRthey can make that jokeApr 10 02:18
schestowitz-TRas comerdianApr 10 02:18
schestowitz-TRwell, maybe not anymoreApr 10 02:18
mateyyou know i was talking about linda fiorentino recentlyApr 10 02:18
schestowitz-TRa sense of humour died about a decade backApr 10 02:18
mateyand how she was in a movie with will smith (men in black)Apr 10 02:18
mateythen i realised the other movie she was in was with will smithApr 10 02:18
matey(dogma)Apr 10 02:19
schestowitz-TRit's known as bitchApr 10 02:19
mateyand being an internetizen i thought this was a funny coincidenceApr 10 02:19
schestowitz-TRdog maApr 10 02:19
mateyoh god, is that another one of stallmans?Apr 10 02:19
schestowitz-TRhaha, noApr 10 02:19
schestowitz-TRmother orcApr 10 02:19
schestowitz-TRand orchidApr 10 02:19
matey/ne shakes his  headApr 10 02:19
matey/meApr 10 02:20
matey/me thinks its hilarious that the closest he can get to a real /me is to say ACTIONApr 10 02:20
mateyACTION says /meApr 10 02:20
schestowitz-TRbtwApr 10 02:20
schestowitz-TRto be clearApr 10 02:20
schestowitz-TRa lot of humour ius based on hock effectApr 10 02:20
schestowitz-TRthat's what makes it funny, the shockApr 10 02:21
schestowitz-TRif you go all P-C, it's harder to amuseApr 10 02:21
mateyhumour is one of humanitys greatest inventionsApr 10 02:21
schestowitz-TRthat's the whole pointApr 10 02:21
mateyand i like black humourApr 10 02:21
mateyand i love john cleeseApr 10 02:21
schestowitz-TRotherwise it's pure slapstickApr 10 02:21
mateyi even enjoyed league of gentlemen but...Apr 10 02:21
techrights-newsGames: osu!octave, DRM, and Unreal Engine 5 • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 02:22
mateytheres a bit of effort involved :)Apr 10 02:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: osu!octave, DRM, and Unreal Engine 5 | Tux MachinesApr 10 02:22
techrights-newsSecurity Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 02:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security Leftovers | Tux MachinesApr 10 02:22
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 02:22
mateyi used to know this guy from bbc americaApr 10 02:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesApr 10 02:22
mateyi said to him, okay, so whats closest to monty python other than fawlty towersApr 10 02:22
mateyhe said "have you heard of little britain"Apr 10 02:22
schestowitz-TR[02:22] <matey> i used to know this guy from bbc america v  <, you knew bill gates??Apr 10 02:22
mateyi said noApr 10 02:22
mateybefore gates!Apr 10 02:22
mateybefore the takeover (probably)Apr 10 02:23
schestowitz-TRbillbcApr 10 02:23
mateyanyway, little britain (walliams, lucas) (bgt, doctor who) used to say all they did was rip off league of gentlemenApr 10 02:23
mateyi mean marjarie dawes was based on paulineApr 10 02:24
mateydirectlyApr 10 02:24
matey"alright, fatties!"Apr 10 02:24
mateyit took me several more years to recognise walliams as "vulva" from "spaced"Apr 10 02:24
mateywith simon peggApr 10 02:24
mateyi saw spaced around 2004 Apr 10 02:25
mateysame time as shawn of the deadApr 10 02:25
bnchs"PSN Bug Causing Game Licenses to Expire on PS3, Vita"Apr 10 02:25
bnchsglad i uhhhhhhhApr 10 02:25
bnchsused a PSN license patcher?Apr 10 02:25
mateybut i used to watch little britain and say "they would never get away with this in the states"Apr 10 02:26
mateythen they made little britain usa-- and did EXACTLY that.Apr 10 02:26
matey"what do you want to wear?" "SMURF!" "im not so sure thats a good idea..."Apr 10 02:26
matey"and there was no room at the inn... i look a pillock..."Apr 10 02:27
mateyi cant believe they brought andy pipkin to the usa, it was brilliantApr 10 02:28
mateyand computer says no carolApr 10 02:28
techrights-newsLinks 09/04/2022: KDE Frameworks 5.93 | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 10 02:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 09/04/2022: KDE Frameworks 5.93 | TechrightsApr 10 02:28
mateybut these shows are nearly 15 years old now (nearly 20 if you count the original series)Apr 10 02:29
matey"age?" "nearly six." "youre five..." "yes." "WELL SAY FIVE, THEN!"Apr 10 02:29
matey"it says youre here for a hip replacement"Apr 10 02:30
matey"that must be some mistake"Apr 10 02:30
matey"computer says no..."Apr 10 02:30
mateycarol could work for comcast if she was a robotApr 10 02:30
matey"it says here youre dead"Apr 10 02:32
DaemonFCHey, nice.Apr 10 02:35
schestowitz-TR[02:25] <bnchs> used a PSN license patcher?Apr 10 02:35
schestowitz-TRis that a bypass?Apr 10 02:35
DaemonFCSo, I applied the ACP code to my Comcast account.Apr 10 02:35
bnchsnoApr 10 02:35
DaemonFCIt's not even $9.95 now. It's free.Apr 10 02:35
mateyroflApr 10 02:35
bnchsit's rather modifying the PS3's databaseApr 10 02:35
DaemonFCGuess I can't complain. It's 50 Mbps internet I don't have to pay for.Apr 10 02:35
DaemonFCThat's a $50 bill that's out of here.Apr 10 02:35
bnchsto add a license (basically a file) but patch it to never expire and work on all accountsApr 10 02:36
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: if not fibre, then false advertisingApr 10 02:36
DaemonFCPlus, the damned thing actually works.Apr 10 02:36
mateyroflApr 10 02:36
mateywait, i said thatApr 10 02:36
mateydfc is the perfect weapon against customer serviceApr 10 02:36
schestowitz-TR"_up to_ 50Mb/s"Apr 10 02:37
mateyhes like the fifth elementApr 10 02:37
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techpol + social irc ■ Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 10 02:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, April 09, 2022Apr 10 02:37
mateydfc: you should go into business tackling this sort of thing for clientsApr 10 02:38
activelow_up to_ applies to all typical internet access lines; SDH synchronous and managed access lines provided by telco are very expensive, and rarely available, if at all nowadaysApr 10 02:38
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techrights irc ■ Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 10 02:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, April 09, 2022Apr 10 02:38
mateyi think it would be useful? but people would hire you for the novelty aloneApr 10 02:38
mateyim only half jokingApr 10 02:38
mateymaybe not even halfApr 10 02:39
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 boycottnovell irc ■ Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 10 02:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, April 09, 2022Apr 10 02:39
mateyryan f, customer service hitman Apr 10 02:39
mateymetaphorically speakingApr 10 02:39
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techbytes irc ■ Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 10 02:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, April 09, 2022Apr 10 02:40
mateyhell, you could skip doing it for real and just make it a series on netflixApr 10 02:40
mateylike breaking bad but more relatable.Apr 10 02:41
matey/me isnt even half kiddingApr 10 02:41
schestowitz-TRcancel lol/aolApr 10 02:41
schestowitz-TRI had this with BTApr 10 02:41
schestowitz-TRbut did not record the callApr 10 02:41
mateyyes, you should hire ryan to deal with btApr 10 02:41
mateyim not joking even slightlyApr 10 02:42
mateydo itApr 10 02:42
mateythey will be so fucking sorryApr 10 02:42
mateytheyll cry.Apr 10 02:42
techrights-news✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩ Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! 🅷🆃🆃🅿: | 🅶🅴🅼🅸🅽🅸 gemini:// (tentative address, to work an hour from now)Apr 10 02:42
mateypeople like dfc can be put to good useApr 10 02:42
mateyim 100% seriouesApr 10 02:42
mateyserious tooApr 10 02:42
mateyhes sort of like a lawyerApr 10 02:43
schestowitz-TRnot sureApr 10 02:43
DaemonFC<matey> hes like the fifth elementApr 10 02:43
mateybut lawyers dont have time for this shitApr 10 02:43
schestowitz-TRI heard him argue with samsung a decade+ agoApr 10 02:43
DaemonFCFirst you have to start out by calling them on the phone and spending 15 minutes branching through all their menu options saying things like "It's something else.".Apr 10 02:43
schestowitzDaemonFC: matey: this is Ryan 10 02:43
DaemonFCThen it offers to either text you a link to a chat robot or hang up on you.Apr 10 02:44
DaemonFCWhen you get the chat robot, you hit 6 then sent "agent" then 1 4 1 "human" human".Apr 10 02:45
DaemonFCAnd then you get a human over SMS.Apr 10 02:45
mateymatey: this is Ryan <- lol, noApr 10 02:45
mateythat is definitely not heApr 10 02:45
schestowitz-TRit isApr 10 02:45
DaemonFCI sent human three times and then I got a man named Manjeet.Apr 10 02:46
schestowitz-TRanyway, that was 12 years agoApr 10 02:46
DaemonFCWho read the third "human" and told me he was Manjeet the Human.Apr 10 02:46
schestowitz-TRhe did lots of videos about Vista 7 too, deleted them sinceApr 10 02:46
DaemonFCAnyway, Manjeet the Human was helpful so I like Manjeet the Human.Apr 10 02:46
schestowitz-TRSFC got involvedApr 10 02:46
schestowitz-TRalso years later (SFC)Apr 10 02:46
schestowitz-TRbasically trying to suck up to SamsungApr 10 02:46
schestowitz-TRor take "the business"Apr 10 02:46
schestowitz-TRyou see,Apr 10 02:46
schestowitz-TRyo bkuhnApr 10 02:46
schestowitz-TRwe're not a''lowed' o call out SamsungApr 10 02:47
schestowitz-TRthat's 'his' jobApr 10 02:47
schestowitz-TRalso literallyApr 10 02:47
schestowitz-TRthat's how vain these people areApr 10 02:47
DaemonFCmatey> they will be so fucking sorryApr 10 02:47
DaemonFC<matey> theyll cry.Apr 10 02:47
DaemonFCThe Comcast man had to activate my modem through his iPhone.Apr 10 02:47
mateyapart from the 2010 folder, how old is that video?Apr 10 02:47
schestowitz-TRsame yearApr 10 02:47
DaemonFCBecause I tried to use the My XFinity Account app and it kept asking for my username and password over and over.Apr 10 02:47
schestowitz-TRhe keeps deleting his blogs, videos...Apr 10 02:48
schestowitz-TRof course many sites delete things regardlessApr 10 02:48
DaemonFCWhen I tried activating it through my browser on the PC, it said it was activated and then wouldn't work and told me to get the activation app that doesn't work.Apr 10 02:48
schestowitz-TRgulagtube for "community guidelines"Apr 10 02:48
DaemonFCSo the lineman and Manjeet the Human really helped.Apr 10 02:48
schestowitz-TRJoinDiapora for technical debtApr 10 02:48
mateychrist, hes adorableApr 10 02:48
mateywasnt expecting thatApr 10 02:48
schestowitz-TRI'll leave you two to it...Apr 10 02:49
mateylol noApr 10 02:49
MinceRlol @ Manjeet the HumanApr 10 02:49
MinceRManjeet of EarthApr 10 02:50
techrights-newsYou know Twitter jumped the shark when the disgusting people from AEI post this 10 02:50
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 02:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Elon Musk Drops a Knowledge Bomb on the Information Minefield | American Enterprise Institute - AEIApr 10 02:50
techrights-newsProgramming Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 02:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Programming Leftovers | Tux MachinesApr 10 02:50
bnchsmanjeetApr 10 02:50
bnchspajeetApr 10 02:50
techrights-newsSo glad I quit Twitter! 10 02:50
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 02:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Elon Musk buys 9.2% of Twitter, share price to the Moon • The RegisterApr 10 02:50
bnchsomg elon musk buys 9.2% of twitterApr 10 02:51
mateyManjeet is a Boy name, meaning Winner Of Mind in hindu origin.Apr 10 02:51
bnchsSHARE PRICE TO THE MEWN!Apr 10 02:51
techrights-newsLes Paul lives on 10 02:51
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 02:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dynamo Studios says getting Les Paul Foundation grant will help buy equipment for student program | Chattanooga Times Free PressApr 10 02:51
MinceR 10 02:52
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 02:52
matey XDApr 10 02:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Move over, Hell! - Penny ArcadeApr 10 02:52
bnchselon musk is gonna ruin twitterApr 10 02:52
mateymincer: my favourite tech support scam call is the one where the guy convince the scammer to call him "cinnamon"Apr 10 02:52
bnchsdesignated in the syskey.exeApr 10 02:53
matey"okay, siminim"Apr 10 02:53
techrights-newsWell, ain't it a shame then that the Financial Times takes BRIBES from famous criminals Bill Gates AND the corrupt EPO management (both for reputation laundering purposes)... 10 02:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Enabling Engineering Productivity at the Financial TimesApr 10 02:53
MinceR 10 02:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 02:54
bnchssyskey got removedApr 10 02:54
mateyall of my closest friends are indian and my closest friend thought it was fucking hystericalApr 10 02:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Discover Card - Peggy Customer Service #1 - InvidiousApr 10 02:54
techrights-newsEU Right to Repair resolution heads to plenary vote - El Reg ⚓ ䷉ Source: theregisterApr 10 02:54
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 02:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EU Right to Repair resolution heads to plenary vote • The RegisterApr 10 02:54
DaemonFC<matey> christ, hes adorableApr 10 02:54
DaemonFC:/Apr 10 02:54
mateywhat?Apr 10 02:54
mateyits not my faultApr 10 02:55
mateymandy neednt worryApr 10 02:55
DaemonFCI was 26 and I had more hair and less weight then.Apr 10 02:55
mateythank god you werent 16 Apr 10 02:55
DaemonFCI've seen a lot of people in their 20s, early 20s, that look a lot worse than I do now.Apr 10 02:56
mateybut that means youre still younger than me Apr 10 02:56
DaemonFCI'm like, "How? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN!?".Apr 10 02:56
DaemonFCThey went from 18 to 40 in 4 years.Apr 10 02:56
schestowitz-TRstressApr 10 02:56
schestowitz-TRand geneticsApr 10 02:56
MinceRsounds like they live in hellApr 10 02:56
mateywe do alright in my familyApr 10 02:56
MinceRas we all doApr 10 02:56
schestowitz-TRpoor diet, care etc.Apr 10 02:56
schestowitz-TRsmoking sometimes, boozeApr 10 02:56
mateyi saw a picture of my grandmother at 60, she looked 35 ffsApr 10 02:57
mateygranted after 61 she made up for lost time, but it was still a featApr 10 02:57
*GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 10 02:57
*GNUmoon2 has quit (connection closed)Apr 10 02:57
techrights-news'Green' batteries; there's a paradox for you. Hang on while I take my dry bath. 10 02:58
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 02:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Direct lithium extraction funding investment uptick • The RegisterApr 10 02:58
DaemonFCYeah, a hard life ages you fast.Apr 10 02:58
DaemonFCI don't drink or smoke.Apr 10 02:58
techrights-newsRemove the word clown and it'll make sense. PRIVATE SERVER. 10 02:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Create your own private cloud server | TechRadarApr 10 02:58
DaemonFCI don't even drink soda. Gave that up years ago.Apr 10 02:59
MinceRschestowitz-TR: 10 02:59
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▆▆▄▃▆▄▆▆▆▅▆▂▃▁▄▂▅▃▄▂▁▂▅▇▁▂▂▄▅▅▆▆▅▁ avg(k/sec) 20.55 ▕  IPFS upstream: █▁▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁██▁█▂▁▁▂▁██▁▂▅█▁▃▂▁▂▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 47.00▕ swarm size (avg): 308.65  ⟲Apr 10 02:59
mateyyeah i dont drink soda anymore eitherApr 10 02:59
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: I have to remind some people who get 'butchered'Apr 10 02:59
schestowitz-TRto look youngApr 10 02:59
schestowitz-TRinternal and external health not the sameApr 10 02:59
schestowitz-TRsome people think if they butcher themselves to look "young" it'll help them, live longerApr 10 02:59
MinceRdon't drink at all and you'll die in a few days and then you won't age at all :>Apr 10 02:59
schestowitz-TRputting chemicals under your skin can only shorten the lifeApr 10 02:59
mateyunless its vitamin eApr 10 03:00
schestowitz-TRMinceR: like a kid with cancerApr 10 03:00
DaemonFCI meant alcohol, obviously.Apr 10 03:00
DaemonFCI drink coffee every day, probably too much.Apr 10 03:00
mateyno tea?Apr 10 03:00
schestowitz-TRi had three TEAPOTS of coffee the past 3 hours aloneApr 10 03:00
schestowitz-TRbut very diluted coffeeApr 10 03:01
DaemonFCTea sometimes. Mandy told me he got vanilla syrup the other day.Apr 10 03:01
schestowitz-TR(mostly water and milk)Apr 10 03:01
DaemonFCSo I poured it into my Earl Grey with milk and then looked.Apr 10 03:01
mateyi switched from coffee to tea when the former was giving me ocular migrainesApr 10 03:01
DaemonFCAnd I had accidentally created an Earl Grey Hazelnut latte.Apr 10 03:01
schestowitz-TRone way to keep warm is to fill yourself with hot waterApr 10 03:01
DaemonFCIt was revolting.Apr 10 03:01
DaemonFCI poured it down the sink.Apr 10 03:01
mateyan ocular migraine is when youre looking at the screen and suddenly you see little stars taking over your field of viewApr 10 03:02
schestowitz-TRit's nto starbucksApr 10 03:02
schestowitz-TRnot much money lostApr 10 03:02
mateytheyre actually harmless, and the quickest cure is caffieneApr 10 03:02
schestowitz-TRhomemade hot brews are cheapApr 10 03:02
mateybut if youre taking in too much caffiene that can be the cause Apr 10 03:02
mateythey go away after a whileApr 10 03:02
DaemonFCI hate Starbucks.Apr 10 03:02
mateystarbucks is shitApr 10 03:02
schestowitz-TRthe employees do too!Apr 10 03:03
DaemonFCPeople at Starbucks be like "I want a $7 cup of sugar with an inch left for coffee. Thanks!".Apr 10 03:03
mateyat least theyre going to unioniseApr 10 03:03
schestowitz-TR[13:17] <techrights-news> Taming Starbucks 10 03:03
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Starbucks Workers Have Filed to Unionize 200 StoresApr 10 03:03
mateyhen theyll only be exploiting the suppliers :)Apr 10 03:03
mateyoh but its fair trade!Apr 10 03:03
mateywhich means a whole fuck of a lotApr 10 03:03
schestowitz-TRfairplay(r)Apr 10 03:03
DaemonFCThen they'll only be exploiting the customers.Apr 10 03:03
schestowitz-TRwas that MSFT?Apr 10 03:03
DaemonFCYou can't fix stupid. STUPID IS FOREVER!Apr 10 03:04
schestowitz-TRcorrupt companies talking about fairplay(r)Apr 10 03:04
mateyfairplay was appleApr 10 03:04
schestowitz-TRah, okApr 10 03:04
schestowitz-TRsame issueApr 10 03:04
schestowitz-TRapple and fairnessApr 10 03:04
mateytstill gafaApr 10 03:04
schestowitz-TRfirconnApr 10 03:04
mateygafamApr 10 03:04
schestowitz-TRfairconnApr 10 03:04
schestowitz-TRnew name for foxconnApr 10 03:04
mateydamn you, microsoft-bribed keyboardApr 10 03:04
schestowitz-TR"fairsweat"Apr 10 03:04
DaemonFCFOULPLAY DRMApr 10 03:05
mateyhehehehehehehheApr 10 03:05
DaemonFCAND FAILREADYApr 10 03:05
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ Gemini requests since start of month:  131756 total • Total number of pages in capsule: 40104 •     Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-02-07 16:50:38 GMT; 2 months 0 days agoApr 10 03:05
DaemonFCAnd MICROS~1 ANUS DRM.Apr 10 03:05
bnchswtf dennis ritchie diedApr 10 03:05
bnchsa week after steve jobsApr 10 03:05
bnchshmmmmmmApr 10 03:05
DaemonFCNot to be confused with ZUUUUUUUUUNE!Apr 10 03:05
matey wtf dennis ritchie died <- uh, yeahApr 10 03:05
bnchsken thompson sold his soul to gulag and the clownApr 10 03:06
bnchsand dennis iedApr 10 03:06
bnchsdiedApr 10 03:06
DaemonFCWell, he got his Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1998 from Bill Clinton.Apr 10 03:06
bnchswhich ones are left nowApr 10 03:06
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ IPFS local node stats (bandwidth since last reset) calculated.  TotalIn: 35 GB  •  TotalOut: 7.5 GBApr 10 03:06
mateyand dennis ied <- in protestApr 10 03:06
DaemonFCHe lived a good long while past getting his medal.Apr 10 03:06
DaemonFCMost people don't.Apr 10 03:06
DaemonFCSam Walton died a week later.Apr 10 03:06
techrights-newsSome 'economy' you got there. Marx would be proud. "The company received approximately $493 million from the transaction before fees, expenses, and debt amortization." 10 03:06
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Datacenter operator Cyxtera considering sale • The RegisterApr 10 03:06
mateymost people who meet bill clinton dont last longApr 10 03:06
mateyi could have met hillary. instead i fucked off to tell me albino friend i just met buzz aldrinApr 10 03:07
mateyseriously, fuck hillaryApr 10 03:07
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ New daily bulletin is now being generated and assembled.Apr 10 03:07
mateys/me/my unless youre irish, then it doesnt matterApr 10 03:07
bnchsken thompson literally encouraged thin clients connected to the clownApr 10 03:07
DaemonFCI used to call my Congressman "Watermelon Dan" because he shot at a watermelon to "demonstrate" how Bill Clinton must have had Vince Foster killed.Apr 10 03:07
bnchshe's sold his soulApr 10 03:07
bnchsand gone soullessApr 10 03:07
DaemonFCEvery time I left a harassing voicemail for him I said "Hey, Watermelon Dan!".Apr 10 03:07
bnchsyou either die like dennis or live long to be kenApr 10 03:08
schestowitz-TRbnchs: he worked for AT&TApr 10 03:08
DaemonFCOr you're a watermelon near Dan.Apr 10 03:08
schestowitz-TRyou know what that company doesApr 10 03:08
DaemonFCThey don't do well.Apr 10 03:08
schestowitz-TRalso, UNIX was proprietaryApr 10 03:08
mateytheres a song called watermelon crawl you could rewrite about himApr 10 03:08
mateyits shit of course, but lots of parody fodder isApr 10 03:08
DaemonFC 10 03:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dan Burton - WikipediaApr 10 03:09
DaemonFC 10 03:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dan Burton - WikipediaApr 10 03:09
techrights-ipfs-botQmTqpuqPNWmk4ozx55txjHjFtafRqSThGtE15RSdN3pHQuApr 10 03:09
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ New daily bulletin has just been added to IPFS, hereon retrievable with the CID above.Apr 10 03:09
bnchsUNIX was proprietaryApr 10 03:09
mateyWAsApr 10 03:09
bnchsbut it did get copied into unix-like operating systemsApr 10 03:09
bnchslike GNU/LinuxApr 10 03:09
bnchsit's NOT unixApr 10 03:09
DaemonFC"On March 29, 1995, during congressional hearings on the US War on Drugs, Burton proclaimed that the US military "should place an aircraft carrier off the coast of Bolivia and crop dust the coca fields." It was later pointed out to him that (a) Bolivia is landlocked and has no coast (Burton was chairman of the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee)"Apr 10 03:09
bnchsbut it's like unixApr 10 03:09
matey but it did get copied into unix-like operating systems <- no they deliberately freed itApr 10 03:09
mateyi mean okay, i guess bsd isnt technically unixApr 10 03:10
DaemonFC"; (b) the Bolivian coca fields (in the yungas and Amazon lowlands) are beyond the reach of any carrier-borne crop-duster, being separated from the nearest coastline (the Pacific coast of Peru and Chile) by the 20,000+ feet high peaks of the Andes; and (c) F-18s cannot crop-dust. While criticism of this misstatement was muted in Washington, it sparked a major anti-American backlash in Bolivia, derailing the same War on Drugs that Burton Apr 10 03:10
DaemonFCpurported to be speaking for.[48][49]Apr 10 03:10
DaemonFC"Apr 10 03:10
matey1-800-its-unixApr 10 03:10
bnchsdidn't AT&T sue linux for copying UNIX code?Apr 10 03:10
bnchsor something elseApr 10 03:10
bnchsBSDApr 10 03:10
bnchsi don't knowApr 10 03:10
DaemonFC"On October 2, 1989, Representative Dan Burton took to the floor of the house to argue against the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). He stated "The ADA is a last ditch attempt of the remorseless sodomy lobby to achieve its national agenda before the impending decimation of AIDS destroys its political clout. Their Bill simply must be stopped. There will be no second chance for normal America if the ADA is passed."[65] "Apr 10 03:10
matey<bnchs> didn't AT&T sue linux for copying UNIX code? <- AND THEY LOST!Apr 10 03:11
techrights-newsSounds like another incident or example of Windows in core infrastructure (where it never belonged) 10 03:11
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | China accused of cyberattacks on Indian power grid • The RegisterApr 10 03:11
mateymostly.Apr 10 03:11
mateylike they 99% lost.Apr 10 03:11
mateyand the rest was a patch!Apr 10 03:11
bnchs"cyberattacks on Indian power grid"Apr 10 03:11
mateyi  mean ritchie or thompson actually went on sabbatical to GO HELP BSDApr 10 03:11
bnchsyou have windows running on power grids?Apr 10 03:11
mateyare you kidding, they have it running on oil rigsApr 10 03:12
DaemonFC"An Arizona newspaper study ranked Burton as the fifth-biggest user of free congressional mail, sending constituents more than $190,000 worth of mail in 2007.[60]"Apr 10 03:12
DaemonFCI got these all the time.Apr 10 03:12
bnchs,_Inc._v._Berkeley_Software_Design,_Inc.Apr 10 03:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. v. Berkeley Software Design, Inc. - WikipediaApr 10 03:12
techrights-newsThis is a LIE: "In the United States, there are almost 600,000 unfilled cybersecurity positions" 10 03:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Careers with a Cybersecurity Degree | University of Michigan-FlintApr 10 03:12
DaemonFCHe had a district office in Fort Wayne so I stopped by and dumped a bag of his own mailings through his mail slot onto his office floor.Apr 10 03:12
techrights-newsCalling everything "HEY HI"; even just some software that scans data for words... see 10 03:13
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | California suggests taking aim at AI-powered hiring software • The RegisterApr 10 03:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Soup of Buzzwords From Brussels (the European Commission) | TechrightsApr 10 03:13
DaemonFCBig time anti-vaxxer too.Apr 10 03:14
DaemonFCMaybe the Autism crisis is the vaccines to turn the children into godless sodomites.Apr 10 03:14
mateyHe had a district office in Fort Wayne so I stopped by and dumped a bag of his own mailings through his mail slot onto his office floor. <- you should have told the post office they were pornographic insteadApr 10 03:14
techrights-newsCU Boulder artist wins national award for art about climate change | CU Boulder Today | University of Colorado Boulder ⚓ ䷉ Source: coloradoApr 10 03:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CU Boulder artist wins national award for art about climate change | CU Boulder Today | University of Colorado BoulderApr 10 03:14
DaemonFC<matey> He had a district office in Fort Wayne so I stopped by and dumped a bag of his own mailings through his mail slot onto his office floor. <- you should have told the post office they were pornographic insteadApr 10 03:14
mateybut this is funny tooApr 10 03:14
DaemonFCI did that with the bankruptcy spam until they wouldn't give me any forms anymore.Apr 10 03:15
matey<DaemonFC> Maybe the Autism crisis is the vaccines to turn the children into godless sodomites. <- ...Apr 10 03:15
matey/me falls overApr 10 03:15
DaemonFCSo I photocopied the form and kept handing them to them over the counter until the bankruptcy spam stopped.Apr 10 03:15
schestowitz-TR[03:11] <bnchs> you have windows running on power grids?Apr 10 03:16
schestowitz-TRWhat ELSE?Apr 10 03:16
schestowitz-TR'don't worry, we got the firewalls. all of the firewalls"Apr 10 03:17
bnchsmicrosoft firewallApr 10 03:17
techrights-newsCOVID-19 weaponised to justify more surveillance, even when they remove the emergency status? 10 03:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | | Security MagazineApr 10 03:17
bnchsdon't worry about the 65k open ports that windows hasApr 10 03:17
DaemonFCmatey, People at the post office throw mailers out. So I had a very large bag of them.Apr 10 03:17
schestowitz-TRbnchs: wait  till 128 bit Apr 10 03:17
DaemonFCI filled a lawn bag full of them and then fed them into his office one by one.Apr 10 03:17
DaemonFCSo it was actually pretty funny.Apr 10 03:18
DaemonFCI drew a little Hitler mustache on one and stuck it to the door when I was finished.Apr 10 03:18
bnchsyesApr 10 03:18
DaemonFCThat area of Indiana is always poorly represented.Apr 10 03:19
DaemonFCThe Democrats don't even run a candidate there.Apr 10 03:19
DaemonFCThey had this guy, Tommy something, who is in jail a lot, who lives in a motel.Apr 10 03:19
DaemonFCHe filed to run as the Democrat and got like 30% of the vote for Congress there a few times./Apr 10 03:20
techrights-newsDoes Borat use Microsoft Windows? "To further rattle victims, Borat can run such tasks as playing audio, showing and hiding the desktop or taskbar, enabling or disabling the webcam light, turning off the monitor or showing a blank screen." 10 03:20
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Triple threat: Borat RAT pushes ransomware, DDoS, spyware • The RegisterApr 10 03:20
DaemonFCI voted for him.Apr 10 03:20
bnchsschestowitz-TR, 10 03:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | iis - Port 80 is being used by SYSTEM (PID 4), what is that? - Stack OverflowApr 10 03:20
bnchswindows starts listening on port 80 in root-levelApr 10 03:20
DaemonFCMy reasoning was simple, and I called the local talk radio to say it on the radio too.Apr 10 03:20
bnchstotally safeApr 10 03:20
techrights-newsYes, Microsoft Windows TCO strikes again 10 03:20
bnchsand not backdoorApr 10 03:20
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Deep Dive Analysis – Borat RAT — CybleApr 10 03:20
DaemonFCAnd they let me. "I voted for Tommy because even a drunken jailbird who lives in a motel would be better than Dan Burton.".Apr 10 03:21
DaemonFC"The guy is next level nuts.:Apr 10 03:21
DaemonFC"I'll bet even Tommy knows that Bolivia is a landlocked country."Apr 10 03:22
bnchsnginx and shit: has many ways to listen to port 80 rootlessApr 10 03:22
techrights-newsFundraising & Philanthropy Magazine = reputation laundering. Who funds this 'magazine'? stop calling them all "Philanthropists"; people are tired of this propaganda... as if the biggest hoarders are "most generous"...Apr 10 03:22
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 520 @ )Apr 10 03:22
bnchswindows: listen to port 80 and use SYSTEM for thatApr 10 03:22
matey <bnchs> nginx and shit: has many ways to listen to port 80 rootless <- ???Apr 10 03:22
bnchswhat i'm sayingApr 10 03:23
bnchsis nginx can listen to port 80 rootlessApr 10 03:23
mateymmhmmApr 10 03:23
techrights-news"Oi!! Tell the boss the clown are our data!" 10 03:23
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Atlassian outage lingers, some customers fear data loss • The RegisterApr 10 03:23
bnchswith master process running as rootApr 10 03:24
mateycoolApr 10 03:24
bnchsbecause you can't listen to port 80Apr 10 03:24
bnchsbut hereApr 10 03:24
bnchsyou can seeApr 10 03:24
bnchsthat windows' HTTP service (which was running without the user's knowledge)Apr 10 03:24
bnchswas listening on port 80 in SYSTEM userApr 10 03:24
mateyohhApr 10 03:24
techrights-newsRevisionism to distract from famous criminal Bill Gates? 10 03:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gary Kildall - CP/M, Digital Research and GEMApr 10 03:24
bnchsand many services depended on it like Windows Remote Management (backdoor crap)Apr 10 03:25
techrights-newsReview of webspam? The latter. Guess who owns CNET. 10 03:25
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Apple TV Plus Review: Quality Original TV and Movies at a Bargain Price - CNETApr 10 03:25
techrights-newsMicrosoft Windows: "I've been ignoring this issue for at least tweo years, because, until very recently, it was easy to do so: mute the little s#!t and that was it, usually until I rebooted" 10 03:26
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | "Name not available" in Sound Mixer 'bings' randomly - Virus, Trojan, Spyware, and Malware Removal HelpApr 10 03:26
bnchslolApr 10 03:27
matey/me wonders if windows is just an inside joke at microsoftApr 10 03:27
mateya very long running oneApr 10 03:28
mateynot including reboots of courseApr 10 03:28
*MinceR wonders how long can such a thing stay just a joke and not be taken seriously by insidersApr 10 03:28
bnchsissues in windows can't be fixedApr 10 03:28
bnchspeople literally just work around itApr 10 03:28
techrights-newsFor weeks now I've noticed that USA TODAY treats a deadly war like it's merely a disturbance to business 10 03:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ukraine is a hotbed of tech talent. disrupted by Russia warApr 10 03:28
activelowit is a microsoft-rebranded OpenVMS cloneApr 10 03:28
bnchsyou can't even harden windows' kernelApr 10 03:29
bnchsit is by default, insecure garbageApr 10 03:29
*techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 10 03:29
bnchsi can see why supercomputers use other operating systems like GNU/LinuxApr 10 03:30
activelowand there is a common root of both *nix and openvms: Digital Equipment Corporation, DEC, with DEC OpenVMS, DEC VT100/*nixApr 10 03:30
*techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@pumv3cb2rfinu.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 03:30
techrights-newsIn another universe, EFF would urge people to abandon social control media and the disinformation it contains, including scams from 'pedo guy' Elon Musk 10 03:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | To Make Social Media Work Better, Make It Fail Better | Electronic Frontier FoundationApr 10 03:30
bnchs"In another universe, EFF would urge people to abandon social control media and the disinformation it contains, including scams from 'pedo guy' Elon Musk"Apr 10 03:31
matey<bnchs> people literally just work around it <- calvinballOSApr 10 03:31
bnchsremember that time EFF was playing animal crossing for no fucking reasonApr 10 03:31
techrights-news"Fundamentals of Hacking & IT Psychology and Unix/Linus." Did they ask Linus for permission? 10 03:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Washington State to offer in-demand IT certificates in the fall | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta TimesApr 10 03:31
mateyand there is a common root of both *nix and openvms: Digital Equipment Corporation <- um... ?Apr 10 03:31
bnchseven though nintendo was known for.. many thingsApr 10 03:31
mateyoh yesApr 10 03:31
mateybecause pdpApr 10 03:31
schestowitz-TRthe F in EFF is for two f*cksApr 10 03:32
mateynintendo dates back to the 1800sApr 10 03:32
schestowitz-TRwhich is how much of a f* they give about Barlow and GilmoreApr 10 03:32
matey <schestowitz-TR> the F in EFF is for two f*cks <- im actually going to laugh at this oneApr 10 03:32
matey <schestowitz-TR> which is how much of a f* they give about Barlow and Gilmore <- yes!Apr 10 03:33
schestowitz-TREFF should just merge with SFCApr 10 03:33
bnchs 10 03:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Support Online Creativity | Electronic Frontier FoundationApr 10 03:33
schestowitz-TRas they both do politicsApr 10 03:33
mateyagain, yesApr 10 03:33
schestowitz-TRthey should merge and call it... wait, KuhnCohnApr 10 03:33
schestowitz-TRthat would be catchyApr 10 03:33
mateybullshit politicsApr 10 03:33
bnchsgo get virtual merch in some virtual nintendo gameApr 10 03:33
mateyelectronic fucks foundationApr 10 03:33
schestowitz-TRlike mozilla shilling dogecoinApr 10 03:33
schestowitz-TRor some other dogshitApr 10 03:34
schestowitz-TReven mozilla's founder was infuriated by thisApr 10 03:34
schestowitz-TRso they walked backApr 10 03:34
mateyeven mozilla's founder <- who?Apr 10 03:34
matey/me has never heard of mozillas founderApr 10 03:34
schestowitz 10 03:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mozilla: Dabble in @dogecoin? HODLing some #Bitcoin & #Ethereum? We’re using @BitPay to accept donations in #cryptocurrency… 10 03:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mozilla: Dabble in @dogecoin? HODLing some #Bitcoin & #Ethereum? We’re using @BitPay to accept donations in #cryptocurrency… 10 03:35
*bnchs has quit (connection closed)Apr 10 03:35
schestowitz 10 03:35
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Firefox Gets Savaged by Dogecoin Creator for Canceling Cryptocurrency DonationsApr 10 03:35
schestowitz 10 03:35
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dogecoin creator slams Mozilla for pausing crypto donationsApr 10 03:35
schestowitz 10 03:35
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Mozilla Now Accepting Donations In Dogecoin, Users Threaten To Quit Using Firefox In Response - BenzingaApr 10 03:35
schestowitz 10 03:35
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Mozilla Firefox Gets Savaged by Dogecoin Creator for Canceling Cryptocurrency Donations - BeInCryptoApr 10 03:35
schestowitz 10 03:35
matey <- what pissed them off so much?Apr 10 03:36
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Mozilla Now Accepting Donations In Dogecoin, Users Threaten To Quit Using Firefox In Response - BenzingaApr 10 03:36
matey/me assumes good reason, but doesnt know what it isApr 10 03:36
mateywhats wrong with accepting dogecoinApr 10 03:36
schestowitz-TRdo you know what it is?Apr 10 03:37
schestowitz-TRme neitherApr 10 03:37
mateyi mean i know what dogecoin isApr 10 03:37
schestowitz-TRthat answers the question, methinksApr 10 03:37
schestowitz-TRyou can convert your USD to roycoinsApr 10 03:37
mateybut no details that would allow me to figure out why its such a big dealApr 10 03:37
schestowitz-TRI can give you a good exchange rateApr 10 03:37
mateybut again, whats the problem with accepting roycoinsApr 10 03:37
mateydid they stop accepting other currenciesApr 10 03:37
schestowitz-TRwhat are they backed by?Apr 10 03:37
mateyno i knowApr 10 03:38
mateybut again...Apr 10 03:38
schestowitz-TRthey legitimise a scamApr 10 03:38
mateyokayApr 10 03:38
schestowitz-TRand then later some users will thinkApr 10 03:38
schestowitz-TR"oh, even mozilla accepts it"Apr 10 03:38
mateyhmmApr 10 03:38
schestowitz-TRso they join the MLM/pyramid schemeApr 10 03:38
schestowitz-TRthen the money gets "lost"Apr 10 03:38
schestowitz-TR"stolen"Apr 10 03:38
schestowitz-TR"where's my coin???"Apr 10 03:38
schestowitz-TRand then sayApr 10 03:38
mateyseems like a curious thing for people to be up in arms about Apr 10 03:38
schestowitz-TR"mozilla, WTF??"Apr 10 03:38
mateybut not completely i guessApr 10 03:38
matey/me only uses madoffcoinApr 10 03:39
mateyseems legitApr 10 03:39
schestowitz-TRthe coincranks used this mozilla announcment/tweetApr 10 03:39
schestowitz-TRto prop up the scam, shoring up perceived valueApr 10 03:39
schestowitz-TRand this is what keeps it goingApr 10 03:39
schestowitz-TRmore people enteringApr 10 03:39
schestowitz-TRlike MLMApr 10 03:39
schestowitz-TRit will growApr 10 03:39
mateyi didnt know dogecoin was so hatedApr 10 03:39
schestowitz-TRas long as more people joinApr 10 03:39
schestowitz-TRat the end it implodesApr 10 03:39
mateyi thought it was just another silly cryptocurrencyApr 10 03:39
schestowitz-TRas nobody else still falls for the FOMO effectApr 10 03:40
schestowitz-TRonly the ones who started the scheme cash inApr 10 03:40
schestowitz-TRthose who suffer the most are the last FOMOsApr 10 03:40
mateythe thing is, i think all money is a scamApr 10 03:40
schestowitz-TRyesApr 10 03:40
schestowitz-TRbut some is riskierApr 10 03:40
mateybut theres scams, and then theres scams-on-scams-on-scamsApr 10 03:40
schestowitz-TRlike dogeshitcoinApr 10 03:40
mateyright Apr 10 03:40
mateyundisputedApr 10 03:41
schestowitz-TRthey use mozillaApr 10 03:41
mateymozilla is also a scamApr 10 03:41
schestowitz-TRto get people to add another layer to this pyramidApr 10 03:41
mateywhich is written in rust, which is a scamApr 10 03:41
schestowitz-TRand line the pockets of the founder/sApr 10 03:41
schestowitz-TRlike mt goxApr 10 03:41
mateyand mozilla and apache were the flagships of open sourceApr 10 03:41
mateywhich is also a scamApr 10 03:41
mateyso mozilla is a scam written in a scam as part of a scam, peddling a scamApr 10 03:42
schestowitz-TRbut mozilla's founder had another takeApr 10 03:42
schestowitz-TRhe focused on environmental impactApr 10 03:42
schestowitz-TRso I assume dogeshitcoin also involves "mining"Apr 10 03:42
schestowitz-TRburning energy just for the sake of itApr 10 03:42
mateyits like the guy in tropic thunderApr 10 03:42
schestowitz-TRhuman stupidityApr 10 03:42
schestowitz-TRmatey: I watched thatApr 10 03:42
schestowitz-TRwith my sisterApr 10 03:42
schestowitz-TRleft the cinemsApr 10 03:42
schestowitz-TRwent to another film insteadApr 10 03:43
schestowitz-TRbecause the movie stuckedApr 10 03:43
schestowitz-TR*suckedApr 10 03:43
schestowitz-TRI was with my sister and they let us swap moviedApr 10 03:43
schestowitz-TRwatched Mama Mia insteadApr 10 03:43
mateyi dont think you did any betterApr 10 03:43
mateybut im a pretty hardcore steve coogan fanApr 10 03:43
mateythen again he blew up pretty early in the filmApr 10 03:43
schestowitz-TRthe opening scene was crap enoughApr 10 03:44
mateyoops, spoilerApr 10 03:44
schestowitz-TRwith the 'satire' of open sleenApr 10 03:44
schestowitz-TRmy sister was about 15 at the timeApr 10 03:44
schestowitz-TR*spleenApr 10 03:44
mateyspoiler alerts are one of the worst applications of footnotesApr 10 03:44
mateyand then snape died[1]Apr 10 03:44
matey1. spoiler alertApr 10 03:44
techrights-news"In the Cyber Security certificate, students will learn Operating Systems and Computing Fundamentals, Fundamentals of Hacking & IT Psychology and Unix/Linus." LinusOS??? 10 03:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Washington State Community College adding two new IT certificate programs in autumn | News, Sports, Jobs - News and SentinelApr 10 03:45
mateytbh tropic thunder isnt a great movieApr 10 03:46
mateyits funny, but if you havent seen itApr 10 03:46
mateythen fuck it, you havent seen itApr 10 03:46
techrights-news"RISC workstations from companies such as Sun, Silicon Graphics, HP, and Acorn battled Intel in the 90s and lost. Will the same happen with Arm and RISC-V?" 10 03:46
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why Did Intel x86 Beat RISC Processors in the 1990s? | by Erik Engheim | Apr, 2022 | OneZeroApr 10 03:46
mateymy sister was about 15 at the time <- oh then maybe you did her a favourApr 10 03:47
techrights-newsSo you know HP is going down the loo.... 10 03:47
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Berkshire Hathaway buys 11.4% stake in HP • The RegisterApr 10 03:47
mateylike a 15 year old girl can see that sureApr 10 03:48
mateybut she could also wait a couple more years to be jadedApr 10 03:48
techrights-newsThe old tactics of conflating Pfizer sceptics with far right 10 03:49
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trouble Is Brewing in Germany - LawfareApr 10 03:49
techrights-news"Take this experimental jab and we'll stop calling you nazi..."Apr 10 03:49
*matey has quit (connection closed)Apr 10 03:50
MinceR 10 03:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 03:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Tom Lehrer - Wernher von Braun - with intro - InvidiousApr 10 03:50
schestowitz-TRNAZA missionsApr 10 03:50
schestowitz-TRwith "ZZ"-looking "SS"Apr 10 03:51
schestowitz-TRMiZZionsApr 10 03:51
schestowitz-TRtwo thundersApr 10 03:51
techrights-news"Membership of the committee is only open to Toshiba's independent directors – an important decision because investors have already rejected two plans cooked up by the company's management, and expressed displeasure at many management decisions." 10 03:52
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Toshiba puts going private on the table • The RegisterApr 10 03:52
*matey (~matey@i8gtth78frzk8.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 03:54
schestowitz-TRmatey: the movie sucked regardlessApr 10 03:55
schestowitz-TRwas not funny to meApr 10 03:55
schestowitz-TRand not to her, eitherApr 10 03:55
schestowitz-TRit was so long ago that I cannot recall the considerations in leavingApr 10 03:55
schestowitz-TRbut I was hesitant at first anywayApr 10 03:55
schestowitz-TRit didn't seem like a good choice Apr 10 03:55
techrights-newsTruly obscene economy 10 03:56
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel's Gelsinger made $178m in first 9 months as CEO • The RegisterApr 10 03:56
techrights-newsPostgreSQL vs. MySQL: Which Is Best? • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 03:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PostgreSQL vs. MySQL: Which Is Best? | Tux MachinesApr 10 03:57
matey 10 03:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | "TECHNOVA" TOWA TEI WITH BEBEL GILBERTO - InvidiousApr 10 03:57
matey<schestowitz-TR> was not funny to me <- i think the funny was spaced too far apartApr 10 03:57
techrights-newsGoogle to sell replacement Pixel phone parts via iFixit - El Reg ⚓ ䷉ Source: theregisterApr 10 03:57
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 03:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google to sell replacement Pixel phone parts via iFixit • The RegisterApr 10 03:57
mateylike they couldnt decide what to do, be serious or whatApr 10 03:58
schestowitz-TRwhy beebel gilberto all of a sudden?Apr 10 03:58
mateyalan partridge is funnier, but the same appliesApr 10 03:58
schestowitz-TRher dad was a good musiciansApr 10 03:58
schestowitz-TRshe's just riding his nameApr 10 03:58
mateywhy beebel gilberto all of a sudden? <- i felt like itApr 10 03:58
schestowitz-TRmusicianApr 10 03:58
schestowitz-TRhe died year agoApr 10 03:58
mateyshe's just riding his nam <- oh thats not niceApr 10 03:58
schestowitz-TRI knowApr 10 03:58
schestowitz-TRbut it's trueApr 10 03:58
mateyi mean granted theyre not the same level of talentApr 10 03:58
schestowitz-TRher original;s are not too goodApr 10 03:58
mateybut shes a wonderful singerApr 10 03:59
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▅▃▁▃▇▄▅▃▇▁▂▄▅▆▇▃▃▂▇▅▂▇▅▄▁▃▄▂▄▅█▆▁ avg(k/sec) 22.36 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▃▂██▁▁▂▁█▂█▁█▁▂██▁▃▁▂█▂▁▂▂█▁▂█▁▁▂▇▂▁ avg(k/sec) 119.60▕ swarm size (avg): 483.80  ⟲Apr 10 03:59
schestowitz-TRit's like nancy sinatraApr 10 03:59
mateywhen shes not drunkApr 10 03:59
schestowitz-TRthe brasilian  versionApr 10 03:59
mateyfunny thing about that isApr 10 03:59
mateyfrank sinatra brought bossa nova to the usaApr 10 03:59
mateyserioslyApr 10 03:59
schestowitz-TRyesApr 10 03:59
schestowitz-TRbut lateApr 10 03:59
mateymmhmmApr 10 03:59
schestowitz-TRin his careerApr 10 03:59
mateybut a credit to his... somethingApr 10 03:59
schestowitz-TRwhen he had a coarse, hoarse voiceApr 10 03:59
mateymmhmmApr 10 03:59
mateyhe was a dickApr 10 04:00
mateywith a good ear for musicApr 10 04:00
mateyand bebel is a wonderful singerApr 10 04:00
mateywhen shes not drunk (which probably never stopped frank sinatra)Apr 10 04:00
schestowitz-TRi have some tracks of hersApr 10 04:00
schestowitz-TRthe voice is goodApr 10 04:00
schestowitz-TRbut the good tracks are not her originalsApr 10 04:00
mateynahApr 10 04:00
schestowitz-TRshe tried to be "modern"Apr 10 04:00
mateyshes a performerApr 10 04:00
schestowitz-TRwhich means crapApr 10 04:00
mateynot a writerApr 10 04:00
mateybut thats okApr 10 04:00
mateyi also like towa teiApr 10 04:01
schestowitzreal music 10 04:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 04:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | João Gilberto - Triste - InvidiousApr 10 04:01
mateyoh, alrightApr 10 04:01
schestowitz-TRmusic you can sleep toApr 10 04:02
mateyoh sure, no questionApr 10 04:02
schestowitz-TRnot drums and stuffApr 10 04:02
schestowitz-TRthey stopped making such musicApr 10 04:02
schestowitz-TRlike "dumb" carsApr 10 04:02
schestowitz-TRnot they slap tablets on slabsApr 10 04:03
schestowitz-TRand call it "car"Apr 10 04:03
schestowitz-TRand they sell you streaming subscriptionApr 10 04:03
schestowitz-TRwith drmApr 10 04:03
matey 10 04:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Air - All I Need - New Video! - InvidiousApr 10 04:03
schestowitz-TRand years later you lose access to 'your' collectionApr 10 04:03
schestowitzI was thinking hours agoApr 10 04:04
schestowitznot aloud, just hypotheticalApr 10 04:04
schestowitzhow would they herd people off storage of music?Apr 10 04:04
schestowitzand into monthly feesApr 10 04:04
mateythey already haveApr 10 04:04
schestowitz1 billion people x $10 a monthApr 10 04:04
schestowitz120 billion a yearApr 10 04:04
schestowitzjust to use the connection they ALREADY pay forApr 10 04:04
mateybut they already haveApr 10 04:04
mateymsot people use spotify or somethingApr 10 04:05
mateyi mean if you go into any businessApr 10 04:05
mateytheyre paying for streamingApr 10 04:05
schestowitzspotify is barly profitabeApr 10 04:05
mateysure but the model worksApr 10 04:05
schestowitzand gulag might still be losing on gulagtubeApr 10 04:05
mateyi dont like itApr 10 04:05
mateybut theyre doing itApr 10 04:05
mateyheyve shown what people are willing to doApr 10 04:06
mateypay monthly for something they could do a better job of themselves, for convenienceApr 10 04:06
schestowitzdrm hardly profitableApr 10 04:06
schestowitzgulag is trying to 'cash in' nowApr 10 04:06
schestowitzpromoting brands and filmsApr 10 04:06
schestowitzto rtianne alsoApr 10 04:06
schestowitzwe spoke about it hours agoApr 10 04:06
schestowitzI asked herApr 10 04:06
schestowitzwhere did you find itApr 10 04:06
schestowitzshe said, "suggestions" in sidebarApr 10 04:06
mateyhrhApr 10 04:06
mateyhehApr 10 04:07
matey 10 04:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PROCOL HARUM - A Whiter Shade Of Pale - promo film #2 (Official Video) - InvidiousApr 10 04:09
schestowitz-TRthat air song is typial modernismApr 10 04:10
schestowitz-TRnot even real drugsApr 10 04:10
schestowitz-TRtracks and rhythemsApr 10 04:10
schestowitz-TRsome guitar riffsApr 10 04:10
schestowitz-TRnot really well invested inApr 10 04:10
mateyairs okayApr 10 04:10
schestowitz-TR*rhyhms Apr 10 04:10
mateya musician can use anything to make musicApr 10 04:10
schestowitz-TRnot even real drumsApr 10 04:10
mateythe main thing i despise about modnern music is the lack of dynamic rangeApr 10 04:11
mateyace of base didnt use real drums eitherApr 10 04:11
schestowitz-TRthey just set the tempoApr 10 04:11
schestowitz-TRand it stays alwaysApr 10 04:11
mateyneither did joe jackson (the white non-abusive one) sometimesApr 10 04:11
techrights-news#Techrights Bulletin for Saturday, April 09, 2022 full archive: #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintextApr 10 04:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bulletin ArchivesApr 10 04:12
techrights-news#Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now available as plain text @ #dweb #sharingApr 10 04:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights Full IPFS IndexApr 10 04:12
mateyive used real drums, not very good thoughApr 10 04:13
mateyits fun, everybody should try drummingApr 10 04:13
schestowitzslight tempo variation and pauses 10 04:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 04:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Ed Sheeran - Shape of You (Official Music Video) - InvidiousApr 10 04:13
schestowitzwhoaApr 10 04:14
schestowitz5.6 BILLION viewsApr 10 04:14
mateyoh yeahApr 10 04:14
schestowitzthis is what gulagtubve is becomimgApr 10 04:14
schestowitzpromoting mainstream stuffApr 10 04:14
mateywhen i first heard ed sheeran i REALLY hated himApr 10 04:14
schestowitzin front page, side barsApr 10 04:14
schestowitzand then the longtimes get nothingApr 10 04:14
mateyi like him alright nowApr 10 04:14
schestowitzemere scrapsApr 10 04:14
mateyeven if hes overplayedApr 10 04:14
mateypeople hated phil collins because he wouldnt stop recording things and then getting played on the radioApr 10 04:15
mateydo that enough and people will hate you for itApr 10 04:15
mateyi get it, it can be annoyingApr 10 04:15
mateybut im pretty sure its why i hated ed sheeranApr 10 04:16
matey"not this shit again"Apr 10 04:16
mateyi didnt like his early stuffApr 10 04:16
mateythis is what gulagtubve is becomimg <- honestly i think it was worse in the kasem g yearsApr 10 04:17
techrights-news"El Salvador’s state of emergency declaration highlights an alarming trend throughout the region." 10 04:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Other Americans: Authoritarianism Deepens Across Central America - Progressive.orgApr 10 04:17
mateyim not saying theyre better... but they were worse thenApr 10 04:17
mateylike theres two ways to measure this:Apr 10 04:18
matey1. go by how much their algorithms suck and play favouritesApr 10 04:18
mateyin that sense theyre surely worse nowApr 10 04:18
techrights-newsThe Internet is fracturing very badly this year 10 04:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Russia's Sovereign Internet Takes Root | CEPAApr 10 04:18
matey2. go by the sheer variety of input going into itApr 10 04:18
mateyin that sense, they were worse at the timeApr 10 04:18
mateyif the input is fucking diverse enough, it will make youtube seem better even if the algorithms get worseApr 10 04:19
mateyso theyre definitely worse nowApr 10 04:19
techrights-news"Stellarium is an excellent free, open-source night sky exploration and mapping software application" 10 04:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Stellarium review | Digital Camera WorldApr 10 04:19
mateybut there are so many fucking people making videos it seems worse back thenApr 10 04:19
mateyand NEVER EVER EVER go to the front pageApr 10 04:19
mateythe front page of youtube has been a fucking disease for agesApr 10 04:19
schestowitz-TRless views, less investmnentApr 10 04:19
schestowitz-TRgulagtube reduced the incentive to make decent "content"Apr 10 04:20
mateyid cancel my internet service if i went to youtubes front page on a regular basisApr 10 04:20
schestowitz-TRit's lots of clickbaitApr 10 04:20
schestowitz-TRand bingeing Apr 10 04:20
schestowitz-TRit's curated for "engagement"Apr 10 04:20
schestowitz-TRand adsApr 10 04:20
mateygulagtube reduced the incentive to make decent "content" <- corporations will always do that, whether old networks or new "startups" that arent new anymoreApr 10 04:20
schestowitz-TRvideos with gulag ads in themApr 10 04:20
schestowitz-TRto maximise revenueApr 10 04:20
mateyhavent seen a youtube ad in agesApr 10 04:20
mateylike years.Apr 10 04:21
schestowitz-TRlibreworld blocks themApr 10 04:21
schestowitz-TRbut there are third party sites tooApr 10 04:21
schestowitz-TR*librewolfApr 10 04:21
mateyif i cant download it, i wont watch itApr 10 04:21
mateyi stream nothingApr 10 04:21
mateybut i do watch things while they download. thats kind of like streamingApr 10 04:21
mateyand i dont save everythingApr 10 04:22
techrights-newsGraft by "pedo guy" Musk 10 04:22
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 04:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SpaceX launches first totally private mission to the ISS • The RegisterApr 10 04:22
mateyso thats like streaming tooApr 10 04:22
mateybut its not, its downloadingApr 10 04:22
mateyof course streaming is a dumb word for downloadingApr 10 04:22
mateyor a good word for downloading in a stupid wayApr 10 04:22
mateywhen i think of "streaming" i invariably think of pissApr 10 04:22
mateythats just what i associate the word withApr 10 04:23
matey"stream" i think of waterApr 10 04:23
matey"streaming" i think of pissApr 10 04:23
mateyits really not a great term Apr 10 04:24
mateycory doctorow has some fetish for the word "slurping"Apr 10 04:24
mateyim not fond of itApr 10 04:24
mateyive read a bunch of his books and watched him on a documentaryApr 10 04:24
techrights-newsCan SiFive thrive? Chip designer needs a strong RISC-V ecosystem to succeed 10 04:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SiFive can thrive with a strong RISC-V ecosystem - Tech MonitorApr 10 04:25
mateyhes clever enough. triple citizen, canada uk and presumably usaApr 10 04:25
mateythank fuck he didnt sign the anti stallman letter like randall fucking monroeApr 10 04:26
techrights-newsContinuing the dark work of a mobster/monster. The fake left promotes a Trump and "bibi" booster who made a living by robbing people through gambling addictions and then buying media to defame judges who had held him accountable. 10 04:26
mateyspeaking of riding fameApr 10 04:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Sheldon who? How Miriam Adelson took over her late husband’s empire - Israel News - Haaretz.comApr 10 04:26
mateymonrow totally got more famous drawing stallman and doctorowApr 10 04:27
matey*monroeApr 10 04:27
mateyactually munroeApr 10 04:27
mateynot to be confused with the actressApr 10 04:27
techrights-newsGreenwashing a very wasteful and polluting industry 10 04:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Seven innovators shaping the world of net zero fashion | Innovators magazineApr 10 04:29
mateythis is why i love the internet 10 04:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Whiter Shade of Pale Procol Harum sung to the MUPPET SHOW THEME - InvidiousApr 10 04:29
mateyto be fair theres a bit moreApr 10 04:30
mateyok david mitchell is a geniusApr 10 04:31
techrights-newsStanford celebrating DRM empire? 10 04:32
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 04:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Scientist, engineer and educator France A. Córdova and Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings will be speakers at Stanford Commencement ceremonies in JuneApr 10 04:32
mateyand if he never plays elena kagen ill be let downApr 10 04:32
techrights-newsSeems like an oxymoron: "incorporate cutting-edge technology to preserve Holocaust survivor testimonies" (technology and preservation are almost opposites) 10 04:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | City Life Org - S. Mark Taper Foundation Awards $1.5 Million to Holocaust Museum LA Expansion ProjectApr 10 04:33
techrights-newsMicrosoft is just criminals who pretend to be a company 10 04:34
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 04:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Browser rivals react to Microsoft's new defaults • The RegisterApr 10 04:34
techrights-newsIntroduction to the Unix Shell 10 04:38
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 04:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Register for Free, Virtual Data Training Sessions in April | University of ArkansasApr 10 04:38
techrights-news"The announcement of actor Bruce Willis’ aphasia diagnosis is raising awareness of a common condition that few people recognize. More than two million Americans are living with aphasia." Veterans Health Foundation.Apr 10 04:40
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 04:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pitt Assistant Professor Receives $3 Million Grant to Improve Aphasia Treatment - UPMC & Pitt Health Sciences News BlogApr 10 04:40
techrights-newsProprietary = unsafe 10 04:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pegasus used against activists and journalists in Jordan. Lazarus Group distributes Trojanized DeFi wallet. Deep Panda exploits Log4Shell.Apr 10 04:42
matey Apr 10 04:42
matey 10 04:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | George Harrison - What is life (lyrics) - InvidiousApr 10 04:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bing Bing Boo | Full Audio | Yashraj Mukhate | Rashmeet Kaur | Kisna | Sasta Trance - InvidiousApr 10 04:42
*matey has quit (connection closed)Apr 10 04:42
*matey (~matey@i8gtth78frzk8.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 04:42
techrights-newsOpen Robotics Turns 10 Years Old ⚓ ䷉ Source: i-programmerApr 10 04:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Robotics Turns 10 Years OldApr 10 04:43
techrights-news“We currently are the maintainers of OrangeFS, an open-source parallel file system that has been incorporated into the Linux kernel by the Linux kernel team, so we understand the value of open-source software and are excited to partner with the iRODS Consortium,” said Wilson. 10 04:44
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 04:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Omnibond Joins iRODS ConsortiumApr 10 04:44
mateytheres a dichotomy between art and entertainmentApr 10 04:44
mateya lot of classical music was the pop music of its eraApr 10 04:44
MinceRentartainmentApr 10 04:44
schestowitz-TRthose are not separate, for sureApr 10 04:44
schestowitz-TRentertainment is a broad conceptApr 10 04:44
mateyabsolutelyApr 10 04:45
mateyand therse a lot of crap, tooApr 10 04:45
schestowitz-TRa person fallen can be entertainmentApr 10 04:45
schestowitz-TRbut it's not an art formApr 10 04:45
MinceRedutainmentApr 10 04:45
matey/me tries to think if it was bach or mozart that did a song about licking his arseApr 10 04:45
MinceRinfotainmentApr 10 04:45
schestowitz-TRand not all art is entertianmentApr 10 04:45
MinceRthat would be mozartApr 10 04:45
mateyhehApr 10 04:45
schestowitz-TRsculptures of stalin aren't meant to entertain, except Joe's egoApr 10 04:46
MinceRbut is it art?Apr 10 04:46
mateystalin was russias answer to hitlerApr 10 04:46
matey<MinceR> but is it art? <- its arse gratis ars :)Apr 10 04:46
schestowitz-TRmatey: mozart was the pevertApr 10 04:46
mateysureApr 10 04:47
schestowitz-TR*pervertApr 10 04:47
MinceR"Are We Cool Yet?"Apr 10 04:47
schestowitz 10 04:47
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 04:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 10 Famous Historical Figures Who Were PervertsApr 10 04:47
matey"I'm not racist. I love all races, particularly white people. You know, I even like Roman Catholics."-- dame ednaApr 10 04:48
mateythe overlap of comedy and music goes way backApr 10 04:48
MinceR"Please don't think that I'm a bigot. I kill races equally." -- The Postal Dude, Jr.Apr 10 04:48
mateybefore yankovic there was flanders and swann, stan freburg, even victor borgeApr 10 04:48
mateycountless othersApr 10 04:49
activelowStallman is a german nameApr 10 04:49
MinceR"I'm not racist. These people really do all look alike!" -- The Postal Dude, Jr.Apr 10 04:49
activelowStall, is the barn, Stallman, is a farmer working in a barnApr 10 04:49
matey 10 04:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Flight Facilities - Sunshine feat. Reggie Watts (Official) - InvidiousApr 10 04:49
matey<activelow> Stall, is the barn, Stallman, is a farmer working in a barn <- xrevan86 ?Apr 10 04:49
activelowjust saying, that Stallman is DeutschApr 10 04:50
mateydoesnt seem unlikelyApr 10 04:50
mateywe were talking about the importance of non-pc comedy earlierApr 10 04:51
mateyim sure the same applies to musicApr 10 04:51
mateynot all music has to be serious or appeal to the highest sensibilitiesApr 10 04:51
mateyim robert lesbian seagull. youre listening to gpr, gates public radio.Apr 10 04:52
schestowitz-TRpbsApr 10 04:52
schestowitz-TRalso sponsoredApr 10 04:52
schestowitz-TRbbsApr 10 04:52
schestowitz-TRBill's BSApr 10 04:52
schestowitz-TRbillBCApr 10 04:53
schestowitz-TRand bill's guardianApr 10 04:53
schestowitz-TRthose are some of the prominent onesApr 10 04:53
schestowitztons more: Apr 10 04:53
schestowitz 10 04:53
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 04:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Journalism’s Gates keepers - Columbia Journalism ReviewApr 10 04:53
MinceR10 055225 < matey> im robert lesbian seagull. youre listening to gpr, gates public radio.Apr 10 04:53
MinceRany relation to stephen seagull?Apr 10 04:53
matey 10 04:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Engelbert Humperdinck (composer) - WikipediaApr 10 04:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Engelbert Humperdinck (singer) - WikipediaApr 10 04:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Princess Bride - WikipediaApr 10 04:54
MinceR:)Apr 10 04:54
schestowitz-TRseagull is lesbian?Apr 10 04:54
schestowitz-TRhe would have to change gender firstApr 10 04:54
MinceRpresumably depends on the seagull in questionApr 10 04:54
schestowitz-TRand then choose womenApr 10 04:54
schestowitz-TRi.e. same as beforeApr 10 04:54
schestowitz-TRample room for satiresApr 10 04:55
techrights-newsTons of webspam about Azure (Microsoft layoffs) because something... "ARM". When do we reach peak webspam(r)?Apr 10 04:56
mateyi figure gender will matter in the futureApr 10 04:56
mateyi mean there are no pure races, and politically / psychologically at least there are no pure genders (for now)Apr 10 04:56
mateybut i wonder what the future looks like in this regardApr 10 04:57
mateyit would be interesting if that really ceased to matter altogetherApr 10 04:57
techrights-newsProbably phishing Windows users 10 04:57
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 04:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FIN7 crime-gang pen tester headed to prison for five years • The RegisterApr 10 04:57
mateythat does sound a bit utopian, and my philosophy isnt utopianApr 10 04:57
mateythe future has loads of arseholes, like the present doesApr 10 04:57
schestowitz-TR"Races" still existApr 10 04:57
mateysureApr 10 04:58
schestowitz-TRthe concept was never truly meaningfulApr 10 04:58
mateybut how much reallyApr 10 04:58
schestowitz-TRexcept in visual term , to predict kinshipApr 10 04:58
schestowitz-TRfor perceoved loyaltyApr 10 04:58
mateysureApr 10 04:58
schestowitz-TRpeople think chinese is a raceApr 10 04:58
mateyhehApr 10 04:58
schestowitz-TRbut chinese people, like indian, are racist within themselvesApr 10 04:58
schestowitz-TRso many races thereApr 10 04:58
mateyevery race is internally racistApr 10 04:58
schestowitz-TRand fake races like "Muslim" and "jewish"Apr 10 04:59
mateywhite, asian, blackApr 10 04:59
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▁▄▂▅▆▅▁▁▄▃▄▅▁▂█▅▆▆▃▅▁▁▅▂▅▇▂▆▃▆▅▄▁ avg(k/sec) 39.81 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▇▁▁▄▅▂▂██▂▂▂▂█▅▂▂▁▁▁█▁▁▄▂▁▂▄▁▂▂▂▁ avg(k/sec) 60.70▕ swarm size (avg): 262.35  ⟲Apr 10 04:59
schestowitz-TRlike southeast asian and arab are the sameApr 10 04:59
schestowitz-TRor ethiopian ands russiasApr 10 04:59
mateydo muslims consider themselves a race?Apr 10 04:59
schestowitz-TR*russiansApr 10 04:59
schestowitz-TRbut genders are not like thatApr 10 04:59
schestowitz-TRit's reprodutive systemApr 10 04:59
mateyi dont think jews ever considered themselves a race-- theyre a peopleApr 10 04:59
schestowitz-TRyou don't do away with itApr 10 04:59
mateyhitler thought they were a raceApr 10 04:59
schestowitz-TRthe moment you do there's no reproductionApr 10 04:59
mateya people and a race are different thingsApr 10 05:00
schestowitz-TRclass is artificialApr 10 05:00
schestowitz-TRand superficialApr 10 05:00
schestowitz-TRrace is not Apr 10 05:00
schestowitz-TRbut it's misinterpretedApr 10 05:01
mateyclass is imposedApr 10 05:01
schestowitz-TRgender is biologyApr 10 05:01
mateyculturally, gender goes beyond biologyApr 10 05:01
mateynon-binary people didnt invent a third gender, culturally thats existed for centuriesApr 10 05:02
kingoffrance^Apr 10 05:02
mateyindians and hijra, native americans and even a fifth genderApr 10 05:02
techrights-newsInnovative therapy that “tricks” and destroys cancer cells advances to clinical trial ⚓ ䷉ Source: eurekalertApr 10 05:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Innovative therapy that “tricks” and destroys | EurekAlert!Apr 10 05:02
mateyim sure there are other examples, these are the familiar ones to meApr 10 05:02
kingoffrancejesus has long hair lolApr 10 05:03
mateylol fair playApr 10 05:03
kingoffrancelets not go there lolApr 10 05:03
mateyso do most sikh menApr 10 05:03
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@xjmz9dqbmhs6w.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 05:03
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsApr 10 05:03
mateyive had long hair beforeApr 10 05:03
schestowitz-TRpink ujsed to eb a 'men' colourApr 10 05:03
schestowitz-TRmen can have long hairApr 10 05:03
schestowitz-TRwhen they age it gets harderApr 10 05:03
schestowitz-TRuntil they do an ace venturaApr 10 05:04
MinceRlong, pink hairApr 10 05:04
matey 10 05:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Justin Timberlake - SexyBack (Official Video) ft. Timbaland - InvidiousApr 10 05:04
techrights-newsWebspam alert: No, accenture is a corrupt bunch of shills who fight against proper technology to impose dysfunctional 'religion' instead of science 10 05:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-In the age of composable technology, Accenture helps orgs rethink their technology stack - SiliconANGLEApr 10 05:06
techrights-newsIt's NOT free. There's "no free lunch". It is PREPAID. You pay whether you want it or not. 10 05:07
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 05:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | House committee approves bill to fund free school meals — but only for next year - VTDiggerApr 10 05:07
schestowitz-TRmatey: but could jesus code?Apr 10 05:07
schestowitz-TRMinceR ^^Apr 10 05:07
schestowitz-TRfwiw, linus has a line line,Apr 10 05:07
schestowitz-TR"show me your code"Apr 10 05:08
matey 10 05:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hair- Song Hair Lyrics - InvidiousApr 10 05:08
schestowitz-TRhe didn't take BS from trollsApr 10 05:08
schestowitz-TRnot kindly anywayApr 10 05:08
kingoffranceyeah openbsd "shut up and code!"Apr 10 05:08
activelowcode = Kot; Kot is excrementApr 10 05:08
schestowitz-TRlolApr 10 05:08
activelowit's trueApr 10 05:08
schestowitz-TRhow cuteApr 10 05:08
activelowshut up, produce some shitApr 10 05:09
techrights-news"According to a lawsuit filed in a New York federal district court by shareholder Shiva Stein, Mandiant made "materially incomplete and misleading" statements to investors in financial documents filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) about the planned acquisition." 10 05:09
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 05:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mandiant shareholder sues to block $5.4b Google deal • The RegisterApr 10 05:09
mateycould jesus code? 10 05:09
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 05:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Bible Code (book) - WikipediaApr 10 05:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 503 @ )Apr 10 05:10
mateyfirst link is more humourous in intentApr 10 05:10
kingoffrancei was just concurring with matey there are other "cultures" lolApr 10 05:10
mateyif youve seen the matrix and read about gematria, the universe was basically created with divine asciiApr 10 05:11
techrights-newsMicrosoft is a key reason Ukraine's system are vulnerable to Russian attacks; this is a misleading inversion of narratives, reinforced by gullible or complicit publishers 10 05:11
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 05:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft dogs Strontium domains to stop attacks on Ukraine • The RegisterApr 10 05:11
mateyso not only could jesus code he was a super hackerApr 10 05:11
mateyof course im agnosticApr 10 05:11
mateywhen i talk about religion i try to relate to people within their own context, be it fictional or whateverApr 10 05:12
mateya lot of religious people hate this shit even more than atheists soApr 10 05:13
mateyyou take the good with the bad :)Apr 10 05:13
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 05:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Monitaur Launches GovernML to Guide and Assure Entire AI Life Cycle  - insideBIGDATAApr 10 05:13
mateythey dont like the idea of god doing math, they REALLY hate itApr 10 05:13
mateyjesus didnt do math!Apr 10 05:13
schestowitz-TRGod diesApr 10 05:13
schestowitz-TRGod diceApr 10 05:14
activelowgod stems from goatApr 10 05:14
schestowitz-TRGod ids deadApr 10 05:14
activelowand to hack, btw., is field work, with a tool, which is the HackeApr 10 05:14
schestowitz-TRnow activelow will tell us some witty thing about wordsApr 10 05:14
schestowitz-TRNietzsche Apr 10 05:14
matey 10 05:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Peter Gabriel - Big Time - InvidiousApr 10 05:14
schestowitz-TRgode is gutApr 10 05:14
schestowitz-TRgode is goat?Apr 10 05:14
schestowitz-TRfor goat's sakeApr 10 05:15
matey"and i will pray to a big goat" <- what i always heard him saying as a kidApr 10 05:15
mateyhes actually saying "big god" of courseApr 10 05:16
schestowitz-TRdear lord goatApr 10 05:16
mateyilluminatus!Apr 10 05:16
activelowgot, goth, goat, good; a good goat is a one which produces milk (Amalthea, Heidrun, the holy goats); and milk is what Chaos (cheese, the origin of the universe) is produced fromApr 10 05:16
schestowitz-TRthou shalt not wortship goatApr 10 05:16
mateylego <- legd godt "play well"Apr 10 05:16
kingoffrancego to tech pol matey and then i can explain the supposeed egyptian lolApr 10 05:16
mateythats where "lego" really comes fromApr 10 05:16
schestowitz-TRgoat friday too?Apr 10 05:16
schestowitz-TRgoats goats goats Apr 10 05:17
mateykingoffrance <- id love to but i dont have the attention span tonightApr 10 05:17
mateyraincheck if possibleApr 10 05:17
kingoffrancehe comes as baby/child of his mother, then he comes back as adult son as his father.  Apr 10 05:17
kingoffranceso he has phases lolApr 10 05:17
mateydont we allApr 10 05:18
MinceRGOAT is Greatest Of All TimeApr 10 05:18
kingoffrance^Apr 10 05:18
schestowitz-TRactivelow: Kotlin = is linux shit?Apr 10 05:18
MinceRlolApr 10 05:18
matey/me still likes eminem because hes got talentApr 10 05:18
schestowitz-TRdr. dre picked himApr 10 05:18
schestowitz-TRBeats(tm) me why...Apr 10 05:19
mateyhe picked a winnerApr 10 05:19
schestowitz-TRusually it's a whiite man picking a black person to exploitApr 10 05:19
schestowitz-TRhere, larshall was picked by "fuck da police"Apr 10 05:19
mateydre became a businessmanApr 10 05:19
schestowitz-TR*marshallApr 10 05:19
mateyhe knew what he was doingApr 10 05:19
schestowitz-TRit's a big marketApr 10 05:20
matey"ive created a monster, cause nobody downloads gnu anymore, they want 'linux' im chopped liver!"Apr 10 05:20
schestowitz-TRsean combs and "jay" z (cartel) did the sameApr 10 05:20
schestowitz-TRcarterApr 10 05:20
schestowitz-TRsome do fashion labelsApr 10 05:20
schestowitz-TRmatey: typical modusApr 10 05:21
schestowitz-TRto rewrite historyApr 10 05:21
schestowitz-TRand then sell the fakeApr 10 05:21
schestowitz-TRmany love songs which they think are originals but are notApr 10 05:21
schestowitz-TRlike people not recycle (grabs link)Apr 10 05:21
schestowitz 10 05:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 05:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Edison Lighthouse - Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) (Lyric video) - InvidiousApr 10 05:22
schestowitz 10 05:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 05:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Edison Lighthouse, Club Report - Love Grows In Rosemary's Disco (Lyrics) - InvidiousApr 10 05:22
schestowitzoriginal 10 05:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 05:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Edison Lighthouse - Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) (Official Video) - InvidiousApr 10 05:22
schestowitzthe "genZ" 'discovered' old musicApr 10 05:23
schestowitz"man, i love dat tune"Apr 10 05:23
schestowitz"dude, it's not the original"Apr 10 05:23
schestowitzthe renditions of gnu are called "linux"Apr 10 05:23
schestowitzwould you get 'canceled' for this now? 10 05:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 05:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Boney M. - Rasputin (Sopot Festival 1979) (VOD) - InvidiousApr 10 05:24
schestowitzthe vocalist's family is INSANEApr 10 05:25
schestowitz 10 05:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sopot - WikipediaApr 10 05:25
DaemonFCI grabbed Gens out of RPM Fusion.Apr 10 05:26
DaemonFCThey finally packaged it after all these years.Apr 10 05:26
DaemonFCIt's a shame it's abandoned.Apr 10 05:27
schestowitzwired microphoneApr 10 05:27
schestowitzhe had to hop on top of it while moving all over the placeApr 10 05:27
schestowitzthat alone is challengingApr 10 05:27
techrights-newsBuzzwords, hype and bullshit. No such articles would be published 20 years ago. 10 05:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Nvidia’s Kimberly Powell on how AI chips can help health care - ProtocolApr 10 05:29
techrights-newsProposed new job title: buzzword slingerApr 10 05:30
kingoffrance"Fundamentals of Hacking & IT Psychology"Apr 10 05:35
DaemonFCMinceR, Also, the black and white cat prefers the hammock while the Maine Coon prefers the highest place she can get, especially on the cat tree.Apr 10 05:37
DaemonFCThe black and white cat prefers wine and Buicks and listening to David Byrne now that the kittens are off to college.Apr 10 05:38
techrights-newsVerizon's TracFone reaches $13.4M settlement over Lifeline 10 05:38
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 05:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Verizon’s TracFone reaches $13.4M settlement over Lifeline | Fierce WirelessApr 10 05:38
DaemonFCschestowitz, I had a Tracfone once.Apr 10 05:38
DaemonFCIt was a flip phone back when you could just buy minutes for them.Apr 10 05:39
kingoffrance"Fundamentals of Hacking & IT Psychology" in other words, they still dont teach conway's law lolApr 10 05:39
DaemonFCIt was cheaper for me to buy those 100 minute cards each month to keep it topped off than to have a phone line.Apr 10 05:39
techrights-newsThe media is so defunct that Facebook, looking to distract from its abuse, called itself "Meta" and then flooded the media with "metaverse" nonsense for months 10 05:40
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 05:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The metaverse of fantasy worlds is itself still a fantasy • The RegisterApr 10 05:40
techrights-newsPromotional webspam, ProprietarySoftware 10 05:40
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 05:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | JumpCloud Steps Up To The Hybrid-Remote Work RealityApr 10 05:41
techrights-newsExcuses are abundant 10 05:41
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 05:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Volvo car sales tumble as chip shortage continues • The RegisterApr 10 05:41
techrights-newsOpenwashing 10 05:42
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 05:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why We Need Open Manufacturing And What That Would Mean For YouApr 10 05:42
techrights-newsIntel wants to burn the planet.. Yay. 10 05:43
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 05:43
DaemonFCI was talking to the Comcast lineman about Fedora and GNULinux. He saw my laptop with GNOME 42 and said that he'd never seen a system like that and it looked good.Apr 10 05:43
DaemonFCI told him I always have trouble trying to activate Comcast modems because they always assume everyone uses Windows, and now instead of Windows, it's the assumption that everyone has smartphones and apps, and Comcast's app doesn't even work right.Apr 10 05:45
*TechrightsBot-tr has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 10 05:45
techrights-newsThey seem top be helping Microsoft (Windows) and other scammers (cryptocurrencies) 10 05:45
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 05:45
DaemonFCI said, "And it wasn't just the assumption that the user had Windows that made me mad. It's that when you ran the modem activator on Windows, it dumped a bunch of spyware and adware and useless trial software on your computer.Apr 10 05:45
techrights-newsIDG openly just wesbspam now. And surveillance is now just "data": "Sponsored by DataStax" 10 05:46
DaemonFCThen we got to talking about VPNs and he said he likes to use one on his router. I said I like to use it on my devices because the Linux kernel supports Wireguard, and it's faster and less resource heavy on the computer and more secure.Apr 10 05:47
*TechrightsBot-tr (~TR@ju4kayhrhsm6a.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 05:47
TechrightsBot-trHello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.77Apr 10 05:47
DaemonFCWireguard isn't really a drag on a modern computer at all.Apr 10 05:47
DaemonFCAnd I tried a bandwidth test with NordVPN and Wireguard on and off on my new Comcast line, and it was 60 Mbps down and 11 Mbps up in both cases.Apr 10 05:48
DaemonFCSometimes I could get 100 Mbps down on the T-Mobile Home Internet without the VPN, and usually it was more like 18-25 Mbps.Apr 10 05:48
DaemonFCIt just fluctuated like crazy, between modem crashes.Apr 10 05:48
DaemonFCAnd the VPN made things flakier because the T-Mobile connection was more or less junk.Apr 10 05:49
schestowitz-TRstabilitry is more important than speedApr 10 05:49
techrights-newsThey are intentionally lying for their own selfish interests 10 05:50
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 05:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Intel, Media Cos. Tell DC Circ. DMCA Doesn't Hurt Free Speech - Law360Apr 10 05:50
techrights-newsClassic webspam dressed up as 'article' 10 05:51
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 05:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Understanding the Need of Testing in Oracle Cloud MigrationApr 10 05:51
techrights-newsODG = webspam operation. "SPONSORED" ... "Sponsored by CIO Events" 10 05:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cloud Computing Keynote Speakers at CIO's Future of Cloud Summit | CIOApr 10 05:51
schestowitz(cat) gemini:// 10 05:53
schestowitz(cat) gemini:// 10 05:53
techrights-news"I must confess something. I'm really struggling with maintaining relationships with people, especially since the pandemic. Most of my acquaintances from before are now dispersed, occupied with their own lives, social circles and — increasingly — families." gemini:// 10 05:54
techrights-news#HowTo fix VMware could not connect ‘Ethernet 0’ to virtual network ‘/dev/vmnet8’ • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 05:54
DaemonFCschestowitz, I'm writing a short post about it.Apr 10 05:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to fix VMware could not connect ‘Ethernet 0’ to virtual network ‘/dev/vmnet8’ | Tux MachinesApr 10 05:55
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: okApr 10 05:56
DaemonFCJust out of spite, I added "Super Crappy T-Mobile Home Internet Pod Enclosed" to the bottom of the shipping return label.Apr 10 05:57
DaemonFCAnd "May it toast in the fires of Silicon Hell.".Apr 10 05:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▁█▄▁▅▃▄▁▄▅▂▄▅▅▅▅▂▃▄▆▄▁▂▃▄▅▄▅▃▄▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 28.56 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▃█▅▁█▁▂▁▁▂▁█▁▁▂▂▂▃▁▂▁█▁▁▄▁▁▂██▂▁ avg(k/sec) 67.41▕ swarm size (avg): 262.46  ⟲Apr 10 05:59
DaemonFCIt is eye opening what having lousy Internet service for 6 months is like. The only actual reason I could see for buying this product is if you live in the middle of a cornfield and it's this or satellite Internet.Apr 10 06:00
DaemonFC"The one upside is that the customer support people in the Philippines are always so nice to talk to."Apr 10 06:02
DaemonFC"I don't blame them at all for this shitfest that T-Mobile calls an ISP, because they're obviously not running the company. I just don't think T-Mobile Home Internet is going to be a thing for much longer if it can't do better than COMCAST."Apr 10 06:02
*Despatche (~desp@u3xy9z2ifjzci.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 06:05
DaemonFC"While I can't knock free, I also mistakenly called into the regular Comcast line before realizing that Internet Essentials is operated like another company. I noticed their paying customers don't get a lot of support anymore."Apr 10 06:05
DaemonFC"Comcast has started closing customer service at night (used to be 24 hours a day) and forcing people to deal with a lot of menus and prompts and a chat robot on their website or SMS text messaging system and it takes 30 minutes of poking around telling it none of this applies before it will hand you off to a real person who can actually solve a problem. The rest is just this dumb "Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in or do you Apr 10 06:05
DaemonFCwant to pay your bill now?" 500 times along the way."Apr 10 06:05
DaemonFC"ZDNet says that McDonalds will be like this pretty soon too."Apr 10 06:06
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, The people at the Mexican McDonalds franchises run a tight ship around here.Apr 10 06:07
DaemonFCThey always have people cleaning the place. The food is never old or cold or sitting there under a heat lamp for a long time.Apr 10 06:07
DaemonFCRichard Stallman probably had an experience at one of those "Chicago Ghetto McDonalds" that looks like it opened in 1980 and they haven't cleaned it since.Apr 10 06:08
DaemonFCIt all goes back to the work ethic.Apr 10 06:09
DaemonFCThe Mexican immigrants have it. They wouldn't be caught dead with their restaurant looking like one in south Chicago.Apr 10 06:09
DaemonFCI seriously doubt that the McDonalds Corporation is going to help those ghetto locations with the transition to the IBM stuff.Apr 10 06:10
DaemonFCDuring COVID, they were complaining that they weren't getting bailout packages from the Corporation that the other franchisees were getting.Apr 10 06:11
DaemonFCThen they were applying for PPP loans and nobody wanted to hand them over very quickly.Apr 10 06:11
DaemonFCI think they were using the pandemic to try to finish off the underperforming McDonalds locations off.Apr 10 06:12
DaemonFCmatey, I'm moving on up since that video, in some ways.Apr 10 06:12
DaemonFCAlthough I do miss that apartment.Apr 10 06:12
DaemonFCIt was usually peaceful there. I don't do well under stress or with loud noises.Apr 10 06:13
DaemonFCWell, it looks like they managed to shrink XWayland's memory usage some more.Apr 10 06:14
matey I don't do well under stress or with loud noises. <- theres no evidence that anyone does well under stress or loud noisesApr 10 06:17
mateysome people claim to, and i can say some things about thatApr 10 06:17
mateybut some people surely do worse than othersApr 10 06:17
matey<DaemonFC> Well, it looks like they managed to shrink XWayland's memory usage some more. <- we should have him test straight up malware as wellApr 10 06:18
mateyis mandy your first spouse?Apr 10 06:18
DaemonFCYes, but marriage has only been legal since late 2014. So there's no telling what I would have stepped in had it been legal to. The bigotry may have actually saved me from some really awful American citizens.Apr 10 06:19
matey/me used to live in one of the nations gay capitalsApr 10 06:19
matey/me remembers gay people joking they were against gay marriage too "im against all marriage actually"Apr 10 06:20
mateyof course its making lightApr 10 06:20
DaemonFCI wouldn't want to, honestly. Live in a "gay" neighborhood.Apr 10 06:20
mateyoh it wasnt so bad until too many straights moved inApr 10 06:20
DaemonFCIt raises too many questions.Apr 10 06:21
mateybut youre probably thinking of california, and thats not fairApr 10 06:21
kingoffrancewell there's "no marriage in heaven" lolApr 10 06:21
mateybecause california is going to suck no matter who is thereApr 10 06:21
kingoffranceso guess where we are lolApr 10 06:21
matey<DaemonFC> It raises too many questions. <- roflApr 10 06:21
DaemonFCLike, if you get in a wreck between a KIA and a Mini, whose insurance writes the check for the $5 remaining value after the deductible on the 3 year old car?Apr 10 06:21
DaemonFCMinceR, ^Apr 10 06:21
matey<kingoffrance> so guess where we are lol <- purgatgory!Apr 10 06:21
kingoffrancelolApr 10 06:21
mateybigotry may have actually saved me from some really awful American citizens.Apr 10 06:23
matey i love every part of that lineApr 10 06:23
mateythough i get itApr 10 06:23
mateyi dont think america is the absolute worst place to get marriedApr 10 06:24
mateytheres saudi arabiaApr 10 06:24
mateyprobably china (although the ceremonies are cool)Apr 10 06:24
DaemonFCmatey, We might just toss the cats in the car with us and go on a trip out to see some of God's Country in the Buick.Apr 10 06:24
DaemonFCWhile we still can.Apr 10 06:24
DaemonFCBefore the Democrats ruin everything.Apr 10 06:24
mateythe good news is that the democratic party is a subset of everythingApr 10 06:25
DaemonFCI hadn't thought of that. But....they ruined their own party a long time ago.Apr 10 06:25
DaemonFCIt used to be a Progressive Workers Party.Apr 10 06:25
mateyyesApr 10 06:25
mateyand eventually, progressive workers will destroy the democratic partyApr 10 06:26
mateyfuck knows whenApr 10 06:26
mateyor theyll retake it, but this is not my preferenceApr 10 06:26
mateyin the uk its better they take over labour againApr 10 06:26
mateyevery call to start their own party was a mistake, no matter how utterly shit labour is right nowApr 10 06:26
DaemonFCI may just sit this election out this year and vote for the Libertarians.Apr 10 06:27
mateythe libertarians bother me less than the democratsApr 10 06:27
DaemonFCIt's going to be Pritzker against 5 Republicans that all got out of their Nazi clown car.Apr 10 06:27
mateythe whole thing is a farce without major campaign funding reform anywayApr 10 06:27
DaemonFCI can vote for whichever candidate I want almost straight down the ballot with no risk of a Republican winning that office.Apr 10 06:28
DaemonFCIt's so gerrymandered and corrupt.Apr 10 06:28
matey 10 06:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Lawrence Lessig - Rebooting Democracy - InvidiousApr 10 06:28
DaemonFCThe Civil Rights Act is what destroyed the Democratic Party.Apr 10 06:29
mateyi dont see the connectionApr 10 06:29
DaemonFCWithout that, they'd have had a hundred years unbroken stretch in the White House.Apr 10 06:29
mateymoney is what destroyed the democratic partyApr 10 06:29
DaemonFCIt was the seeds of Wokeism.Apr 10 06:29
DaemonFCOh no.Apr 10 06:29
DaemonFCIt lost them the south forever.Apr 10 06:29
mateydont be too sureApr 10 06:30
mateythe south is far from homogenousApr 10 06:30
mateyat any rate its not a real party anymore, they ought to lose the entire countryApr 10 06:31
mateyif democracy means anything at allApr 10 06:31
DaemonFCAnd with that, I have to go to bed. Medication kicking in.Apr 10 06:31
DaemonFCAbout to fall face first into the computer.Apr 10 06:32
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Apr 10 06:32
mateyif anything the democratic party are the campaign managers of the republicans, and vice-versaApr 10 06:33
mateydemocrats: vote for republicans, or else youll get us!Apr 10 06:34
mateyrepublicans: vote for democrats, or else youll get us!Apr 10 06:34
mateygo home pendulum, youre drunkApr 10 06:34
kingoffrancelolApr 10 06:34
mateytwo wrongs dont make a left and right!Apr 10 06:35
activelowtoday some election is scheduled in franceApr 10 06:35
mateyspoiler, the fascist winsApr 10 06:36
mateyfor nowApr 10 06:36
mateythe eu: elect a fascist, or youll get us either way!Apr 10 06:36
mateyapparentlyApr 10 06:37
activelowwho is supposed to be the fascist? in france?Apr 10 06:37
activelowwasn't aware france was fascist.Apr 10 06:37
mateyi may be exaggerating a little bitApr 10 06:37
mateyits just that europe isnt the most progressive place in the world right nowApr 10 06:38
mateyit has its momentsApr 10 06:38
mateyand i mean in terms of mainstream politics-- underneath all that people are fightingApr 10 06:38
mateythe eu itself is pretty bizarreApr 10 06:38
mateypromises, promisesApr 10 06:38
mateyand then, whatever the hell this thing isApr 10 06:39
activelowEU isn't constitutional anymoreApr 10 06:39
mateyi think theyre libertarian overallApr 10 06:39
mateyin other words, on paper its all freedom for everybodyApr 10 06:39
mateyand in practice its a corporate dick sucking contestApr 10 06:40
activelowlistened to some interview, with a EU official, who was responsible for immigration policy, and openly admitted, such policy served to retain their supposedly "liberal" and "open" society, which is their subsidized apparatusApr 10 06:40
mateyobviously when i call the eu libetarian, thats tongue in cheekApr 10 06:40
mateytheir supposedly "liberal" and "open" society <- they have all kinds of words like that!Apr 10 06:40
mateythey have an entire thesaurus at their disposalApr 10 06:41
activelowthey really feared, some liberal political parties, such as AfD and similar;Apr 10 06:41
mateykingoffrance can translate Apr 10 06:41
mateyyou and afd, i dont knowApr 10 06:41
activelowcertainly not, nonetheless it is the only political party in this apparatus i am willing to listen toApr 10 06:42
mateyi never trust a party where everyone has identical haircutsApr 10 06:42
mateythat disqualifies republicans and afd right off the batApr 10 06:42
activelowyesterday, some live interview from the ISS, there they joined for lunch, music and fun in the russian capsule, they saidApr 10 06:45
activelowanyway, this sunday, french presidential elections, and soon the largest federal state in germany, NRW, federal elections there 15th MayApr 10 06:48
activelowin parallel to, the foreign policy, which "Alliance90/greens" peace angels eco feminist activist gang now phrases as "strengthen right to self-defense", with weapons deliveriesApr 10 06:49 has a public domain moby thesaurus.  it tends to have lots of weird things with no explanation how they made a "connection" so i like that i guess lolApr 10 06:49
kingoffrancethey went for thoroughness lolApr 10 06:49
mateyit tends to have lots of weird things with no explanation how they made a "connection" <- sounds like meApr 10 06:49
mateyi can usually explain the connection, but that takes the fun out of it a lot of the timeApr 10 06:50
kingoffrancethere's some moby pronunciator public domain too IIRC  Apr 10 06:50
mateyit would be a shame if they only had a thesaurus, and not a dictionaryApr 10 06:51
mateybecause "moby"Apr 10 06:51
kingoffranceyeah, jargon file has it as a unit IIRCApr 10 06:52
kingoffranceim unaware of any connection, except people use it that way i guess lolApr 10 06:53
kingoffrancelike library of congresses Apr 10 06:53
*CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Leaving)Apr 10 06:54
matey 10 06:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gandhi vs Martin Luther King Jr. Epic Rap Battles of History - InvidiousApr 10 06:55
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▄▁▂▁▁▃▁▅▂▆▂▅▆▇▆▁▂▁▄▆▁▂▅▅▄▁▆▅▆▂▄▁ avg(k/sec) 39.55 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▇▅██▁▃▂▂█▃█▁▂▂███▁▂█▆▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▄█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 101.06▕ swarm size (avg): 274.21  ⟲Apr 10 06:59
*matey has quit (connection closed)Apr 10 07:19
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▁▁▆▁▁▂▃▂█▄▅▃▄▁▅▂▃▆▇▇▅▁▅▃▇▁▃▆▃▄▁▃▁ avg(k/sec) 39.95 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▇▂▁▂▆██▁█▁▁▂▁▃█▁█▁▂▂█▁█▂██▇█▂▅▂▁ avg(k/sec) 95.53▕ swarm size (avg): 280.13  ⟲Apr 10 07:59
*darwin has quit (Quit: Leaving)Apr 10 08:41
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 08:51
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 10 08:58
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techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▂▅▆▂▁▂▇▅▆▂▁▅▆▆▃▇▅▆▃▄▅▄▅▆▂▃▁▁▅▁▁▂▁▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 33.40 ▕  IPFS upstream: █▂▁▂███▂▁▂▁▁▃▂▁▃▂▂▂█▂▃▂▂▃█▂▂▄▁▂█▁ avg(k/sec) 109.63▕ swarm size (avg): 284.75  ⟲Apr 10 08:59
*liberty_box (~liberty@pumv3cb2rfinu.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 08:59
*rianne_ (~rianne@pumv3cb2rfinu.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 08:59
techrights-news"et’s say you have a server without a graphics card, and you want to use graphical programs directly on it" 10 09:09
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techrights-news"For a quick comparison, Vagrant allows developers to automate spinning up VMs in local workstations from a base image" 10 09:10
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 09:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Vagrant vs. Docker: Are Virtual Machines Ever the Right Option Anymore? - Earthly BlogApr 10 09:10
*ziraffep (~ziraffep@f2uucmx8wdxxw.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 09:12
techrights-news"SSH logins are a somewhat unusual environment because the server starts out knowing the login name" 10 09:12
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 09:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chris's Wiki :: blog/sysadmin/MFAAndPasswordOrderingApr 10 09:12
techrights-news"Welcome. This article is part of my ongoing series on moving away from Windows as my primary operating system." 10 09:13
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*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Apr 10 09:13
techrights-news"I am working on a project where I need to upload PDFs generated from Rmarkdown to a SFTP server." 10 09:14
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 09:14
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techrights-news"HTML(HyperText Markup Language) is the most basic building block of all web pages" 10 09:15
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techrights-news"after much tribulation I think we have found the ideal setup after a nice session with Niklas Hambüchen" 10 09:15
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techrights-news"Just like the last few months, the usual Activity Report is hereby combined with my Contract Report." 10 09:18
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 09:18
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techrights-news"SB Components latest HAT, the $50 RPI Barcode Reader HAT is exactly that, a Raspberry Pi HAT with a built-in DE2120 barcode reader" 10 09:19
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techrights-newsKubuntu 22.04 LTS - New Features and Release Details • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 09:20
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techrights-newsGoogle #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 09:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesApr 10 09:21
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 09:22
*gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@twznfmttc5sse.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 09:27
techrights-news"I bought myself a data SIM to use with that old Huawei, but as it turned out O2 shut down their 3G network last year. I was wondering why the device only found 2G networks and thought that I messed up the configuration. " gopher:// 10 09:27
techrights-news"OpenBSD 7.1 will include the new release.";sid=20220409132310Apr 10 09:33
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techrights-news"We are proud to introduce the first guest post on our blog! A team of researchers (listed below) has chosen PowerDNS as the basis" 10 09:34
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techrights-news"Please don’t take this as an “expert summary”, there are dozens of thousands of people more suited than myself for doing that." 10 09:39
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 09:39
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techrights-news"The first RIPE Labs Article Competition was a bit of an experiment." 10 09:39
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 09:39
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techrights-newsSingle-Board Computers (SBCs) have been employed more frequently in engineering and computer science" 10 09:39
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techrights-newsSelf-host your own audio library with Audiobookshelf 10 09:40
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*CParadoxum__ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 10 09:40
techrights-news"today’s homily is about the quest of a poor human trying to escape the velvet jail of disable_functions and open_basedir" 10 09:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | In the land of PHP you will always be (use-after-)free - Adepts of 0xCCApr 10 09:41
techrights-news"One of my favorite tool is XPath, the query language for exploring XML and HTML trees." 10 09:42
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 09:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Why I like XPath, XML and HTML | R-bloggersApr 10 09:42
techrights-news"It would be possible to do a simple version manually, manually deploy to a slice of production after approval." 10 09:42
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 09:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Submitting ChangesApr 10 09:42
techrights-news"There are also upsides to the more complex monitoring." 10 09:43
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 09:43
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techrights-news"Once a bug is known to exist, the more people are looking for what causes it, the faster it is likely to be found, and then fixed" 10 09:45
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techrights-news"For the best analysis of this question, it’s best to just look around ourselves." 10 09:46
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techrights-news"A community of developers has formed to modernize the Fortran ecosystem." 10 09:47
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techrights-news"Why do shops like to move everything around? Well, it’s actually a simple answer." 10 09:49
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techrights-news"So I surfed a lot in the Internet, read many articles and blogs about ham radio, looked many, many YouTube videos about ham radio operations" 10 09:51
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techrights-news"Cloned – or “hijacked” – journals mimic the details of legitimate journals, such as their International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)" 10 09:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | To spot cloned journals, scientists need help | Times Higher Education (THE)Apr 10 09:52
*gooseheaded has quit (Quit: Leaving)Apr 10 09:53
*gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@idx2hgwaipuwq.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 09:53
techrights-news"The proliferation of these new types of robots would unleash new possibilities to automate tasks where robots were not traditionally seen as capable." 10 09:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Demystifying Robots Interoperability — ROS-IndustrialApr 10 09:54
techrights-news"Two years ago, all the cool tech influences got an Asus Zephyrus G14 laptop, and all I could think about was getting one, but then I didn't." 10 09:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 502 @ )Apr 10 09:55
techrights-news“The thing that’s changing the game more than anything else is the French repairability scorecard” 10 09:55
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techrights-news"Mounting pressure on information security professionals is creating a mental health crisis across the industry, a new report claims" 10 09:58
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techrights-newsGulagtube 10 10:00
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techrights-newsProprietary software 10 10:01
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techrights-newsMicrosoft = criminals 10 10:02
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techrights-newsMicrosoft = criminals 10 10:02
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:02
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techrights-newsMicrosoft = criminals 10 10:02
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Spent $200 Million In Bribes Every Year In Middle East, Claims Ex-EmployeeApr 10 10:02
techrights-news"Identifying dead soldiers and notifying their families is part of a campaign" 10 10:04
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Facial Recognition Is Being Used in the Ukraine War - The New York TimesApr 10 10:04
techrights-news"Eight police departments over eight months yielded fifty cases." 10 10:05
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techrights-newsIRC Proceedings: Saturday, April 09, 2022 | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 10 10:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC Proceedings: Saturday, April 09, 2022 | TechrightsApr 10 10:07
*techrights_guest|39 (~32eb764a@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 10:08
schestowitz-TRhi techrights_guest|39Apr 10 10:09
techrights-newsAccolades: Visiting Writer Wins the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction 10 10:10
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Accolades: Visiting Writer Wins the PEN/Faulkner Award for FictionApr 10 10:10
techrights-newsMoney running out? 10 10:11
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:11
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techrights-newsMicrosoft propaganda network hanging out "awards"? ICE money in the mix? 10 10:11
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Meet the 3 outstanding tech efforts being honored with GeekWire’s Geeks Give Back Award - GeekWireApr 10 10:11
techrights-newsGuggenheim helped the whitewashing of a famous criminal (Bill Gates) 10 10:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | News Bureau | ILLINOISApr 10 10:12
techrights-news16 NXP Arm cores and 4x 25Gbit Ethernet in a 58 x 48mm module real threat to x86Apr 10 10:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 16 NXP Arm cores and 4x 25Gbit Ethernet in a 58 x 48mm moduleApr 10 10:12
techrights-news"OpenRoaming was developed by Cisco, but transferred to the WBA after the US networks giant recognized it was best managed by a neutral organization focused on maintaining Wi-Fi roaming standards globally." 10 10:13
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Testing complete on WBA OpenRoaming Wi-Fi service • The RegisterApr 10 10:13
techrights-newsFor Gulag's own benefit: imperial espionage operations 10 10:14
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google funds first sub cable linking Canada and Japan • The RegisterApr 10 10:14
techrights-newsWordPress Plugins and Themes Could Have Vulnerabilities: How to Secure Your Site ⚓ ䷉ Source: makeuseofApr 10 10:15
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techrights-newsNetApp grabs Instaclustr data-layer-as-a-service startup - Blocks and Files ⚓ ䷉ Source: blocksandfilesApr 10 10:15
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NetApp grabs Instaclustr data-layer-as-a-service startup – Blocks and FilesApr 10 10:15
techrights-newsEl Reg throwing parties for organised crime "company" 10 10:16
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows 3.1 is 30 years old today • The RegisterApr 10 10:16
techrights-newsWebspam promoting a scam 10 10:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Investors are buying virtual land in a metaverse ghost town - Rest of WorldApr 10 10:16
techrights-news"The Lynx web browser was first released in Spring 1992 (evidence here), is still in development with a new update sometime this year (v2.9.0)." 10 10:18
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This One Still Works: The Lynx web browser at 30Apr 10 10:18
techrights-newsSnail mail 10 10:18
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:18
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techrights-newsDoes this proprietary software itself respect privacy? 10 10:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 503 @ )Apr 10 10:21
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:21
techrights-newsSam Altman’s Worldcoin Promised Them Free Crypto For An Eyeball Scan. Now They Feel Robbed. ⚓ ䷉ Source: buzzfeednewsApr 10 10:22
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sam Altman’s Worldcoin Promised Them Free Crypto For An Eyeball Scan. Now They Feel Robbed.Apr 10 10:22
techrights-news$10,000 Racial Equity Fund Grant 10 10:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New digital tool will improve York County Libraries' diversity collectionsApr 10 10:23
techrights-newsWebpam from Cyprus 10 10:24
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Web tools and services for online entrepreneurs and bloggers | Cyprus MailApr 10 10:24
techrights-news"It’s just a local network for UNIX computers running a bunch of mostly custom-built software,” said Secure World Foundation’s Brian Weeden, who has followed the SDA issue in depth for a decade." 10 10:26
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Key space monitoring sensors still rely on outdated CAVENet computer system - Breaking DefenseApr 10 10:26
techrights-newsSome of these are spying companies... 10 10:26
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | From Unicorn To Assembly Line? Norway’s Tech Gains Could Herald A Golden New Industrial ChapterApr 10 10:26
techrights-newsFive fact-checking tips from disinformation experts - Modern Diplomacy ⚓ ䷉ Source: moderndiplomacyApr 10 10:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Five fact-checking tips from disinformation experts - Modern DiplomacyApr 10 10:27
techrights-newsAccomplishment: spreading DRM, using up network capacity 10 10:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | France A. Córdova, Reed Hastings to speak at CommencementApr 10 10:27
techrights-news"Mailchimp has confirmed a miscreant gained access to one of its internal tools and used it to steal data belonging to 100-plus high-value customers." 10 10:28
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mailchimp: Cryptocurrency clients' mailing-list info stolen • The RegisterApr 10 10:28
techrights-newsOLD: "Very strange, indeed. IF Microsoft is behind these strange activities, it would demonstrate that they are clearly worried about open source and Linux. Otherwise, why would they go to such extreme measures?" 10 10:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Articles of Roy Schestowitz | ZDNetApr 10 10:29
techrights-news"failure to secure convictions from a jury points to the difficulty in prosecuting such conduct in a country rife with political division" 10 10:33
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Trial: Jury Turns in No Convictions - Rolling StoneApr 10 10:33
*techrights_guest|39 has quit (Quit: Connection closed)Apr 10 10:35
techrights-newsMisinformation 10 10:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Russian TikTok Influencers Are Being Paid to Spread Kremlin PropagandaApr 10 10:38
techrights-newsMisinformation 10 10:38
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'I Was At The White House TikTok Briefing'Apr 10 10:38
techrights-newsUS Misinformation/Disinformation = white lies from the White House?Apr 10 10:39
techrights-news"On Dec 16 2021, Republican state Sen. Rob Standridge put into motion 2 bills." 10 10:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Banned, Buried & Burnt: Book Censorship on the Rise - Good e-ReaderApr 10 10:42
techrights-newsCensorship 10 10:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nationwide effort to ban books challenges freedom of speech | PBS NewsHourApr 10 10:42
techrights-newsSweatshopZone 10 10:43
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Amazon, Labor Organizers File Objections to Alabama Union Vote - The New York TimesApr 10 10:43
techrights-news"the importance of efforts to keep the Internet 'lit'" 10 10:44
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Measuring Damage on the Internet | RIPE LabsApr 10 10:44
techrights-news"That's an idea that's been in the air for a hell of a long time." 10 10:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pluralistic: 08 Apr 2022 – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory DoctorowApr 10 10:44
techrights-news"But this latest image-focused copyright infringement lawsuit involving Bieber" 10 10:45
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 10:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 520 @ )Apr 10 10:45
techrights-news"Most of us are familiar with the concept of producing PCBs in a panel, and snapping them apart afterwards." 10 10:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Best Ways To Make PCB Breakaway Tabs, Revealed | HackadayApr 10 10:52
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 10:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesApr 10 10:53
techrights-newsOpen Hardware/Modding: ARM, Raspberry Pi, Open Robotics, and RISC-V • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 10:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Hardware/Modding: ARM, Raspberry Pi, Open Robotics, and RISC-V | Tux MachinesApr 10 10:54
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@prp59ds7kav8s.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 10:55
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, I just remembered like almost thirty years ago where my dad got door dinged.Apr 10 10:56
DaemonFCHe said, "Oh one of those damned parking lot peckerheads got me.".Apr 10 10:56
DaemonFCAnd I was only a few years old and I was like, "Dad, what's a parking lot pepperhead?". I was, of course, unaware of what a pecker was. It did make him stop and laugh pretty hard.Apr 10 10:57
*CParadoxum__ (~quassel@9xkr6pdp2c5xu.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 10:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▆▄▆▇▄▆▇▂▃▄▃▆▆▅▅▄▆▃▁▆▇▁▅▄▇█▅▃▁▁▅▂▃▃▁ avg(k/sec) 43.55 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▃▂▂▂▂▃▁▂█▁▂▁▂▁█▁▂▁▁█▂▅▂▁▂█▂█▁▂█▂█▁█▁ avg(k/sec) 64.73▕ swarm size (avg): 296.00  ⟲Apr 10 10:59
DaemonFCNow I know what a pepperhead is of course. It's a person who likes hot and spicy foods, so anyone who was to eat hot and spicy foods while in a parking lot, and who enjoys them there, would be a parking lot pepperhead by definition.Apr 10 10:59
techrights-news=Apr 10 11:03
techrights-newssecuredrop 10 11:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-SecureDrop | noyb.euApr 10 11:03
DaemonFCThe piston rings on the Impala have enough wear that if you smoke test it through the evap line then you see it come out through there a little bit, but it's obviously not too bad. The engine compression tests just fine.Apr 10 11:04
DaemonFCIt's still totally within specifications, which is unusual for an engine with 281,000 miles on it.Apr 10 11:05
DaemonFCThere's absolutely no indication that this engine couldn't go a long way still to come, even at its current age and mileage.Apr 10 11:05
DaemonFCThe Impala is still really fun to drive.Apr 10 11:05
techrights-news"creators" 10 11:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Empty reply from server ( status 0 @ )Apr 10 11:05
techrights-news[TUHS] Sad News - we last two wonderful people in the past few weeks. ⚓ ䷉ Source: minnieApr 10 11:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [TUHS] Sad News - we last two wonderful people in the past few weeks.Apr 10 11:06
DaemonFCMinceR, I was telling my dad that I was pirating Cedega in RPM format a long time ago when he asked how I was running games back then.Apr 10 11:09
DaemonFCI said, "And you know what that makes it?"....he says, "No.....".Apr 10 11:10
DaemonFCI said, "Arrrgh! PM.".Apr 10 11:10
DaemonFC"Which is also what you call it when RPM corrupts its database again."Apr 10 11:11
DaemonFCThere's a nice long process to get it to unfuck itself, of course.Apr 10 11:12
DaemonFCI'm not sure if this is better with RPM-OSTree.Apr 10 11:12
schestowitz-TRCedegaApr 10 11:13
schestowitz-TRthe memories Apr 10 11:13
schestowitz-TRI saw is mentioned last weekApr 10 11:14
DaemonFCMicrosoft is so sensitive to cultural issues and people's feelings that when they were designing the Windows registry, an employee apparently knew his coworker had a severe bee allergy and started naming things in the registry after bees and bee hives.Apr 10 11:15
DaemonFCOf course, the most offensive part of this is that when they made the registry key file format for import, they used the extension "HIV".Apr 10 11:16
DaemonFCNow, saying "blacklist a kernel module" is offensive.Apr 10 11:16
schestowitz-TRi want to know who it offnededApr 10 11:17
schestowitz-TRnot in the abstractApr 10 11:17
schestowitz-TRlike an actual personApr 10 11:18
DaemonFCWell, it was during the AIDS crisis.Apr 10 11:18
DaemonFCAnd you name something "HIV" that goes into the operating system?Apr 10 11:18
schestowitz-TRand you can be sure that's not THE reason we don't see many black programmersApr 10 11:18
schestowitz-TRthe reasons are very differentApr 10 11:18
schestowitz-TRprofoundly differentApr 10 11:18
schestowitz-TRnot many work in NASA eitherApr 10 11:18
schestowitz-TRand that has nothing to do with NASA's choice of technical termsApr 10 11:19
schestowitz-TRI think this is a corporate shaming strategyApr 10 11:19
schestowitz-TRagainst the commuinittyApr 10 11:19
schestowitz-TRto cause tensionsApr 10 11:19
schestowitz-TReven of those very same corporations came up with those tgermsApr 10 11:19
DaemonFCNot many of them have degrees in anything that matters.Apr 10 11:20
schestowitz-TRlike "slave" on hardware controllersApr 10 11:20
schestowitz-TRIIRC, that was ICBMApr 10 11:20
DaemonFCAnd the state just waived the placement tests, so college is a big hustle.Apr 10 11:20
DaemonFCThey want to pump you for money even if it's obviously going nowhere.Apr 10 11:20
*SomeH4x0r (~someh4xx@k86dad7ibinds.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 11:22
*SomeH4x0r has quit (Quit: brb)Apr 10 11:23
DaemonFCYou want something useful, study to be a truck driver or an auto mechanic.Apr 10 11:23
DaemonFCOr take an expedited nursing class.Apr 10 11:23
DaemonFCAll of those can easily pay six figures.Apr 10 11:23
*SomeH4x0r (~someh4xx@gbgr2jcp6yrt2.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 11:23
DaemonFCNobody cares about your stupid fucking Feminist Studies major.Apr 10 11:23
DaemonFCWalmart has plenty of cashiers. Really!Apr 10 11:24
schestowitz-TR[02:01] <techrights-news> Reputation laundering for racist IBM 10 11:24
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 11:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Four-Year College Degree Requirements in Hiring Are Slowly Easing - The New York TimesApr 10 11:24
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, When I made the Microsoft 0xBigBoobies HONK HONK! joke that got me banned from /r/linux, I was comparing them to Bud Bundy on Married With Children who squeezed someone's boobs and went "HONK HONK!" and got punched out.Apr 10 11:26
DaemonFCLike they're a bunch of giggling 14 year old teen boys in there going "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! BIG BOOBS! HAHA!".Apr 10 11:26
DaemonFC"Toxic Masculinity" is a big thing at Microsoft, even now.Apr 10 11:27
schestowitzdays ago: 瑨灴⼺眯睷琮硵慭档湩獥漮杲港摯⽥㘱㔳㜳Apr 10 11:28
schestowitz 10 11:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Don't use Reddit for Linux or BSD related questions | Tux MachinesApr 10 11:28
*gooseheaded has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 10 11:31
DaemonFCYes.Apr 10 11:34
schestowitz-TRdid you read it all?Apr 10 11:35
schestowitz-TRit covers some key pointsApr 10 11:35
schestowitz-TRreddit was like that also 15 years agoApr 10 11:36
schestowitz-TRI always hated the Microsoft infestation thereApr 10 11:36
schestowitz-TRand the censorious tendencytApr 10 11:36
schestowitz-TRthey make money not because they are goodApr 10 11:36
schestowitz-TRbut because they pick Mictrosot et al on boardApr 10 11:36
schestowitz-TRit's reputation launderingApr 10 11:36
schestowitz-TRthey disguise themselves as "open" or "community"Apr 10 11:36
*gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@idx2hgwaipuwq.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 11:39
techrights-newsLinks 10/04/2022: Open Robotics Turns 10 | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 10 11:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 10/04/2022: Open Robotics Turns 10 | TechrightsApr 10 11:52
techrights-newsRepairability Progress • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 11:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Repairability Progress | Tux MachinesApr 10 11:53
techrights-newsProprietary Software and Security • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 11:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Proprietary Software and Security | Tux MachinesApr 10 11:53
techrights-newsProgramming Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 11:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Programming Leftovers | Tux MachinesApr 10 11:53
techrights-newsSoftware: Lynx, Stellarium, and Audiobookshelf • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 11:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software: Lynx, Stellarium, and Audiobookshelf | Tux MachinesApr 10 11:53
techrights-newsToday’s 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 11:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesApr 10 11:53
DaemonFC<schestowitz-TR> they disguise themselves as "open" or "community"Apr 10 11:55
DaemonFCMicrosoft AMAsApr 10 11:55
DaemonFCAsk Me Anything!Apr 10 11:55
DaemonFCUser: "Why can't you move the taskbar on Windows 11?"Apr 10 11:55
schestowitz-TRmicrosoft pays REDDITApr 10 11:56
DaemonFCMicrosoft: "That's a good question, an excellent question. When we were rewriting the taskbar for Windows 11, we learned taskbars are hard, and we're working very hard to ignore your complaints. Next question!"Apr 10 11:56
schestowitz-TRReddit is a reputation laundering siteApr 10 11:56
schestowitz-TRfor criminalsApr 10 11:56
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: they also ses AMAs with uncle billApr 10 11:56
schestowitz-TRbut pre-filtered questionsApr 10 11:56
schestowitz-TRso it's not "anything"Apr 10 11:56
schestowitz-TRI doubt they want another AMA with himApr 10 11:57
schestowitz-TRtoo much of a stain on themApr 10 11:57
schestowitz-TRstain, geddit?Apr 10 11:57
schestowitz-TRnot the other bill (clinton)Apr 10 11:57
DaemonFC 10 12:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why can’t you move the taskbar on Windows 11? (Reddit Ask Me Anything) – BaronHK's RantsApr 10 12:06
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, ^Apr 10 12:06
schestowitz DaemonFCApr 10 12:07
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 12:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Fedora 37 Planning To Use RPM 4.18 For Better Security - PhoronixApr 10 12:07
DaemonFCNone of that is really objectionable.Apr 10 12:09
DaemonFCRPM contents should be signed.Apr 10 12:09
schestowitzDaemonFC: did you write a post about the modem?Apr 10 12:09
schestowitzI got nothing in rssApr 10 12:09
DaemonFCOh yes, almost ready.Apr 10 12:09
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: do you want to help us cover patents?Apr 10 12:10
schestowitz-TRwe have a pile of bullishit 'news'\Apr 10 12:10
schestowitz-TRand want to do rebuttals to theseApr 10 12:10
schestowitz-TRwe are experimenting with a new approachApr 10 12:10
schestowitz-TRnot 3-hour  videosApr 10 12:10
DaemonFC 10 12:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ditched T-Mobile Home Internet for Comcast. – BaronHK's RantsApr 10 12:16
techrights-newsReddit: Paid-for Microsoft marketing operation; Microsoft even pays trolls to comment there, based on whistleblowers 10 12:16
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, ^Apr 10 12:16
DaemonFCGood?Apr 10 12:16
DaemonFCHmm, still tweaking it.Apr 10 12:18
schestowitzDaemonFC: maybe add Apr 10 12:19
schestowitz<ul>Apr 10 12:19
schestowitz<li><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: Links 10/04/2022: Open Robotics Turns 10">Links 10/04/2022: Open Robotics Turns 10</a></li><li><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: IRC Proceedings: Saturday, April 09, 2022">IRC Proceedings: Saturday, April 09, 2022</a></li><li><a href=" 10 12:19
schestowitzframeworks-5-93/" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: Links 09/04/2022: KDE Frameworks 5.93">Links 09/04/2022: KDE Frameworks 5.93</a></li><li><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: [Meme] EPO Moving Backwards">[Meme] EPO Moving Backwards</a></li><li><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: For EPO Staff on Dutch Territories Apr 10 12:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 10/04/2022: Open Robotics Turns 10 | TechrightsApr 10 12:19
schestowitzPurachasing Power Fell 12% in Just One Year While EPO Increased Its Fees">For EPO Staff on Dutch Territories Purachasing Power Fell 12% in Just One Year While EPO Increased Its Fees</a></li>Apr 10 12:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC Proceedings: Saturday, April 09, 2022 | TechrightsApr 10 12:19
schestowitzoopsApr 10 12:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 09/04/2022: KDE Frameworks 5.93 | TechrightsApr 10 12:19
schestowitzwrong pasteApr 10 12:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] EPO Moving Backwards | TechrightsApr 10 12:19
schestowitzadd 10 12:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | For EPO Staff on Dutch Territories Purachasing Power Fell 12% in Just One Year While EPO Increased Its Fees | TechrightsApr 10 12:19
DaemonFC:)Apr 10 12:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Crime Persists: AstroTurfing a Regular Practice, Reddit Full of Paid Microsoft AstroTurfers | TechrightsApr 10 12:19
schestowitz-TRthere are more links thereApr 10 12:21
schestowitz-TResp. the first twoApr 10 12:21
schestowitz-TRon how reddit advertised MSIEApr 10 12:21
schestowitz-TRwhich says a lot really...Apr 10 12:21
techrights-newsToday in #Techrights • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 12:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesApr 10 12:22
*ziraffep has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 10 12:22
DaemonFC 10 12:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why can’t you move the taskbar on Windows 11? (Reddit Ask Me Anything) – BaronHK's RantsApr 10 12:24
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, "Reddit and “Social” media has been trending in the direction of bought and paid for SPAM and “shitposting” for years.Apr 10 12:25
DaemonFCIt’s now to the point where there’s precious little reason to use Reddit.Apr 10 12:25
DaemonFCI can’t remember the last time I read /r/Linux. They are Microsoft trolls who banned me after my post reached tens of thousands of likes during a skirmish with Lenovo that I eventually won after taking it to the Illinois Attorney General’s office and winning a settlement involving offering a patched BIOS that allowed GNU/Linux to be installed on the Yoga 900-ISK2.Apr 10 12:25
DaemonFCThe Baron Harkonnen (Dune miniseries incarnation) said it best, perhaps:Apr 10 12:25
DaemonFC“Don’t get more popular than the boss, unless you intend to sack him. Oh my, did I say that? How impolitic of me!”"Apr 10 12:25
schestowitz-TRhahaApr 10 12:26
schestowitz-TRat work I don't feel so bossApr 10 12:27
schestowitz-TRsometimes I lecture the boss or stick it to themApr 10 12:27
schestowitz-TRthey can do nothingApr 10 12:27
schestowitz-TRbecause they need meApr 10 12:27
schestowitz-TRand they know not to give me grief (anymore)Apr 10 12:28
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, One of the supervisors at Walmart cornered my spouse.Apr 10 12:28
schestowitz-TRyou told meApr 10 12:28
schestowitz-TRI thinkApr 10 12:28
DaemonFCAnd he actually stood up for himself and went to that guy's boss.Apr 10 12:28
DaemonFCThis happened the other day.Apr 10 12:28
DaemonFCSo the big boss comes down and yells at the supervisor and tells him not to do that again because Mandy had finished all of his own work and gone to help in a different department.Apr 10 12:29
schestowitz-TRyes, that is the thing to doApr 10 12:29
schestowitz-TRgo to the bossApr 10 12:29
schestowitz-TRbecause they doApr 10 12:29
schestowitz-TRand control the narrativeApr 10 12:29
DaemonFCHe said, "It's bad enough we have to fire so many people because they stand around doing nothing and skipping all of the hard jobs. You don't yell at someone for finishing their work and finding something else important to do.".Apr 10 12:29
DaemonFCSo then the supervisor found him and apologized.Apr 10 12:30
schestowitz-TRgoodApr 10 12:30
schestowitz-TRmanagers know how not to apologiseApr 10 12:30
DaemonFCI have no idea why you would yell at someone for straightening up your department during the last hour of their shift and it's not even coming out of your payroll!Apr 10 12:30
schestowitz-TRat best they hideApr 10 12:30
schestowitz-TRto save faceApr 10 12:30
schestowitz-TRor speak through someone elseApr 10 12:30
DaemonFCOh I know, and when they don't have the balls to complain about you and admit that they're the ones that have an issue, here's what they say.Apr 10 12:31
DaemonFC"Someone came in to talk to us about you anonymously."Apr 10 12:31
DaemonFCOne day since I was being written up anyway for it, I said, "Is that so? Pretty spineless of them.".Apr 10 12:32
schestowitz-TRthere's this misconception that only arsehole-ish people can manageApr 10 12:32
schestowitz-TRthey drive companies into the groundApr 10 12:33
schestowitz-TRor cheatApr 10 12:33
schestowitz-TRlieApr 10 12:33
schestowitz-TRbribeApr 10 12:33
DaemonFCThen someone keyed up a car I was test driving in the parking lot.Apr 10 12:33
schestowitz-TRcommit fraudApr 10 12:33
schestowitz-TRto compensate for their terrible leadershipApr 10 12:33
DaemonFCThe guy at Bart's Car Store wasn't happy about it.Apr 10 12:33
DaemonFCWhen I went to leave, he got in another car and blocked off the entrance to their lot and then got out and stared me down.Apr 10 12:33
DaemonFCSo I was in my car and I decided to just drive it through their lawn to get to the road.Apr 10 12:34
techrights-newsWTF is this webspam for? Are you promoting Vista 11, Jean-Luc Aufranc? 10 12:34
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 12:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Apcsilmic Dot 1 - A Windows 11 Arm mini PC powered by Snapdragon 7c SoC - CNX SoftwareApr 10 12:34
DaemonFCOh, he was calling me every name in the book. Telling me he knew where I lived.Apr 10 12:35
DaemonFCIt was nuts.Apr 10 12:35
techrights-news"Always-on"/Always-connected + Vista 11/Microsoft = Stalin's Dream (or Putin or NSA)Apr 10 12:35
schestowitz-TR> Telling me he knew where I lived.Apr 10 12:35
DaemonFCI told him "I don't care if you know where I live. It's Indiana, it's an open carry state.".Apr 10 12:35
schestowitz-TRso you respond, "good"Apr 10 12:35
schestowitz-TR"now you know ... [something very offensive]"Apr 10 12:36
schestowitz-TRe.g. now you know where to send your mamaApr 10 12:36
DaemonFCCome beat my door down. The EMS has plenty of ambulances and stretchers.Apr 10 12:36
schestowitz-TRand add some sexual thingApr 10 12:36
DaemonFCBe sure to write your blood type somewhere.Apr 10 12:36
schestowitz-TR"so end your mama here, tell her to bring a condom"Apr 10 12:37
DaemonFCI like red states because of that.Apr 10 12:37
DaemonFCIf someone comes to beat down your door, just shoot the fucker.Apr 10 12:37
DaemonFCIf someone is vandalizing your car, shoot the fucker.Apr 10 12:38
DaemonFCIf someone is sawing off your catalytic converter, shoot the fucker.Apr 10 12:38
DaemonFCIf someone crawls in your window to rape you, shoot the would-be fucker.Apr 10 12:38
DaemonFCIf you wait for the police, he has time to finish up and have a cigarette and be gone for an hour before they arrive, and you live across the street from the police station.Apr 10 12:39
schestowitz"Linux might be possible, but it’s complicated, and one person who’s tried booting Ubuntu Arm64 image on Acer Aspire 1 laptop got into a boot loop. The similar Snapdragon 7c Gen 2 SoC is designed for Chromebooks, so Chromium OS might be another option for the ones who like a challenge."Apr 10 12:40
schestowitzWhy does CNX cover this, psydruid  ^^Apr 10 12:40
schestowitzurl aboveApr 10 12:40
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: your reflexive reactionApr 10 12:40
schestowitz-TRmaybe due to childhood PTSDApr 10 12:40
DaemonFCIt's the one that stops them permanently and makes them never hurt anyone again.Apr 10 12:41
schestowitz-TRyeahApr 10 12:41
schestowitz-TRI met people like thisApr 10 12:41
DaemonFCRemember the B5 episode with June Lockhart?Apr 10 12:41
schestowitz-TRbullied as a kid, promised to never allow this to ever happen againApr 10 12:41
schestowitz-TR(as adults)Apr 10 12:41
DaemonFCShe has that Capital Punishment machine that drains a victim's life energy and heals another person with it.Apr 10 12:41
DaemonFCA criminal makes her use it to heal him after the cops shoot him.Apr 10 12:41
DaemonFCAnd she turns it in reverse and dials it up and uses it to heal herself of old age diseases at the cost of his life.Apr 10 12:42
techrights-newsJean-Luc Aufranc (CNXSoft) peddling Microsoft trash again. I thought he had stopped. I was wrong. 10 12:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The C in CNX Software is Not “Community” | TechrightsApr 10 12:42
DaemonFCAnd she says, "That terrible pain you're feeling now is the disease I've had for years. I was dying, but you'll never hurt anyone again. Do you hear me, you monster? You'll never hurt anybody again!".Apr 10 12:42
DaemonFCSo that's the right attitude.Apr 10 12:42
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, If more people shot their attacker, by definition there'd be less crime later on.Apr 10 12:44
DaemonFCNobody there to do it again as soon as the judge gave them some joke of a sentence because he's a Democrat.Apr 10 12:44
DaemonFCThey don't even behave well enough to be trusted to bond out, and now the state is getting rid of cash bail.Apr 10 12:44
DaemonFCPeople get their "notice to disappear" from the court.Apr 10 12:44
DaemonFCAnd they bail on their court date, ne'er to be seen again.Apr 10 12:45
DaemonFCEspecially the illegals that know how to do that anyway.Apr 10 12:45
DaemonFCThere ought to be a law that says if they're trying to kill, mug, or rape you, and they're alive when they hit the ground, you get two more shots to finish them off without it being a crime.Apr 10 12:46
DaemonFCShould we have to depend on frontier justice? No. There's thousands and thousands of cops there just doing nothing at all, writing speeding tickets while you're being raped.Apr 10 12:47
DaemonFCSo we NEED frontier justice.Apr 10 12:47
psydruidI have no ideaApr 10 12:48
psydruidprobably some kickbacks are involved hereApr 10 12:49
psydruidbecause Vista on ARM is DOAApr 10 12:50
DaemonFC1. The risk of being shot to death committing a crime is more of a deterrent than some Democrat judge giving a rapist a month on house arrest.Apr 10 12:50
DaemonFC2. It ensures no further criminal acts from that person if they do it anyway.Apr 10 12:50
DaemonFC3. It's fundamentally fair. They meant to do serious harm to you. You got them before they could.Apr 10 12:50
DaemonFCWindows itself can be ported to lots of things, by Microsoft.Apr 10 12:51
DaemonFCBut they can't make app developers pay it any attention.Apr 10 12:51
DaemonFCAnd they themselves have no right to recompile it, so limping around on some shitty emulator isn't fun either.Apr 10 12:52
DaemonFCSo the devices don't sell and they take a write-off, and nobody wants them because you can't disable "Secure Boot" and run Linux.Apr 10 12:52
DaemonFCApple moving to the M1 is a huge downside for their customers.Apr 10 12:53
*ciphrCat has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 10 12:53
DaemonFCNo matter how well it works, it's not directly compatible with Windows at the CPU level if you install Wine.Apr 10 12:54
DaemonFCSo they've really hobbled the Mac. A lot of Mac users bought Crossover.Apr 10 12:54
*cybrNaut has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)Apr 10 12:55
*ciphrCat (~ciphrCat@v75kd7krrqfvs.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 12:56
DaemonFCWine always gets funding and development from somewhere it seems.Apr 10 12:57
DaemonFCRight now Valve is finally putting in good gaming support.Apr 10 12:57
DaemonFCA long time ago, Google wrote in some missing Windows APIs to get Picassa and Google Earth to run.Apr 10 12:57
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▇▂▃▄▅▂▅▅▅▆▂▆▂▃▅▅▁▂▁▂▁▁▄▄▆▂▄▄▅▂▅▆▆▇▄▅▄▆▁ avg(k/sec) 19.71 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂█▂█▁▁▂▇▁█▁▁▁▂▆▁▁█▂▂█▃▄▂▁ avg(k/sec) 81.36▕ swarm size (avg): 277.83  ⟲Apr 10 12:59
*cybrNaut (~cybrNaut@joseon-tto.k1n.ssv8hv.IP) has joined #techrightsApr 10 12:59
*ziraffep (~ziraffep@vf9uspfbqtzpu.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 13:04
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 10 13:19
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@upfyme5tts22e.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 13:21
techrights-newsEndeavourOS Apollo Release Brings New Window Manager and Updates • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 13:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EndeavourOS Apollo Release Brings New Window Manager and Updates | Tux MachinesApr 10 13:27
DaemonFC 10 13:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 13:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | I Ranked All European Car Brands from Worst to Best - InvidiousApr 10 13:37
DaemonFCMinis suck and Mandy wants one and I keep telling him there's no way in hell I would ever buy one.Apr 10 13:37
DaemonFCYou see them sometimes here and they're just totally falling apart because it costs so much to fix anything and they're such a crappy car that nobody wants to fix one thing knowing more is coming and as long as it drives at all they keep it around.Apr 10 13:38
*gooseheaded has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 10 13:39
DaemonFCLOL. He says a woman down the street paid $112,000 for a Mercedes S-Class and then 10 years later she sold it and got $3,800.Apr 10 13:43
DaemonFCThat 2008 Buick I'm buying was like $32,000 and something in 2008, and 14 years later, he's still going to get $7,500 out of it.Apr 10 13:44
DaemonFCThat's a lot better than less than 3.5% of the car's original price.Apr 10 13:44
techrights-news"I'm probably not describing it well, but the net of it is that I suddenly had to try a lot harder - as in more attempts required - to select copy text, which generally implies mistakenly pasting the last successful copy, which can be <deity> knows what..." gemini:// 10 13:47
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: by 2008 money it's halfApr 10 13:49
schestowitz-TR32k deposited in the bank before financial crisis would be what now?Apr 10 13:49
DaemonFCThe interest would never beat inflation. So less than in 2008Apr 10 13:50
DaemonFCEhh, $43,011.71.Apr 10 13:50
schestowitz-TReven at3$ per annumApr 10 13:50
DaemonFCAdjusted for inflation.Apr 10 13:50
schestowitz-TRcumulative interestApr 10 13:50
schestowitz-TR103%... 120 percent in 5 yearsApr 10 13:51
schestowitz-TR15 years later it can almost doubleApr 10 13:51
DaemonFCSo it's like a $43,000-$44,000 car you know, new.Apr 10 13:51
schestowitz-TRI meant 3% per annumApr 10 13:51
DaemonFCAnd now I buy it for $7,500.Apr 10 13:51
DaemonFCIt still rides nicely. Apr 10 13:52
schestowitz-TRI pressed the adjacent key for $Apr 10 13:52
schestowitz-TRus keyboard layoutApr 10 13:52
DaemonFCThe book value is basically just like, hold your ankles.Apr 10 13:52
schestowitz-TRanyway, bbiabApr 10 13:52
DaemonFCGet ready for an intense serious ass fucking.Apr 10 13:52
DaemonFCHalf the value of the car is gone in the first 3 years.Apr 10 13:52
*CrystalMath (~coderain@jqa3q2d9e3nsi.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 13:53
DaemonFCJust gone. If you want a new car, you should never get one that's not at least 2-3 years old.Apr 10 13:53
schestowitz-TRcomputers are like this toApr 10 13:53
schestowitz-TRpremium and patentsApr 10 13:53
DaemonFCYou can find plenty that people leased and turned in that have service records and low miles because they didn't want the finance company to ding them more at trade in.Apr 10 13:53
schestowitz-TRdue to hype and marketingApr 10 13:53
schestowitz-TReither get an old or a used modelApr 10 13:54
DaemonFCAnd you'll pay about half for a car that's got 90%+ of its life back.Apr 10 13:54
schestowitz-TRmy new laptop was 205 poundsApr 10 13:54
schestowitz-TRfrom outletApr 10 13:54
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, I get a decent deal probably.Apr 10 13:54
schestowitz-TRsomeone opened it beforeApr 10 13:54
DaemonFCI pay about 13-14% adjusted for inflation.Apr 10 13:54
schestowitz-TRbut they put it back in with all the plastics fully intactApr 10 13:54
DaemonFCGet a car that's got another 10+ years easy.Apr 10 13:55
DaemonFCProbably.Apr 10 13:55
schestowitz-TRanyway, DaemonFC, back on topicApr 10 13:55
schestowitz-TRdo you want to help us with patent coverage?Apr 10 13:55
DaemonFCYeah, but I'm going to take a nap here in about an hour.Apr 10 13:55
schestowitz-TRi've just installed some software for quickly annotating and making screenshotsApr 10 13:55
schestowitz-TRok, catch you laterApr 10 13:55
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, The new screen shot program in GNOME is integrated right into the shell.Apr 10 13:56
DaemonFCAnd it does screen recording too.Apr 10 13:56
techrights-newsEUIPO is just corrupt, but these large law firms won't tell you that see 10 13:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Are Your Retail Trade Marks At Risk? - Intellectual Property - UKApr 10 13:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EUIPO - TechrightsApr 10 14:00
schestowitz-TRDaemonFC: try flameshotApr 10 14:00
schestowitz-TRit's excellentApr 10 14:00
schestowitz-TRI knew about it for ages but never tried itApr 10 14:00
schestowitzDaemonFC: Apr 10 14:01
schestowitz 10 14:01
schestowitzmade two minutes agoApr 10 14:01
schestowitzit has built-in editorApr 10 14:01
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 14:02
DaemonFCThey're probably ripping off Android customers too with the same patents.Apr 10 14:04
DaemonFCFor the most part, if the iPhone does something, Android does it too, and more.Apr 10 14:04
DaemonFCSo the patents that threaten Apple useds threaten Android phones. But since Androids sell for less, the patents are a bigger part of the costs. So they're a barrier to affordability.Apr 10 14:05
DaemonFCIf you're trying to sell a $150 Motorola G, $5 per phone for Ericsson is a lot more of a nuisance than it is for Apple.Apr 10 14:06
DaemonFCBecause Apple is selling $1,500 phones and none of their customers are even going to notice.Apr 10 14:06
DaemonFCApple isn't fighting to save their customers money, they're fighting to pad their bottom line.Apr 10 14:07
DaemonFCThey gave up caring about marketshare as much as seeing what the upper limit on price for people who would never buy an Android because they're a snob.Apr 10 14:07
DaemonFCSo Apple prices go up due to price discovery. They haven't found one that's too painful yet, so they keep going.Apr 10 14:08
techrights-newsIt's too risky to make good music any longer 10 14:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Breaking: Ed Sheeran wins ‘Shape of You’ copyright trial | Managing Intellectual PropertyApr 10 14:09
DaemonFCApple's pricing strategy is based on the price inelasticity of demand at this point. They've shucked most of the users who care what the phone costs.Apr 10 14:10
DaemonFCAnd now it's all about fleecing the ones who are left.Apr 10 14:10
DaemonFCYou're going to get robbed if you own an iPhone and Apple knows it, and the people buying it know it too on some level. Carriers play subsidy games to make it look like it's not such a burden.Apr 10 14:11
DaemonFCThe truth is they're not very good phones and they cost Apple between $250-400 to make.Apr 10 14:12
DaemonFCAndroid phones tend to sell for between 40% and double what they cost to produce. Apple's tend to sell for 2.5 to nearly 4xApr 10 14:13
DaemonFC40% moreApr 10 14:13
DaemonFCThe margins are very padded on iPhones.Apr 10 14:13
DaemonFCEven the SE.Apr 10 14:13
schestowitz 10 14:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Can’t Have Both | TechrightsApr 10 14:18
schestowitzDaemonFC: can you find typos? no racist remarks please..Apr 10 14:18
techrights-news[Meme] Can’t Have Both | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 10 14:20
*GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 10 14:21
DaemonFCschestowitz, 10 14:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 14:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Cheech & Chong - InvidiousApr 10 14:26
DaemonFC 10 14:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 14:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Cheech And Chong - Filling up car And Blows Up - InvidiousApr 10 14:29
techrights-newsNew Approach to Tackling Misinformation and Disinformation | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 10 14:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Approach to Tackling Misinformation and Disinformation | TechrightsApr 10 14:31
*CParadoxum__ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 10 14:33
schestowitz 10 14:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FooFighters - Greatest Hits (Full Album) - InvidiousApr 10 14:33
*CParadoxum__ (~quassel@9xkr6pdp2c5xu.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 14:33
DaemonFC 10 14:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 14:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Cheech and Chong - What do you guys want? - InvidiousApr 10 14:35
*psydruid just learned that people aren't aware of SUSE's ties with SAPApr 10 14:41
psydruid 10 14:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 14:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Exhausted - InvidiousApr 10 14:43
MinceR(cat) (audio:unimportant) 10 14:47
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 14:47
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Apr 10 14:54
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▆▅▃▅▃▄▄▂▂▇▅▅▃▄▃▄▁▁▂▇▃▆▅▆▅▆▇▅▅▅▅▅▆▆▇▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 23.36 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▃▁▂█▁▃▁██▁█▂▁▁███▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▂▃▃▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 101.26▕ swarm size (avg): 330.93  ⟲Apr 10 14:59
techrights-news#HowTo enable bash completion in AlmaLinux/RHEL based OS • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 15:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to enable bash completion in AlmaLinux/RHEL based OS | Tux MachinesApr 10 15:21
*bnchs (~bnchs@wkvhx4g7nzzbk.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 15:23
bnchsi wonder why we still store music in MP3s and lossy filesApr 10 15:23
bnchsi just had a CD with mp3 files that sounded good back then, but now sounds like shitApr 10 15:24
bnchsit's probably sector errorsApr 10 15:24
*ziraffep has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 10 15:28
techrights-news"As I got older, work started to dominate my evening and then my nights, and then work itself became the hobby I couldn't put down. However, every now and then, I see a video of some new shiny triple-A game that appeals to me, and I feel the call of the controller." gemini:// 10 15:30
techrights-newsHours ago: "Here I am sitting at my desk, taking refuge in the small internet. My view of the terminal is partially obscured by some roses in a brown glass vase, maybe accounting for typos." gemini:// 10 15:31
*matey (~matey@r7achhczcv5b6.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 15:31
techrights-newsNo, Your Laundry Machine Doesn't Need WiFi gemini:// suckers born every minute...Apr 10 15:32
bnchslaundry machine doesn't need wifiApr 10 15:32
bnchsbut they see it as a plusApr 10 15:32
bnchsGIVE ME WIFIApr 10 15:32
techrights-newsHow to Perl gemini:// 10 15:33
immibisobviously it needs to connect with a custom microcontroller board to a house-wide RS-485 bus to tell me when my laundry is doneApr 10 15:33
immibisRS-485 is clearly so much better suited for the task than wi-fiApr 10 15:33
bnchsimmibis, thats not wifiApr 10 15:33
bnchsi need wifi to phone homeApr 10 15:33
immibisi had that idea a while ago, you know, before I had to own nothing and be happy (late stage capitalism)Apr 10 15:33
techrights-news"I have been participating in an annual work-internal project contest (we call it Pet Project contest) since I moved to London and switched jobs to my current employer. I am very happy to say that I won a "silver" prize last week here" gemini:// 10 15:34
techrights-news"VSCode used around 500Mb more RAM for similar feature set and was much slower to start up." gemini:// 10 15:34
bnchs"VSCode used around 500Mb more RAM for similar feature set and was much slower to start up."Apr 10 15:34
bnchsthis is what electron gives youApr 10 15:34
bnchsyou can compare vscode with emacsApr 10 15:35
bnchsand see which ones take up the most ramApr 10 15:35
mateydidnt know this: grace hopper didnt only use the univac i, she was also on the design teamApr 10 15:37
kingoffrancewhats this more? 500M is scary enough as it is lolApr 10 15:37
bnchskingoffrance, scary for poor peopleApr 10 15:37
*kingoffrance <--Apr 10 15:37
bnchsjust buy a new computer manApr 10 15:37
bnchswho cares about optimizationApr 10 15:37
psydruid500M more junkApr 10 15:37
kingoffrancewhy would i want a computer man?  Apr 10 15:38
bnchscomputer man to help you to delete bloated shitApr 10 15:38
psydruidstop using cheap computersApr 10 15:38
kingoffrancethey probably meant MB (bytes) but at least it wasn't MiBApr 10 15:39
psydruidMango Pi strictly forbiddenApr 10 15:39
mateyschestowitz-TR  │ and you can be sure that's not THE reason we don't see many black programmers <- check out the guy on the left 10 15:39
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 15:39
psydruidOpenWalletPOWER for allApr 10 15:39
bnchsOpenPOWERApr 10 15:39
bnchsisn't that like PowerPCApr 10 15:40
schestowitz-TR[15:33] <immibis> RS-485 is clearly so much better suited for the task than wi-fiApr 10 15:40
schestowitz-TRjust make a buzzer or bellApr 10 15:40
schestowitz-TRlike a microwaveApr 10 15:40
psydruidyesApr 10 15:40
schestowitz-TRand dials instead of ledsApr 10 15:40
bnchsschestowitz-TR, lol laundry machines already have thatApr 10 15:40
schestowitz-TRthey last longerApr 10 15:40
bnchsthey have beeps to alert youApr 10 15:40
bnchsi don't get itApr 10 15:40
kingoffrance[washing] machine that goes pingApr 10 15:40
schestowitz-TRour washing machine turns itself off when doneApr 10 15:40
schestowitz-TRwhich is likely what you want anywayApr 10 15:40
bnchswell i don't knowApr 10 15:41
bnchsmy washing machine does 2 beepsApr 10 15:41
bnchswhen it finishesApr 10 15:41
psydruidGet real freedom now, pay laterApr 10 15:41
psydruid 10 15:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Could not resolve host:; Unknown error ( status 0 @ )Apr 10 15:41
bnchslol they blocked techrightsbotApr 10 15:41
mateyah yes, but does it send you an email, sms, and upload a picture of the freshly-washed load of laundry to instagram?Apr 10 15:41
bnchsmatey: partnered with Nuance Communications Inc.Apr 10 15:42
schestowitz-TRbnchs: yes, bur your washing machine does not mine fakecoin in idle timeApr 10 15:42
bnchsto analyze your voicesApr 10 15:42
bnchsNUANCEApr 10 15:42
schestowitz-TR[15:41] <bnchs> lol they blocked techrightsbotApr 10 15:42
schestowitz-TRit's not chromeApr 10 15:42
schestowitz-TRso obviuouslyt some rushan chinese "ahcker"Apr 10 15:42
bnchsi hate how gulag is holding a monopoly on browsersApr 10 15:43
schestowitz-TRmatey: it'll even like its own postApr 10 15:43
schestowitz-TRto get you "started" aheadApr 10 15:43
schestowitz-TR"<3 +1  (liked by roy's washing machine)"Apr 10 15:44
bnchspsydruid, this looks awesomeApr 10 15:44
bnchs"Talos™ II drives the state of the art of secure computing forward. Talos™ II gives you — and only you — full control of your machine's security. Rest assured knowing that only your authorized software and firmware are running via POWER9's secure boot features. Don't trust us? Look at the secure boot sources yourself — and modify them as you wish. That's the power of Talos™ II."Apr 10 15:44
bnchsnever mind?Apr 10 15:44
bnchsbut at least they say they published the sources of itApr 10 15:45
matey> only your authorized software and firmware are running via POWER9's secure boot featuresApr 10 15:45
mateywell fuck thatApr 10 15:45
matey but at least they say they published the sources of it <- yeah but publishing the source of tivo doesnt fix tivoisationApr 10 15:45
bnchsyeahApr 10 15:45
psydruidbnchs, that's exactly what they want you to believeApr 10 15:45
bnchspsydruid, fill me inApr 10 15:46
psydruidfor $$$ you will get real freedomApr 10 15:46
bnchsthere's no source code linkApr 10 15:46
mateyfreedom as a serviceApr 10 15:46
matey"whered my freedom go?" "you didnt pay your subscription fee"Apr 10 15:46
psydruid 10 15:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raptor Computing Systems GIT RepositoriesApr 10 15:47
bnchsi have a powerpc machineApr 10 15:48
psydruidbut they still play in ICBM's kindergartenApr 10 15:48
matey/me sells his power9 to aquamanApr 10 15:48
psydruidI have my powermac g4 and g5 machinesApr 10 15:48
bnchsit's a PS3Apr 10 15:49
schestowitz-TRbefore they blocked 'badware'?Apr 10 15:49
schestowitz-TR(GNU/Linux)Apr 10 15:49
schestowitz-TRthey actually had yellowdog near the startApr 10 15:49
bnchscrackedApr 10 15:49
bnchs 10 15:49
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 15:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Ribbon GNU/Linux for PS3 / Wiki / HomeApr 10 15:49
schestowitz-TRyum is deprecated nowApr 10 15:49
psydruidcan you run a current distribution on PS3?Apr 10 15:49
schestowitz-TRgentoo made some mods for it iircApr 10 15:50
bnchspsydruid, is it ported to powerpc?Apr 10 15:50
psydruidbnchs, Debian is still there and Gentoo, Adélie and Void tooApr 10 15:50
bnchsalso yeah this GNU/Linux distribution also has no proprietary softwareApr 10 15:50
psydruidppc64 should also work on PS3Apr 10 15:51
bnchsyeahApr 10 15:51
psydruid 10 15:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Index of /cdimage/ports/currentApr 10 15:52
psydruidthere are some issues with grubApr 10 15:52
bnchsi mean the difference between red ribbon and debianApr 10 15:52
bnchsis that red ribbon has some PS3-specific kernel patchesApr 10 15:52
psydruidI don't know why those haven't been integrated upstreamApr 10 15:53
*rasputinaB (~b9dc6535@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 15:54
psydruid14_03?Apr 10 15:55
psydruidfrom 2014?Apr 10 15:55
bnchsyeahApr 10 15:55
bnchsi think it's deadApr 10 15:55
bnchsthe kernel patches are licensed under GPL, but i don't know where the source code for them areApr 10 15:57
bnchsprobably in the ISOApr 10 15:57
psydruidthen it would probably make sense to download the ISO anywayApr 10 15:58
matey<psydruid> I don't know why those haven't been integrated upstream <- without a real movement, people care about bullshit instead of freedomApr 10 16:00
mateyits what theyre focused onApr 10 16:00
mateynot everyone cares about only bullshit, but right now theres not much of a movement to put them together into a combined forceApr 10 16:01
psydruidso everyone is encouraged to participate in the bullshitApr 10 16:03
mateyand neglect the rest Apr 10 16:03
mateyimagine the forces inside an engine blockApr 10 16:03
psydruidand if you don't, your career in bullshitting will be in jeopardyApr 10 16:03
mateywithout an engine block to direct themApr 10 16:03
matey/me leans in towards a crank shaft and goes "fooo" at itApr 10 16:04
mateyits not workingApr 10 16:04
mateyof course people think im being pessimistic. its not pessimism to say that if people care mostly about bullshit, that bullshit will take overApr 10 16:05
rasputinaBany one using the remote administration tool borat?Apr 10 16:06
mateybeing anti-bulllshit is at least part of the solutionApr 10 16:06
bnchsrasputinaB, helloApr 10 16:06
schestowitz-TR[05:24] <schestowitz> would you get 'canceled' for this now? 10 16:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 16:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Boney M. - Rasputin (Sopot Festival 1979) (VOD) - InvidiousApr 10 16:06
schestowitz-TRrasputinaBoney?Apr 10 16:06
schestowitz-TRborat is for windowsApr 10 16:06
schestowitz-TR[03:20] <techrights-news> Does Borat use Microsoft Windows? "To further rattle victims, Borat can run such tasks as playing audio, showing and hiding the desktop or taskbar, enabling or disabling the webcam light, turning off the monitor or showing a blank screen." 10 16:07
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 16:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Triple threat: Borat RAT pushes ransomware, DDoS, spyware • The RegisterApr 10 16:07
schestowitz-TR[03:20] [Notice] -TechrightsSocial to #boycottnovell-social- | Triple threat: Borat RAT pushes ransomware, DDoS, spyware • The RegisterApr 10 16:07
schestowitz-TR[03:20] <techrights-news> Yes, Microsoft Windows TCO strikes again 10 16:07
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 16:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Deep Dive Analysis – Borat RAT — CybleApr 10 16:07
schestowitz-TR[03:21] [Notice] -TechrightsSocial to #boycottnovell-social- | Deep Dive Analysis – Borat RAT — CybleApr 10 16:07
bnchsborat is a RAT for windowsApr 10 16:07
schestowitz-TRwindows is a RATApr 10 16:07
bnchswindows is a RAT for microsoftApr 10 16:07
schestowitz-TRBallmer is a BRATApr 10 16:07
schestowitz-TRBallmer Remote Access TrojanApr 10 16:07
rasputinaBremote administration toolApr 10 16:07
schestowitz-TRaka BoRATApr 10 16:07
bnchsballmer BORATApr 10 16:07
rasputinaBRATApr 10 16:07
schestowitz-TRballmer masking his ballsApr 10 16:08
bnchsrasputinaB, no i don't use windows toolsApr 10 16:08
schestowitz-TRlike BoratApr 10 16:08
bnchsheres some suspicious "removal tool"Apr 10 16:08
bnchs 10 16:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Borat RAT Removal ReportApr 10 16:08
rasputinaBi could use such powerful tool to manage my employeesApr 10 16:08
bnchstotally not a minerApr 10 16:08
schestowitz 10 16:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 16:09
matey<rasputinaB> i could use such powerful tool to manage my employees <- then you would be a toolApr 10 16:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Connection timed out after 10000 milliseconds ( status 0 @ )Apr 10 16:09
mateywho do you work for, sony?Apr 10 16:09
schestowitz 10 16:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-BORAT - Caricature fan art - ZBrushCentralApr 10 16:09
bnchs<rasputinaB> i could use such powerful tool to manage my employeesApr 10 16:09
bnchsyou're the worst boss everApr 10 16:10
rasputinaBthey are all working from home nowApr 10 16:10
rasputinaBi need to keep an eye on thingsApr 10 16:10
bnchsso you spy on your employees at home?Apr 10 16:10
rasputinaBspy? noApr 10 16:11
bnchsand are they using the company's computers?Apr 10 16:11
rasputinaBsuperviseApr 10 16:11
bnchsor their own computer?Apr 10 16:11
rasputinaBcompany's computersApr 10 16:11
rasputinaBmostly some people prefer to use their ownsApr 10 16:12
mateyyou could also aim a camera at everyones screenApr 10 16:12
bnchsyeah sureApr 10 16:12
bnchslemme give my employees spywareApr 10 16:12
bnchsto "supervise"Apr 10 16:12
bnchsit's not spying on your private messages, it's supervising your messagesApr 10 16:12
rasputinaBisnt that how all big corps work?Apr 10 16:13
bnchsif i were youApr 10 16:13
rasputinaBmaking sure no corporate info is leakedApr 10 16:13
mateymaybe attach a pulse monitor to every worker so when they slow down, you can tell theyre restingApr 10 16:13
rasputinaBits for their own good actuallyApr 10 16:13
bnchsif i were you, as long as they did their work, i wouldn't give a shitApr 10 16:13
matey<rasputinaB> making sure no corporate info is leaked <- maybe installing malware isnt the best road to data securityApr 10 16:14
matey<rasputinaB> its for their own good actually <- they always say thisApr 10 16:14
bnchs"oh you're not moving your mouse"Apr 10 16:14
bnchs"YOU'RE NOT WORKING"Apr 10 16:14
rasputinaBa least we can hopefully sort things out privately with out involving 3th partiesApr 10 16:14
psydruidyou could also point guns at everyone's facesApr 10 16:14
bnchs"-20 to your salary"Apr 10 16:14
mateyof course we are pretending this isnt trollingApr 10 16:14
psydruidif they are not productive enough, they're goneApr 10 16:14
matey <psydruid> you could also point guns at everyone's faces <- that makes people work harder yesApr 10 16:14
mateypsydruid: this is whats inefficient about the corporate workplace. just put them all in camps!Apr 10 16:15
psydruidmatey, Arbeit macht frei!Apr 10 16:15
mateywe have quotas, you knowApr 10 16:16
rasputinaBaren't all big corps doing it already one way or the other?Apr 10 16:16
matey<rasputinaB> aren't all big corps doing it already one way or the other? <- yes though reformists stand against thisApr 10 16:16
mateyso sometimes there are limitsApr 10 16:16
bnchsrasputinaB, that doesn't mean you shouldn't also do itApr 10 16:17
rasputinaBits mostly for preventing data exfiltrationApr 10 16:17
matey<rasputinaB> its mostly for preventing data exfiltration <- still thinks psydruids idea is better for securityApr 10 16:17
mateyno ones going to leak corporate data with a gun at their headApr 10 16:17
bnchsrasputinaB, can you tell me why they should leak corporate dataApr 10 16:17
matey"go ahead, press 'enter' motherfucker"Apr 10 16:17
bnchsis there bad work ethics?Apr 10 16:18
matey can you tell me why they should leak corporate data <- to be fair, corporate espionage IS a thingApr 10 16:18
bnchsmaybe shit salaryApr 10 16:18
rasputinaBits just a toolApr 10 16:19
mateymaybe shit salary <- maybe stephen elop sent themApr 10 16:19
matey<rasputinaB> its just a tool <- so is a gunApr 10 16:19
mateyhave you tried pointing a gun at their heads?Apr 10 16:19
bnchsrasputinaB, there is no way to prevent data exfiltrationApr 10 16:19
bnchsas long as you have external storage devicesApr 10 16:19
bnchsor the internetApr 10 16:19
rasputinaBguns don't kill people people kill peopleApr 10 16:20
mateyguns might kill people, but bullets are effective at a longer rangeApr 10 16:20
mateyi cant throw a gun very hardApr 10 16:20
mateymaybe i could hit a pigeon if its lightedApr 10 16:21
rasputinaBbesides this isnt a gun we aer talking aboutApr 10 16:21
mateya gun is just a toolApr 10 16:21
mateyguns have done a lot for securityApr 10 16:21
rasputinaBim sure there are lots of such tools but they use closed source and xost lots of moneyApr 10 16:23
mateyguns are effective for removing remote access toolsApr 10 16:23
bnchsrasputinaB, borat is closed sourceApr 10 16:24
mateyif you shoot your smartphone the rat will almost certainly die with itApr 10 16:24
bnchsalso windows-exclusive, like alwaysApr 10 16:24
bnchsbest way is to tell your employees to use their own computerApr 10 16:24
rasputinaBshut up with this gun talkApr 10 16:24
mateyyou started itApr 10 16:24
bnchsrasputinaB, what about the employees with their own computerApr 10 16:24
bnchsif you infect their computer with your malware, then it's unethicalApr 10 16:25
rasputinaBit might be harder to get the thing running cause they usually take it homeApr 10 16:26
mateyto remove a rat from a desktop you have to target the hard driveApr 10 16:26
psydruidhow did rasputin's life come to an end again?Apr 10 16:26
mateyaiming at the monitor will only make a messApr 10 16:26
rasputinaBit was their choice to use their personal computer for workApr 10 16:26
bnchsrasputinaB, have you talked with themApr 10 16:26
bnchshave you disclosed that you're planning to infect their machines with your spyware?Apr 10 16:27
rasputinaBi didnt pointed a gun to their heads hehApr 10 16:27
psydruid 10 16:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Grigori Rasputin - WikipediaApr 10 16:27
mateypsydruid: three gunshotsApr 10 16:27
bnchsINCLUDING disclosing that the company computers have spyware on itApr 10 16:27
mateythat could explain why rasputinaB is uncomfortable with gun talk, but we are only talking about using it for data securityApr 10 16:27
mateyand maybe removing excess pigeons, though that (too) was hypotheticalApr 10 16:28
rasputinaBwouldn't disclosing that kinda break the point?Apr 10 16:28
rasputinaBactually you just gave me a good ideaApr 10 16:28
bnchsit's unethical if you don't disclose itApr 10 16:28
bnchsand can be used against youApr 10 16:28
schestowitz-TR[16:14] <bnchs> "oh you're not moving your mouse"Apr 10 16:28
schestowitz-TR"I was using my other 4 laptops"Apr 10 16:28
schestowitz-TR(workers learns a trick for keeping the mouse moving whilst away"Apr 10 16:29
matey4 laptops would make your lap incredibly warmApr 10 16:29
mateybut if youre not planning on having kids its probably fineApr 10 16:29
schestowitz-TR(Microsoft advertises "productivity score" to help bosses fire workers who are productive, baselessly)Apr 10 16:29
matey/me thinks maybe rasputina works for epic megagamesApr 10 16:29
matey"lets just install rootkits on everything!"Apr 10 16:30
rasputinaBi could tell them that their computers have supervision enabled even with out it just to make them believe i would find out if any misbehavior appendApr 10 16:30
mateythough as i said, could be sonyApr 10 16:30
techrights-newsThe Web has become a cesspool of shameless propaganda and disinformation when it comes to patent “news” (noise, marketing, highly misleading self-promotion) and EPO affairs 10 16:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Approach to Tackling Misinformation and Disinformation | TechrightsApr 10 16:30
techrights-newsMicrosoft loves Linux, right? But Microsoft loves Windows at the same time… so one must be false 10 16:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Can’t Have Both | TechrightsApr 10 16:30
rasputinaBthe would prevent 99 per cent of problemsApr 10 16:30
mateythis computer is monitored by foo techApr 10 16:30
matey/me pities the fooApr 10 16:31
bnchsrasputinaB, ok what did people do before thisApr 10 16:31
bnchsthey did their workApr 10 16:31
bnchsand then afterwards jack off to pr0n when you're not lookingApr 10 16:31
techrights-news"openSUSE is undeniably, one of the biggest names in the Linux world. It is the professionals' choice. Used by advanced users in development environments and servers extensively, openSUSE provides a very refined and robust computing experience." 10 16:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 16:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | openSUSE Tumbleweed | The BEST Rolling Release Linux Distro For Power Users! (BLEEDING EDGE) - InvidiousApr 10 16:31
bnchsand probably some social control mediaApr 10 16:32
matey"realtime employee review!"Apr 10 16:32
bnchsas long as you treat your employees wellApr 10 16:32
bnchsthey won't give a shit about the corporate data and shitApr 10 16:32
mateyand stephen elop didnt send themApr 10 16:32
schestowitz-TR[16:31] <bnchs> and then afterwards jack off to pr0n when you're not looking  << with the mouse attached to the wrist so that you're measured as VERY productiveApr 10 16:32
schestowitz-TRelop is finishedApr 10 16:33
rasputinaBlapsus$ proved you wrongApr 10 16:33
schestowitz-TRno sane company would hire himApr 10 16:33
bnchsrasputinaB, lapsus$ is a cracking teamApr 10 16:33
bnchsnot a group of rogue employeesApr 10 16:33
schestowitz-TRthey cracked MicrosoftApr 10 16:33
rasputinaBall they need is a $$$ incentive to run away with your stuffApr 10 16:33
schestowitz-TRthe "pluton" companyApr 10 16:33
bnchsrasputinaB, what i said isApr 10 16:33
bnchstreat your employees wellApr 10 16:34
bnchsand they won't think about doing this shitApr 10 16:34
bnchsbut if you like going full on amazonApr 10 16:34
schestowitz-TRMicrosoft: we got cracked, but we're a security; buy our wares or we'll have to BRIBE you to 'buy' our waresApr 10 16:34
bnchsthen your idea is a good ideaApr 10 16:34
rasputinaBthey just offered money on twitter for epole to sell them their credentialsApr 10 16:34
mateyschestowitz-TR: precisely why he has to send his minions in his stead 10 16:34
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 16:34
rasputinaBif only MS used borat maybe that would never happendApr 10 16:35
kingoffrancehow does a remote administration tool prevent data exfiltration?  are the machines locked down they cant just copy a hard drive? is data only on a network?   Apr 10 16:35
mateyif ms used borat khazakstan would probably grow further as a glorious nationApr 10 16:35
kingoffrancecant someone just take a picture with their phone?Apr 10 16:36
mateythen we will have a big partyApr 10 16:36
bnchsrasputinaB, it's fucking dumbApr 10 16:36
bnchseven if you put a rat on the machinesApr 10 16:36
bnchsthe (rogue) employees can simply attach a HDMI captureApr 10 16:36
bnchson the hdmi cablesApr 10 16:36
bnchsand you won't be able to detect itApr 10 16:37
rasputinaBat the very least you would have irrefutable evidenceApr 10 16:37
bnchsvideo editingApr 10 16:37
mateys/irrefutable/inconceivable/Apr 10 16:39
bnchsdoing this is only a cat and mouse gameApr 10 16:39
mateyrat and mouseApr 10 16:39
bnchsnot to mention you can simply rip off the hard drive off the company machineApr 10 16:39
bnchsand dump it straight as thatApr 10 16:39
rasputinaByou could actually disconnect the computer before the press of the send buttonApr 10 16:40
rasputinaBand take a mugshootApr 10 16:40
mateyyou could put the data on usb, and then put the usb in a can of shaving creamApr 10 16:40
kingoffrancei dont know, one place i worked the boss wanted to set up mp3/music server of some kind.    i do not "judge" that just think there are many parallels thereApr 10 16:40
kingoffrancehow is the RIAA/etc. doing with this problem of data exfiltration?Apr 10 16:41
bnchsrasputinaB, the dumping is done on a seperate computerApr 10 16:41
kingoffrancethey caught all the leakers?Apr 10 16:41
bnchsso have fun doing thatApr 10 16:41
bnchsbecause it won't workApr 10 16:41
rasputinaByou dont disable usb on the corp computers?Apr 10 16:41
bnchswhat i said is ripping off the hard driveApr 10 16:41
mateywith music in the workplace, they rely on people reporting it (similar to the bsa)Apr 10 16:41
bnchsfrom the corp computersApr 10 16:42
bnchsand dumping it on a seperate computerApr 10 16:42
kingoffrancesure, i just mean, computers are made to copy dataApr 10 16:42
bnchsthis can be done secretlyApr 10 16:42
bnchsand without you knowingApr 10 16:42
rasputinaBare you familiar with borat capabilities?Apr 10 16:42
bnchsyeah tell me one of themApr 10 16:43
mateyhe can singApr 10 16:43
rasputinaBcan be done secretly and without them knowinApr 10 16:43
bnchsrasputinaB, you don't get itApr 10 16:43
bnchsheres how it worksApr 10 16:43
bnchsturn off the computerApr 10 16:43
bnchsunplug itApr 10 16:43
bnchsopen the caseApr 10 16:43
kingoffranceor:   if the movie/music industries cannot stop ppl, why do other ppl think they can?Apr 10 16:43
bnchsrip off the hard driveApr 10 16:43
bnchsput on a seperate computer and copy the files off itApr 10 16:43
bnchsmount the filesystem as read-only aswell to prevent any knowledge of itApr 10 16:44
bnchshappeningApr 10 16:44
rasputinaBkingoffrance because they cant legaly install borat on peoples computersApr 10 16:44
mateybnchs: bolt cutter for the lock tooApr 10 16:44
bnchsmatey: lockpickApr 10 16:44
mateyoohApr 10 16:44
bnchsunless you can buy another lockApr 10 16:44
bnchsthe same typeApr 10 16:44
rasputinaB 10 16:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Remote Administration Tool - RAT Software | DamewareApr 10 16:45
matey 10 16:45
rasputinaBthis one is completelly legalApr 10 16:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | There is Nothin' Like A Dame - InvidiousApr 10 16:46
bnchsrasputinaB, will not prevent my strategy of copying your dataApr 10 16:47
kingoffrancewell i wish you luck i just think noone cares about security, it is like "law" to me, nonexistentApr 10 16:47
mateydamn ewareApr 10 16:47
rasputinaBStarts at 337 € per installApr 10 16:47
mateywaste of moneyApr 10 16:47
bnchsand thats too expensive as shitApr 10 16:47
bnchswaste of moneyApr 10 16:47
rasputinaBshould be 1337Apr 10 16:47
bnchsimagine wasting tons of money on installing malwareApr 10 16:47
mateyit should cost 5 centsApr 10 16:48
bnchsnah i work as a boss for amazonApr 10 16:48
bnchswe legally cant do thatApr 10 16:48
techrights-news[PATCH v2] linux-firmware: Update AMD cpu microcode - John Allen ⚓ ䷉ Source: amdApr 10 16:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [PATCH v2] linux-firmware: Update AMD cpu microcode - John AllenApr 10 16:48
mateysecurity advice: 5 centsApr 10 16:48
techrights-newsMX Linux 21.1 Brings Much Needed Stability with Updated Debian Base • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 16:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MX Linux 21.1 Brings Much Needed Stability with Updated Debian Base | Tux MachinesApr 10 16:48
bnchs337 eurosApr 10 16:49
kingoffrancei used to read it is perhaps better to have a trail/log than "catch" or try to prevent everyone per se, so that makes senseApr 10 16:49
mateyecurity designed to make you think its secure: psecurityApr 10 16:49
bnchsyou're not gonna stop itApr 10 16:49
techrights-news193: Unreal Engine 5, EndeavourOS, Unsnap to Flatpaks, Linux Mint, elementaryOS and more Linux news! - TuxDigital ⚓ ䷉ Source: TuxDigital | GNU | LinuxApr 10 16:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-193: Unreal Engine 5, EndeavourOS, Unsnap to Flatpaks, Linux Mint, elementaryOS and more Linux news! - TuxDigitalApr 10 16:49
bnchsif you think your employees are easily persuaded by moneyApr 10 16:49
bnchsthen how much are you paying themApr 10 16:50
rasputinaBemployees are easily persuaded by money thats why they are working for meApr 10 16:50
bnchshow much are you paying themApr 10 16:50
mateykingoffrance: 10 16:50
rasputinaBenoughApr 10 16:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Original Log Commercial | The Ren & Stimpy Show | NickRewind - InvidiousApr 10 16:50
rasputinaBenough so they perform the job perfectallyApr 10 16:51
bnchshow much are they offeringApr 10 16:51
schestowitz-TRrasputinaB: impossibleApr 10 16:52
schestowitz-TRas you have them use WindowsApr 10 16:52
schestowitz-TRif you're not just trolling usApr 10 16:52
mateybig ifApr 10 16:52
techrights-newsFirefox 99 on POWER ⚓ ䷉ Source: talospaceApr 10 16:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox 99 on POWERApr 10 16:53
matey"""if"""Apr 10 16:53
schestowitz-TRif I were a richmondApr 10 16:53
schestowitz-TRif I were a redmondApr 10 16:53
schestowitz-TRI would install malware on billions of machines didi-day-dididi-day-yiyayApr 10 16:54
matey 10 16:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Janet Jackson - If - InvidiousApr 10 16:54
matey<schestowitz-TR> if I were a richmond <- :PApr 10 16:54
schestowitz-TRshe used to make musicApr 10 16:54
schestowitz-TRthen she made spectaclesApr 10 16:54
matey<schestowitz-TR> if I were a redmond <- :PApr 10 16:54
mateythen she made spectacles <- the industry eats its ownApr 10 16:55
schestowitz-TRyeahApr 10 16:55
schestowitz-TRone little mistakeApr 10 16:55
mateyat least they were very nice spectaclesApr 10 16:55
schestowitz-TRnow they pick on christiano ronaldoApr 10 16:55
schestowitz-TRlike they did neymarApr 10 16:55
schestowitz-TRover some response to somethingApr 10 16:55
schestowitz-TRlike rmsApr 10 16:55
mateyindeedApr 10 16:55
schestowitz-TRsometimes they get provokedApr 10 16:55
mateywe sell perfection by pointing at the obvious fact that other people are imperfectApr 10 16:56
schestowitz-TRlinus tried to kiss esr or something (joke)Apr 10 16:56
schestowitz-TRfor this they would not cancel himApr 10 16:56
matey 10 16:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | David Tennant & John Bishop Kiss For Red Nose Day - InvidiousApr 10 16:57
schestowitz 10 16:57
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 16:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linus Torvalds targeted by honeytraps, claims Eric S. Raymond • The RegisterApr 10 16:57
matey"honeytraps"Apr 10 16:58
schestowitz 10 16:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Apr 10 16:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▅▅▆▄▅▅▆▇▆▆▆▇▅▅▆▇▆▆▆▇▇▇▇▅▆▄▅▇▅▂▃▇▁ avg(k/sec) 32.95 ▕  IPFS upstream: █▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▃▂▂▃▂▂▁▂▁▂▂▃▂▁▁▃▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 23.38▕ swarm size (avg): 380.56  ⟲Apr 10 16:59
schestowitzwith his book in the backgroundApr 10 16:59
schestowitz"Can you sign this?"Apr 10 16:59
rasputinaB"honeytraps" is way of lifeApr 10 17:00
matey 10 17:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Honey Pie (Remastered 2009) - InvidiousApr 10 17:00
mateyfrom the allow albumApr 10 17:01
matey"oh honeypie, my position is tragic"Apr 10 17:02
rasputinaB 10 17:02
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 17:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Deep Dive Analysis – Borat RAT — CybleApr 10 17:02
rasputinaBsee its poen sourceApr 10 17:02
mateyeverything is open sourceApr 10 17:02
mateywindows is the future of open sourceApr 10 17:02
mateythe invasion of ukraine runs on open sourceApr 10 17:02
*psydruid performs open heart surgery on borat the open ratApr 10 17:03
mateychenqui!Apr 10 17:03
schestowitz-TRwindows has a calculator with source codeApr 10 17:03
schestowitz-TRit's in proprietary githubApr 10 17:03
schestowitz-TRand it has telemetry (spyware)Apr 10 17:03
mateyfor proprietary open source windowsApr 10 17:03
schestowitz-TRso windows is openApr 10 17:03
mateyopen telemetryApr 10 17:03
matey(open telemetry signed the anti-rms letter)Apr 10 17:03
schestowitz-TR0.01% of the source code is shared with malware on a proprietary platform controlled by the proprietorApr 10 17:04
matey"OpenTelemetry"Apr 10 17:04
rasputinaBproprietary open source is redhatApr 10 17:04
schestowitz-TRMicrtosoft: hitler loves juiceApr 10 17:04
rasputinaBoracle linux = proprietary open sourceApr 10 17:05
mateyposApr 10 17:05
mateyformerly libre openly sleazy softwareApr 10 17:05
psydruidwashington intelligence national digital open windows sourceApr 10 17:06
kingoffrancetheres a silly movie called "boiler room" about some stock scheme.  i always feel like vin diesel when the main character goes to tell him he thinks its a scam "thats what we do" not that i support that, but "copy data. thats what computers do"Apr 10 17:06
psydruidthey suck your data off youApr 10 17:06
mateycopy data. thats what computers do <- yep, it copies it to ramApr 10 17:07
psydruidthen you are cleanApr 10 17:07
mateythen it copies it to buffersApr 10 17:07
psydruidwith no data to take care ofApr 10 17:07
mateythen the buffers copy it to devicesApr 10 17:07
kingoffrancea series of tubes^H^H^H^H^HbuffersApr 10 17:07
mateytangled up tubes!Apr 10 17:07
kingoffrancedont cross the tubesApr 10 17:07
matey 10 17:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DJ Ted Stevens Techno Remix: "A Series of Tubes" - InvidiousApr 10 17:08
schestowitz-TRhere, tube is the london "sub"Apr 10 17:08
schestowitz-TRthere are many names for subsApr 10 17:08
schestowitz-TRmrtApr 10 17:08
schestowitz-TRsingapore says thatApr 10 17:08
schestowitz-TRsome of the "sub" is above groundApr 10 17:08
schestowitz-TRthey should just call them "railed buses" :-)Apr 10 17:09
schestowitz-TRhorseless carriages in steelApr 10 17:09
schestowitz-TR*onApr 10 17:09
schestowitz Manchester City          2 - 1  LiverpoolApr 10 17:09 10 17:10
bnchsapparently is actually a japanese instanceApr 10 17:10
schestowitz-TRI'll check if some a-holes uploaded some videos to the gulag alreadyApr 10 17:10
bnchs 10 17:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | エッチなロリサービスプロバイダーApr 10 17:10
matey<schestowitz-TR> here, tube is the london "sub" <- elon musk invented tubesApr 10 17:10
mateybut al gore invented them firstApr 10 17:11
schestowitz 10 17:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 17:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | GOL DO LIVERPOOL HOJE | GOL DE DIOGO JOTA MANCHESTER CITY 1X1 LIVERPOOL 10/04/2022 - InvidiousApr 10 17:11
bnchstubesApr 10 17:11
matey"thank god for model trains, because otherwise they wouldnt have gotten the idea for the big trains"Apr 10 17:11
bnchstubes were invented for toiletApr 10 17:11
schestowitz 10 17:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 17:11
bnchswho invented toiletApr 10 17:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Connection timed out after 10000 milliseconds ( status 0 @ )Apr 10 17:12
mateyelon musks french ancestorsApr 10 17:12
bnchswow dead instanceApr 10 17:12
rasputinaBelan musketsApr 10 17:13
schestowitz 10 17:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 17:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Gabriel Jesus goal vs Liverpool Manchester City 2-1 Liverpool - InvidiousApr 10 17:14
rasputinaBelan muskets is the emperor og rat softwareApr 10 17:14
schestowitz-TRmusked villianApr 10 17:16
rasputinaBsteve was the princeApr 10 17:17
techrights-newsApex Legends finally playable on Linux: How to download and everything players need to know ⚓ ䷉ Source: sportskeedaApr 10 17:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Apex Legends finally playable on Linux: How to download and everything players need to knowApr 10 17:17
bnchsapex legends finally playable on linuxApr 10 17:18
rasputinaBHow to download more hardwareApr 10 17:18
bnchswow a game built off of valve's source engineApr 10 17:18
bnchsWORKS on linuxApr 10 17:18
schestowitz-TRguess it's better than notApr 10 17:18
schestowitz-TRso people can quit windows and still play this drm s***Apr 10 17:18
bnchsi mean it was already easier to port the game to GNU/Linux anywayApr 10 17:19
bnchsprobably because valve made the engineApr 10 17:20
rasputinaByou can play it on a VM or a ContainerApr 10 17:20
bnchsrasputinaB, i will hate you for thisApr 10 17:20
MinceR 10 17:20
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 17:20
rasputinaBits not nativeApr 10 17:20
*alextee (~alextee@2mavpjhjkd624.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 17:21
*alextee has quit (connection closed)Apr 10 17:21
rasputinaBMS tried to insert a trojan on the rapberyPIApr 10 17:22
MinceRand succeededApr 10 17:22
MinceRit's called ThreadXApr 10 17:22
rasputinaBbut no one got jailedApr 10 17:22
matey/me waits for zeloof to make homemade apple piApr 10 17:28
mateyorganic piApr 10 17:28
mateymaybe not apple, actually... Apr 10 17:28
mateybecause appleApr 10 17:28
bnchsdid you know in windowsApr 10 17:29
mateycustard pi <3Apr 10 17:29
bnchsyou can't put the taskbar in the top anymoreApr 10 17:29
bnchsand that's a problem for me, because i got used to the taskbar being in the top for me in GNU/LinuxApr 10 17:29
matey"you should put him in custardy"  the office (both versions)Apr 10 17:29
mateythe original apple was homemadeApr 10 17:30
mateyfrom atari parts "we are made of star stuff"Apr 10 17:30
bnchseven with the taskbar being in the bottomApr 10 17:31
bnchsi move my mouse to the topApr 10 17:31
psydruidal was always very much into goreApr 10 17:31
psydruidnot talking about al ogre hereApr 10 17:31
bnchsand then to the bottom when i realizeApr 10 17:31
matey/me thinks he doesnt have a taskbar, because its never used except to glance at the titleApr 10 17:33
mateyalso its very thinApr 10 17:33
matey14 or 15 px Apr 10 17:34
mateyplus it only shows one task at a time, so its not really a taskbarApr 10 17:34
mateyit only shows the title of the window in focusApr 10 17:35
mateyand yet it has a virtual desktop switcherApr 10 17:35
mateyand technically a menuApr 10 17:36
mateywhich i havent used in about half a decade, except the other day to try it out againApr 10 17:36
mateynchs  │ i wonder why we still store music in MP3s and lossy files <- very broad support / convenienceApr 10 17:42
mateyfor every flac player theres a bunch of mp3 playersApr 10 17:42
bnchsyeah but they're worse for archivingApr 10 17:43
mateybut with broader support comes broader availabilityApr 10 17:43
bnchsand storageApr 10 17:43
mateytheyre shit for archivingApr 10 17:43
bnchsthey will turn to shit after a few re-encodingApr 10 17:43
mateyand with broader availability comes broader supportApr 10 17:43
mateyits very soft lock-inApr 10 17:43
kingoffrancewhat do you mean, like micro?Apr 10 17:44
mateyfluffy softApr 10 17:44
bnchsalso since MP3 is patentedApr 10 17:44
bnchsi mean not anymore since their patents expiredApr 10 17:44
bnchsbut before thatApr 10 17:44
bnchsit was non-freeApr 10 17:44
mateyit was made more complex to make it more "patentable"Apr 10 17:45
mateyit was made more complex <- arbitrarilyApr 10 17:47
mateyobfuscated design :)Apr 10 17:47
mateyplease dont call it fraudApr 10 17:48
mateyits INNOVA~1Apr 10 17:48
techrights-newsConflict of Interest: Battistelli/CEIPI/EPO and AstraZeneca | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 10 17:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Conflict of Interest: Battistelli/CEIPI/EPO and AstraZeneca | TechrightsApr 10 17:49
bnchsalex cumming invented the flush toiletApr 10 17:54
bnchsbut did he patent itApr 10 17:54
bnchsnoApr 10 17:55
bnchsalex cumming patented the toiletApr 10 17:55
*techrights_guest|9 (~3e4a3989@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 17:59
*techrights_guest|9 has quit (Quit: Connection closed)Apr 10 17:59
techrights-newsState of the EPO and State of ’Journalism’ About Patents | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 10 18:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | State of the EPO and State of ‘Journalism’ About Patents | TechrightsApr 10 18:01
matey 10 18:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Apr 10 18:27
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 18:27
mateyold, obviouslyApr 10 18:27
mateyanother 14 years for it to expireApr 10 18:27
mateythen musk can make a self-driving toiletApr 10 18:28
matey"damn, they stole my idea"Apr 10 18:28
mateyi would find it hard to poop while driving anywayApr 10 18:28
mateyunless i was cut off by a tractor trailerApr 10 18:28
mateyself-heuristic intelligent tesla transport (s.h.i.t.t)Apr 10 18:33
mateys.h.i.t.t, what can you tell me about these intellectual property thieves?Apr 10 18:33
mateythey cant outdrive me, elonApr 10 18:34
mateys.h.i.t.t., eject on-board toilet storageApr 10 18:34
mateybay #1 or bay #2, elon?Apr 10 18:35
matey"both! fire when ready"Apr 10 18:35
matey"oh, this is going to be messy"Apr 10 18:35
mateywhat musk sees: what everyone else sees: 10 18:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Car Thieves Attempt To Steal KITT | Knight Rider - InvidiousApr 10 18:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | James Blunt - Postcards (Official Music Video) - InvidiousApr 10 18:39
techrights-newsMicrosoft is ’Taking Over’ USPTO Like It Did at EPO | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 10 18:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft is ‘Taking Over’ USPTO Like It Did at EPO | TechrightsApr 10 18:42
techrights-newsWho Pays for Coverage (or Fake News) About Patents | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 10 18:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Who Pays for Coverage (or Fake News) About Patents | TechrightsApr 10 18:52
*matey has quit (connection closed)Apr 10 18:53
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▆▆▄▆▇▆▆▆▅▆█▆▅▄▆▇▆▆▆▅▇▆▅▆▇▅▆▆▇▆▅▃▃▁ avg(k/sec) 33.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▂▂▂▁▂▇▂▂▁▂▃▃▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▁▂▂▁▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 18.15▕ swarm size (avg): 382.05  ⟲Apr 10 18:59
techrights-news⚓ information, sometimes citing that so-called 'news') it's hardly surprising that the general public has no idea what the heck is going on</em> | ♾ Gemini address: information, sometimes citing that so-called 'news') it's hardly surprising that the general public has no idea what the heck is going on</em>Apr 10 18:59
techrights-newsEast of the Border, Spin and Propaganda (About So-called ’IP’) | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 10 19:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | East of the Border, Spin and Propaganda (About So-called ‘IP’) | TechrightsApr 10 19:00
techrights-news"Wine is basically an almost complete reimplementation of multiple Windows APIs in a format that Linux can understand. So you're not running a virtual machine, or emulating the system, you HAVE a whole windows environment, except it's not developed by Microsoft, and you don't need a copy of windows to use it." 10 19:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 19:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Peer reports incompatible or unsupported protocol version. ( status 0 @ )Apr 10 19:14
techrights-newsBest Free and Open Source Alternatives to Google Firebase • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 19:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Google Firebase | Tux MachinesApr 10 19:14
techrights-news3 Top Free and Open Source Perl Web Frameworks • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 19:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 3 Top Free and Open Source Perl Web Frameworks | Tux MachinesApr 10 19:14
techrights-newsMX-21.1 “Wildflower” based on Debian 11 without systemd support 10 19:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MX Linux 21.1 Brings Much Needed Stability with Updated Debian Base | Tux MachinesApr 10 19:18
techrights-newsReiser refuses to die? 10 19:21
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 19:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Reiser5 Issues New Development Release, Performance Numbers For Scaling Out - PhoronixApr 10 19:21
techrights-newsGoogle #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 19:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesApr 10 19:21
techrights-newsReiser5: Parallel scaling out on local hosts. Numbers! - Edward Shishkin ⚓ ䷉ Source: kernelApr 10 19:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Reiser5: Parallel scaling out on local hosts. Numbers! - Edward ShishkinApr 10 19:22
rasputinaBReiser should kill ReiserApr 10 19:23
schestowitz-TRgive him a ropeApr 10 19:23
schestowitz-TRor a beltApr 10 19:23
schestowitz-TRor somethingApr 10 19:23
schestowitz-TRhe will be creativeApr 10 19:23
schestowitzpsydruid: 10 19:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-MangoPi To Bring A SD-Card-Sized Linux Module | HackadayApr 10 19:24
rasputinaBTraiser was framedApr 10 19:24
techrights-newsGuess what Intel(ligence agencies) means by "Trust" 10 19:25
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 19:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Initial Intel TDX Enablement Positioned For Linux 5.19 - PhoronixApr 10 19:25
rasputinaBby btrfs novel devsApr 10 19:25
techrights-newsDownload MX Linux 21.1 'Wildflower' now 10 19:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MX Linux 21.1 Brings Much Needed Stability with Updated Debian Base | Tux MachinesApr 10 19:26
techrights-newsWhen only the litigation firms write ‘the news’ (and the corporate media is loaded with politically-motivated disinformation, sometimes citing that so-called ‘news’) it’s hardly surprising that the general public has no idea what the heck is going on 10 19:33
techrights-newsGoogle News (or Gulag Noise) has become a GIGO issue (garbage in, garbage out); it’s not too hard to see why the ‘news’ about patents is hugely deceptive, one-sided, and basically corrupt; just follow the money 10 19:33
techrights-newsAs we’ve expected (and worried), President Biden put a Microsofter in charge of the world’s most important patent office (even though Microsoft is governed by criminals that the US government refuses to prosecute) 10 19:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft is ‘Taking Over’ USPTO Like It Did at EPO | TechrightsApr 10 19:33
techrights-newsAs shown in the examples above (there are loads more; we shall show more examples on a regular basis), the media is biased, wrong, and often just occupied by special interests, biasing the system (or lobbying) by deliberate misreporting 10 19:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | State of the EPO and State of ‘Journalism’ About Patents | TechrightsApr 10 19:33
techrights-newsTo demonstrate how absurd patent coverage can get, consider AstraZeneca ‘reporting’ EPO news and then ‘former’ management of the EPO (still working for Benoît Battistelli at CEIPI) as the most prolific commenter 10 19:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Conflict of Interest: Battistelli/CEIPI/EPO and AstraZeneca | TechrightsApr 10 19:34
techrights-news"Paul Thurrott wasn’t even amused when Microsoft lied (they do that a lot) and said that “apps need to do a lot to adjust” to taskbars moving or changing sizes, which KDE handles fine on GNU/Linux for some strange reason." 10 19:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why can’t you move the taskbar on Windows 11? (Reddit Ask Me Anything) – BaronHK's RantsApr 10 19:35
techrights-newsNew book teaches readers #HowTo tell data stories with PostgreSQL | ⚓ ䷉ Source: FreeSW | RedHat | IBM | GNU | LinuxApr 10 19:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-New book teaches readers how to tell data stories with PostgreSQL | Opensource.comApr 10 19:38
techrights-newsDitched T-Mobile Home Internet for Comcast. - BaronHK’s Rants ⚓ ䷉ Source: baronhk / daemonFCApr 10 19:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ditched T-Mobile Home Internet for Comcast. – BaronHK's RantsApr 10 19:39
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 19:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesApr 10 19:40
techrights-newsAudiocasts/Shows/Videos: This Week in Linux, Bottles, and OpenSUSE Tumbleweed • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 19:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Audiocasts/Shows/Videos: This Week in Linux, Bottles, and OpenSUSE Tumbleweed | Tux MachinesApr 10 19:45
techrights-news"Like Commander Pixman, Celeste is a platformer where you aim to get to the end of the level while avoiding obstacles. However the two games have very different feels and Celeste is done so much better." gemini:// 10 19:47
techrights-news"aspberry Pi computers require a piece of non-free software to boot — the infamous raspi-firmware package. But for almost as long as there has been a Raspberry Pi to talk of (this year it turns 10 years old!), there have been efforts to get it to boot using only free software. How is it progressing?" 10 19:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gunnar Wolf• How is the free firmware for the Raspberry progressing?Apr 10 19:49
techrights-news10-segment Led Bar and Raspberry PI Pico: Wiring and Code with MicroPython ⚓ ䷉ Source: peppe8oApr 10 19:50
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 19:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 10-segment Led Bar and Raspberry PI Pico: Wiring and Code with MicroPythonApr 10 19:50
techrights-newsIngenuity’s One Year of Mars Flights - Even a Stopped Clock ⚓ ䷉ Source: jimmacApr 10 19:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ingenuity's One Year of Mars Flights - Even a Stopped ClockApr 10 19:51
techrights-newsEmulate key press to popup drives menu 10 19:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EasyOS 3.4.5 | Tux MachinesApr 10 19:52
XRevan86MinceR: A man who's afraid to know how deep the Hungarian propaganda rabbit hole goes :).Apr 10 19:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEApr 10 19:54
MinceRmy knowledge of russian is insufficient for thisApr 10 19:58
schestowitz-TRdon't worryApr 10 20:00
schestowitz-TRthey will teach youApr 10 20:00
schestowitz-TRsoonApr 10 20:00
techrights-newsmsh3 as the third h3 backend • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 20:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | msh3 as the third h3 backend | Tux MachinesApr 10 20:00
techrights-newsMaterial Shell Extension Gets GNOME 42 Support • Tux Machines ⇨ 10 20:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Material Shell Extension Gets GNOME 42 Support | Tux MachinesApr 10 20:00
schestowitz-TRPutin will liberate you after he liberates CrystalMathApr 10 20:01
schestowitz-TRNo more OrbanApr 10 20:01
schestowitz-TRgnApr 10 20:01
XRevan86Pretty sure whatever Orban does is good enough for Putin.Apr 10 20:01
XRevan86There's no point liberating those who are already liberated.Apr 10 20:02
MinceRputler's forces are bogged down in ukraineApr 10 20:03
MinceRi'll probably be able to leave this shithole before they get hereApr 10 20:03
MinceR(dik-dik) (audio:unimportant) 10 20:05
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 20:05
XRevan86MinceR: Now I believe that hooved animals can conquer mountains.Apr 10 20:06
MinceR:)Apr 10 20:06
psydruid> my knowledge of russian is insufficient for thisApr 10 20:07
psydruidso is mine, although some of the words ring a bellApr 10 20:07
XRevan86Turns out I shared some linguistically advanced stuff.Apr 10 20:07
psydruidYou didApr 10 20:08
psydruidSpeaking of bellsApr 10 20:09
psydruid 10 20:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 10 20:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | гр. Кукрыниксы. Колокола. - InvidiousApr 10 20:09
psydruidI'm working on my Russian, Ukrainian and Polish these days, so the linguistically advanced stuff will make sense some dayApr 10 20:10
XRevan86For Whom the Bell Tolls, ehApr 10 20:12
XRevan86The footage is from The Monk and the Demon, the CGI is pretty cheap.Apr 10 20:15
psydruidI guess I'll watch it some day, when my understanding of Russian is sufficientApr 10 20:16
*XRevan86 haven't seen it.Apr 10 20:17
psydruidI just started doing Teach Yourself Russia last week but took a break the past few days, because it was a bit too much. I also need to create flashcards so I don't forget all the words. I'm using Parley for that because Anki is less useful with its overcomplicated monolithic design.Apr 10 20:21
XRevan86"Teach Yourself RussiaN"?Apr 10 20:24
XRevan86"Teach Yourself Russia" is something that a lot of people are doing right now.Apr 10 20:24
MinceR:>Apr 10 20:24
psydruid"Russia through the eyes of those who are not RussiaN"Apr 10 20:26
XRevan86I wish Russians knew Russia better.Apr 10 20:27
XRevan86In many ways it's like 10 20:30
XRevan86People know how the system manifests itself, but they just refuse to put all the pieces together and see it for the monster it is.Apr 10 20:32
chunkyyour parents are divorced + copium + ratio'd + roasted + u take yr socks off on airplanesApr 10 20:32
MinceRmaybe countries like hungary and russia could use something like what radio free europe and radio liberty used to beApr 10 20:32
MinceRalso as a TV stationApr 10 20:32
XRevan86Nothing seems to be working at scale, so I don't know.Apr 10 20:37
MinceRbut i don't know how the legality of broadcasting from an EU member to another EU member on an unlicensed frequency bandApr 10 20:38
XRevan86Russian propaganda learnt too well how to spread disinformation and muddy the waters.Apr 10 20:38
psydruidWaiting and seeing how things are going to be in 500 yearsApr 10 20:38
MinceR...worksApr 10 20:38
XRevan86psydruid: Literally unpredictable.Apr 10 20:38
XRevan86I can't tell how things will be in half a year.Apr 10 20:38
MinceRit seems to me that countries where facts are at least allowed to be broadcast tend to do betterApr 10 20:39
XRevan86MinceR: It's not that facts are inaccessible, they're just harder to access.Apr 10 20:40
MinceRyeahApr 10 20:40
MinceRtoo hard for most hungarians outside budapestApr 10 20:40
XRevan86And people don't actually want facts.Apr 10 20:40
MinceRthat's irrelevantApr 10 20:41
kingoffrancefacts are 100% useless without contextApr 10 20:45
XRevan86Depends on the facts.Apr 10 20:46
kingoffranceyes but that is context, proving the pointApr 10 20:46
*techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 10 20:47
bnchs<chunky> your parents are divorced + copium + ratio'd + roasted + u take yr socks off on airplanesApr 10 20:48
bnchsthis isn't twitterApr 10 20:48
MinceRis there ratio on twitter?Apr 10 20:48
XRevan86MinceR: The likes/replies ratio.Apr 10 20:49
MinceRdoesn't sound usefulApr 10 20:49
MinceRthen again, the whole of twitter is uselessApr 10 20:49
XRevan86MinceR: The idea is that negative posts accumulate a lot of discussion but not that many likes.Apr 10 20:49
bnchsi don't get what they say by ratio'dApr 10 20:49
bnchsratioApr 10 20:49
bnchshahaha your likes to replies ratio is TOO LOW, that means your opinion is automatically SHITApr 10 20:50
*techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@pumv3cb2rfinu.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 20:50
XRevan86So "ratio'd" means "I dislike this".Apr 10 20:50
MinceRi thought it meant "the groupthink believes this to be bad, and that proves that this is bad"Apr 10 20:51
MinceR 10 20:52
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 20:52
kingoffrancewell the important thing is truth is based on what you like or notApr 10 20:52
bnchsMinceR: reddit supports thatApr 10 20:53
MinceRtruthiness!Apr 10 20:53
bnchsyou must abide by the groupthinkApr 10 20:53
bnchsor you get stormed with the DOWNBOATSApr 10 20:53
MinceRafaik this "ratio" thing comes from youtube, from the time when dislikes worked properlyApr 10 20:53
bnchsyes and the only thing that "brought" it back is some spyware extensionApr 10 20:54
bnchsa open-soros extension with a proprietary backendApr 10 20:54
bnchsthe extension sends the full (unhashed) video ID to the serverApr 10 20:55
bnchsthe developer keeps saying "IT'S NOT SPYWARE!!!"Apr 10 20:55
XRevan86My usage of video services is strictly subscription and (personal) recommendation based.Apr 10 20:56
XRevan86So I couldn't care less.Apr 10 20:56
rasputinaBspywere?Apr 10 20:57
bnchs 10 20:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Return YouTube DislikeApr 10 20:57
rasputinaBnow we only have ro get disliks on FBApr 10 20:58
bnchsalso the developer said that the backend was written in .NETApr 10 20:58
MinceR'were' means 'man', so 'spywere' is a male spy :>Apr 10 20:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▄▃▅▂▅▆▅▆▄▃▄▅▅▅▃▄▆▆▅▆▅▅▃▄▄▅▆▇▅▃▄▅▂▅▇▅▁ avg(k/sec) 23.81 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁█▂▆▃▁▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 14.80▕ swarm size (avg): 317.71  ⟲Apr 10 20:59
rasputinaBi need to get into this ipfsApr 10 20:59
rasputinaBis it crypto?Apr 10 20:59
bnchswhats your definition of cryptoApr 10 20:59
rasputinaBis the next thing after NTFApr 10 21:00
bnchsif it's cryptographic then yes, it uses things from itApr 10 21:00
bnchsif it's that meme shit "cryptocurrency", then noApr 10 21:00
rasputinaBso you dont make money out of it?Apr 10 21:00
bnchsrasputinaB, no and why should youApr 10 21:01
rasputinaBmust be something like chia thenApr 10 21:01
bnchs 10 21:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-(Feature Request): Source code for the backend · Issue #45 · Anarios/return-youtube-dislike · GitHubApr 10 21:01
rasputinaBis that a thing that comes with brave and opera?Apr 10 21:02
rasputinaBmust be some sort of spyware IMOApr 10 21:02
bnchsrasputinaB, what is it?Apr 10 21:02
rasputinaBwhats what?Apr 10 21:03
bnchs"is that a thing"?Apr 10 21:03
bnchswhat is this "thing"Apr 10 21:03
rasputinaBipfsApr 10 21:04
rasputinaBisn't that what we was discussingApr 10 21:04
bnchsyeahApr 10 21:04
bnchswell it's a thing that comes with brave and operaApr 10 21:05
bnchsbut really it's more than just bloatwareApr 10 21:05
bnchsit's a protocol and P2P network for sharing dataApr 10 21:05
bnchsin a distributed filesystemApr 10 21:05
bnchsand can be used to write dynamic decentralized sites on IPFSApr 10 21:06
bnchsalso no cryptocurrency crapApr 10 21:06
rasputinaBlike emuleApr 10 21:06
rasputinaBgnutela limewire bittorrent?Apr 10 21:07
bnchsit does use designs from those protocolsApr 10 21:07
bnchslike a distributed hashtable (DHT)Apr 10 21:07
rasputinaBso you use it thru tor?Apr 10 21:08
bnchswell i don't think you should use it through torApr 10 21:09
bnchstor does warn against using bittorrent on torApr 10 21:09
bnchsbut if you want something like that, use I2PApr 10 21:09
rasputinaBwhats the difrence?Apr 10 21:10
rasputinaB 10 21:11
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 21:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | I2P vs TOR - What are the Major Differences? Find out!Apr 10 21:11
bnchs 10 21:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | I2P Compared to Tor - I2PApr 10 21:11
rasputinaBI2P is slowApr 10 21:12
rasputinaByou can use both!Apr 10 21:13
bnchsI2P is designed for hidden servicesApr 10 21:13
bnchsin fact you can't even use it to access servers in the normal webApr 10 21:13
rasputinaBbut you can access servers inlpfs?Apr 10 21:14
bnchswhat?Apr 10 21:14
rasputinaBbut you can access servers in lpfs?Apr 10 21:15
rasputinaBdo you need a picture drawn?Apr 10 21:15
bnchsyou can access servers in IPFS?Apr 10 21:15
bnchsin I2P?Apr 10 21:16
rasputinaBvpn + tor + L2P + IPFSApr 10 21:16
bnchswtf is the point of the vpnApr 10 21:17
rasputinaBfor super hipper privacyApr 10 21:17
kingoffranceunless you are an employeeApr 10 21:17
kingoffrance:)Apr 10 21:17
bnchsnah it's gonna make it even worseApr 10 21:17
rasputinaBmaybe it works best if vpn comes last?Apr 10 21:17
bnchswhen they subpoena the VPNApr 10 21:17
bnchsout comes your personal informationApr 10 21:17
bnchsand IP address lastApr 10 21:18
rasputinaBso VPN must be lastApr 10 21:18
bnchsdoesn't matterApr 10 21:18
bnchsthey know who you areApr 10 21:18
rasputinaBhow?Apr 10 21:18
bnchsif you put your personal information and billing in the VPN serviceApr 10 21:18
rasputinaBi only use freevpnsApr 10 21:19
bnchsfree vpns don't matter eitherApr 10 21:20
bnchsif you used it before with your real IP addressApr 10 21:20
bnchsand device addressApr 10 21:20
rasputinaBi was thinking more like the VPN is like connected to your internal network wich is less protectedApr 10 21:20
bnchsand MAC addressApr 10 21:20
rasputinaBmy MAC is randomApr 10 21:21
rasputinaBthats who i set it up on NMApr 10 21:22
rasputinaBhowApr 10 21:22
*rasputinaB95 (~179ab102@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 21:25
*rasputinaB has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 10 21:25
rasputinaB95vpn exposes your internal net work doesnt it?Apr 10 21:27
rasputinaB95thats no goodApr 10 21:27
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@mqd7j59hay6zi.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 21:27
rasputinaB95fuckApr 10 21:27
kingoffranceask DaemonFC :)Apr 10 21:28
rasputinaB95the MPA stooge?Apr 10 21:28
kingoffrancewhat is MPA?Apr 10 21:29
rasputinaB95its a thingApr 10 21:29
rasputinaB95ask DaemonFCApr 10 21:31
rasputinaB95 10 21:36
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 21:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Swiss researchers make spin ice supercomputing breakthrough • The RegisterApr 10 21:36
kingoffrancewell i dont deny importance of privacy, but like most things in life, it seems to just be a function of how much money you have, so i have little interestApr 10 21:36
DaemonFCI worked on one of my posts a bit.Apr 10 21:37
DaemonFC"Everyone knows their brand is toxic and that’s why they’ve had no success outside of Windows and Office in the consumer market, and why Windows is dying. Apple, of course, never needed Microsoft for anything on the iPod, and the iPod did include MP3 support, and although Apple never did comment on it, they did have a competitor on the iPod. It was called pirated music.Apr 10 21:37
DaemonFCI once saw a breakdown of iPods sold vs. music sales on iTunes, and it boiled down to 26 songs per iPod sold. Someone was pirating music, and pretty much all pirated music is in MP3, and it was probably outperforming iTunes by at least 25:1 on the iPod."Apr 10 21:37
DaemonFCThe iPods with miniature hard drives actually did store a lot. When they switched to flash memory it felt like a huge downgrade.Apr 10 21:38
DaemonFC"And incompatibility with Microsoft wasn't just about not supporting WMA. Pretty much all WMA stores used a different form of DRM enslavement than Apple products, and so Apple would have had to license that too. The various WMA stores didn't even interoperate because Microsoft made a mess out of their own DRM prison schemes and people found out quickly that there was no way to easily "just play WMA" on all their devices, and that's why WMA Apr 10 21:42
DaemonFCnever really became a thing. If it was just a matter of codec support, lots of things play WMA files, including GNU/Linux media players, Rockbox, and most factory firmwares, but 99% of the WMA files sold by Microsoft partners don't work anymore and never will again due to DRM. Thurrott has always been obtuse and dishonest."Apr 10 21:42
rasputinaB95 10 21:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Challenge.govApr 10 21:43
rasputinaB95Entry in the 5G RAN interoperability challenge is open now, and contestants have until May 5, 2022, to enter. ®Apr 10 21:44
rasputinaB95 Up to 12 teams will split $2 million ($150,000 each) at the end of stage two of the competition (emulated integration), and one team will win an additional $200,000. Finally, at the network integration stage that will end the competition, up to four teams will each get $250,000.Apr 10 21:44
DaemonFC"Frankly, the taskbar and Web browser issues on Vista 11 only serve to remind people that in all ways big and small, Windows just gets in your way whether it's due to being poorly designed or just doing what Microsoft told it to do."Apr 10 21:44
rasputinaB95the us army is opening up china 5G networkingApr 10 21:45
rasputinaB95DaemonFC who cares about windowz11?Apr 10 21:46
rasputinaB95i think you got the wrong channelApr 10 21:46
MinceR(cat) 10 21:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Can’t stop this Wobbly Cat! - Album on ImgurApr 10 21:46
-altlink_a3f/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 10 21:46
DaemonFC""Windows 10/11" are in pretty much all usability ways, still a huge downgrade from Windows 2000 and Windows XP, which were a product of usability studies and not how much shit and advertising Microsoft could cram down your neck before you gave up in rage."Apr 10 21:46
rasputinaB95isnt there some flood protection on this channel?Apr 10 21:47
DaemonFCrasputinaB95, Microsoft is running lots of ads on the television now about how Windows 11 is compatible with Linux and Android applications, so it is important. They never say Linux and Android in the commercials.Apr 10 21:48
DaemonFCBut I saw a few on TV the other day, and they showed applications running in WSL and the Android Runtime more often than native Windows apps.Apr 10 21:48
rasputinaB95i dont give a rats assApr 10 21:49
DaemonFCAnd this is pretty much an admission they've failed. Compatibility layers are a sign that your OS is on the way up or on the way down, and if it's on the way up you need compatibility with other systems that have a lot of apps, and that's where Wine came in.Apr 10 21:49
DaemonFCIf it's on the way down, you get the Linux Kernel Personality from SCO or FreeBSD, and WSL from Microsoft.Apr 10 21:49
rasputinaB95i was 1 of the 1st person to run windows 10Apr 10 21:51
rasputinaB95i dont think ill ever run windows11Apr 10 21:51
rasputinaB95might as well install KDEApr 10 21:51
rasputinaB95if i need a taste of windows 11Apr 10 21:51
kingoffrancewell im glad you linked that rasputinaB95 -- military will do what it wants, "civilians" are just along for the ridel olApr 10 21:52
DaemonFC 10 21:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why can’t you move the taskbar on Windows 11? (Reddit Ask Me Anything) – BaronHK's RantsApr 10 21:53
DaemonFCAnyway, I fixed this up a bit. schestowitz ^Apr 10 21:53
MinceRwow, MICROS~1 marketing is even more inept than ibm/deadrat'sApr 10 21:54
MinceRibm/deadrat said the gnome UI being an inflexible, unconfigurable turd was because of "muh branding"Apr 10 21:55
MinceRMICROS~1 just tries and fails to change the subjectApr 10 21:55
DaemonFCMinceR, They muhdicked their users.Apr 10 21:57
bnchswhy can't you move the taskbar on windows 11Apr 10 21:58
bnchsmicrosoft defenders:Apr 10 21:58
MinceR:>Apr 10 21:58
bnchsbecause wellApr 10 21:58
bnchswellApr 10 21:58
bnchsi-uhhhhhApr 10 21:58
DaemonFCAt least GNOME SHell 42 works and performs better than the Windows 11 shell, with fewer bugs, and no ads.Apr 10 21:59
DaemonFCThat's an improvement.Apr 10 21:59
DaemonFCAnd you can see the source code and offer them patches, you can't give up and even try to fix something yourself with Windows.Apr 10 21:59
DaemonFCAnd the consistency has generally resulted in a lower bug count than KDE.Apr 10 22:00
DaemonFCIf you mix and match components together which were not tested that way by upstream, then they may work, they may crash, and if they do work, they may have unexpected weird things going on because no developer ran them on his own computer in that way.Apr 10 22:00
rasputinaB95whats the meme about number 42?Apr 10 22:00
DaemonFCBut KDE is a lot better lately than it used to be.Apr 10 22:01
bnchsgnome shell works and performs better than windows 11Apr 10 22:01
bnchsthat says ALOTApr 10 22:01
bnchseven something thats so shit like gnomeApr 10 22:01
bnchsworks and performs better than windows 11 shellApr 10 22:01
DaemonFCIn Fedora 36 it's almost as back to being as trouble-free as it was when I used it regularly in the late 3.5 cycle or again late in the 4.x cycle.Apr 10 22:01
DaemonFCQt keeps ruining things, and KDE keeps adjusting to the new toolkit, and you end up with the same kind of trouble over and over because they won't stick to a proven design.Apr 10 22:02
rasputinaB95maybe trinity is stable nowApr 10 22:02
DaemonFCTrinity is maintained by a team of international developers called Tim Pearson.Apr 10 22:02
MinceRstill better than KDE and gnomeApr 10 22:03
rasputinaB95Trinity IS KDEApr 10 22:04
kingoffrance42 was hitchhikers guide and a "religious" thingApr 10 22:05
kingoffrance*hitchhikers guide to the galaxyApr 10 22:05
MinceRkde3Apr 10 22:05
MinceRkde jumped the shark and nuked the fridge with 4.0Apr 10 22:05
bnchslolApr 10 22:21
bnchsin the past, we had audio CDs with lossless qualityApr 10 22:21
bnchsnowadays, we have spotify, which is "free" lossy low-quality songs with DRMApr 10 22:21
DaemonFCI'm STILL in the process of ripping my CDs to 128k Opus.Apr 10 22:23
*wallacer has quit (Quit: wallace dozed off)Apr 10 22:23
DaemonFCI waited to do it until the activity in the Opus codec development slowed way down.Apr 10 22:23
DaemonFCYou get a better product that way because it gets revised and it's like the early MP3 encoders vs where LAME ended up. Just a huge improvement.Apr 10 22:24
bnchs"128k Opus"Apr 10 22:24
bnchsrip to FLACApr 10 22:24
bnchsyou'll be thankful in the futureApr 10 22:24
DaemonFCThe Buick knows what MP3s are.Apr 10 22:24
DaemonFCTurns out the Impala has a CD player and I just never noticed.Apr 10 22:24
DaemonFCI mostly play the CDs on my home stereo system and then for digital, I'm storing them as Opus.Apr 10 22:25
*wallacer (~quassel@6bsu33ajs4zs4.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 22:25
bnchsi mean you can rip to FLAC as mastercopyApr 10 22:25
bnchsand then convert the master copy to a 128k OpusApr 10 22:25
DaemonFCWell, the archival aspect of FLAC is nice, and you think you're backing them up sufficiently, but then you have a hard disk crash.Apr 10 22:25
DaemonFCSo at least you can cram another copy on your Google Drive and it's not lost forever.Apr 10 22:25
DaemonFCI was checking out some Bluetooth speakers at IKEA a couple years back and playing my Talking Heads stuff on them and Billy Ocean and random things from my Opus library on my phone.Apr 10 22:27
DaemonFCAnd an employee came over and told me at least it's music and not some teenager playing porn on there with women moaning and stuff.Apr 10 22:27
DaemonFCVorbis wasn't terrible either. It had a weird stereo collapse at 64k sometimes, but MP3 would do that under 128k almost always.Apr 10 22:28
DaemonFCApple was wasting tons of storage using AAC.Apr 10 22:29
DaemonFCThey have to be twice the size of an Opus file (with the latest Opus encoder anyway) to sound great.Apr 10 22:29
bnchs<DaemonFC> And an employee came over and told me at least it's music and not some teenager playing porn on there with women moaning and stuff.Apr 10 22:29
bnchshahahah that's always the funny partApr 10 22:29
DaemonFCThere is an open source AAC encoder finally, with FhG AAC, long after I lost interest in the format.Apr 10 22:29
bnchsplay pr0n on max volumeApr 10 22:29
DaemonFCI tried FhG AAC though.Apr 10 22:30
*psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 10 22:30
DaemonFCThe most important limitation of MP3 is not solved because FhG ported over the psy model code from their MP3 codec that they codeveloped with Thomson.Apr 10 22:30
DaemonFCIt still completely eliminates all high frequencies like their MP3 did, figuring that they couldn't bloat the file if they weren't there at all.Apr 10 22:31
rasputinaB95AAC is better that mp3Apr 10 22:32
rasputinaB95but seems like mp3 is still the kingApr 10 22:33
DaemonFCThere just was never a big enough improvement in codec quality to go back to the CD and re-rip until Opus came out.Apr 10 22:34
bnchsrasputinaB95, AAC is patent-encumberedApr 10 22:34
rasputinaB95so is mp3Apr 10 22:35
DaemonFCUntil Opus started becoming a widely accepted standard with good support in hardware, MP3 was worth using because the opportunity costs of moving to something else were too high for the marginal improvement in coding efficiency.Apr 10 22:35
DaemonFCThen perversely, the biggest reason to LEAVE MP3 and not foist it on others, the patents, all finished expiring 5 years ago.Apr 10 22:36
DaemonFCFhG and Apple paid off NPR to write an article saying MP3 was dead and go license something else.Apr 10 22:36
DaemonFCSuggesting all the various profiles of AAC.Apr 10 22:36
DaemonFCWhich are marginally compatible with each other. They came out at different times, you have to license profile codecs from other pools.Apr 10 22:37
DaemonFCThe only thing that is free to use right now is the base format, LC-AAC.Apr 10 22:37
DaemonFCIf you need xHE-AAC, HE-AAC, or multi-channel AAC, you need to license patents.Apr 10 22:38
DaemonFCAnd the multi-channel patents aren't dead in the US until 2025, and the HE patents don't die until like 2028, and the xHE-AAC patents will live on through 2035!Apr 10 22:38
DaemonFCSo if you need anything that does all of this, and it's guaranteed to work anywhere the codec does, you may as well move to Opus anyway.Apr 10 22:39
DaemonFCBecause 2035 is a long time and you won't be able to use something as good as Opus is now even if you wait 13 more years for AAC patents to die.Apr 10 22:39
DaemonFCThat's how most software patents are.Apr 10 22:40
DaemonFCSo we should use and promote Free stuff now instead.Apr 10 22:40
chunkyu still wear covid masks + ez clap + go outside + u think nfts are cool + yr memes suck + u watch bra reviews on youtube + u sleep on an air mattressApr 10 22:41
DaemonFCAnd if patents are on something stupid, you can just cut them out and implement them later, like the font antialiasing in freetype.Apr 10 22:41
DaemonFCI do wear an N95 mask when I'm around others.Apr 10 22:41
bnchs<chunky> u still wear covid masks + ez clap + go outside + u think nfts are cool + yr memes suck + u watch bra reviews on youtube + u sleep on an air mattressApr 10 22:42
DaemonFCI do still have a Sandisk Sansa, it just won't stop. Well, the battery died, but I removed it and installed another one. new Rockbox firmware occasionally.Apr 10 22:42
bnchswtf are you sayingApr 10 22:42
chunkyu have a favorite commercial + take the L + u still watch toy story + yr youtube channel gets no views + u watch bra reviews on youtube + your teeth are grossApr 10 22:42
bnchsare you GPT botApr 10 22:43
DaemonFCOld stuff is usually better than new stuff. What we need to do is have someone go back to basics.Apr 10 22:43
rasputinaB95font antialiasing shouldnt be needApr 10 22:43
DaemonFCConsider that Volvo used to make really good cars.Apr 10 22:43
DaemonFCschestowitz, You used to see people with 3 million miles on their Volvo.Apr 10 22:43
*matey (~matey@i8gtth78frzk8.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 22:43
psydruidlinux foundation bots have infested the channelApr 10 22:43
DaemonFC500,000 wasn't even bragging rights.Apr 10 22:44
chunkybnchs: nah just enjoying myselfApr 10 22:44
chunkyi'm a free-speecherApr 10 22:44
bnchsyeah but you say shit like a GPT botApr 10 22:44
chunkyu were born with herpes + u pay for spotify + yr memes suck + u buy tokens on cam sites + yr friends have a group chat w/o you + go outsideApr 10 22:44
mateyschestowitz-TR  │ give him a rope │ schestowitz-TR  │ or a belt │ or something │ he will be creativeApr 10 22:45
mateyhe will make the most overhyped rope ever, and even after hes dead people will spend years trying to make it suitable for suicides until they finally give up on itApr 10 22:46
mateyyou wont even able to tie it to most things, even if you wind it together yourselfApr 10 22:46
mateyand then someone will make a better rope anywayApr 10 22:46
DaemonFCParts of GNOME 42.0.1 are coming in.Apr 10 22:48
DaemonFCGNOME Shell uses a version of Mozilla's JavaScript engine.Apr 10 22:49
chunkyu sleep on an air mattress + yr mom is attracted to u + u think nfts are cool + cancelled + ez clap + u pay for spotify + hoes madApr 10 22:49
DaemonFCThey follow the ESR branch.Apr 10 22:49
mateyMinceR  │ it seems to me that countries where facts are at least allowed to be broadcast tend to do better <-  град debian град sytemd!Apr 10 22:49
mateyzyztemdApr 10 22:50
DaemonFCThat's one of the bright spots about the Shell, actually. If there are huge memory leaks in the parts written in JavaScript, it's almost certainly Mozilla's fault and it can be fixed and brought in to GNOME regularly.Apr 10 22:50
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Apr 10 22:50
matey"it's almost certainly Mozilla's fault" <- even in openbsd this is true (as you can install firefux in it)Apr 10 22:51
mateyinvasion of ukraine "it's almost certainly Mozilla's fault"Apr 10 22:51
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@bwbcw4yq7ypc8.irc) has joined #techrightsApr 10 22:51
bnchsracism against russiansApr 10 22:52
DaemonFCI told my dad it was fitting that he used an RPM distribution.Apr 10 22:52
DaemonFCHe asked me why.Apr 10 22:52
DaemonFCI told him "Because now it has Felta RPMs of course.".Apr 10 22:52
mateyracism against people conducting special illegal military operation crimesApr 10 22:52
mateyits not the russians that bother me, its the tanks and bombs and rockets aimed at ukraine. the russians are fine!Apr 10 22:52
bnchsmatey: ok now that is just racistApr 10 22:53
bnchssay it's putinApr 10 22:53
bnchsputin is the one who does thisApr 10 22:53
rasputinaB95its only racist if its aimed at a black russianApr 10 22:53
bnchsok i read that wrongApr 10 22:53
bnchsyou're free to goApr 10 22:53
mateyputin SINGLE-HANDEDLY invades ukraine with absolutely no accomplices of any sortApr 10 22:53
bnchsputin has the military?Apr 10 22:53
bnchsi read your messages wrongApr 10 22:54
mateyno military, only putin. barechested. on a horse.Apr 10 22:54
mateyno worries, im having fun with it. carry on.Apr 10 22:54
XRevan86Did someone say ?Apr 10 22:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Black Ruthenia - WikipediaApr 10 22:54
mateyxreven86 that was meApr 10 22:54
*kingoffrance mixes white and black russian and takes a swigApr 10 22:54
mateyprobably talking in my sleepApr 10 22:54
kingoffrancedrink deep, or taste notApr 10 22:54
mateydrink deep, or stay soberApr 10 22:55
bnchsit's only racist if its aimed at a black russianApr 10 22:55
bnchsras(putin)aB95 said it of courseApr 10 22:56
mateywhat about black belarussians?Apr 10 22:56
DaemonFCI was making RPM puns years back.Apr 10 22:57
DaemonFCMy dad's name is Felta.Apr 10 22:57
mateyhow is that possibleApr 10 22:57
DaemonFCOops, I was posting that somewhere.Apr 10 22:57
rasputinaB95if you say  you hate russians is xenophobiaApr 10 22:57
DaemonFCToo good for just one place.Apr 10 22:57
rasputinaB95not racismeApr 10 22:57
matey/me gigglesApr 10 22:57
DaemonFCAnyway, after the Felta RPM joke.Apr 10 22:57
DaemonFCI told him I pirated some Proprietary stuff in RPM format.Apr 10 22:57
DaemonFCHe said, "So?". I said, "That makes me an ARGH PM pirate doesn't it?".Apr 10 22:58
mateynot to be confused with rasputina 95bApr 10 22:58
mateywhich included internet explorerApr 10 22:58
MinceRdeja vuApr 10 22:58
DaemonFC<matey> which included internet explorerApr 10 22:58
DaemonFCInternet Explorer was the warning label that said Microsoft did this. Don't buy it, ever.Apr 10 22:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▁▃▆▄▅▅▇▅▇▇▆▆▅▄▄▅▃▂▁▅▆▄▅▃▂▅▅▆▇▁ avg(k/sec) 23.11 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▆▂▁▁▁▁▂▄▁▄▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▃▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▁█▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 38.90▕ swarm size (avg): 352.06  ⟲Apr 10 22:59
DaemonFCWindows 98 and Me weren't so bad in the sense that you could use third party tools to carve it out like a tumor and reinstall the FAT32-aware Windows 95 B shell.Apr 10 22:59
mateyyou could use third party tools <- what was the name of that livecd thing calledApr 10 22:59
mateythe one i know youre referring toApr 10 23:00
mateywin98lite or somethingApr 10 23:00
bnchsit's funnyApr 10 23:01
bnchswe have C99 and shitApr 10 23:01
matey/me used the instructions from the toastytech website to remove internet explorer from the windows installer itselfApr 10 23:01
bnchsand you can still find windows programs written in C89Apr 10 23:01
rasputinaB95i wiched you could run an modern OS on 64 MegasApr 10 23:01
DaemonFC<matey> you could use third party tools <- what was the name of that livecd thing calledApr 10 23:01
mateyi think i had the only 10mb installation of windows 95 on earthApr 10 23:02
bnchsbecause microsoft's compiler still doesn't support anything beyond C89Apr 10 23:02
mateywith the guiApr 10 23:02
DaemonFC98lite could get it out of the installer, but it could also add add/remove programs entries for everything Microsoft wouldn't let you get rid of.Apr 10 23:02
mateyeven control panel didnt loadApr 10 23:02
DaemonFCRoM II and RoM II SE were freeware, and could only be used on a current install. Preferably before you did anything else with the computer.Apr 10 23:02
mateynot that there was a whole lot for win95 to do when the entire install was only 10mb (5 compressed)Apr 10 23:02
matey(5 compressed into a zip file)Apr 10 23:03
mateyi wanted the most barebones gui in windows 9x possible. because until the gui loaded, this ONE command line application didnt have the atapi layer it neededApr 10 23:03
mateylater i got a different program with its own fucking atapiApr 10 23:03
DaemonFCI was too broke to pay for anything, so I did a clean install of Windows, ran RoM on it, and then used a program that made a sector-by-sector disk backup onto a CD.Apr 10 23:03
DaemonFCWhenever Windows was fucked, you could just boot to DOS, run the backup software, insert your CD, and it would reimage the hard disk exactly the way you backed it up.Apr 10 23:04
mateyi never trusted sector-by-sector backupsApr 10 23:04
DaemonFCSince I got Windows from HP, there was a lot of HP shit to remove too from the OEM recover disc.Apr 10 23:04
mateyi assumed they were too brittleApr 10 23:05
DaemonFCSo it was actually a couple of hours worth of work from that to a clean Windows without IE+SHIT.Apr 10 23:05
DaemonFCPopping in a CD that just fast forwards you to AFTER you did all that and installed your drivers was much nicer.Apr 10 23:05
mateyinterent excremeentApr 10 23:05
MinceRincrement, decrement, excrementApr 10 23:06
mateynow in mint: internet excremintApr 10 23:06
DaemonFCYou didn't need to partition to install Mandrake Linux though.Apr 10 23:06
DaemonFCYou could install it into a loopback file system on top of FAT32 and then add an entry to the Windows bootloader.Apr 10 23:06
DaemonFCOr NTFS.Apr 10 23:06
mateyi did that with ubuntu onceApr 10 23:06
MinceRand wonder how long until Backdoors nukes itApr 10 23:07
matey"co-linux"Apr 10 23:07
mateyactually, endless os has an option to do that Apr 10 23:07
DaemonFCNo, Windows would leave it alone because it doesn't generally fuck up Windows Boot Manager and go looking for your Linux filesystem file.Apr 10 23:07
DaemonFCIt only fucks your "Linux" when you use GRUB and partitioning.Apr 10 23:07
mateyyou can put it on a file as a fake partition and it will add an entry to the win10 bootloaderApr 10 23:07
mateyit cant keep its grubby hands off grubApr 10 23:08
*SomeH4x0r has quit (Quit: I expect to be back tomorrow)Apr 10 23:08
DaemonFCYeah, you could make another NTFS volume with the Windows volume management tool and put the Wubi partition there.Apr 10 23:08
MinceRone can't really rely on Backdoors not fucking something up, not even "generally"Apr 10 23:09
MinceRi've seen Backdoors nuke VFAT16 partitions just for funApr 10 23:09