Aggressive Efforts (and Threats) for Those Who Speak About What Happened in the Balkans
THE video on the left-hand side covers "Toastmasters Prishtina" and shows Daniel Pocock speaking about the event to TV in Kosovo. In case of censorship we've made a local copy with audio and everything (skip the first minute or so for English).
Censorship around Free software events in that region is a good reason to copy/reproduce Pocock's articles about Kosovo [1, 2].
Tonight we'll republish "DebConf22 Kosovo segregation of women exposed" because it seems to have struck a nerve and it ruined the event (people did not want to go). The organisers sent me threats 2 years ago and another person has just sent me an E-mail with a threatening language. We may reproduce this for the public to judge later.
Acting in this way in an effort to censor people typically results in a second scandal on top of the original scandal and may also fall under the umbrella of "Streisand Effect". █