Bullying by the Debian Project is a Disservice to Its Reputation and Its Community (of Volunteers and Users)
Debian even attacks its own users; Novell, Microsoft's lapdog, was never this aggressive. Later Debian wonders why it cannot attract any women [1, 2] (except girlfriends or "dates" of well-connected Developers who seek to censor Techrights)
It seems like Debian is aggressively attacking anyone who suggests it may be infiltrated, not by Russia or China but by FIVE-EYES. They don't want this subject to come up at all. They get very threatening if someone asks about it, e.g. Jacob Appelbaum about NSA in Tor or Debian. But they already know how to make the whole matter seem not political but a matter of "diversity" (e.g. accusing people of "rape defending", "transphobia" etc.) or something about women's rights. In the case of Wikileaks, instead of admitting they had a sealed indictment against Julian Assange for the 2010 leaks they worked via the FBI with Swedish police (Ny) to push this narrative of Julian Assange being a rapist, for basically sleeping with women who wanted to sleep with him.
In my case, I was stalked and defamed, harassed and threatened by someone from the Debian Technical Committee, who now makes demand for a 6-figure sum (in pounds), pretending that somehow he is the victim rather than the bully*. Curiously, the other demands closely resemble those put forth by Debian against Daniel Pocock. Female Debian Developers support Pocock. They knew all along he got into much of this mess for merely talking about exploitation of women in Debian circles. Some of these women witnessed it firsthand. Some reported that to him. They didn't "miss out". █
* That same person had serially defamed the second Debian Project Leader (cofounder of OSI), not to mention the founder of GNU, GPL coauthor, and founder of Linux. There's a pattern here, aside from the pattern of him choosing to attack Jews most of the time.