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Updated This Past Day
OpenMandriva ROME 24.07 Released
Here is ROME 24.07, the rolling release model up-to-date install images
Best Free and Open Source Software
There is a wide selection of open source cloud management tools that help to automate
Raspberry-like SBC Powered by RK3528A SoC and PCIe 2.0 Support
The Radxa ROCK 2A is a credit card-sized single-board computer with a form factor similar to the Raspberry Pi
today's leftovers
half a dozen assorted links
Android Leftovers
Google unveils major change to the Google Maps app for Android
OpenMandriva Lx 24.07 “ROME” Released with KDE Plasma 6 and Linux Kernel 6.10
The OpenMandriva team announced today the release and general availability of OpenMandriva Lx 24.07 as a new snapshot in the OpenMandriva Lx “ROME” rolling-release branch targeted at bleeding-edge users.
Security Leftovers
Security picks, 3 of them
Introduction to Omakub, a Curated Ubuntu Environment by DHH
tm https://cdn.thenewstack.io/media/2024/07/90f3400f-lucas-law-kdvgz-qnhfc-unsplash-1024x601.jpg 'Omakub'
Ubuntu 24.10 Wallpaper Contest Opens for 20th Anniversary
Wallpaper Contest for the upcoming Ubuntu 24.10, Oracular Oriole, is open
Programming Leftovers
Programming related stories
today's leftovers
DBs, openwashing, and more
Open Hardware and Retro Leftovers
Devices and such...
Microsoft Security Failings
The usual
Audiocasts/Shows: Linux Out Loud and GNU World Order
2 new episodes
today's howtos
many howtos for the day
Windows TCO: Cracking, Windows Catastrophe, and Microsoft's Global Outage (Azure Also)
complete chaos!
Rspamd 3.9 Adds New GPT Plugin for Improved Spam Filtering
Rspamd 3.9 advanced spam filtering system introduces a new GPT module
siduction – desktop-oriented, rolling-release operating system
siduction is a desktop-oriented, rolling-release operating system based on the ‘unstable’ branch of Debian
GSOC: Accident Week!
Yes, that’s right. The title just goes perfectly, with these long weeks! From Week 3 to Week 7!
Today in Techrights
Some of the latest articles
The corresponding text-only bulletin for Sunday contains all the text.Top-read articles (excluding bot/crawler visits):