Gemini Links 14/09/2024: Comparing Costs and Being "Tamed"
Gemini* and Gopher
🔤SpellBinding: ABFTISH Wordo: PEASE
Comparing costs of paper and digital
A digital gadget like a smartphone or Kindle, if you manage to use the same one for five years without replacing it, that has approximately the same climate cost as getting thirteen paper notebooks (or other books) per year.
If you only go three years that bumps it up to the equivalent of 21 books a year.
And for 16″ laptops those numbers are 50 books per year if you keep the same device for five years, and 83 for three years.
Urban Guerilla Camping Wolf
alignment, literally
so, the other day I bought new shoes. A pair of all black slip-ons from Wally World. I had them before, knew they'd fit, bought them, they do, and I am happy. I wore them for the first time today, going to/from the Convenience Barn (har har, podunk t) and other places, and one thing is certain: it (shoes) are what was throwing my balance out of whack for X amount of months.
The previous shoes, another Wal Mart Production, felt good, and were comfortable for long distance walking, but it was the second time I had that type of shoe, and I wondered why I threw away the previous ones. Once I changed into the new shoes, I remembered: they threw my balance through a loop, caused me to wave and wobble no matter what I did.
Are you tamed?
Why is the world so tamed?
Why am I so tamed?
We're all so polite, drinking tea while the ship is sinking. People are getting offended if they hear someone swear, but would never utter a word for climate change or the war.
Are we trapped? Are we scared? Or completely and utterly brainwashed so deeply we really can't tell what is real anymore? Poor people can only survive, rich people dazed from everything they can purchase, the rest is hypnotized by media and tech.
I'm looking for words to express disbelief in this system. I don't know how to say it, I am afraid to be judged, while nobody cares really. And it's not so much to be judged, but to be misunderstood.
Technology and Free Software
doing everything this morning got a formal re-look this morning ;)
It's 7 AM. Waiting for the store to open, to buy cigarettes.
A hidden gem on everything.txt, the entire site in one, clump .txt file. I finished that just now, and looks ok.
coffee again. then walk. then cigs, then coffee.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.