Bonum Certa Men Certa

IRC Proceedings: Monday, October 21, 2024

posted by Roy Schestowitz on Oct 22, 2024

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Other Recent Techrights' Posts

Links 24/10/2024: Apple Fines and Vision Pro Shows Signs of Dying Already (Production Stalled)
Links for the day
Mono Was Always Just a Front of Microsoft
threats sent from Microsofters
NSA is NOT "Obama", NSA is Harry S. Truman
It's important to fact-check Lunduke
Financial Engineering at IBM (Faking Growth Where None Exists)
Buybacks aside, it seems like IBM's alleged "growth" (that is illusion) comes at the expense of others
A Severe Linux Foundation Conflict of Interest (Microsoft Staff in Charge of Linux Foundation)
As far as we can tell, the 'Linux' Foundation has - for the first time - hired someone black
Links 25/10/2024: Erosion of Trust Online and Disability Rights
Links for the day
Gemini Links 25/10/2024: "Staff Engineer", Executing Commands via NNCP, and More
Links for the day
No, Microsoft, You Cannot Silence Techrights
No legal basis
China Has Bypassed Sanctions by Making Its Own Operating System
"Huawei Consumer Business Group Chairman, Richard Yu, stated that there are currently 15,000 apps and services in the HarmonyOS Next ecosystem with more on the way"
What's Left of the Talks by Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project, the Man Who Started GNU/Linux 41+ Years Ago
Coming up in Peru
Endorsing Facts, Not Political Parties
Sure, some parties can deceive as they care about facts less than others
The News Drought Problem
We always adapt. We've always adapted. That's life.
What It Means When All Russians Get Banned From All Free Software
It's very easy to ban those whom you dislike or distrust; but banning over 100 million people (from the largest country on the planet) would damage the concept of Software Freedom
Almost 18
This coming year we expect to (again) smash the record for number of articles per year
[Meme] IBM's Leadership Has Sacrificed IBM (Abolished Its Long-Term Future for Wall Street Rallies)
Financial obligations cannot just be thrown away
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Thursday, October 24, 2024
IRC logs for Thursday, October 24, 2024
IBM Shuffling to FOURTH Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) in 4 Years and He Comes From McKinsey, Which Advises IBM and Red Hat on Mass Layoffs!
Maybe after McKinsey advises IBM to lay off the CMO the CMO can issue a PR-centric press release about why that's great news
[Meme] Fast Approaching Peak Disinformation via Social Control Media
Disinformation flowing freely for a regime that's openly against free speech is not "free speech"
Gemini Links 24/10/2024: Closing Gemini Protocol Bugs (GitLab), Why Birds Are Cool, Upcoming US Election
Links for the day
IBM's Collapse Continues Today
"customers aren't fooled!"
With the Rise of GNU/Linux the x86 Era Might Become Footnote/Blight of History
We basically shot our own "national security" foot with the Wintel monopoly
Trying to Make Material of Groklaw Easily Accessible Again
It came back only temporarily. In 2013, right after Edward Snowden's NSA leaks, PJ called it quits for good.
How Microsoft Attacks Critics and Competition
We've thus far found some useful bits or nuggets of information during our still-ongoing research
20 Years Later More People Understand That Canonical/Ubuntu Was Falsely Marketed to the GNU/Linux Community
In more recent years Canonical was very shamelessly promoting Microsoft and even Windows
IBM's Stock Crashes
Of course IBM is already resorting to buzzwords
Links 24/10/2024: Russian Election Disinformation, "Former OpenAI Researcher Says Company Broke Copyright Law"
Links for the day
Gemini Links 24/10/2024: Frustration, Zen Language and Koans, Thoughts on Free Software Sharing
Links for the day
To Linux Foundation, Bill Gates is a Saint and Every Russian Developer is Pure Evil
Torvalds on Russia
EPO Strategy is Keyword Stuffing and Cuts in the Name of 'Sustainable' (While Continuing to Grant Fake, Illegal Patents)
The word "sustainable" appears 42 times in the text
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, October 23, 2024
IRC logs for Wednesday, October 23, 2024
[Meme] Rights for EPO Workers
"At the EPO every worker has rights..."
One by One, EPO Attacks the Conditions of Employment of Workers (While Forcing Them to Illegally Grant Invalid European Patents, Playing With Monopoly Money)
It's not only about interpreters; they merely start with them
Links 23/10/2024: Hey Hi (AI) Hype/Bust and Internet Archive Perils
Links for the day
Gemini Links 23/10/2024: Getting Charged for DUI, Thoughts on Efficiency and Greed
Links for the day
Links 23/10/2024: "Breaking Free from Routine" and FBI’s Secret Phone Company
Links for the day
GAFAM Racing Towards Salary of $0 (Unpaid Developers or Slaves, 0% Severance/Pension)
they're cutting down on staff, even low-paid staff
Linus Torvalds 'Articles' That Turn Out to be Slop
Stuff such as this ruins the Web and lessens the incentive to write original articles
Rumour: IBM Mass Layoffs Even in Sri Lanka (Where Labour is a Lot Cheaper)
Workforce in Sri Lanka is not expensive, so if IBM has cuts there too, that's a sign of trouble
Gemini Protocol Will Turn 10, It Might Even Outlive Google's Fake 'Gemini' (Bard) That's Way Too Expensive to Run
Silencing the truth is hard, changing reality is even harder, and gaslighting the whole world is impossible
20 Years of Blogging (and WordPress Isn't the Same as It Was Back in 2004)
one factor that should encourage people to go "static" (as in, static pages) is the abundance of rogue bots on the Web
[Meme] The Microsoft Concern Trolls (and Vandals on Microsoft's Payroll)
"Angry Microsoft employee turns smart-alec when systemd wipes part of someones /home folder"
Look What Microsoft's Luca Boccassi is Doing to Linux
Anti-Linux trolling from within Linux (on Microsoft's payroll) is making its way into mailing lists
Gemini Links 23/10/2024: Fake Friends and EWW Readable View
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, October 22, 2024
IRC logs for Tuesday, October 22, 2024