Same Month Judge Suggests Selling Chrome (Compelling Google to Give It Away) Chrome Surpasses Two-Thirds of "The Market", Based on Surveyor
MORE and more Web sites (or perhaps "webapps" is the more appropriate term for describing these) have become Chrome-only or Chromium-based-only, i.e. they work OK as long as you run Chrome or something that shares its codebase with Chrome. In that respect, the Web is just becoming "something for Chrome" or "Chrome input".
This is a very major problem! It's a problem more sites should be speaking about, but they're too busy "optimising for Google" (SEO) and shaking their hips for Google AdSense bucks.
We've long tested our sites with every browser, including lesser known ones such as Lynx and NetSurf. That's aside from the Gemini version, which is the same as the site but does not use HTML or even HTTP/S. "Light is good, heavy is bad," as we put it an hour ago.
The sad thing about the ruling/s on Google and Chrome is that Microsoft pulls strings behind the scenes. It tries to keep courts and judges too busy with - or overly focused on - GAFA, not GAFAM. Suffice to say, however, tackling Google's browser monoculture is still a priority.
Geminispace is still very active, but it's nowhere near as big as the Web. It's still a niche and many of its adopters are geeks. Google went out of its way to googlebomb "Gemini", so the curious few who look for information on Gemini Protocol are instead presented with references to the Ponzi scheme (valuation-boosting fraud) of LLMs. █