Imagine Patents on Musical Compositions and Cooking Recipes
Should there be a patent on this?
MANY people across the United States are cooking today and/or tomorrow. The founder of the Free software movement and GNU, who is also an habitual activist against software patents (since 1991), often compares monopolies on algorithms to monopolies on cooking or patterns in music. He did so in front of the EPO staff (in a protest about 1.5 decades ago).
What we must understand is that owing to 35 U.S.C. § 101 (more so after Alice at SCOTUS, a decision handed down 10 years ago and now being worked around through mass bribery) the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) must not grant any software patent, just as it must not grant patents on cooking recipes. But the USPTO is greedy (the EPO also), so it cheats and creates loopholes such as buzzwords ("hey hi" is a popular one these days).
The very existence of software patents must come to an end, not just enforcements/assertions of software patents, but corrupt groups like the Linux Foundation and Microsoft-funded 'FSFE' won't get us there. Instead they attack and try to 'delete' (from history) campaigners against software patents, including the founder of the Free Software Foundation (whose name they 'stole', just like SFC). It stinks. █