Microsoft Money: From Bribing Bloggers to SLAPPing Bloggers
Microsoft money, different strategy?
DAYS ago we learned that Microsoft AstroTurfers, Edelman, had suffered mass layoffs (even bigger than Waggener Edstrom). We've since then added two links about this to Daily Links. For those who don't know, Edelman helps Microsoft bribe bloggers and publishers for fake 'articles' and fake 'reviews' (it even did this to The Register under prior leadership). It moreover sent or emitted moles into the Linux Foundation (several of them, always female) and they did a lot of damage, in effect using their roles there to smear Linux and spread FUD (under the guise of speaking for "Linux").
We still remember!
The remaining 92% of Edelman should be out in the streets; they have nothing good to offer to society. All they do is harm. They're basically a disinformation agency. They're 100% net negative and a collective yoke - a force of harm to those who value facts and honesty, both online and offline.
As we noted yesterday, given that Edelman is apparently receiving less money from Microsoft now (to relay it as bribes to the media), there's Microsoft money (salaries) passively making its way to an unscrupulous lawyer who keeps sending us threats. He does this on behalf of two Microsofters. As one veteran in Free software (since the 90s) told me: "Using the same lawyer !!! Yeah, that’s sus." (suspect)
Maybe they reckon that instead of bribing bloggers they can instead slander, harass, and terrorise them. Earlier today we saw the person we sue [1, 2] still slandering and harassing key people from the FSF. He's only making our cases far easier by demonstrating that the same abuses he committed against us he's also committing against others, even as recently as this month. He's pressuring their employers to sack them and calls them the same insults that apply to himself.
For Microsofters, a prerequisite is a lack of empathy and no morality. We keep seeing that at Microsoft and we document it as we go along. █