Putting Some Eggs in the Geminispace Basket
Do not bet on the future of the Web (or media)
There are 4,234 capsules known to Lupa tonight (statistics updated 20 minutes ago, just like every night). There's now only a day or more left in the year and Techrights is well indexed:
Gemini Protocol is not (or no longer) some niche or negligible thing to us. When we started only about 500 capsules existed. It's a real workhorse and it delivers a lot of material. Here's the number of lines in the agate logs files, starting with the latest:
agate.techrights.log.2 582881 agate.techrights.log.3 486627 agate.techrights.log.4 381503
To put that in perspective or plain terms, that's almost 600k requests between December 22 and 29 when the capsule was relatively quiet. We did not publish much. The computational effort required to deliver those pages might be 1,000 times less than your average WordPress installation. The complexity is low.
When we started we could just about count the visits on one or two hands. Now it has a life of its own.
We generally see growing interest in GNU/Linux and Free software, also on the Web. We can only assume - perhaps safely, judging by statCounter - that more and more people adopt it and search for information. Techrights covers many issues that no other sites cover. More importantly, Techrights sometimes covers things differently (which does not mean incorrectly). As we've been saying since 2021, we somewhat prefer it if people hop on the Gemini Protocol bandwagon and use that transmission method more often.
Techrights is still growing and so does Geminispace. Yes, that protocol isn't going away, it's turning 6 next summer. █